type = ORAL_EXPRESSION; $this -> isContent = $this-> getIsContent(); } /** * function which redefine Question::createAnswersForm * @param FormValidator $form */ function createAnswersForm($form) { $form -> addElement('text','weighting', get_lang('Weighting'), array('class' => 'span1')); global $text, $class; // setting the save button here and not in the question class.php $form->addButtonSave($text, 'submitQuestion'); if (!empty($this->id)) { $form -> setDefaults(array('weighting' => float_format($this->weighting, 1))); } else { if ($this -> isContent == 1) { $form -> setDefaults(array('weighting' => '10')); } } } /** * abstract function which creates the form to create / edit the answers of the question * @param the FormValidator $form */ function processAnswersCreation($form) { $this->weighting = $form ->getSubmitValue('weighting'); $this->save(); } /** * @param null $feedback_type * @param null $counter * @param null $score * @return null|string */ function return_header($feedback_type = null, $counter = null, $score = null) { $header = parent::return_header($feedback_type, $counter, $score); $header .= ''; return $header; } /** * initialize the attributes to generate the file path * @param $sessionId integer * @param $userId integer * @param $exerciseId integer * @param $exeId integer */ public function initFile($sessionId, $userId, $exerciseId, $exeId) { $this->sessionId = intval($sessionId); $this->userId = intval($userId); $this->exerciseId = 0; if (!empty($exerciseId)) { $this->exerciseId = intval($exerciseId); } $this->exeId = intval($exeId); $this->storePath = $this->generateDirectory(); $this->fileName = $this->generateFileName(); $this->filePath = $this->storePath . $this->fileName; } /** * Generate the necessary directory for audios. If them not exists, are created * @return string */ private function generateDirectory() { $this->storePath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $this->course['path'] . '/exercises/'; if (!is_dir($this->storePath)) { mkdir($this->storePath); } if (!is_dir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId)) { mkdir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId); } if (!empty($this->exerciseId) && !is_dir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId . '/' . $this->exerciseId)) { mkdir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId . '/' . $this->exerciseId); } if (!empty($this->id) && !is_dir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId . '/' . $this->exerciseId . '/' . $this->id)) { mkdir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId . '/' . $this->exerciseId . '/' . $this->id); } if (!empty($this->userId) && !is_dir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId . '/' . $this->exerciseId . '/' . $this->id . '/' . $this->userId)) { mkdir($this->storePath . $this->sessionId . '/' . $this->exerciseId . '/' . $this->id . '/' . $this->userId); } return $this->storePath .= implode( '/', array( $this->sessionId, $this->exerciseId, $this->id, $this->userId ) ) . '/'; } /** * Generate the file name * @return string */ private function generateFileName() { return implode( '-', array( $this->course['real_id'], $this->sessionId, $this->userId, $this->exerciseId, $this->id, $this->exeId ) ); } /** * Generate a relative directory path * @return string */ private function generateRelativeDirectory() { return '/exercises/' . implode( '/', [$this->sessionId, $this->exerciseId, $this->id, $this->userId] ) . '/'; } /** * Return the HTML code to show the RecordRTC/Wami recorder * @return string */ public function returnRecorder() { $directory = '/..' . $this->generateRelativeDirectory(); $recordAudioView = new Template('', false, false,false, false, false, false); $recordAudioView->assign('directory', $directory); $recordAudioView->assign('user_id', $this->userId); $recordAudioView->assign('file_name', $this->fileName); $template = $recordAudioView->get_template('exercise/oral_expression.tpl'); return $recordAudioView->fetch($template); } /** * Get the absolute file path. Return null if the file doesn't exists * @param bool $loadFromDatabase * @return string */ public function getAbsoluteFilePath($loadFromDatabase = false) { $fileName = $this->fileName; if ($loadFromDatabase) { $em = Database::getManager(); //Load the real filename just if exists if (isset($this->exeId, $this->userId, $this->id, $this->sessionId, $this->course['real_id'])) { $result = $em ->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:TrackEAttempt') ->findOneBy([ 'exeId' => $this->exeId, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'questionId' => $this->id, 'sessionId' => $this->sessionId, 'cId' => $this->course['real_id'] ]); if (!$result) { return null; } return $this->storePath . $result->getFilename(); } } foreach ($this->available_extensions as $extension) { if (!is_file($this->storePath . $fileName . ".$extension.$extension")) { continue; } return "{$this->storePath}$fileName.$extension.$extension"; } return null; } /** * Get the URL for the audio file. Return null if the file doesn't exists * @return string */ public function getFileUrl() { $filePath = $this->getAbsoluteFilePath(); if (empty($filePath)) { return null; } return str_replace( api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH), api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH), $filePath ); } /** * Tricky stuff to deal with the feedback = 0 in exercises (all question per page) * @param $exe_id integer */ public function replaceWithRealExe($exe_id) { $filename = null; //ugly fix foreach ($this->available_extensions as $extension) { $items = explode('-', $this->fileName); $items[5] = 'temp_exe'; $filename = implode('-', $items); if (is_file($this->storePath . $filename . '.' . $extension)) { $old_name = $this->storePath . $filename . '.' . $extension; $items = explode('-', $this->fileName); $items[5] = $exe_id; $filename = $filename = implode('-', $items); $new_name = $this->storePath . $filename . '.' . $extension; rename($old_name, $new_name); break; } } } }