<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ /** * Form element to select a range of dates (with popup datepicker). */ class DateRangePicker extends HTML_QuickForm_text { /** * DateRangePicker constructor. * * @param string $elementName * @param string|array $elementLabel * @param array $attributes */ public function __construct($elementName, $elementLabel = null, $attributes = null) { if (!isset($attributes['id'])) { $attributes['id'] = $elementName; } $attributes['class'] = 'form-control'; parent::__construct($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes); $this->_appendName = true; $this->_type = 'date_range_picker'; } /** * @return string */ public function toHtml() { $js = $this->getElementJS(); $this->removeAttribute('format'); $this->removeAttribute('timepicker'); $this->removeAttribute('validate_format'); return $js.parent::toHtml(); } /** * @param string $value */ public function setValue($value) { $this->updateAttributes( [ 'value' => $value, ] ); } /** * @param array $dateRange * * @return array */ public function parseDateRange($dateRange) { $dateRange = Security::remove_XSS($dateRange); $dates = explode('/', $dateRange); $dates = array_map('trim', $dates); $start = isset($dates[0]) ? $dates[0] : ''; $end = isset($dates[1]) ? $dates[1] : ''; $pattern = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'; if ('false' === $this->getAttribute('timePicker') && false === strpos($this->getAttribute('format'), 'HH:mm')) { $pattern = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; } $formatter = new IntlDateFormatter( 'en', IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, 'UTC', IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern ); $resultStart = $formatter->format($formatter->parse($start)); $resultEnd = $formatter->format($formatter->parse($end)); return [ 'start' => $resultStart, 'end' => $resultEnd, ]; } /** * @param array $dates result of parseDateRange() * * @return bool */ public function validateDates($dates, $format = null) { if (empty($dates['start']) || empty($dates['end'])) { return false; } $format = $format ? $format : 'Y-m-d H:i'; $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $dates['start']); $resultStart = $d && $d->format($format) == $dates['start']; $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $dates['end']); $resultEnd = $d && $d->format($format) == $dates['end']; if (!$resultStart || !$resultEnd) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param mixed $value * @param array $submitValues * @param array $errors * * @return string */ public function getSubmitValue($value, &$submitValues, &$errors) { /** @var DateRangePicker $element */ $elementName = $this->getName(); $parsedDates = $this->parseDateRange($value); $validateFormat = $this->getAttribute('validate_format'); if (!$this->validateDates($parsedDates, $validateFormat)) { $errors[$elementName] = get_lang('CheckDates'); } $submitValues[$elementName.'_start'] = $parsedDates['start']; $submitValues[$elementName.'_end'] = $parsedDates['end']; return $value; } /** * Get the necessary javascript for this datepicker. * * @return string */ private function getElementJS() { $js = null; $id = $this->getAttribute('id'); $dateRange = $this->getAttribute('value'); $defaultDates = null; if (!empty($dateRange)) { $dates = $this->parseDateRange($dateRange); $defaultDates = " startDate: '".$dates['start']."', endDate: '".$dates['end']."', "; } $minDate = null; $minDateValue = Security::remove_XSS($this->getAttribute('minDate')); if (!empty($minDateValue)) { $minDate = " minDate: '{$minDateValue}', "; } $maxDate = null; $maxDateValue = Security::remove_XSS($this->getAttribute('maxDate')); if (!empty($maxDateValue)) { $maxDate = " maxDate: '{$maxDateValue}', "; } $format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'; $formatValue = Security::remove_XSS($this->getAttribute('format')); if (!empty($formatValue)) { $format = $formatValue; } $timePicker = 'true'; $timePickerValue = Security::remove_XSS($this->getAttribute('timePicker')); if (!empty($timePickerValue)) { $timePicker = 'false'; } // timeFormat: 'hh:mm' $js .= "<script> $(function() { $('#$id').daterangepicker({ timePicker: $timePicker, timePickerIncrement: 30, timePicker12Hour: false, $defaultDates $maxDate $minDate ranges: { '".addslashes(get_lang('Today'))."': [moment(), moment()], '".addslashes(get_lang('Yesterday'))."': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')], '".addslashes(get_lang('ThisMonth'))."': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')], '".addslashes(get_lang('LastMonth'))."': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')], '".addslashes(get_lang('ThisWeek'))."': [moment().weekday(1), moment().weekday(5)], '".addslashes(get_lang('NextWeek'))."': [moment().weekday(8), moment().weekday(12)] }, //showDropdowns : true, locale: { separator: ' / ', format: '$format', applyLabel: '".addslashes(get_lang('Ok'))."', cancelLabel: '".addslashes(get_lang('Cancel'))."', fromLabel: '".addslashes(get_lang('From'))."', toLabel: '".addslashes(get_lang('Until'))."', customRangeLabel: '".addslashes(get_lang('CustomRange'))."', } }); $('#$id').on('change', function() { var myPickedDates = $('#$id').val().split('/'); var {$id}_start = myPickedDates[0].trim(); var {$id}_end = myPickedDates[1].trim(); $('input[name={$id}_start]').val({$id}_start); $('input[name={$id}_end]').val({$id}_end); }); }); </script>"; return $js; } }