BeezNest 2011 Bugfixes //Original code found in Dokā‚¬os @author: Patrick Cool , Ghent University @author: Toon Van Hoecke , Ghent University @author: Eric Remy (initial version) @todo create a class and merge with the */ /** * Settings (you may alter this at will */ $setting_agenda_link = 'coursecode'; // valid values are coursecode and icon require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php'; /** * This function retrieves all the agenda items of all the courses the user is subscribed to */ function get_myagendaitems($user_id, $courses_dbs, $month, $year) { global $setting_agenda_link; $user_id = intval($user_id); $items = array(); $my_list = array(); // get agenda-items for every course foreach ($courses_dbs as $key => $array_course_info) { //databases of the courses $TABLEAGENDA = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA); $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $group_memberships = GroupManager :: get_group_ids($array_course_info["real_id"], $user_id); $course_user_status = CourseManager::get_user_in_course_status($user_id, $array_course_info["code"]); // if the user is administrator of that course we show all the agenda items if ($course_user_status == '1') { //echo "course admin"; $sqlquery = "SELECT DISTINCT agenda.*, ip.visibility, ip.to_group_id, ip.insert_user_id, ip.ref FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda, ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." ip WHERE = ip.ref AND MONTH(agenda.start_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(agenda.start_date)='".$year."' AND ip.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."' AND ip.visibility='1' GROUP BY ORDER BY start_date "; } else { // if the user is not an administrator of that course if (is_array($group_memberships) && count($group_memberships)>0) { $sqlquery = "SELECT agenda.*, ip.visibility, ip.to_group_id, ip.insert_user_id, ip.ref FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda, ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." ip WHERE = ip.ref AND MONTH(agenda.start_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(agenda.start_date)='".$year."' AND ip.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."' AND ( ip.to_user_id='".$user_id."' OR ip.to_group_id IN (0, ".implode(", ", $group_memberships).") ) AND ip.visibility='1' ORDER BY start_date "; } else { $sqlquery = "SELECT agenda.*, ip.visibility, ip.to_group_id, ip.insert_user_id, ip.ref FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda, ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." ip WHERE = ip.ref AND MONTH(agenda.start_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(agenda.start_date)='".$year."' AND ip.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."' AND ( ip.to_user_id='".$user_id."' OR ip.to_group_id='0') AND ip.visibility='1' ORDER BY start_date "; } } $result = Database::query($sqlquery); while ($item = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $agendaday = -1; if ($item['start_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $item['start_date'] = api_get_local_time($item['start_date']); $item['start_date_tms'] = api_strtotime($item['start_date']); $agendaday = date("j", $item['start_date_tms']); } if ($item['end_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $item['end_date'] = api_get_local_time($item['end_date']); } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($array_course_info["code"])."&day=$agendaday&month=$month&year=$year#$agendaday"; $item['url'] = $url; $item['course_name'] = $array_course_info['title']; $item['calendar_type'] = 'course'; $item['course_id'] = $array_course_info['course_id']; $my_list[$agendaday][] = $item; } } // sorting by hour for every day $agendaitems = array (); while (list ($agendaday, $tmpitems) = each($items)) { if(!isset($agendaitems[$agendaday])) { $agendaitems[$agendaday] = ''; } sort($tmpitems); while (list ($key, $val) = each($tmpitems)) { $agendaitems[$agendaday] .