*/ $cidReset = true; $this_section = SECTION_PLATFORM_ADMIN; api_protect_global_admin_script(); if (!api_get_multiple_access_url()) { header('Location: index.php'); exit; } // Create the form $form = new FormValidator('add_url'); if ($form->validate()) { $check = Security::check_token('post'); if ($check) { $url_array = $form->getSubmitValues(); $url = Security::remove_XSS($url_array['url']); $description = Security::remove_XSS($url_array['description']); $active = intval($url_array['active']); $url_id = $url_array['id']; $url_to_go = 'access_urls.php'; if ($url_id != '') { //we can't change the status of the url with id=1 if ($url_id == 1) { $active = 1; } //checking url if (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1, strlen($url)) == '/') { UrlManager::update($url_id, $url, $description, $active); } else { UrlManager::update($url_id, $url . '/', $description, $active); } // URL Images $url_images_dir = api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . 'custompages/url-images/'; $image_fields = array("url_image_1", "url_image_2", "url_image_3"); foreach ($image_fields as $image_field) { if ($_FILES[$image_field]['error'] == 0) { // Hardcoded: only PNG files allowed $fileFields = explode('.', $_FILES[$image_field]['name']); if (end($fileFields) == 'png') { if (file_exists($url_images_dir . $url_id . '_' . $image_field . '.png')) { // if the file exists, we have to remove it before move_uploaded_file unlink($url_images_dir . $url_id . '_' . $image_field . '.png'); } move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[$image_field]['tmp_name'], $url_images_dir . $url_id . '_' . $image_field . '.png' ); } // else fail silently } // else fail silently } $url_to_go = 'access_urls.php'; $message = get_lang('URLEdited'); } else { $num = UrlManager::url_exist($url); if ($num == 0) { // checking url if (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1, strlen($url)) == '/') { UrlManager::add($url, $description, $active); } else { //create UrlManager::add($url . '/', $description, $active); } $message = get_lang('URLAdded'); $url_to_go = 'access_urls.php'; } else { $url_to_go = 'access_url_edit.php'; $message = get_lang('URLAlreadyAdded'); } // URL Images $url .= (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1, strlen($url)) == '/') ? '' : '/'; $url_id = UrlManager::get_url_id($url); $url_images_dir = api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . 'custompages/url-images/'; $image_fields = array("url_image_1", "url_image_2", "url_image_3"); foreach ($image_fields as $image_field) { if ($_FILES[$image_field]['error'] == 0) { // Hardcoded: only PNG files allowed $fileFields = explode('.', $_FILES[$image_field]['name']); if (end($fileFields) == 'png') { move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image_field]['tmp_name'], $url_images_dir . $url_id . '_' . $image_field . '.png'); } // else fail silently } // else fail silently } } Security::clear_token(); $tok = Security::get_token(); Display::addFlash(Display::return_message($message)); header('Location: ' . $url_to_go . '?sec_token=' . $tok); exit(); } } else { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { Security::clear_token(); } $token = Security::get_token(); $form->addElement('hidden', 'sec_token'); $form->setConstants(array('sec_token' => $token)); } $form->addElement('text', 'url', 'URL'); $form->addRule('url', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); $form->addRule('url', '', 'maxlength', 254); $form->addElement('textarea', 'description', get_lang('Description')); //the first url with id = 1 will be always active if (isset($_GET['url_id']) && $_GET['url_id'] != 1) { $form->addElement('checkbox', 'active', null, get_lang('Active')); } $defaults['url'] = 'http://'; $form->setDefaults($defaults); $submit_name = get_lang('AddUrl'); if (isset($_GET['url_id'])) { $url_id = intval($_GET['url_id']); $num_url_id = UrlManager::url_id_exist($url_id); if ($num_url_id != 1) { header('Location: access_urls.php'); exit(); } $url_data = UrlManager::get_url_data_from_id($url_id); $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $url_data['id']); $form->setDefaults($url_data); $submit_name = get_lang('AddUrl'); } if (!api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { header('Location: index.php'); exit; } $tool_name = get_lang('AddUrl'); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => Container::getRouter()->generate('administration') , "name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array("url" => 'access_urls.php', "name" => get_lang('MultipleAccessURLs')); Display :: display_header($tool_name); // URL Images $form->addElement('file', 'url_image_1', 'URL Image 1 (PNG)'); $form->addElement('file', 'url_image_2', 'URL Image 2 (PNG)'); $form->addElement('file', 'url_image_3', 'URL Image 3 (PNG)'); // Submit button $form->addButtonCreate($submit_name); $form->display(); Display::display_footer();