* @author Hubert Borderiou 2011-10-21 * @author ivantcholakov2009-07-20 * */ class ExerciseLib { /** * Shows a question * * @param int $questionId question id * @param bool $only_questions if true only show the questions, no exercise title * @param bool $origin i.e = learnpath * @param string $current_item current item from the list of questions * @param bool $show_title * @param bool $freeze * @param array $user_choice * @param bool $show_comment * @param bool $exercise_feedback * @param bool $show_answers * */ public static function showQuestion( $questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $current_item = '', $show_title = true, $freeze = false, $user_choice = array(), $show_comment = false, $exercise_feedback = null, $show_answers = false ) { // Change false to true in the following line to enable answer hinting $debug_mark_answer = $show_answers; // Reads question information if (!$objQuestionTmp = Question::read($questionId)) { // Question not found return false; } if ($exercise_feedback != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_END) { $show_comment = false; } $answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType(); $pictureName = $objQuestionTmp->selectPicture(); $s = ''; if ($answerType != HOT_SPOT && $answerType != HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) { // Question is not a hotspot if (!$only_questions) { $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription(); if ($show_title) { TestCategory::displayCategoryAndTitle($objQuestionTmp->id); echo Display::div( $current_item . '. ' . $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(), array('class' => 'question_title') ); } if (!empty($questionDescription)) { echo Display::div( $questionDescription, array('class' => 'question_description') ); } } if (in_array($answerType, array(FREE_ANSWER, ORAL_EXPRESSION)) && $freeze ) { return ''; } echo '
'; // construction of the Answer object (also gets all answers details) $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId); $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers(); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $quiz_question_options = Question::readQuestionOption( $questionId, $course_id ); // For "matching" type here, we need something a little bit special // because the match between the suggestions and the answers cannot be // done easily (suggestions and answers are in the same table), so we // have to go through answers first (elems with "correct" value to 0). $select_items = array(); //This will contain the number of answers on the left side. We call them // suggestions here, for the sake of comprehensions, while the ones // on the right side are called answers $num_suggestions = 0; if ($answerType == MATCHING) { $s .= ''; // Iterate through answers $x = 1; //mark letters for each answer $letter = 'A'; $answer_matching = array(); $cpt1 = array(); for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) { $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId); $numAnswer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId); $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId); if ($answerCorrect == 0) { // options (A, B, C, ...) that will be put into the list-box // have the "correct" field set to 0 because they are answer $cpt1[$x] = $letter; $answer_matching[$x] = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswerByAutoId( $numAnswer ); $x++; $letter++; } } $i = 1; $select_items[0]['id'] = 0; $select_items[0]['letter'] = '--'; $select_items[0]['answer'] = ''; foreach ($answer_matching as $id => $value) { $select_items[$i]['id'] = $value['id']; $select_items[$i]['letter'] = $cpt1[$id]; $select_items[$i]['answer'] = $value['answer']; $i++; } $user_choice_array_position = array(); if (!empty($user_choice)) { foreach ($user_choice as $item) { $user_choice_array_position[$item['position']] = $item['answer']; } } $num_suggestions = ($nbrAnswers - $x) + 1; } elseif ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) { $fck_content = isset($user_choice[0]) && !empty($user_choice[0]['answer']) ? $user_choice[0]['answer'] : null; $form = new FormValidator('free_choice_'.$questionId); $config = array( 'ToolbarSet' => 'TestFreeAnswer' ); $form->addHtmlEditor("choice[" . $questionId . "]", null, false, false, $config); $form->setDefaults(array("choice[" . $questionId . "]" => $fck_content)); $s .= $form->returnForm(); } elseif ($answerType == ORAL_EXPRESSION) { // Add nanog if (api_get_setting('enable_nanogong') == 'true') { //@todo pass this as a parameter global $exercise_stat_info, $exerciseId, $exe_id; if (!empty($exercise_stat_info)) { $params = array( 'exercise_id' => $exercise_stat_info['exe_exo_id'], 'exe_id' => $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'], 'question_id' => $questionId ); } else { $params = array( 'exercise_id' => $exerciseId, 'exe_id' => 'temp_exe', 'question_id' => $questionId ); } $nano = new Nanogong($params); echo $nano->show_button(); } $form = new FormValidator('free_choice_'.$questionId); $config = array( 'ToolbarSet' => 'TestFreeAnswer' ); $form->addHtmlEditor("choice[" . $questionId . "]", null, false, false, $config); //$form->setDefaults(array("choice[" . $questionId . "]" => $fck_content)); $s .= $form->return_form(); } // Now navigate through the possible answers, using the max number of // answers for the question as a limiter $lines_count = 1; // a counter for matching-type answers if ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION_TRUE_FALSE ) { $header = Display::tag('th', get_lang('Options')); foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $item) { if ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) { if (in_array($item, $objQuestionTmp->options)) { $header .= Display::tag('th', get_lang($item)); } else { $header .= Display::tag('th', $item); } } else { $header .= Display::tag('th', $item); } } if ($show_comment) { $header .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Feedback')); } $s .= '
'; $s .= Display::tag( 'tr', $header, array('style' => 'text-align:left;') ); } if ($show_comment) { if ( in_array( $answerType, array( MULTIPLE_ANSWER, MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION, UNIQUE_ANSWER, UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE, UNIQUE_ANSWER_NO_OPTION, GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER ) ) ) { $header = Display::tag('th', get_lang('Options')); if ($exercise_feedback == EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_END) { $header .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Feedback')); } $s .= '
'; $s .= Display::tag( 'tr', $header, array('style' => 'text-align:left;') ); } } $matching_correct_answer = 0; $user_choice_array = array(); if (!empty($user_choice)) { foreach ($user_choice as $item) { $user_choice_array[] = $item['answer']; } } for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) { $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId); $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId); $numAnswer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId); $comment = $objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId); $attributes = array(); // Unique answer if (in_array($answerType, [UNIQUE_ANSWER, UNIQUE_ANSWER_NO_OPTION, UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE])) { $input_id = 'choice-' . $questionId . '-' . $answerId; if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer']) && $user_choice[0]['answer'] == $numAnswer) { $attributes = array( 'id' => $input_id, 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1 ); } else { $attributes = array('id' => $input_id); } if ($debug_mark_answer) { if ($answerCorrect) { $attributes['checked'] = 1; $attributes['selected'] = 1; } } if ($show_comment) { $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; } else { $s .= $answer_input; } } elseif ( $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE || $answerType == GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER ) { $input_id = 'choice-' . $questionId . '-' . $answerId; $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT); if (in_array($numAnswer, $user_choice_array)) { $attributes = array( 'id' => $input_id, 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1 ); } else { $attributes = array('id' => $input_id); } if ($debug_mark_answer) { if ($answerCorrect) { $attributes['checked'] = 1; $attributes['selected'] = 1; } } if ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER || $answerType == GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER) { $s .= ''; $answer_input = ''; if ($show_comment) { $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; } else { $s .= $answer_input; } } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) { $my_choice = array(); if (!empty($user_choice_array)) { foreach ($user_choice_array as $item) { $item = explode(':', $item); $my_choice[$item[0]] = $item[1]; } } $s .= ''; $s .= Display::tag('td', $answer); if (!empty($quiz_question_options)) { foreach ($quiz_question_options as $id => $item) { if (isset($my_choice[$numAnswer]) && $id == $my_choice[$numAnswer]) { $attributes = array( 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1 ); } else { $attributes = array(); } if ($debug_mark_answer) { if ($id == $answerCorrect) { $attributes['checked'] = 1; $attributes['selected'] = 1; } } $s .= Display::tag( 'td', Display::input( 'radio', 'choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']', $id, $attributes ), array('style' => '') ); } } if ($show_comment) { $s .= ''; } $s .= ''; } } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION) { // multiple answers $input_id = 'choice-' . $questionId . '-' . $answerId; if (in_array($numAnswer, $user_choice_array)) { $attributes = array( 'id' => $input_id, 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1 ); } else { $attributes = array('id' => $input_id); } if ($debug_mark_answer) { if ($answerCorrect) { $attributes['checked'] = 1; $attributes['selected'] = 1; } } $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT); $answer_input = ''; $answer_input .