= $val; } } return $my_list; } /** * Show the monthcalender of the given month * @param array Agendaitems * @param int Month number * @param int Year number * @param array Array of strings containing long week day names (deprecated, you can send an empty array instead) * @param string The month name * @return void Direct output */ function display_mymonthcalendar($user_id, $agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames = array(), $monthName, $show_content = true) { global $DaysShort, $course_path; //Handle leap year $numberofdays = array (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); if (($year % 400 == 0) or ($year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 <> 0)) $numberofdays[2] = 29; //Get the first day of the month $dayone = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); //Start the week on monday $startdayofweek = $dayone['wday'] <> 0 ? ($dayone['wday'] - 1) : 6; $g_cc = (isset($_GET['courseCode'])?$_GET['courseCode']:''); $prev_icon = Display::return_icon('action_prev.png',get_lang('Previous')); $next_icon = Display::return_icon('action_next.png',get_lang('Next')); $next_month = ($month == 1 ? 12 : $month -1); $prev_month = ($month == 12 ? 1 : $month +1); $next_year = ($month == 1 ? $year -1 : $year); $prev_year = ($month == 12 ? $year +1 : $year); if ($show_content) { $back_url = Display::url($prev_icon, api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($g_cc)."&action=view&view=month&month=".$next_month."&year=".$next_year); $next_url = Display::url($next_icon, api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($g_cc)."&action=view&view=month&month=".$prev_month."&year=".$prev_year); } else { $back_url = Display::url($prev_icon, '', array('onclick'=>"load_calendar('".$user_id."','".$next_month."', '".$next_year."'); ")); $next_url = Display::url($next_icon, '', array('onclick'=>"load_calendar('".$user_id."','".$prev_month."', '".$prev_year."'); ")); } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; for ($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii ++) { echo ''; } echo ''; $curday = -1; $today = getdate(); while ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month]) { echo ""; for ($ii = 0; $ii < 7; $ii ++) { if (($curday == -1) && ($ii == $startdayofweek)) { $curday = 1; } if (($curday > 0) && ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month])) { $bgcolor = $class = 'class="days_week"'; $dayheader = Display::div($curday, array('class'=>'agenda_day')); if (($curday == $today['mday']) && ($year == $today['year']) && ($month == $today['mon'])) { $class = "class=\"days_today\" style=\"width:10%;\""; } echo ""; $curday ++; } else { echo ""; } } echo ""; } echo "

'.$monthName." ".$year.'

'.$DaysShort[$ii % 7].'
".$dayheader; if (!empty($agendaitems[$curday])) { $items = $agendaitems[$curday]; $items = msort($items, 'start_date_tms'); foreach($items as $value) { $value['title'] = Security::remove_XSS($value['title']); $start_time = api_format_date($value['start_date'], TIME_NO_SEC_FORMAT); $end_time = ''; if (!empty($value['end_date']) && $value['end_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $end_time = '- '.api_format_date($value['end_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG).''; } $complete_time = ''.api_format_date($value['start_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG).' '.$end_time; $time = ''.$start_time.''; switch($value['calendar_type']) { case 'personal': $bg_color = '#D0E7F4'; $icon = Display::return_icon('user.png', get_lang('MyAgenda'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL); break; case 'global': $bg_color = '#FFBC89'; $icon = Display::return_icon('view_remove.png', get_lang('GlobalEvent'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL); break; case 'course': $bg_color = '#CAFFAA'; $icon_name = 'course.png'; if (!empty($value['session_id'])) { $icon_name = 'session.png'; } if ($show_content) { $icon = Display::url(Display::return_icon($icon_name, $value['course_name'].' '.get_lang('Course'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), $value['url']); } else { $icon = Display::return_icon($icon_name, $value['course_name'].' '.get_lang('Course'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } break; default: break; } $result = '
'; if ($show_content) { //Setting a personal event to green $icon = Display::div($icon, array('style'=>'float:right')); $link = $value['calendar_type'].'_'.$value['id'].'_'.$value['course_id'].'_'.$value['session_id']; //Link to bubble $url = Display::url(cut($value['title'], 40), '#', array('id'=>$link, 'class'=>'opener')); $result .= $time.' '.$icon.' '.Display::div($url); //Hidden content $content = Display::div($icon.Display::tag('h2', $value['course_name']).'
'.Display::tag('h3', $value['title']).$complete_time.'
