*/ /** * Code */ // Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php. $use_anonymous = true; require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; $course_dir = api_get_course_path().'/scorm'; $course_sys_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course_dir; if (empty($_POST['current_dir'])) { $current_dir = ''; } else { $current_dir = api_replace_dangerous_char(trim($_POST['current_dir']), 'strict'); } $uncompress = 1; /* * Check the request method in place of a variable from POST * because if the file size exceed the maximum file upload * size set in php.ini, all variables from POST are cleared ! */ $user_file = isset($_POST) ? isset($_FILES['user_file']) : array(); $user_file = $user_file ? $user_file : array(); $is_error = isset($user_file['error']) ? $user_file['error'] : false; if (isset($_POST) && $is_error) { return api_failure::set_failure('upload_file_too_big'); unset($_FILES['user_file']); } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && count($_FILES) > 0 && !empty($_FILES['user_file']['name'])) { // A file upload has been detected, now deal with the file... // Directory creation. $stopping_error = false; $s = $_FILES['user_file']['name']; // Get name of the zip file without the extension. $info = pathinfo($s); $filename = $info['basename']; $extension = $info['extension']; $file_base_name = str_replace('.'.$extension, '', $filename); $new_dir = api_replace_dangerous_char(trim($file_base_name), 'strict'); require_once 'learnpath.class.php'; $type = learnpath::get_package_type($_FILES['user_file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['user_file']['name']); $proximity = 'local'; if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_proximity'])) { $proximity = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['content_proximity']); } $maker = 'Scorm'; if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_maker'])) { $maker = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['content_maker']); } switch ($type) { case 'scorm': require_once 'scorm.class.php'; $oScorm = new scorm(); $manifest = $oScorm->import_package($_FILES['user_file'], $current_dir); if (!$manifest) { //if api_set_failure return api_failure::set_failure(api_failure::get_last_failure()); } if (!empty($manifest)) { $oScorm->parse_manifest($manifest); $oScorm->import_manifest(api_get_course_id(), $_REQUEST['use_max_score']); } else { // Show error message stored in $oScrom->error_msg. } $oScorm->set_proximity($proximity); $oScorm->set_maker($maker); $oScorm->set_jslib('scorm_api.php'); break; case 'aicc': require_once 'aicc.class.php'; $oAICC = new aicc(); $config_dir = $oAICC->import_package($_FILES['user_file']); if (!empty($config_dir)) { $oAICC->parse_config_files($config_dir); $oAICC->import_aicc(api_get_course_id()); } $oAICC->set_proximity($proximity); $oAICC->set_maker($maker); $oAICC->set_jslib('aicc_api.php'); break; case 'oogie': require_once 'openoffice_presentation.class.php'; $take_slide_name = empty($_POST['take_slide_name']) ? false : true; $o_ppt = new OpenofficePresentation($take_slide_name); $first_item_id = $o_ppt->convert_document($_FILES['user_file']); break; case 'woogie': require_once 'openoffice_text.class.php'; $split_steps = (empty($_POST['split_steps']) || $_POST['split_steps'] == 'per_page') ? 'per_page' : 'per_chapter'; $o_doc = new OpenofficeText($split_steps); $first_item_id = $o_doc->convert_document($_FILES['user_file']); break; case '': default: return api_failure::set_failure('not_a_learning_path'); } } elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // end if is_uploaded_file // If file name given to get in claroline/upload/, try importing this way. // A file upload has been detected, now deal with the file... // Directory creation. $stopping_error = false; // Escape path with basename so it can only be directly into the claroline/upload directory. $s = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).basename($_POST['file_name']); // Get name of the zip file without the extension $info = pathinfo($s); $filename = $info['basename']; $extension = $info['extension']; $file_base_name = str_replace('.'.$extension, '', $filename); $new_dir = api_replace_dangerous_char(trim($file_base_name), 'strict'); require_once 'learnpath.class.php'; $result = learnpath::verify_document_size($s); if ($result == true) { return api_failure::set_failure('upload_file_too_big'); } $type = learnpath::get_package_type($s, basename($s)); switch ($type) { case 'scorm': require_once 'scorm.class.php'; $oScorm = new scorm(); $manifest = $oScorm->import_local_package($s, $current_dir); if ($manifest === false ) { //if ap i_set_failure return api_failure::set_failure(api_failure::get_last_failure()); } if (!empty($manifest)) { $oScorm->parse_manifest($manifest); $oScorm->import_manifest(api_get_course_id(), $_REQUEST['use_max_score']); } $proximity = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_proximity'])) { $proximity = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['content_proximity']); } $maker = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_maker'])) {$maker = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['content_maker']); } $oScorm->set_proximity($proximity); $oScorm->set_maker($maker); $oScorm->set_jslib('scorm_api.php'); break; case 'aicc': require_once 'aicc.class.php'; $oAICC = new aicc(); $config_dir = $oAICC->import_local_package($s, $current_dir); if (!empty($config_dir)) { $oAICC->parse_config_files($config_dir); $oAICC->import_aicc(api_get_course_id()); } $proximity = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_proximity'])) { $proximity = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['content_proximity']); } $maker = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_maker'])) { $maker = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['content_maker']); } $oAICC->set_proximity($proximity); $oAICC->set_maker($maker); $oAICC->set_jslib('aicc_api.php'); break; case '': default: return api_failure::set_failure('not_a_learning_path'); } }