= ''; if ($show_comment) { $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; } else { $s .= $answer_input; } } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION_TRUE_FALSE) { $s .= ''; $my_choice = array(); if (!empty($user_choice_array)) { foreach ($user_choice_array as $item) { $item = explode(':', $item); $my_choice[$item[0]] = $item[1]; } } $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT); $s .= ''; $s .= Display::tag('td', $answer); foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $key => $item) { if (isset($my_choice[$numAnswer]) && $key == $my_choice[$numAnswer]) { $attributes = array( 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1 ); } else { $attributes = array(); } if ($debug_mark_answer) { if ($key == $answerCorrect) { $attributes['checked'] = 1; $attributes['selected'] = 1; } } $s .= Display::tag( 'td', Display::input( 'radio', 'choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']', $key, $attributes ) ); } if ($show_comment) { $s .= ''; } $s .= ''; } elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) { /* * In the FILL_IN_BLANKS test * you mustn't have [ and ] in the textarea * you mustn't have :: in the textarea * the text to find mustn't be empty or contains only spaces * the text to find mustn't contains HTML tags * the text to find mustn't contains char " */ list($answer) = explode('::', $answer); // $correct_answer_list array of array with correct anwsers 0=> [0=>[\p] 1=>[plop]] api_preg_match_all( '/\[[^]]+\]/', $answer, $correct_answer_list ); // get student answer to display it if student go back to previous fillBlank answer question in a test if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer'])) { api_preg_match_all( '/\[[^]]+\]/', $user_choice[0]['answer'], $student_answer_list ); $student_answer_list_tobecleaned = $student_answer_list[0]; $student_answer_list = array(); // here we got the student answer in a test // let's clean up the results /* Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => [yer / ici] [1] => [plop / /p] ) ) */ for ($i = 0; $i < count( $student_answer_list_tobecleaned ); $i++) { $answer_corrected = $student_answer_list_tobecleaned[$i]; /* * we got if student answer is wrong * [rrr / /p] * or if student answer is good * [plop / plop] * or if student didn't answer [] */ $answer_corrected = api_preg_replace( '| / .*$|', '', $answer_corrected ); /* * we got [rrr or [plop or [ */ $answer_corrected = api_preg_replace( '/^\[/', '', $answer_corrected ); /* * we got rrr or plop * non breakable spaces     from /main/exercice/exercise.class.php have been removed l 2391 and l 2370 */ $answer_corrected = api_preg_replace( '|^|', '', $answer_corrected ); $answer_corrected = api_preg_replace( '|$|', '', $answer_corrected ); $answer_corrected = '[' . $answer_corrected . ']'; /* * we got [rrr] or [plop] or [] */ $student_answer_list[] = $answer_corrected; } } // If display preview of answer in test view for exemple, set the student answer to the correct answers if ($debug_mark_answer) { // contain the rights answers surronded with brackets $student_answer_list = $correct_answer_list[0]; } /* Split the response by bracket tab_comments is an array with text surrounding the text to find we add a space before and after the answer_question to be sure to have a block of text before and after [xxx] patterns so we have n text to find ([xxx]) and n+1 block of texts before, between and after the text to find */ $tab_comments = api_preg_split( '/\[[^]]+\]/', ' ' . $answer . ' ' ); if (!empty($correct_answer_list) && !empty($student_answer_list)) { $answer = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($student_answer_list as $student_item) { // remove surronding brackets $student_response = api_substr( $student_item, 1, api_strlen($student_item) - 2 ); $size = strlen($student_item); $attributes['class'] = self::detectInputAppropriateClass( $size ); $answer .= $tab_comments[$i] . Display::input( 'text', "choice[$questionId][]", $student_response, $attributes ); $i++; } $answer .= $tab_comments[$i]; } else { // display exercise with empty input fields // every [xxx] are replaced with an empty input field foreach ($correct_answer_list[0] as $item) { $size = strlen($item); $attributes['class'] = self::detectInputAppropriateClass( $size ); $attributes['class'] .= ' block_on_enter'; $answer = str_replace( $item, Display::input( 'text', "choice[$questionId][]", '', $attributes ), $answer ); } /*$answer = api_preg_replace( '/\[[^]]+\]/', Display::input( 'text', "choice[$questionId][]", '', $attributes ), $answer);*/ } $s .= $answer; } elseif ($answerType == CALCULATED_ANSWER) { /* * In the CALCULATED_ANSWER test * you mustn't have [ and ] in the textarea * you mustn't have @@ in the textarea * the text to find mustn't be empty or contains only spaces * the text to find mustn't contains HTML tags * the text to find mustn't contains char " */ if ($origin !== null) { global $exe_id; $trackAttempts = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT ); $sqlTrackAttempt = 'SELECT answer FROM ' . $trackAttempts . ' WHERE exe_id=' . $exe_id . ' AND question_id=' . $questionId; $rsLastAttempt = Database::query($sqlTrackAttempt); $rowLastAttempt = Database::fetch_array($rsLastAttempt); $answer = $rowLastAttempt['answer']; if (empty($answer)) { $_SESSION['calculatedAnswerId'][$questionId] = mt_rand( 1, $nbrAnswers ); $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer( $_SESSION['calculatedAnswerId'][$questionId] ); } } list($answer) = explode('@@', $answer); // $correctAnswerList array of array with correct anwsers 0=> [0=>[\p] 1=>[plop]] api_preg_match_all( '/\[[^]]+\]/', $answer, $correctAnswerList ); // get student answer to display it if student go back to previous calculated answer question in a test if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer'])) { api_preg_match_all( '/\[[^]]+\]/', $answer, $studentAnswerList ); $studentAnswerListTobecleaned = $studentAnswerList[0]; $studentAnswerList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count( $studentAnswerListTobecleaned ); $i++) { $answerCorrected = $studentAnswerListTobecleaned[$i]; $answerCorrected = api_preg_replace( '| / .*$|', '', $answerCorrected ); $answerCorrected = api_preg_replace( '/^\[/', '', $answerCorrected ); $answerCorrected = api_preg_replace( '|^|', '', $answerCorrected ); $answerCorrected = api_preg_replace( '|$|', '', $answerCorrected ); $answerCorrected = '[' . $answerCorrected . ']'; $studentAnswerList[] = $answerCorrected; } } // If display preview of answer in test view for exemple, set the student answer to the correct answers if ($debug_mark_answer) { // contain the rights answers surronded with brackets $studentAnswerList = $correctAnswerList[0]; } /* Split the response by bracket tabComments is an array with text surrounding the text to find we add a space before and after the answerQuestion to be sure to have a block of text before and after [xxx] patterns so we have n text to find ([xxx]) and n+1 block of texts before, between and after the text to find */ $tabComments = api_preg_split( '/\[[^]]+\]/', ' ' . $answer . ' ' ); if (!empty($correctAnswerList) && !empty($studentAnswerList)) { $answer = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($studentAnswerList as $studentItem) { // remove surronding brackets $studentResponse = api_substr( $studentItem, 1, api_strlen($studentItem) - 2 ); $size = strlen($studentItem); $attributes['class'] = self::detectInputAppropriateClass( $size ); $answer .= $tabComments[$i] . Display::input( 'text', "choice[$questionId][]", $studentResponse, $attributes ); $i++; } $answer .= $tabComments[$i]; } else { // display exercise with empty input fields // every [xxx] are replaced with an empty input field foreach ($correctAnswerList[0] as $item) { $size = strlen($item); $attributes['class'] = self::detectInputAppropriateClass( $size ); $answer = str_replace( $item, Display::input( 'text', "choice[$questionId][]", '', $attributes ), $answer ); } } if ($origin !== null) { $s = $answer; break; } else { $s .= $answer; } } elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) { // matching type, showing suggestions and answers // TODO: replace $answerId by $numAnswer if ($answerCorrect != 0) { // only show elements to be answered (not the contents of // the select boxes, who are corrrect = 0) $s .= ''; //middle part (matches selects) $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $lines_count++; //if the left side of the "matching" has been completely // shown but the right side still has values to show... if (($lines_count - 1) == $num_suggestions) { // if it remains answers to shown at the right side while (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) { $s .= '"; $lines_count++; } // end while() } // end if() $matching_correct_answer++; } } } // end for() if ($show_comment) { $s .= '
'; } if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE) { if ($show_comment) { if (empty($comment)) { $s .= '
'; } else { $s .= '
'; } } else { $s .= '
'; } } $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT); $s .= Display::input( 'hidden', 'choice2[' . $questionId . ']', '0' ); $answer_input = null; if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE) { $attributes['style'] = 'display: none;'; $answer = '
' . $answer . '
'; } $answer_input .= ''; if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE) { $answer_input .= "
"; } if ($show_comment) { $s .= $answer_input; $s .= '
'; $s .= $comment; $s .= '
'; $s .= $answer_input; $s .= ''; $s .= $comment; $s .= '
'; $s .= $comment; $s .= '
'; $s .= $answer_input; $s .= ''; $s .= $comment; $s .= '
'; $s .= $comment; $s .= '
'; $parsed_answer = $answer; //left part questions $s .= ' ' . $lines_count . ' ' . $parsed_answer . '   '; if (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) { $s .= '' . $select_items[$lines_count]['letter'] . '.' . '' . $select_items[$lines_count]['answer'] . ''; } else { $s .= ' '; } $s .= '
'; $s .= '' . $select_items[$lines_count]['letter'] . '. ' . $select_items[$lines_count]['answer']; $s .= "