'.Security::remove_XSS($value['content'])); //Main div $result .= Display::div($content, array('id'=>'main_'.$link, 'class' => 'dialog', 'style' => 'display:none')); $result .= '
'; echo $result; //echo Display::div($content, array('id'=>'main_'.$value['calendar_type'].'_'.$value['id'], 'class' => 'dialog')); } else { echo $result .= $icon.''; } } } echo "
"; } /** * Show the mini calender of the given month */ function display_myminimonthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $monthName) { global $DaysShort,$course_path; //Handle leap year $numberofdays = array (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); if (($year % 400 == 0) or ($year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 <> 0)) $numberofdays[2] = 29; //Get the first day of the month $dayone = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); //Start the week on monday $startdayofweek = $dayone['wday'] <> 0 ? ($dayone['wday'] - 1) : 6; $g_cc = (isset($_GET['courseCode'])?$_GET['courseCode']:''); $backwardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".Security::remove_XSS($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($g_cc)."&month=". ($month == 1 ? 12 : $month -1)."&year=". ($month == 1 ? $year -1 : $year); $forewardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".Security::remove_XSS($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($g_cc)."&month=". ($month == 12 ? 1 : $month +1)."&year=". ($month == 12 ? $year +1 : $year); echo "", "", ""; echo "", "", ""; echo ""; for ($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii ++) { echo ""; } echo ""; $curday = -1; $today = getdate(); while ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month]) { echo ""; for ($ii = 0; $ii < 7; $ii ++) { if (($curday == -1) && ($ii == $startdayofweek)) { $curday = 1; } if (($curday > 0) && ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month])) { $bgcolor = $ii < 5 ? $class = 'class="days_week"' : $class = 'class="days_weekend"'; $dayheader = "$curday"; if (($curday == $today['mday']) && ($year == $today['year']) && ($month == $today['mon'])) { $dayheader = "$curday"; $class = "class=\"days_today\""; } echo ""; $curday ++; } else { echo ""; } } echo ""; } echo "
".Display::return_icon('action_prev.png',get_lang('Previous'))."", $monthName, " ", $year, "".Display::return_icon('action_next.png',get_lang('Next'))."
", $DaysShort[$ii % 7], "
"; if (!empty($agendaitems[$curday])) { echo "".$dayheader.""; } else { echo $dayheader; } // "a".$dayheader." ".$agendaitems[$curday].""; echo " 
"; } /** * This function shows all the forms that are needed form adding /editing a new personal agenda item * when there is no $id passed in the function we are adding a new agenda item, if there is a $id * we are editing * attention: we have to check that the student is editing an item that belongs to him/her */ function show_new_personal_item_form($id = "") { global $year, $MonthsLong; $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); // we construct the default time and date data (used if we are not editing a personal agenda item) //$today = getdate(); $current_date = api_strtotime(api_get_local_time()); $year = date('Y', $current_date); $month = date('m', $current_date); $day = date('d', $current_date); $hours = date('H', $current_date); $minutes = date('i', $current_date); //echo date('Y', $current_date); /* $day = $today['mday']; $month = $today['mon']; $year = $today['year']; $hours = $today['hours']; $minutes = $today['minutes'];*/ $content=stripslashes($content); $title=stripslashes($title); // if an $id is passed to this function this means we are editing an item // we are loading the information here (we do this after everything else // to overwrite the default information) if (strlen($id) > 0 && $id != strval(intval($id))) { return false; //potential SQL injection } if ($id != "") { $sql = "SELECT date, title, text FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".api_get_user_id()."' AND id='".$id."