{% if sessions_are_included or services_are_included %} {% endif %}
{% if tax_enable and (tax_applies_to == 1 or tax_applies_to == 2) %} {% endif %} {% for item in courses %} {% if tax_enable and (tax_applies_to == 1 or tax_applies_to == 2) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'Title'|get_lang }} {{ 'OfficialCode'|get_lang }} {{ 'VisibleInCatalog'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }} {{ 'Price'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}{{ tax_name }}{{ 'Options'|get_lang }}
{% if item.visibility == 0 %} {{ 'CourseVisibilityClosed'|get_lang }} {% elseif item.visibility == 1 %} {{ 'Private'|get_lang }} {% elseif item.visibility == 2 %} {{ 'OpenToThePlatform'|get_lang }} {% elseif item.visibility == 3 %} {{ 'OpenToTheWorld'|get_lang }} {% elseif item.visibility == 4 %} {{ 'CourseVisibilityHidden'|get_lang }} {% endif %} {{ item.title }} {{ item.code }} {{ item.code }} {% if item.buyCourseData %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ "#{item.buyCourseData.price} #{item.buyCourseData.currency ?: item.buyCourseData.currency}" }} {% if item.tax_perc is null %} {{ global_tax_perc }} % {% else %} {{ item.buyCourseData.tax_perc }} % {% endif %} {{ 'Configure'|get_lang }}
{{ course_pagination }}
{% if sessions_are_included %}
{% if tax_enable and (tax_applies_to == 1 or tax_applies_to == 3) %} {% endif %} {% for item in sessions %} {% if tax_enable and (tax_applies_to == 1 or tax_applies_to == 3) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'Title'|get_lang }} {{ 'StartDate'|get_lang }} {{ 'EndDate'|get_lang }} {{ 'VisibleInCatalog'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }} {{ 'Price'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}{{ tax_name }}{{ 'Options'|get_lang }}
{{ item.name }} {{ item.displayStartDate | api_convert_and_format_date(6)}} {{ item.displayEndDate |api_convert_and_format_date(6)}} {% if item.buyCourseData %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ "#{item.buyCourseData.price} #{tem.currency ?: item.buyCourseData.currency}" }} {% if item.buyCourseData.tax_perc is null %} {{ global_tax_perc }} % {% else %} {{ item.buyCourseData.tax_perc }} % {% endif %} {{ 'Configure'|get_lang }}
{{ session_pagination }}
{% endif %} {% if services_are_included %}
{{ 'NewService'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}

{% if tax_enable and (tax_applies_to == 1 or tax_applies_to == 4) %} {% endif %} {% for item in services %} {% if tax_enable and (tax_applies_to == 1 or tax_applies_to == 4) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'Service'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }} {{ 'Description'|get_lang }} {{ 'Duration'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }} {{ 'VisibleInCatalog'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }} {{ 'Owner'|get_lang }} {{ 'Price'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}{{ tax_name }}{{ 'Options'|get_lang }}
{{ item.name }} {{ item.description }} {% if item.duration_days == 0 %} {{ 'NoLimit'|get_lang }} {% else %} {{ item.duration_days }} {{ 'Days'|get_lang }} {% endif %} {% if item.visibility == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ item.owner_name }} {{ "#{item.price} #{tem.currency ?: item.currency}" }} {% if item.tax_perc is null %} {{ global_tax_perc }} % {% else %} {{ item.tax_perc }} % {% endif %} {{ 'Edit'|get_lang }}
{{ service_pagination }}
{% endif %}