'; } else { if ($answerType == MATCHING || $answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_NO_OPTION || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION_TRUE_FALSE ) { $s .= ''; } } $s .= '
'; // destruction of the Answer object unset($objAnswerTmp); // destruction of the Question object unset($objQuestionTmp); if ($origin != 'export') { echo $s; } else { return $s; } } elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT || $answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) { // Question is a HOT_SPOT //checking document/images visibility if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_course_admin()) { $course = api_get_course_info(); $doc_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id( $course, '/images/' . $pictureName ); if (is_numeric($doc_id)) { $images_folder_visibility = api_get_item_visibility( $course, 'document', $doc_id, api_get_session_id() ); if (!$images_folder_visibility) { //This message is shown only to the course/platform admin if the image is set to visibility = false Display::display_warning_message( get_lang('ChangeTheVisibilityOfTheCurrentImage') ); } } } $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(); $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription(); if ($freeze) { echo Display::img($objQuestionTmp->selectPicturePath()); return; } // Get the answers, make a list $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId); $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers(); // get answers of hotpost $answers_hotspot = array(); for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) { $answers = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswerByAutoId( $objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId) ); $answers_hotspot[$answers['id']] = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer( $answerId ); } // display answers of hotpost order by id $answer_list = '
' . get_lang( 'HotspotZones' ) . '
'; if (!empty($answers_hotspot)) { ksort($answers_hotspot); foreach ($answers_hotspot as $key => $value) { $answer_list .= '
' . $key . '.- ' . $value . '

'; } } $answer_list .= '
'; if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) { $answer_list = ''; $swf_file = 'hotspot_delineation_user'; $swf_height = 405; } else { $swf_file = 'hotspot_user'; $swf_height = 436; } if (!$only_questions) { if ($show_title) { TestCategory::displayCategoryAndTitle($objQuestionTmp->id); echo '
' . $current_item . '. ' . $questionName . '
'; } //@todo I need to the get the feedback type echo ''; echo ''; } $canClick = isset($_GET['editQuestion']) ? '0' : (isset($_GET['modifyAnswers']) ? '0' : '1'); $s .= ''; $s .= ''; echo $s; echo '
'; echo $questionDescription; echo '
' . $answer_list . '
'; } return $nbrAnswers; } /** * @param int $exe_id * @return array */ public static function get_exercise_track_exercise_info($exe_id) { $TBL_EXERCICES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $TBL_TRACK_EXERCICES = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $TBL_COURSE = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $exe_id = intval($exe_id); $result = array(); if (!empty($exe_id)) { $sql = " SELECT q.*, tee.* FROM $TBL_EXERCICES as q INNER JOIN $TBL_TRACK_EXERCICES as tee ON q.id = tee.exe_exo_id INNER JOIN $TBL_COURSE c ON c.id = tee.c_id WHERE tee.exe_id = $exe_id AND q.c_id = c.id"; $res_fb_type = Database::query($sql); $result = Database::fetch_array($res_fb_type, 'ASSOC'); } return $result; } /** * Validates the time control key */ public static function exercise_time_control_is_valid( $exercise_id, $lp_id = 0, $lp_item_id = 0 ) { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $TBL_EXERCICES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $sql = "SELECT expired_time FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $exercise_id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); if (!empty($row['expired_time'])) { $current_expired_time_key = ExerciseLib::get_time_control_key( $exercise_id, $lp_id, $lp_item_id ); if (isset($_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key])) { $current_time = time(); $expired_time = api_strtotime( $_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key], 'UTC' ); $total_time_allowed = $expired_time + 30; if ($total_time_allowed < $current_time) { return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * Deletes the time control token */ public static function exercise_time_control_delete( $exercise_id, $lp_id = 0, $lp_item_id = 0 ) { $current_expired_time_key = self::get_time_control_key( $exercise_id, $lp_id, $lp_item_id ); unset($_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key]); } /** * Generates the time control key */ public static function get_time_control_key($exercise_id, $lp_id = 0, $lp_item_id = 0) { $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $lp_id = intval($lp_id); $lp_item_id = intval($lp_item_id); return api_get_course_int_id() . '_' . api_get_session_id() . '_' . $exercise_id . '_' . api_get_user_id() . '_' . $lp_id . '_' . $lp_item_id; } /** * Get session time control */ public static function get_session_time_control_key( $exercise_id, $lp_id = 0, $lp_item_id = 0 ) { $return_value = 0; $time_control_key = self::get_time_control_key( $exercise_id, $lp_id, $lp_item_id ); if (isset($_SESSION['expired_time']) && isset($_SESSION['expired_time'][$time_control_key])) { $return_value = $_SESSION['expired_time'][$time_control_key]; } return $return_value; } /** * Gets count of exam results * @todo this function should be moved in a library + no global calls */ public static function get_count_exam_results($exercise_id, $extra_where_conditions) { $count = self::get_exam_results_data( null, null, null, null, $exercise_id, $extra_where_conditions, true ); return $count; } /** * @param string $in_hotpot_path * @return int */ public static function get_count_exam_hotpotatoes_results($in_hotpot_path) { return self::get_exam_results_hotpotatoes_data( 0, 0, '', '', $in_hotpot_path, true, '' ); } /** * @param int $in_from * @param int $in_number_of_items * @param int $in_column * @param int $in_direction * @param string $in_hotpot_path * @param bool $in_get_count * @param null $where_condition * @return array|int */ public static function get_exam_results_hotpotatoes_data( $in_from, $in_number_of_items, $in_column, $in_direction, $in_hotpot_path, $in_get_count = false, $where_condition = null ) { $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); /* by default in_column = 1 If parameters given, it is the name of the column witch is the bdd field name*/ if ($in_column == 1) { $in_column = 'firstname'; } $in_hotpot_path = Database::escape_string($in_hotpot_path); $in_direction = Database::escape_string($in_direction); $in_column = Database::escape_string($in_column); $in_number_of_items = intval($in_number_of_items); $in_from = intval($in_from); $TBL_TRACK_HOTPOTATOES = Database:: get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTPOTATOES ); $TBL_USER = Database:: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $TBL_TRACK_HOTPOTATOES thp JOIN $TBL_USER u ON thp.exe_user_id = u.user_id WHERE thp.c_id = $courseId AND exe_name LIKE '$in_hotpot_path%'"; // just count how many answers if ($in_get_count) { $res = Database::query($sql); return Database::num_rows($res); } // get a number of sorted results $sql .= " $where_condition ORDER BY $in_column $in_direction LIMIT $in_from, $in_number_of_items"; $res = Database::query($sql); $result = array(); $apiIsAllowedToEdit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(); $urlBase = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'exercice/hotpotatoes_exercise_report.php?action=delete&' . api_get_cidreq() . '&id='; while ($data = Database::fetch_array($res)) { $actions = null; if ($apiIsAllowedToEdit) { $url = $urlBase . $data['id'] . '&path=' . $data['exe_name']; $actions = Display::url( Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete')), $url ); } $result[] = array( 'firstname' => $data['firstname'], 'lastname' => $data['lastname'], 'username' => $data['username'], 'group_name' => implode( "
", GroupManager::get_user_group_name($data['user_id']) ), 'exe_date' => $data['exe_date'], 'score' => $data['exe_result'] . ' / ' . $data['exe_weighting'], 'actions' => $actions, ); } return $result; } /** * @param string $exercisePath * @param int $userId * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * * @return array */ public static function getLatestHotPotatoResult( $exercisePath, $userId, $courseId, $sessionId ) { $table = Database:: get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTPOTATOES ); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); $exercisePath = Database::escape_string($exercisePath); $userId = intval($userId); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE c_id = $courseId AND exe_name LIKE '$exercisePath%' AND exe_user_id = $userId ORDER BY id LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); $attempt = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $attempt = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); } return $attempt; } /** * Gets the exam'data results * @todo this function should be moved in a library + no global calls * @param int $from * @param int $number_of_items * @param int $column * @param string $direction * @param int $exercise_id * @param null $extra_where_conditions * @param bool $get_count * @return array */ public static function get_exam_results_data( $from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction, $exercise_id, $extra_where_conditions = null, $get_count = false ) { //@todo replace all this globals global $documentPath, $filter; $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); $is_allowedToEdit = api_is_allowed_to_edit( null, true ) || api_is_allowed_to_edit(true) || api_is_drh( ) || api_is_student_boss(); $TBL_USER = Database:: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $TBL_EXERCICES = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $TBL_GROUP_REL_USER = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_USER); $TBL_GROUP = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP); $TBL_TRACK_EXERCICES = Database:: get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $TBL_TRACK_HOTPOTATOES = Database:: get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTPOTATOES ); $TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT_RECORDING = Database:: get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT_RECORDING ); $session_id_and = ' AND te.session_id = ' . $sessionId . ' '; $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $exercise_where = ''; if (!empty($exercise_id)) { $exercise_where .