teacherView = is_null($showTeacherView) ? api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) : $showTeacherView; $this->userId = is_null($userId) ? api_get_user_id() : $userId; $this->exportToPdf = $exportToPdf; parent::__construct( 'gradebooklist', null, null, api_is_allowed_to_edit() ? 1 : 0, 20, 'ASC', 'gradebook_list' ); $this->evals_links = array_merge($evals, $links); $this->currentcat = $currentcat; $this->cats = $cats; $this->datagen = new GradebookDataGenerator($cats, $evals, $links); if (!empty($userId)) { $this->datagen->userId = $userId; } if (isset($addparams)) { $this->set_additional_parameters($addparams); } $column= 0; if ($this->teacherView) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $this->set_header($column++, '', '', 'width="25px"'); } } $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Type'), '', 'width="35px"'); $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Name'), false); if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Description'), false); } if ($this->teacherView) { $this->set_header( $column++, get_lang('Weight'), '', 'width="100px"' ); } else { $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Weight'), false); $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Result'), false); $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Ranking'), false); $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('BestScore'), false); $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Average'), false); if (!empty($cats)) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Actions'), false); } } } // Deactivates the odd/even alt rows in order that the +/- buttons work see #4047 $this->odd_even_rows_enabled = false; // Admins get an edit column. if ($this->teacherView) { $this->set_header($column++, get_lang('Modify'), false, 'width="195px"'); // Actions on multiple selected documents. $this->set_form_actions(array( 'setvisible' => get_lang('SetVisible'), 'setinvisible' => get_lang('SetInvisible'), 'deleted' => get_lang('DeleteSelected') ) ); } else { if (empty($_GET['selectcat']) && !$this->teacherView) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $this->set_header( $column++, get_lang('Certificates'), false ); } } } } /** * @return GradebookDataGenerator */ public function get_data() { return $this->datagen; } /** * Function used by SortableTable to get total number of items in the table * @return int */ public function get_total_number_of_items() { return $this->datagen->get_total_items_count(); } /** * Function used by SortableTable to generate the data to display * @param int $from * @param int $per_page * @param int $column * @param string $direction * @param int $sort * @return array|mixed */ public function get_table_data($from = 1, $per_page = null, $column = null, $direction = null, $sort = null) { //variables load in index.php global $certificate_min_score; // determine sorting type $col_adjust = api_is_allowed_to_edit() ? 1 : 0; // By id $this->column = 5; switch ($this->column) { // Type case (0 + $col_adjust) : $sorting = GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_TYPE; break; case (1 + $col_adjust) : $sorting = GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_NAME; break; case (2 + $col_adjust) : $sorting = GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_DESCRIPTION; break; case (3 + $col_adjust) : $sorting = GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_WEIGHT; break; case (4 + $col_adjust) : $sorting = GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_DATE; case (5 + $col_adjust) : $sorting = GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_ID; break; } if ($this->direction == 'DESC') { $sorting |= GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_DESC; } else { $sorting |= GradebookDataGenerator :: GDG_SORT_ASC; } // Status of user in course. $user_id = $this->userId; $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $status_user = api_get_status_of_user_in_course( api_get_user_id(), api_get_course_int_id() ); if (empty($session_id)) { $statusToFilter = STUDENT; } else { $statusToFilter = 0; } if (empty($this->studentList)) { $studentList = CourseManager::get_user_list_from_course_code( $course_code, $session_id, null, null, $statusToFilter ); $this->studentList = $studentList; } $this->datagen->userId = $this->userId; $data_array = $this->datagen->get_data( $sorting, $from, $this->per_page, false, $this->studentList ); // generate the data to display $sortable_data = array(); $weight_total_links = 0; $main_categories = array(); $main_cat = Category::load( null, null, $course_code, null, null, $session_id, ['id' => 'ASC'] ); $total_categories_weight = 0; $scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay :: instance(); $totalResult = [0, 0]; $totalBest = [0, 0]; $totalAverage = [0, 0]; $type = 'detail'; if ($this->exportToPdf) { $type = 'simple'; } // Categories. if (!empty($data_array)) foreach ($data_array as $data) { // list of items inside the gradebook (exercises, lps, forums, etc) $row = array(); /** @var AbstractLink $item */ $item = $mainCategory = $data[0]; //if the item is invisible, wrap it in a span with class invisible $invisibility_span_open = api_is_allowed_to_edit() && $item->is_visible() == '0' ? '' : ''; $invisibility_span_close = api_is_allowed_to_edit() && $item->is_visible() == '0' ? '' : ''; // Id if ($this->teacherView) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $this->build_id_column($item); } } // Type. $row[] = $this->build_type_column($item); // Name. if (get_class($item) == 'Category') { $row[] = $invisibility_span_open.''.$item->get_name().''.$invisibility_span_close; $main_categories[$item->get_id()]['name'] = $item->get_name(); } else { $name = $this->build_name_link($item, $type); $row[] = $invisibility_span_open.$name. $invisibility_span_close; $main_categories[$item->get_id()]['name'] = $name; } $this->dataForGraph['categories'][] = $item->get_name(); $main_categories[$item->get_id()]['weight']= $item->get_weight(); $total_categories_weight += $item->get_weight(); // Description. if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $invisibility_span_open.$data[2].$invisibility_span_close; } // Weight. $weight = $scoredisplay->display_score( array( $data['3'], $this->currentcat->get_weight(), ), SCORE_SIMPLE, SCORE_BOTH, true ); if ($this->teacherView) { $row[] = $invisibility_span_open .Display::tag('p', $weight, array('class' => 'score')).$invisibility_span_close; } else { $row[] = $invisibility_span_open .$weight.$invisibility_span_close; } $category_weight = $item->get_weight(); $mainCategoryWeight = $main_cat[0]->get_weight(); if ($this->teacherView) { $weight_total_links += $data[3]; } else { $cattotal = Category::load($_GET['selectcat']); $scoretotal = $cattotal[0]->calc_score($this->userId); $item_value = $scoredisplay->display_score($scoretotal, SCORE_SIMPLE); } // Edit (for admins). if ($this->teacherView) { $cat = new Category(); $show_message = $cat->show_message_resource_delete($item->get_course_code()); if ($show_message === false) { $row[] = $this->build_edit_column($item); } } else { $score = $item->calc_score($this->userId); if (!empty($score[1])) { $completeScore = $scoredisplay->display_score($score, SCORE_DIV_PERCENT); $score = $score[0]/$score[1]*$item->get_weight(); $score = $scoredisplay->display_score(array($score, null), SCORE_SIMPLE); $scoreToDisplay = Display::tip($score, $completeScore); } else { $scoreToDisplay = '-'; $categoryScore = null; } // Students get the results and certificates columns //if (count($this->evals_links) > 0 && $status_user != 1) { if (1) { $value_data = isset($data[4]) ? $data[4] : null; $best = isset($data['best']) ? $data['best'] : null; $average = isset($data['average']) ? $data['average'] : null; $ranking = isset($data['ranking']) ? $data['ranking'] : null; $totalResult = [ $totalResult[0] + $data['result_score_weight'][0], $totalResult[1] + $data['result_score_weight'][1], ]; $totalBest = [ $totalBest[0] + $data['best_score'][0], $totalBest[1] + $data['best_score'][1], ]; $totalAverage = [ $totalAverage[0] + $data['average_score'][0], $totalAverage[1] + $data['average_score'][1], ]; // Student result $row[] = $value_data; $totalResultAverageValue = strip_tags($scoredisplay->display_score($totalResult, SCORE_AVERAGE)); $this->dataForGraph['my_result'][] = (float) str_replace('%', '', $totalResultAverageValue); $totalAverageValue = strip_tags($scoredisplay->display_score($totalAverage, SCORE_AVERAGE)); $this->dataForGraph['average'][] = (float) str_replace('%', '', $totalAverageValue); // Ranking $row[] = $ranking; // Best $row[] = $best; // Average $row[] = $average; if (get_class($item) == 'Category') { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $this->build_edit_column($item); } } } else { $row[] = $scoreToDisplay; if (!empty($this->cats)) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $this->build_edit_column($item); } } } } // Category added. $sortable_data[] = $row; // Loading children if (get_class($item) == 'Category') { $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $parent_id = $item->get_id(); $cats = Category::load( $parent_id, null, null, null, null, null ); if (isset($cats[0])) { $allcat = $cats[0]->get_subcategories($this->userId, $course_code, $session_id); $alleval = $cats[0]->get_evaluations($this->userId); $alllink = $cats[0]->get_links($this->userId); $sub_cat_info = new GradebookDataGenerator($allcat, $alleval, $alllink); $sub_cat_info->userId = $user_id; $data_array2 = $sub_cat_info->get_data( $sorting, $from, $this->per_page, false, $this->studentList ); $total_weight = 0; // Links. foreach ($data_array2 as $data) { $row = array(); $item = $data[0]; //if the item is invisible, wrap it in a span with class invisible $invisibility_span_open = api_is_allowed_to_edit() && $item->is_visible() == '0' ? '' : ''; $invisibility_span_close = api_is_allowed_to_edit() && $item->is_visible() == '0' ? '' : ''; if (isset($item)) { $main_categories[$parent_id]['children'][$item->get_id()]['name'] = $item->get_name(); $main_categories[$parent_id]['children'][$item->get_id()]['weight'] = $item->get_weight(); } if ($this->teacherView) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $this->build_id_column($item); } } // Type $row[] = $this->build_type_column($item, array('style' => 'padding-left:5px')); // Name. $row[] = $invisibility_span_open." ".$this->build_name_link($item, $type) . $invisibility_span_close; // Description. if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $invisibility_span_open.$data[2].$invisibility_span_close; } $weight = $data[3]; $total_weight += $weight; // Weight $row[] = $invisibility_span_open.$weight.$invisibility_span_close; if ($this->teacherView) { //$weight_total_links += intval($data[3]); } else { $cattotal = Category::load($_GET['selectcat']); $scoretotal = $cattotal[0]->calc_score($this->userId); $item_value = $scoretotal[0]; } // Admins get an edit column. if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && isset($_GET['user_id']) == false && (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != 'export_all' || !isset($_GET['action']) ) ) { $cat = new Category(); $show_message = $cat->show_message_resource_delete($item->get_course_code()); if ($show_message === false) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = $this->build_edit_column($item); } } } else { // Students get the results and certificates columns $eval_n_links = array_merge($alleval, $alllink); if (count($eval_n_links)> 0) { $value_data = isset($data[4]) ? $data[4] : null; if (!is_null($value_data)) { //$score = $item->calc_score(api_get_user_id()); //$new_score = $data[3] * $score[0] / $score[1]; //$new_score = floatval(number_format($new_score, api_get_setting('gradebook.gradebook_number_decimals'))); // Result $row[] = $value_data; $best = isset($data['best']) ? $data['best'] : null; $average = isset($data['average']) ? $data['average'] : null; $ranking = isset($data['ranking']) ? $data['ranking'] : null; // Ranking $row[] = $ranking; // Best $row[] = $best; // Average $row[] = $average; } } if (!empty($cats)) { if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row[] = null; } } } if ($this->exportToPdf == false) { $row['child_of'] = $parent_id; } $sortable_data[] = $row; } // "Warning row" if (!empty($data_array)) { if ($this->teacherView) { // Compare the category weight to the sum of all weights inside the category if (intval($total_weight) == $category_weight) { $label = null; $total = GradebookUtils::score_badges( array( $total_weight.' / '.$category_weight, '100' ) ); } else { $label = Display::return_icon( 'warning.png', sprintf(get_lang('TotalWeightMustBeX'), $category_weight) ); $total = Display::badge($total_weight.' / '.$category_weight, 'warning'); } $row = array( null, null, "