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $aantal = Database::num_rows($result); if ($aantal != 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $row['date'] = api_get_local_time($row['date']); $year = substr($row['date'], 0, 4); $month = substr($row['date'], 5, 2); $day = substr($row['date'], 8, 2); $hours = substr($row['date'], 11, 2); $minutes= substr($row['date'], 14, 2); $title = $row['title']; $content= $row['text']; } else { return false; } } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo ($_GET['action'] == 'edit_personal_agenda_item') ? get_lang("ModifyPersonalCalendarItem") : get_lang("AddPersonalCalendarItem"); echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.get_lang("Date").': '; // ********** The form containing the days (0->31) ********** \\ echo ''; // ********** The form containing the months (jan->dec) ********** \\ echo ''; echo ''; // ********** The form containing the years ********** \\ echo ''; echo '  '; echo "".Display::return_icon('calendar_select.gif', get_lang('Select'), array ('style' => 'vertical-align: middle;')).""; echo '  '; // ********** The form containing the hours (00->23) ********** \\ echo ''; echo get_lang("Time").': '; echo ''; // ********** The form containing the minutes ********** \\ echo "'; echo '

'; // ********** The title field ********** \\ echo '
'; echo ''.get_lang('Title').' : '; echo '
'; // ********** The text field ********** \\ echo '
'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/fckeditor/fckeditor.php"; $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('frm_content') ; $oFCKeditor->Width = '80%'; $oFCKeditor->Height = '200'; if(!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null,true)) { $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'AgendaStudent'; } else { $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Agenda'; } $oFCKeditor->Value = $content; $return = $oFCKeditor->CreateHtml(); echo $return; echo '
'; // ********** The Submit button********** \\ echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * This function shows all the forms that are needed form adding/editing a new personal agenda item * @param date is the time in day * @param date is the time in month * @param date is the time in year * @param date is the time in hour * @param date is the time in minute * @param string is the agenda title * @param string is the content * @param int is the id this param is optional, but is necessary if the item require be edited */ function store_personal_item($day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $title, $content, $id = "") { $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); //constructing the date $date = $year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":00"; if (!empty($date)) { $date = api_get_utc_datetime($date); } $date = Database::escape_string($date); $title = Database::escape_string($title); $content = Database::escape_string($content); $id = intval($id); if (!empty($id)) { // we are updating $sql = "UPDATE ".$tbl_personal_agenda." SET user='".api_get_user_id()."', title='".$title."', text='".$content."', date='".$date."' WHERE id= ".$id; } else { // we are adding a new item $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_personal_agenda (user, title, text, date) VALUES ('".api_get_user_id()."','$title', '$content', '$date')"; } $result = Database::query($sql); } /** * This function finds all the courses (also those of sessions) of the user and returns an array containing the * database name of the courses. * Xritten by Noel Dieschburg * @todo remove this function and use the CourseManager get_courses_list_by_user_id */ function get_all_courses_of_user() { $TABLECOURS = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $tbl_session_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $tbl_session_course_user= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $tbl_session = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $sql_select_courses = "SELECT c.code k, c.visual_code vc, c.title i, c.tutor_name t, c.db_name db, dir, '5' as status FROM $TABLECOURS c, $tbl_session_course_user srcu WHERE srcu.id_user='".api_get_user_id()."' AND c.code=srcu.course_code UNION SELECT c.code k, c.visual_code vc, c.title i, c.tutor_name t, c.db_name db, dir, cru.status status FROM $TABLECOURS c, $TABLECOURSUSER cru WHERE cru.user_id='".api_get_user_id()."' AND c.code=cru.course_code"; $result = Database::query($sql_select_courses); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { // we only need the database name of the course $courses[] = array ("db" => $row['db'], "code" => $row['k'], "visual_code" => $row['vc'], "title" => $row['i'], "directory" => $row['dir'], "status" => $row['status']); } return $courses; } /** * This function finds all the courses of the user and returns an array containing the * database name of the courses. */ function get_courses_of_user() { $TABLECOURS = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql_select_courses = "SELECT course.code k, course.visual_code vc, course.title i, course.tutor_name t, course.db_name db, dir, course_rel_user.status status FROM $TABLECOURS course, $TABLECOURSUSER course_rel_user