= ' AND te.exe_exo_id = ' . $exercise_id . ' '; } $hotpotatoe_where = ''; if (!empty($_GET['path'])) { $hotpotatoe_path = Database::escape_string($_GET['path']); $hotpotatoe_where .= ' AND exe_name = "' . $hotpotatoe_path . '" '; } // sql for chamilo-type tests for teacher / tutor view $sql_inner_join_tbl_track_exercices = " ( SELECT DISTINCT ttte.*, if(tr.exe_id,1, 0) as revised FROM $TBL_TRACK_EXERCICES ttte LEFT JOIN $TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT_RECORDING tr ON (ttte.exe_id = tr.exe_id) WHERE c_id = $course_id AND exe_exo_id = $exercise_id AND ttte.session_id = " . $sessionId . " )"; if ($is_allowedToEdit) { //Teacher view if (isset($_GET['gradebook']) && $_GET['gradebook'] == 'view') { //$exercise_where_query = ' te.exe_exo_id = ce.id AND '; } $sqlFromOption = ""; $sqlWhereOption = ""; // for hpsql //@todo fix to work with COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH in both queries //Hack in order to filter groups $sql_inner_join_tbl_user = ''; if (strpos($extra_where_conditions, 'group_id')) { $sql_inner_join_tbl_user = " ( SELECT u.user_id, firstname, lastname, email, username, g.name as group_name, g.id as group_id FROM $TBL_USER u INNER JOIN $TBL_GROUP_REL_USER gru ON ( gru.user_id = u.user_id AND gru.c_id=" . $course_id . ") INNER JOIN $TBL_GROUP g ON (gru.group_id = g.id AND g.c_id=" . $course_id . ") )"; } if (strpos($extra_where_conditions, 'group_all')) { $extra_where_conditions = str_replace( "AND ( group_id = 'group_all' )", '', $extra_where_conditions ); $extra_where_conditions = str_replace( "AND group_id = 'group_all'", '', $extra_where_conditions ); $extra_where_conditions = str_replace( "group_id = 'group_all' AND", '', $extra_where_conditions ); $sql_inner_join_tbl_user = " ( SELECT u.user_id, firstname, lastname, email, username, '' as group_name, '' as group_id FROM $TBL_USER u )"; $sql_inner_join_tbl_user = null; } if (strpos($extra_where_conditions, 'group_none')) { $extra_where_conditions = str_replace( "AND ( group_id = 'group_none' )", "AND ( group_id is null )", $extra_where_conditions ); $extra_where_conditions = str_replace( "AND group_id = 'group_none'", "AND ( group_id is null )", $extra_where_conditions ); $sql_inner_join_tbl_user = " ( SELECT u.user_id, firstname, lastname, email, username, g.name as group_name, g.id as group_id FROM $TBL_USER u LEFT OUTER JOIN $TBL_GROUP_REL_USER gru ON ( gru.user_id = u.user_id AND gru.c_id=" . $course_id . " ) LEFT OUTER JOIN $TBL_GROUP g ON (gru.group_id = g.id AND g.c_id = " . $course_id . ") )"; } // All $is_empty_sql_inner_join_tbl_user = false; if (empty($sql_inner_join_tbl_user)) { $is_empty_sql_inner_join_tbl_user = true; $sql_inner_join_tbl_user = " ( SELECT u.user_id, firstname, lastname, email, username, ' ' as group_name, '' as group_id, official_code FROM $TBL_USER u WHERE u.status NOT IN(" . api_get_users_status_ignored_in_reports( 'string' ) . ") )"; } $sqlFromOption = " , $TBL_GROUP_REL_USER AS gru "; $sqlWhereOption = " AND gru.c_id = " . $course_id . " AND gru.user_id = user.user_id "; $first_and_last_name = api_is_western_name_order( ) ? "firstname, lastname" : "lastname, firstname"; if ($get_count) { $sql_select = "SELECT count(te.exe_id) "; } else { $sql_select = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id, $first_and_last_name, official_code, ce.title, username, te.exe_result, te.exe_weighting, te.exe_date, te.exe_id, email as exemail, te.start_date, steps_counter, exe_user_id, te.exe_duration, propagate_neg, revised, group_name, group_id, orig_lp_id, te.user_ip"; } $sql = " $sql_select FROM $TBL_EXERCICES AS ce INNER JOIN $sql_inner_join_tbl_track_exercices AS te ON (te.exe_exo_id = ce.id) INNER JOIN $sql_inner_join_tbl_user AS user ON (user.user_id = exe_user_id) WHERE te.status != 'incomplete' AND te.c_id = " . $course_id . " $session_id_and AND ce.active <>-1 AND ce.c_id = " . $course_id . " $exercise_where $extra_where_conditions "; // sql for hotpotatoes tests for teacher / tutor view if ($get_count) { $hpsql_select = "SELECT count(username)"; } else { $hpsql_select = "SELECT $first_and_last_name , username, official_code, tth.exe_name, tth.exe_result , tth.exe_weighting, tth.exe_date"; } $hpsql = " $hpsql_select FROM $TBL_TRACK_HOTPOTATOES tth, $TBL_USER user $sqlFromOption WHERE user.user_id=tth.exe_user_id AND tth.c_id = " . $course_id . " $hotpotatoe_where $sqlWhereOption AND user.status NOT IN(" . api_get_users_status_ignored_in_reports( 'string' ) . ") ORDER BY tth.c_id ASC, tth.exe_date DESC"; } if ($get_count) { $resx = Database::query($sql); $rowx = Database::fetch_row($resx, 'ASSOC'); return $rowx[0]; } $teacher_list = CourseManager::get_teacher_list_from_course_code( api_get_course_id() ); $teacher_id_list = array(); foreach ($teacher_list as $teacher) { $teacher_id_list[] = $teacher['user_id']; } $list_info = array(); // Simple exercises if (empty($hotpotatoe_where)) { $column = !empty($column) ? Database::escape_string($column) : null; $from = intval($from); $number_of_items = intval($number_of_items); if (!empty($column)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY $column $direction "; } $sql .= " LIMIT $from, $number_of_items"; $results = array(); $resx = Database::query($sql); while ($rowx = Database::fetch_array($resx, 'ASSOC')) { $results[] = $rowx; } $group_list = GroupManager::get_group_list(); $clean_group_list = array(); if (!empty($group_list)) { foreach ($group_list as $group) { $clean_group_list[$group['id']] = $group['name']; } } $lp_list_obj = new LearnpathList(api_get_user_id()); $lp_list = $lp_list_obj->get_flat_list(); if (is_array($results)) { $users_array_id = array(); $from_gradebook = false; if (isset($_GET['gradebook']) && $_GET['gradebook'] == 'view') { $from_gradebook = true; } $sizeof = count($results); $user_list_id = array(); $locked = api_resource_is_locked_by_gradebook( $exercise_id, LINK_EXERCISE ); // Looping results for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeof; $i++) { $revised = $results[$i]['revised']; if ($from_gradebook && ($is_allowedToEdit)) { if (in_array( $results[$i]['username'] . $results[$i]['firstname'] . $results[$i]['lastname'], $users_array_id )) { continue; } $users_array_id[] = $results[$i]['username'] . $results[$i]['firstname'] . $results[$i]['lastname']; } $lp_obj = isset($results[$i]['orig_lp_id']) && isset($lp_list[$results[$i]['orig_lp_id']]) ? $lp_list[$results[$i]['orig_lp_id']] : null; $lp_name = null; if ($lp_obj) { $url = api_get_path( WEB_CODE_PATH ) . 'newscorm/lp_controller.php?' . api_get_cidreq( ) . '&action=view&lp_id=' . $results[$i]['orig_lp_id']; $lp_name = Display::url( $lp_obj['lp_name'], $url, array('target' => '_blank') ); } //Add all groups by user $group_name_list = null; if ($is_empty_sql_inner_join_tbl_user) { $group_list = GroupManager::get_group_ids( api_get_course_int_id(), $results[$i]['user_id'] ); foreach ($group_list as $id) { $group_name_list .= $clean_group_list[$id] . '
'; } $results[$i]['group_name'] = $group_name_list; } $results[$i]['exe_duration'] = !empty($results[$i]['exe_duration']) ? round( $results[$i]['exe_duration'] / 60 ) : 0; $user_list_id[] = $results[$i]['exe_user_id']; $id = $results[$i]['exe_id']; $dt = api_convert_and_format_date( $results[$i]['exe_weighting'] ); // we filter the results if we have the permission to if (isset($results[$i]['results_disabled'])) { $result_disabled = intval( $results[$i]['results_disabled'] ); } else { $result_disabled = 0; } if ($result_disabled == 0) { $my_res = $results[$i]['exe_result']; $my_total = $results[$i]['exe_weighting']; $results[$i]['start_date'] = api_get_local_time( $results[$i]['start_date'] ); $results[$i]['exe_date'] = api_get_local_time( $results[$i]['exe_date'] ); if (!$results[$i]['propagate_neg'] && $my_res < 0) { $my_res = 0; } $score = self::show_score($my_res, $my_total); $actions = ''; if ($is_allowedToEdit) { if (isset($teacher_id_list)) { if (in_array( $results[$i]['exe_user_id'], $teacher_id_list )) { $actions .= Display::return_icon( 'teachers.gif', get_lang('Teacher') ); } } if ($revised) { $actions .= "" . Display:: return_icon( 'edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); $actions .= ' '; } else { $actions .= "" . Display:: return_icon( 'quiz.gif', get_lang('Qualify') ); $actions .= ' '; } $actions .= ""; if ($filter == 2) { $actions .= ' ' . Display:: return_icon( 'history.gif', get_lang('ViewHistoryChange') ) . ''; } //Admin can always delete the attempt if (($locked == false || api_is_platform_admin( )) && !api_is_student_boss() ) { $ip = TrackingUserLog::get_ip_from_user_event( $results[$i]['exe_user_id'], date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), false ); $actions .= ''; $delete_link = '' . Display:: return_icon( 'delete.png', get_lang('Delete') ) . ''; $delete_link = utf8_encode($delete_link); if (api_is_drh() && !api_is_platform_admin()) { $delete_link = null; } $actions .= $delete_link . ' '; } } else { $attempt_url = api_get_path( WEB_CODE_PATH ) . 'exercice/result.php?' . api_get_cidreq( ) . '&id=' . $results[$i]['exe_id'] . '&id_session=' . $sessionId . '&height=500&width=750'; $attempt_link = Display::url( get_lang('Show'), $attempt_url, array('class' => 'ajax btn') ); $actions .