moveUp(intval($_GET['moveUp'])); $objExercise->save(); } Security::clear_token(); } // moves a question down in the list if(isset($_GET['moveDown'])) { $check = Security::get_token('get'); if ($check) { $objExercise->moveDown(intval($_GET['moveDown'])); $objExercise->save(); } Security::clear_token(); } */ // deletes a question from the exercise (not from the data base) if($deleteQuestion) { // if the question exists if($objQuestionTmp = Question::read($deleteQuestion)) { $objQuestionTmp->delete($exerciseId); // if the question has been removed from the exercise if($objExercise->removeFromList($deleteQuestion)) { $nbrQuestions--; } } // destruction of the Question object unset($objQuestionTmp); } ?>
//echo $actions;
echo get_lang($question_class.$label);
echo '
//echo get_lang('Level').': '.$objQuestionTmp->selectLevel();
echo '
showQuestion($id, false, '', '',false, true);
echo '