WHERE course.code = course_rel_user.course_code AND course_rel_user.user_id = '".api_get_user_id()."'"; $result = Database::query($sql_select_courses); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { // we only need the database name of the course $courses[] = array ("db" => $row['db'], "code" => $row['k'], "visual_code" => $row['vc'], "title" => $row['i'], "directory" => $row['dir'], "status" => $row['status']); } return $courses; } /** * This function retrieves all the personal agenda items and add them to the agenda items found by the other functions. */ function get_personal_agenda_items($user_id, $agendaitems, $day = "", $month = "", $year = "", $week = "", $type) { $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); $user_id = intval($user_id); // 1. creating the SQL statement for getting the personal agenda items in MONTH view if ($type == "month_view" or $type == "") { // we are in month view $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$user_id."' and MONTH(date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(date) = '".$year."' ORDER BY date ASC"; } // 2. creating the SQL statement for getting the personal agenda items in WEEK view // we are in week view if ($type == "week_view") { $start_end_day_of_week = calculate_start_end_of_week($week, $year); $start_day = $start_end_day_of_week['start']['day']; $start_month = $start_end_day_of_week['start']['month']; $start_year = $start_end_day_of_week['start']['year']; $end_day = $start_end_day_of_week['end']['day']; $end_month = $start_end_day_of_week['end']['month']; $end_year = $start_end_day_of_week['end']['year']; // in sql statements you have to use year-month-day for date calculations $start_filter = $start_year."-".$start_month."-".$start_day." 00:00:00"; $start_filter = api_get_utc_datetime($start_filter); $end_filter = $end_year."-".$end_month."-".$end_day." 23:59:59"; $end_filter = api_get_utc_datetime($end_filter); $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$user_id."' AND date>='".$start_filter."' AND date<='".$end_filter."'"; } // 3. creating the SQL statement for getting the personal agenda items in DAY view if ($type == "day_view") { // we are in day view // we could use mysql date() function but this is only available from 4.1 and higher $start_filter = $year."-".$month."-".$day." 00:00:00"; $start_filter = api_get_utc_datetime($start_filter); $end_filter = $year."-".$month."-".$day." 23:59:59"; $end_filter = api_get_utc_datetime($end_filter); $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$user_id."' AND date>='".$start_filter."' AND date<='".$end_filter."'"; } $result = Database::query($sql); while ($item = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $time_minute = api_convert_and_format_date($item['date'], TIME_NO_SEC_FORMAT); $item['date'] = api_get_local_time($item['date']); $item['start_date_tms'] = api_strtotime($item['date']); $item['content'] = $item['text']; // we break the date field in the database into a date and a time part $agenda_db_date = explode(" ", $item['date']); $date = $agenda_db_date[0]; $time = $agenda_db_date[1]; // we divide the date part into a day, a month and a year $agendadate = explode("-", $item['date']); $year = intval($agendadate[0]); $month = intval($agendadate[1]); $day = intval($agendadate[2]); // we divide the time part into hour, minutes, seconds $agendatime = explode(":", $time); $hour = $agendatime[0]; $minute = $agendatime[1]; $second = $agendatime[2]; if ($type == 'month_view') { $item['calendar_type'] = 'personal'; $item['start_date'] = $item['date']; $agendaitems[$day][] = $item; continue; } // if the student has specified a course we a add a link to that course if ($item['course'] <> "") { $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($item['course'])."&day=$day&month=$month&year=$year#$day"; // RH //Patrick Cool: to highlight the relevant agenda item $course_link = "".$item['course'].""; } else { $course_link = ""; } // Creating the array that will be returned. If we have week or month view we have an array with the date as the key // if we have a day_view we use a half hour as index => key 33 = 16h30 if ($type !== "day_view") { // This is the array construction for the WEEK or MONTH view //Display events in agenda $agendaitems[$day] .= "
$time_minute $course_link ".$item['title']."

"; } else { // this is the array construction for the DAY view $halfhour = 2 * $agendatime['0']; if ($agendatime['1'] >= '30') { $halfhour = $halfhour +1; } //Display events by list $agendaitems[$halfhour] .= "
$time_minute $course_link ".$item['title']."