= $attempt_link; } if ($revised) { $revised = Display::label( get_lang('Validated'), 'success' ); } else { $revised = Display::label( get_lang('NotValidated'), 'info' ); } if ($is_allowedToEdit) { $results[$i]['status'] = $revised; $results[$i]['score'] = $score; $results[$i]['lp'] = $lp_name; $results[$i]['actions'] = $actions; $list_info[] = $results[$i]; } else { $results[$i]['status'] = $revised; $results[$i]['score'] = $score; $results[$i]['actions'] = $actions; $list_info[] = $results[$i]; } } } } } else { $hpresults = StatsUtils::getManyResultsXCol($hpsql, 6); // Print HotPotatoes test results. if (is_array($hpresults)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hpresults); $i++) { $hp_title = GetQuizName($hpresults[$i][3], $documentPath); if ($hp_title == '') { $hp_title = basename($hpresults[$i][3]); } $hp_date = api_get_local_time( $hpresults[$i][6], null, date_default_timezone_get() ); $hp_result = round( ($hpresults[$i][4] / ($hpresults[$i][5] != 0 ? $hpresults[$i][5] : 1)) * 100, 2 ) . '% (' . $hpresults[$i][4] . ' / ' . $hpresults[$i][5] . ')'; if ($is_allowedToEdit) { $list_info[] = array( $hpresults[$i][0], $hpresults[$i][1], $hpresults[$i][2], '', $hp_title, '-', $hp_date, $hp_result, '-' ); } else { $list_info[] = array( $hp_title, '-', $hp_date, $hp_result, '-' ); } } } } return $list_info; } /** * Converts the score with the exercise_max_note and exercise_min_score * the platform settings + formats the results using the float_format function * * @param float $score * @param float $weight * @param bool $show_percentage show percentage or not * @param bool $use_platform_settings use or not the platform settings * @param bool $show_only_percentage * @return string an html with the score modified */ public static function show_score( $score, $weight, $show_percentage = true, $use_platform_settings = true, $show_only_percentage = false ) { if (is_null($score) && is_null($weight)) { return '-'; } $max_note = api_get_setting('exercise_max_score'); $min_note = api_get_setting('exercise_min_score'); if ($use_platform_settings) { if ($max_note != '' && $min_note != '') { if (!empty($weight) && intval($weight) != 0) { $score = $min_note + ($max_note - $min_note) * $score / $weight; } else { $score = $min_note; } $weight = $max_note; } } $percentage = (100 * $score) / ($weight != 0 ? $weight : 1); // Formats values $percentage = float_format($percentage, 1); $score = float_format($score, 1); $weight = float_format($weight, 1); $html = null; if ($show_percentage) { $parent = '(' . $score . ' / ' . $weight . ')'; $html = $percentage . "% $parent"; if ($show_only_percentage) { $html = $percentage . "% "; } } else { $html = $score . ' / ' . $weight; } $html = Display::span($html, array('class' => 'score_exercise')); return $html; } /** * @param float $score * @param float $weight * @param string $pass_percentage * @return bool */ public static function is_success_exercise_result($score, $weight, $pass_percentage) { $percentage = float_format( ($score / ($weight != 0 ? $weight : 1)) * 100, 1 ); if (isset($pass_percentage) && !empty($pass_percentage)) { if ($percentage >= $pass_percentage) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param float $score * @param float $weight * @param string $pass_percentage * @return string */ public static function show_success_message($score, $weight, $pass_percentage) { $res = ""; if (self::is_pass_pourcentage_enabled($pass_percentage)) { $is_success = self::is_success_exercise_result( $score, $weight, $pass_percentage ); if ($is_success) { $html = get_lang('CongratulationsYouPassedTheTest'); $icon = Display::return_icon( 'completed.png', get_lang('Correct'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ); } else { //$html .= Display::return_message(get_lang('YouDidNotReachTheMinimumScore'), 'warning'); $html = get_lang('YouDidNotReachTheMinimumScore'); $icon = Display::return_icon( 'warning.png', get_lang('Wrong'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ); } $html = Display::tag('h4', $html); $html .= Display::tag( 'h5', $icon, array('style' => 'width:40px; padding:2px 10px 0px 0px') ); $res = $html; } return $res; } /** * Return true if pass_pourcentage activated (we use the pass pourcentage feature * return false if pass_percentage = 0 (we don't use the pass pourcentage feature * @param $in_pass_pourcentage * @return boolean * In this version, pass_percentage and show_success_message are disabled if * pass_percentage is set to 0 */ public static function is_pass_pourcentage_enabled($in_pass_pourcentage) { return $in_pass_pourcentage > 0; } /** * Converts a numeric value in a percentage example 0.66666 to 66.67 % * @param $value * @return float Converted number */ public static function convert_to_percentage($value) { $return = '-'; if ($value != '') { $return = float_format($value * 100, 1) . ' %'; } return $return; } /** * Converts a score/weight values to the platform scale * @param float $score * @param float $weight * @deprecated seem not to be used * @return float the score rounded converted to the new range */ public static function convert_score($score, $weight) { $max_note = api_get_setting('exercise_max_score'); $min_note = api_get_setting('exercise_min_score'); if ($score != '' && $weight != '') { if ($max_note != '' && $min_note != '') { if (!empty($weight)) { $score = $min_note + ($max_note - $min_note) * $score / $weight; } else { $score = $min_note; } } } $score_rounded = float_format($score, 1); return $score_rounded; } /** * Getting all active exercises from a course from a session * (if a session_id is provided we will show all the exercises in the course + * all exercises in the session) * @param array $course_info * @param int $session_id * @param boolean $check_publication_dates * @param string $search Search exercise name * @param boolean $search_all_sessions Search exercises in all sessions * @param int 0 = only inactive exercises * 1 = only active exercises, * 2 = all exercises * 3 = active <> -1 * @return array array with exercise data */ public static function get_all_exercises( $course_info = null, $session_id = 0, $check_publication_dates = false, $search = '', $search_all_sessions = false, $active = 2 ) { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if (!empty($course_info) && !empty($course_info['real_id'])) { $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; } if ($session_id == -1) { $session_id = 0; } $now = api_get_utc_datetime(); $time_conditions = ''; if ($check_publication_dates) { //start and end are set $time_conditions = " AND ((start_time <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND start_time < '$now' AND end_time <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND end_time > '$now' ) OR "; // only start is set $time_conditions .= " (start_time <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND start_time < '$now' AND end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR "; // only end is set $time_conditions .= " (start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND end_time <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND end_time > '$now') OR "; // nothing is set $time_conditions .= " (start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) "; } $needle_where = !empty($search) ? " AND title LIKE '?' " : ''; $needle = !empty($search) ? "%" . $search . "%" : ''; // Show courses by active status $active_sql = ''; if ($active == 3) { $active_sql = ' active <> -1 AND'; } else { if ($active != 2) { $active_sql = sprintf(' active = %d AND', $active); } } if ($search_all_sessions == true) { $conditions = array( 'where' => array( $active_sql . ' c_id = ? ' . $needle_where . $time_conditions => array( $course_id, $needle ) ), 'order' => 'title' ); } else { if ($session_id == 0) { $conditions = array( 'where' => array( $active_sql . ' session_id = ? AND c_id = ? ' . $needle_where . $time_conditions => array( $session_id, $course_id, $needle ) ), 'order' => 'title' ); } else { $conditions = array( 'where' => array( $active_sql . ' (session_id = 0 OR session_id = ? ) AND c_id = ? ' . $needle_where . $time_conditions => array( $session_id, $course_id, $needle ) ), 'order' => 'title' ); } } $table = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); return Database::select('*', $table, $conditions); } /** * Get exercise information by id * @param int $exerciseId Exercise Id * @param int $courseId The course ID (necessary as c_quiz.id is not unique) * @return array Exercise info */ public static function get_exercise_by_id($exerciseId = 0, $courseId = null) { $TBL_EXERCICES = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); if (empty($courseId)) { $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); } else { $courseId = intval($courseId); } $conditions = array( 'where' => array( 'id = ?' => array($exerciseId), ' AND c_id = ? ' => $courseId ) ); return Database::select('*', $TBL_EXERCICES, $conditions); } /** * Getting all exercises (active only or all) * from a course from a session * (if a session_id is provided we will show all the exercises in the * course + all exercises in the session) * @param array course data * @param int session id * @param int course c_id * @param boolean $only_active_exercises * @return array array with exercise data * modified by Hubert Borderiou */ public static function get_all_exercises_for_course_id( $course_info = null, $session_id = 0, $course_id = 0, $only_active_exercises = true ) { $TBL_EXERCISES = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); if ($only_active_exercises) { // Only active exercises. $sql_active_exercises = "active = 1 AND "; } else { // Not only active means visible and invisible NOT deleted (-2) $sql_active_exercises = "active IN (1, 0) AND "; } if ($session_id == -1) { $session_id = 0; } $params = array( $session_id, $course_id ); if ($session_id == 0) { $conditions = array( 'where' => array("$sql_active_exercises session_id = ? AND c_id = ?" => $params), 'order' => 'title' ); } else { // All exercises $conditions = array( 'where' => array("$sql_active_exercises (session_id = 0 OR session_id = ? ) AND c_id=?" => $params), 'order' => 'title' ); } return Database::select('*', $TBL_EXERCISES, $conditions); } /** * Gets the position of the score based in a given score (result/weight) * and the exe_id based in the user list * (NO Exercises in LPs ) * @param float $my_score user score to be compared *attention* * $my_score = score/weight and not just the score * @param int $my_exe_id exe id of the exercise * (this is necessary because if 2 students have the same score the one * with the minor exe_id will have a best position, just to be fair and FIFO) * @param int $exercise_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * @param array $user_list * @param bool $return_string * * @return int the position of the user between his friends in a course * (or course within a session) */ public static function get_exercise_result_ranking( $my_score, $my_exe_id, $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id = 0, $user_list = array(), $return_string = true ) { //No score given we return if (is_null($my_score)) { return '-'; } if (empty($user_list)) { return '-'; } $best_attempts = array(); foreach ($user_list as $user_data) { $user_id = $user_data['user_id']; $best_attempts[$user_id] = self::get_best_attempt_by_user( $user_id, $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id ); } if (empty($best_attempts)) { return 1; } else { $position = 1; $my_ranking = array(); foreach ($best_attempts as $user_id => $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval( $result['exe_weighting'] ) != 0 ) { $my_ranking[$user_id] = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; } else { $my_ranking[$user_id] = 0; } } //if (!empty($my_ranking)) { asort($my_ranking); $position = count($my_ranking); if (!empty($my_ranking)) { foreach ($my_ranking as $user_id => $ranking) { if ($my_score >= $ranking) { if ($my_score == $ranking) { $exe_id = $best_attempts[$user_id]['exe_id']; if ($my_exe_id < $exe_id) { $position--; } } else { $position--; } } } } //} $return_value = array( 'position' => $position, 'count' => count($my_ranking) ); if ($return_string) { if (!empty($position) && !empty($my_ranking)) { $return_value = $position . '/' . count($my_ranking); } else { $return_value = '-'; } } return $return_value; } } /** * Gets the position of the score based in a given score (result/weight) and the exe_id based in all attempts * (NO Exercises in LPs ) old functionality by attempt * @param float user score to be compared attention => score/weight * @param int exe id of the exercise * (this is necessary because if 2 students have the same score the one * with the minor exe_id will have a best position, just to be fair and FIFO) * @param int exercise id * @param string course code * @param int session id * @return int the position of the user between his friends in a course (or course within a session) */ public static function get_exercise_result_ranking_by_attempt( $my_score, $my_exe_id, $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id = 0, $return_string = true ) { if (empty($session_id)) { $session_id = 0; } if (is_null($my_score)) { return '-'; } $user_results = Event::get_all_exercise_results( $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id, false ); $position_data = array(); if (empty($user_results)) { return 1; } else { $position = 1; $my_ranking = array(); foreach ($user_results as $result) { //print_r($result); if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval( $result['exe_weighting'] ) != 0 ) { $my_ranking[$result['exe_id']] = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; } else { $my_ranking[$result['exe_id']] = 0; } } asort($my_ranking); $position = count($my_ranking); if (!empty($my_ranking)) { foreach ($my_ranking as $exe_id => $ranking) { if ($my_score >= $ranking) { if ($my_score == $ranking) { if ($my_exe_id < $exe_id) { $position--; } } else { $position--; } } } } $return_value = array( 'position' => $position, 'count' => count($my_ranking) ); if ($return_string) { if (!empty($position) && !empty($my_ranking)) { return $position . '/' . count($my_ranking); } } return $return_value; } } /** * Get the best attempt in a exercise (NO Exercises in LPs ) * @param int $exercise_id * @param int $courseId * @param int $session_id * * @return array */ public static function get_best_attempt_in_course($exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id) { $user_results = Event::get_all_exercise_results( $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id, false ); $best_score_data = array(); $best_score = 0; if (!empty($user_results)) { foreach ($user_results as $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval($result['exe_weighting']) != 0 ) { $score = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; if ($score >= $best_score) { $best_score = $score; $best_score_data = $result; } } } } return $best_score_data; } /** * Get the best score in a exercise (NO Exercises in LPs ) * @param int $user_id * @param int $exercise_id * @param int $courseId * @param int $session_id * * @return array */ public static function get_best_attempt_by_user( $user_id, $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id ) { $user_results = Event::get_all_exercise_results( $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id, false, $user_id ); $best_score_data = array(); $best_score = 0; if (!empty($user_results)) { foreach ($user_results as $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval($result['exe_weighting']) != 0) { $score = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; if ($score >= $best_score) { $best_score = $score; $best_score_data = $result; } } } } return $best_score_data; } /** * Get average score (NO Exercises in LPs ) * @param int exercise id * @param int $courseId * @param int session id * @return float Average score */ public static function get_average_score($exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id) { $user_results = Event::get_all_exercise_results( $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id ); $avg_score = 0; if (!empty($user_results)) { foreach ($user_results as $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval( $result['exe_weighting'] ) != 0 ) { $score = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; $avg_score += $score; } } $avg_score = float_format($avg_score / count($user_results), 1); } return $avg_score; } /** * Get average score by score (NO Exercises in LPs ) * @param int exercise id * @param int $courseId * @param int session id * @return float Average score */ public static function get_average_score_by_course($courseId, $session_id) { $user_results = Event::get_all_exercise_results_by_course( $courseId, $session_id, false ); //echo $course_code.' - '.$session_id.'
'; $avg_score = 0; if (!empty($user_results)) { foreach ($user_results as $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval( $result['exe_weighting'] ) != 0 ) { $score = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; $avg_score += $score; } } //We asume that all exe_weighting $avg_score = ($avg_score / count($user_results)); } return $avg_score; } /** * @param int $user_id * @param int $courseId * @param int $session_id * * @return float|int */ public static function get_average_score_by_course_by_user( $user_id, $courseId, $session_id ) { $user_results = Event::get_all_exercise_results_by_user( $user_id, $courseId, $session_id ); $avg_score = 0; if (!empty($user_results)) { foreach ($user_results as $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval( $result['exe_weighting'] ) != 0 ) { $score = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; $avg_score += $score; } } //We asume that all exe_weighting //$avg_score = show_score( $avg_score / count($user_results) , $result['exe_weighting']); $avg_score = ($avg_score / count($user_results)); } return $avg_score; } /** * Get average score by score (NO Exercises in LPs ) * @param int exercise id * @param int $courseId * @param int session id * @return float Best average score */ public static function get_best_average_score_by_exercise( $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id, $user_count ) { $user_results = Event::get_best_exercise_results_by_user( $exercise_id, $courseId, $session_id ); $avg_score = 0; if (!empty($user_results)) { foreach ($user_results as $result) { if (!empty($result['exe_weighting']) && intval($result['exe_weighting']) != 0) { $score = $result['exe_result'] / $result['exe_weighting']; $avg_score += $score; } } //We asume that all exe_weighting //$avg_score = show_score( $avg_score / count($user_results) , $result['exe_weighting']); //$avg_score = ($avg_score / count($user_results)); if (!empty($user_count)) { $avg_score = float_format($avg_score / $user_count, 1) * 100; } else { $avg_score = 0; } } return $avg_score; } /** * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * * @return array */ public static function get_exercises_to_be_taken($course_code, $session_id) { $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); $exercises = self::get_all_exercises($course_info, $session_id); $result = array(); $now = time() + 15 * 24 * 60 * 60; foreach ($exercises as $exercise_item) { if (isset($exercise_item['end_time']) && !empty($exercise_item['end_time']) && $exercise_item['end_time'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && api_strtotime($exercise_item['end_time'], 'UTC') < $now ) { $result[] = $exercise_item; } } return $result; } /** * Get student results (only in completed exercises) stats by question * @param int $question_id * @param int $exercise_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * **/ public static function get_student_stats_by_question( $question_id, $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id ) { $track_exercises = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $track_attempt = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT ); $question_id = intval($question_id); $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $session_id = intval($session_id); $courseId = api_get_course_int_id($course_code); $sql = "SELECT MAX(marks) as max, MIN(marks) as min, AVG(marks) as average FROM $track_exercises e INNER JOIN $track_attempt a ON ( a.exe_id = e.exe_id AND e.c_id = a.c_id AND e.session_id = a.session_id ) WHERE exe_exo_id = $exercise_id AND a.c_id = $courseId AND e.session_id = $session_id AND question_id = $question_id AND status = '' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = array(); if ($result) { $return = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); } return $return; } /** * @param int $question_id * @param int $exercise_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * @return int */ public static function get_number_students_question_with_answer_count( $question_id, $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id ) { $track_exercises = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $track_attempt = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT ); $courseUser = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $courseTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $courseUserSession = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER ); $question_id = intval($question_id); $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $courseId = api_get_course_int_id($course_code); $session_id = intval($session_id); if (empty($session_id)) { $courseCondition = " INNER JOIN $courseUser cu ON cu.c_id = c.id AND cu.user_id = exe_user_id"; $courseConditionWhere = " AND relation_type <> 2 AND cu.status = " . STUDENT; } else { $courseCondition = " INNER JOIN $courseUserSession cu ON cu.c_id = c.id AND cu.user_id = exe_user_id"; $courseConditionWhere = " AND cu.status = 0 "; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT exe_user_id FROM $track_exercises e INNER JOIN $track_attempt a ON ( a.exe_id = e.exe_id AND e.c_id = a.c_id AND e.session_id = a.session_id ) INNER JOIN $courseTable c ON (c.id = a.c_id) $courseCondition WHERE exe_exo_id = $exercise_id AND a.c_id = $courseId AND e.session_id = $session_id AND question_id = $question_id AND answer <> '0' AND e.status = '' $courseConditionWhere "; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = 0; if ($result) { $return = Database::num_rows($result); } return $return; } /** * @param int $answer_id * @param int $question_id * @param int $exercise_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * * @return int */ public static function get_number_students_answer_hotspot_count( $answer_id, $question_id, $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id ) { $track_exercises = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $track_hotspot = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTSPOT ); $courseUser = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $courseTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $courseUserSession = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER ); $question_id = intval($question_id); $answer_id = intval($answer_id); $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $session_id = intval($session_id); if (empty($session_id)) { $courseCondition = " INNER JOIN $courseUser cu ON cu.c_id = c.id AND cu.user_id = exe_user_id"; $courseConditionWhere = " AND relation_type <> 2 AND cu.status = " . STUDENT; } else { $courseCondition = " INNER JOIN $courseUserSession cu ON cu.c_id = c.id AND cu.user_id = exe_user_id"; $courseConditionWhere = " AND cu.status = 0 "; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT exe_user_id FROM $track_exercises e INNER JOIN $track_hotspot a ON (a.hotspot_exe_id = e.exe_id) INNER JOIN $courseTable c ON (hotspot_course_code = c.code) $courseCondition WHERE exe_exo_id = $exercise_id AND a.hotspot_course_code = '$course_code' AND e.session_id = $session_id AND hotspot_answer_id = $answer_id AND hotspot_question_id = $question_id AND hotspot_correct = 1 AND e.status = '' $courseConditionWhere "; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = 0; if ($result) { $return = Database::num_rows($result); } return $return; } /** * @param int $answer_id * @param int $question_id * @param int $exercise_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * @param string $question_type * @param string $correct_answer * @param string $current_answer * @return int */ public static function get_number_students_answer_count( $answer_id, $question_id, $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id, $question_type = null, $correct_answer = null, $current_answer = null ) { $track_exercises = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $track_attempt = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT ); $courseTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $courseUser = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $courseUserSession = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER ); $question_id = intval($question_id); $answer_id = intval($answer_id); $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $courseId = api_get_course_int_id($course_code); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $session_id = intval($session_id); switch ($question_type) { case FILL_IN_BLANKS: $answer_condition = ""; $select_condition = " e.exe_id, answer "; break; case MATCHING: default: $answer_condition = " answer = $answer_id AND "; $select_condition = " DISTINCT exe_user_id "; } if (empty($session_id)) { $courseCondition = " INNER JOIN $courseUser cu ON cu.c_id = c.id AND cu.user_id = exe_user_id"; $courseConditionWhere = " AND relation_type <> 2 AND cu.status = " . STUDENT; } else { $courseCondition = " INNER JOIN $courseUserSession cu ON cu.c_id = a.c_id AND cu.user_id = exe_user_id"; $courseConditionWhere = " AND cu.status = 0 "; } $sql = "SELECT $select_condition FROM $track_exercises e INNER JOIN $track_attempt a ON ( a.exe_id = e.exe_id AND e.c_id = a.c_id AND e.session_id = a.session_id ) INNER JOIN $courseTable c ON c.id = a.c_id $courseCondition WHERE exe_exo_id = $exercise_id AND a.c_id = $courseId AND e.session_id = $session_id AND $answer_condition question_id = $question_id AND e.status = '' $courseConditionWhere "; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = 0; if ($result) { $good_answers = 0; switch ($question_type) { case FILL_IN_BLANKS: while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $fill_blank = self::check_fill_in_blanks( $correct_answer, $row['answer'] ); if (isset($fill_blank[$current_answer]) && $fill_blank[$current_answer] == 1) { $good_answers++; } } return $good_answers; break; case MATCHING: default: $return = Database::num_rows($result); } } return $return; } /** * @param array $answer * @param string $user_answer * @return array */ public static function check_fill_in_blanks($answer, $user_answer) { // the question is encoded like this // [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10@1 // number 1 before the "@" means that is a switchable fill in blank question // [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10@ or [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10 // means that is a normal fill blank question // first we explode the "::" $pre_array = explode('::', $answer); // is switchable fill blank or not $last = count($pre_array) - 1; $is_set_switchable = explode('@', $pre_array[$last]); $switchable_answer_set = false; if (isset ($is_set_switchable[1]) && $is_set_switchable[1] == 1) { $switchable_answer_set = true; } $answer = ''; for ($k = 0; $k < $last; $k++) { $answer .= $pre_array[$k]; } // splits weightings that are joined with a comma $answerWeighting = explode(',', $is_set_switchable[0]); // we save the answer because it will be modified //$temp = $answer; $temp = $answer; $answer = ''; $j = 0; //initialise answer tags $user_tags = $correct_tags = $real_text = array(); // the loop will stop at the end of the text while (1) { // quits the loop if there are no more blanks (detect '[') if (($pos = api_strpos($temp, '[')) === false) { // adds the end of the text $answer = $temp; /* // Deprecated code // TeX parsing - replacement of texcode tags $texstring = api_parse_tex($texstring); $answer = str_replace("{texcode}", $texstring, $answer); */ $real_text[] = $answer; break; //no more "blanks", quit the loop } // adds the piece of text that is before the blank //and ends with '[' into a general storage array $real_text[] = api_substr($temp, 0, $pos + 1); $answer .= api_substr($temp, 0, $pos + 1); //take the string remaining (after the last "[" we found) $temp = api_substr($temp, $pos + 1); // quit the loop if there are no more blanks, and update $pos to the position of next ']' if (($pos = api_strpos($temp, ']')) === false) { // adds the end of the text $answer .= $temp; break; } $str = $user_answer; preg_match_all('#\[([^[]*)\]#', $str, $arr); $str = str_replace('\r\n', '', $str); $choice = $arr[1]; $tmp = api_strrpos($choice[$j], ' / '); $choice[$j] = api_substr($choice[$j], 0, $tmp); $choice[$j] = trim($choice[$j]); //Needed to let characters ' and " to work as part of an answer $choice[$j] = stripslashes($choice[$j]); $user_tags[] = api_strtolower($choice[$j]); //put the contents of the [] answer tag into correct_tags[] $correct_tags[] = api_strtolower(api_substr($temp, 0, $pos)); $j++; $temp = api_substr($temp, $pos + 1); } $answer = ''; $real_correct_tags = $correct_tags; $chosen_list = array(); $good_answer = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($real_correct_tags); $i++) { if (!$switchable_answer_set) { //needed to parse ' and " characters $user_tags[$i] = stripslashes($user_tags[$i]); if ($correct_tags[$i] == $user_tags[$i]) { $good_answer[$correct_tags[$i]] = 1; } elseif (!empty ($user_tags[$i])) { $good_answer[$correct_tags[$i]] = 0; } else { $good_answer[$correct_tags[$i]] = 0; } } else { // switchable fill in the blanks if (in_array($user_tags[$i], $correct_tags)) { $correct_tags = array_diff($correct_tags, $chosen_list); $good_answer[$correct_tags[$i]] = 1; } elseif (!empty ($user_tags[$i])) { $good_answer[$correct_tags[$i]] = 0; } else { $good_answer[$correct_tags[$i]] = 0; } } // adds the correct word, followed by ] to close the blank $answer .= ' / ' . $real_correct_tags[$i] . ']'; if (isset ($real_text[$i + 1])) { $answer .= $real_text[$i + 1]; } } return $good_answer; } /** * @param int $exercise_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * @return int */ public static function get_number_students_finish_exercise( $exercise_id, $course_code, $session_id ) { $track_exercises = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES ); $track_attempt = Database::get_main_table( TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT ); $exercise_id = intval($exercise_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $session_id = intval($session_id); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT exe_user_id FROM $track_exercises e INNER JOIN $track_attempt a ON (a.exe_id = e.exe_id) WHERE exe_exo_id = $exercise_id AND course_code = '$course_code' AND e.session_id = $session_id AND status = ''"; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = 0; if ($result) { $return = Database::num_rows($result); } return $return; } /** * @param string $in_name is the name and the id of the */ public static function displayGroupMenu($in_name, $in_default, $in_onchange = "") { // check the default value of option $tabSelected = array($in_default => " selected='selected' "); $res = ""; $res .= ""; return $res; } /** * Return a list of group for user with user_id=in_userid separated with in_separator * @deprecated ? */ public static function displayGroupsForUser($in_separator, $in_userid) { $res = implode( $in_separator, GroupManager::get_user_group_name($in_userid) ); if ($res == "") { $res = "