"; } } return $agendaitems; } /** * This function retrieves one personal agenda item returns it. * @param int The agenda item ID * @return array The results of the database query, or null if not found */ function get_personal_agenda_item($id) { $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); $id = Database::escape_string($id); // make sure events of the personal agenda can only be seen by the user himself $user = api_get_user_id(); $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE id=".$id." AND user = ".$user; $result = Database::query($sql); if(Database::num_rows($result)==1) { $item = Database::fetch_array($result); } else { $item = null; } return $item; } /** * This function retrieves all the personal agenda items of the user and shows * these items in one list (ordered by date and grouped by month (the month_bar) */ function show_personal_agenda() { global $MonthsLong, $charset; $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); // The SQL statement that retrieves all the personal agenda items of this user $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".api_get_user_id()."' ORDER BY date DESC"; $result = Database::query($sql); // variable initialisation $month_bar = ""; // setting the default day, month and year if (!isset($_GET['day']) AND !isset($_GET['month']) AND !isset($_GET['year'])) { $today = getdate(); $year = $today['year']; $month = $today['mon']; $day = $today['mday']; } $export_icon = 'export.png'; $export_icon_low = 'export_low_fade.png'; $export_icon_high = 'export_high_fade.png'; // starting the table output echo ''; $th = Display::tag('th', get_lang('Title')); $th .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Content')); $th .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('StartTimeWindow')); $th .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Modify')); echo Display::tag('tr', $th); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $counter = 0; while ($myrow = Database::fetch_array($result)) { /* display: the month bar */ if ($month_bar != date("m", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))) { $month_bar = date("m", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"])); //echo ""; } // highlight: if a date in the small calendar is clicked we highlight the relevant items $db_date = (int) date("d", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"])); /* if ($_GET["day"].$_GET["month"].$_GET["year"] <> $db_date) { $style = "data"; $text_style = "text"; } else { $style = "datanow"; $text_style = "text"; }*/ $class = 'row_even'; if ($counter % 2) { $class = 'row_odd'; } echo ''; echo '"; // display: the content $content = $myrow['text']; echo ""; //display: date and time echo '"; //echo ''; //remove when enabling ical //echo '"; //echo ""; /* display: the edit / delete icons */ echo ""; $counter++; } } else { echo ''; } echo "
".$MonthsLong[date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])) - 1]." ".date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))."
'; /* display: the title */ echo $myrow['title']; echo ""; echo $content; echo "'; // adding an internal anchor /*echo ""; echo date("d", strtotime($myrow["date"]))." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])) - 1]." ".date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))." ";*/ $myrow["date"] = api_get_local_time($myrow["date"]); echo api_format_date($myrow["date"], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG); echo "'; //echo ''.Display::return_icon($export_icon_high, get_lang('ExportiCalConfidential')).''; //echo ''.Display::return_icon($export_icon_low, get_lang('ExportiCalPrivate')).''; //echo ''.Display::return_icon($export_icon, get_lang('ExportiCalPublic')).''; //echo "
"; echo "".Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL)." "; echo "".Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).""; echo "
"; } /** * This function retrieves all the personal agenda items of the given user_id and shows * these items in one list (ordered by date and grouped by month (the month_bar) * @param int user id */ function show_simple_personal_agenda($user_id) { global $MonthsLong, $charset; $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); // The SQL statement that retrieves all the personal agenda items of this user $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$user_id."' ORDER BY date DESC"; $result = Database::query($sql); // variable initialisation $month_bar = ""; // setting the default day, month and year if (!$_GET['day'] AND !$_GET['month'] AND !$_GET['year']) { $today = getdate(); $year = $today['year']; $month = $today['mon']; $day = $today['mday']; } $export_icon = 'export.png'; $export_icon_low = 'export_low_fade.png'; $export_icon_high = 'export_high_fade.png'; $content = ''; // starting the table output if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($myrow = Database::fetch_array($result)) { /*-------------------------------------------------- display: the month bar --------------------------------------------------*/ if ($month_bar != date("m", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))) { $month_bar = date("m", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"])); $content.= $MonthsLong[date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])) - 1]." ".date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"])); } // highlight: if a date in the small calendar is clicked we highlight the relevant items $db_date = (int) date("d", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"])); if ($_GET["day"].$_GET["month"].$_GET["year"] <> $db_date) { $style = "data"; $text_style = "text"; } else { $style = "datanow"; $text_style = "text"; } /*-------------------------------------------------- display: date and time --------------------------------------------------*/ // adding an internal anchor $content.= date("d", strtotime($myrow["date"]))." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])) - 1]." ".date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))." "; $content.= strftime(get_lang("timeNoSecFormat"), strtotime($myrow["date"])); /*-------------------------------------------------- display: the title --------------------------------------------------*/ $content.= '
'; $content.= $myrow['title']; $content.= '
'; /*-------------------------------------------------- display: the content --------------------------------------------------*/ /* $content = $myrow['title']; $content = make_clickable($content); $content = text_filter($content);*/ return $content; } } else { return $content; } } /** * This function deletes a personal agenda item * There is an additional check to make sure that one cannot delete an item that * does not belong to him/her */ function delete_personal_agenda($id) { $tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA); if ($id != strval(intval($id))) { return false; //potential SQL injection } if ($id <> '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".api_get_user_id()."' AND id='".$id."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $aantal = Database::num_rows($result); if ($aantal <> 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".api_get_user_id()."' AND id='".$id."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); } } } /** * Get personal agenda items between two dates (=all events from all registered courses) * @param int user ID of the user * @param string Optional start date in datetime format (if no start date is given, uses today) * @param string Optional end date in datetime format (if no date is given, uses one year from now) * @return array Array of events ordered by start date, in [0]('datestart','dateend','title'),[1]('datestart','dateend','title','link','coursetitle') format, where datestart and dateend are in yyyyMMddhhmmss format. * @TODO Implement really personal events (from user DB) and global events (from main DB) */ function get_personal_agenda_items_between_dates($user_id, $date_start='', $date_end='') { $items = array (); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return $items; } if (empty($date_start)) { $date_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');} if (empty($date_end)) { $date_end = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")+1));} $expr = '/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\ \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/'; if(!preg_match($expr,$date_start)) { return $items; } if(!preg_match($expr,$date_end)) { return $items; } // get agenda-items for every course $courses = api_get_user_courses($user_id,false); require_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php'); foreach ($courses as $id => $course) { $c = api_get_course_info($course['code']); //databases of the courses $t_a = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $course['db']); $t_ip = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY, $course['db']); // get the groups to which the user belong $group_memberships = GroupManager :: get_group_ids($course['db'], $user_id); // if the user is administrator of that course we show all the agenda items if ($course['status'] == '1') { //echo "course admin"; $sqlquery = "SELECT ". " DISTINCT agenda.*, ip.visibility, ip.to_group_id, ip.insert_user_id, ip.ref ". " FROM ".$t_a." agenda, ". $t_ip." ip ". " WHERE = ip.ref ". " AND agenda.start_date>='$date_start' ". " AND agenda.end_date<='$date_end' ". " AND ip.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."' ". " AND ip.visibility='1' ". " GROUP BY ". " ORDER BY start_date "; } else { // if the user is not an administrator of that course, then... if (is_array($group_memberships) && count($group_memberships)>0) { $sqlquery = "SELECT " . " agenda.*, ip.visibility, ip.to_group_id, ip.insert_user_id, ip.ref ". " FROM ".$t_a." agenda, ". $t_ip." ip ". " WHERE = ip.ref ". " AND agenda.start_date>='$date_start' ". " AND agenda.end_date<='$date_end' ". " AND ip.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."' ". " AND ( ip.to_user_id='".$user_id."' OR ip.to_group_id IN (0, ".implode(", ", $group_memberships).") ) ". " AND ip.visibility='1' ". " ORDER BY start_date "; } else { $sqlquery = "SELECT ". " agenda.*, ip.visibility, ip.to_group_id, ip.insert_user_id, ip.ref ". " FROM ".$t_a." agenda, ". $t_ip." ip ". " WHERE = ip.ref ". " AND agenda.start_date>='$date_start' ". " AND agenda.end_date<='$date_end' ". " AND ip.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."' ". " AND ( ip.to_user_id='".$user_id."' OR ip.to_group_id='0') ". " AND ip.visibility='1' ". " ORDER BY start_date "; } } $result = Database::query($sqlquery); while ($item = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $agendaday = date("j",strtotime($item['start_date'])); $URL = api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."main/calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($course["code"])."&day=$agendaday&month=$month&year=$year#$agendaday"; list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec) = split('[-: ]',$item['start_date']); $start_date = $year.$month.$day.$hour.$min; list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec) = split('[-: ]',$item['end_date']); $end_date = $year.$month.$day.$hour.$min; $items[] = array( 'datestart'=>$start_date, 'dateend'=>$end_date, 'title'=>$item['title'], 'link'=>$URL, 'coursetitle'=>$c['name'], ); } } return $items; }