"; } return $res; } /** * @param int $exe_id */ public static function create_chat_exercise_session($exe_id) { if (!isset($_SESSION['current_exercises'])) { $_SESSION['current_exercises'] = array(); } $_SESSION['current_exercises'][$exe_id] = true; } /** * @param int $exe_id */ public static function delete_chat_exercise_session($exe_id) { if (isset($_SESSION['current_exercises'])) { $_SESSION['current_exercises'][$exe_id] = false; } } /** * Display the exercise results * @param Exercise $objExercise * @param int $exe_id * @param bool $save_user_result save users results (true) or just show the results (false) */ public static function display_question_list_by_attempt( $objExercise, $exe_id, $save_user_result = false ) { global $origin; // Getting attempt info $exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id( $exe_id ); // Getting question list $question_list = array(); if (!empty($exercise_stat_info['data_tracking'])) { $question_list = explode(',', $exercise_stat_info['data_tracking']); } else { // Try getting the question list only if save result is off if ($save_user_result == false) { $question_list = $objExercise->get_validated_question_list(); } } $counter = 1; $total_score = $total_weight = 0; $exercise_content = null; // Hide results $show_results = false; $show_only_score = false; if ($objExercise->results_disabled == RESULT_DISABLE_SHOW_SCORE_AND_EXPECTED_ANSWERS) { $show_results = true; } if (in_array( $objExercise->results_disabled, array( RESULT_DISABLE_SHOW_SCORE_ONLY, RESULT_DISABLE_SHOW_FINAL_SCORE_ONLY_WITH_CATEGORIES ) ) ) { $show_only_score = true; } // Not display expected answer, but score, and feedback $show_all_but_expected_answer = false; if ($objExercise->results_disabled == RESULT_DISABLE_SHOW_SCORE_ONLY && $objExercise->feedback_type == EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_END ) { $show_all_but_expected_answer = true; $show_results = true; $show_only_score = false; } if ($show_results || $show_only_score) { $user_info = api_get_user_info($exercise_stat_info['exe_user_id']); //Shows exercise header echo $objExercise->show_exercise_result_header( $user_info, api_convert_and_format_date( $exercise_stat_info['start_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG ), $exercise_stat_info['duration'], $exercise_stat_info['user_ip'] ); } // Display text when test is finished #4074 and for LP #4227 $end_of_message = $objExercise->selectTextWhenFinished(); if (!empty($end_of_message)) { Display::display_normal_message($end_of_message, false); echo "
"; } $question_list_answers = array(); $media_list = array(); $category_list = array(); // Loop over all question to show results for each of them, one by one if (!empty($question_list)) { foreach ($question_list as $questionId) { // creates a temporary Question object $objQuestionTmp = Question::read($questionId); // This variable came from exercise_submit_modal.php ob_start(); // We're inside *one* question. Go through each possible answer for this question $result = $objExercise->manage_answer( $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'], $questionId, null, 'exercise_result', array(), $save_user_result, true, $show_results, $objExercise->selectPropagateNeg(), array() ); if (empty($result)) { continue; } // In case of global score, make sure the calculated total score is integer /*if (!is_int($result['score'])) { $result['score'] = round($result['score']); }*/ $total_score += $result['score']; $total_weight += $result['weight']; $question_list_answers[] = array( 'question' => $result['open_question'], 'answer' => $result['open_answer'], 'answer_type' => $result['answer_type'] ); $my_total_score = $result['score']; $my_total_weight = $result['weight']; // Category report $category_was_added_for_this_test = false; if (isset($objQuestionTmp->category) && !empty($objQuestionTmp->category)) { $category_list[$objQuestionTmp->category]['score'] += $my_total_score; $category_list[$objQuestionTmp->category]['total'] += $my_total_weight; $category_was_added_for_this_test = true; } if (isset($objQuestionTmp->category_list) && !empty($objQuestionTmp->category_list)) { foreach ($objQuestionTmp->category_list as $category_id) { $category_list[$category_id]['score'] += $my_total_score; $category_list[$category_id]['total'] += $my_total_weight; $category_was_added_for_this_test = true; } } // No category for this question! if ($category_was_added_for_this_test == false) { if (!isset($category_list['none']['score'])) { $category_list['none']['score'] = 0; } if (!isset($category_list['none']['total'])) { $category_list['none']['total'] = 0; } $category_list['none']['score'] += $my_total_score; $category_list['none']['total'] += $my_total_weight; } if ($objExercise->selectPropagateNeg( ) == 0 && $my_total_score < 0 ) { $my_total_score = 0; } $comnt = null; if ($show_results) { $comnt = Event::get_comments($exe_id, $questionId); if (!empty($comnt)) { echo '' . get_lang('Feedback') . ''; echo '
' . $comnt . '
'; } } if ($show_results) { $score = array( 'result' => get_lang('Score') . " : " . self::show_score( $my_total_score, $my_total_weight, false, true ), 'pass' => $my_total_score >= $my_total_weight ? true : false, 'score' => $my_total_score, 'weight' => $my_total_weight, 'comments' => $comnt, ); } else { $score = array(); } $contents = ob_get_clean(); $question_content = '
'; if ($show_results) { $show_media = false; /*if ($objQuestionTmp->parent_id != 0 && !in_array($objQuestionTmp->parent_id, $media_list)) { $show_media = true; $media_list[] = $objQuestionTmp->parent_id; }*/ //Shows question title an description $question_content .= $objQuestionTmp->return_header( null, $counter, $score ); } $counter++; $question_content .= $contents; $question_content .= '
'; $exercise_content .= $question_content; } // end foreach() block that loops over all questions } $total_score_text = null; if ($origin != 'learnpath') { if ($show_results || $show_only_score) { $total_score_text .= '
'; $total_score_text .= self::get_question_ribbon( $objExercise, $total_score, $total_weight, true ); $total_score_text .= '
'; } } if (!empty($category_list) && ($show_results || $show_only_score)) { //Adding total $category_list['total'] = array( 'score' => $total_score, 'total' => $total_weight ); echo TestCategory::get_stats_table_by_attempt( $objExercise->id, $category_list ); } if ($show_all_but_expected_answer) { $exercise_content .= "
" . get_lang( "ExerciseWithFeedbackWithoutCorrectionComment" ) . "
"; } // Remove audio auto play from questions on results page - refs BT#7939 $exercise_content = preg_replace( ['/autoplay[\=\".+\"]+/','/autostart[\=\".+\"]+/'], '', $exercise_content ); echo $total_score_text; echo $exercise_content; if (!$show_only_score) { echo $total_score_text; } if ($save_user_result) { // Tracking of results $learnpath_id = $exercise_stat_info['orig_lp_id']; $learnpath_item_id = $exercise_stat_info['orig_lp_item_id']; $learnpath_item_view_id = $exercise_stat_info['orig_lp_item_view_id']; if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) { Event::update_event_exercice( $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'], $objExercise->selectId(), $total_score, $total_weight, api_get_session_id(), $learnpath_id, $learnpath_item_id, $learnpath_item_view_id, $exercise_stat_info['exe_duration'], $question_list, '', array() ); } // Send notification .. if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && !apiIsExcludedUserType() ) { if (api_get_course_setting( 'email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz' ) == 1 ) { $objExercise->send_mail_notification_for_exam( $question_list_answers, $origin, $exe_id ); } $objExercise->send_notification_for_open_questions( $question_list_answers, $origin, $exe_id ); $objExercise->send_notification_for_oral_questions( $question_list_answers, $origin, $exe_id ); } } } /** * @param Exercise $objExercise * @param float $score * @param float $weight * @param bool $check_pass_percentage * @return string */ public static function get_question_ribbon( $objExercise, $score, $weight, $check_pass_percentage = false ) { $ribbon = '
'; if ($check_pass_percentage) { $is_success = self::is_success_exercise_result( $score, $weight, $objExercise->selectPassPercentage() ); // Color the final test score if pass_percentage activated $ribbon_total_success_or_error = ""; if (self::is_pass_pourcentage_enabled( $objExercise->selectPassPercentage() )) { if ($is_success) { $ribbon_total_success_or_error = ' ribbon-total-success'; } else { $ribbon_total_success_or_error = ' ribbon-total-error'; } } $ribbon .= '
'; } else { $ribbon .= '
'; } $ribbon .= '

' . get_lang('YourTotalScore') . ": "; $ribbon .= self::show_score($score, $weight, false, true); $ribbon .= '

'; $ribbon .= '
'; if ($check_pass_percentage) { $ribbon .= self::show_success_message( $score, $weight, $objExercise->selectPassPercentage() ); } $ribbon .= '
'; return $ribbon; } /** * @param int $countLetter * @return mixed */ public static function detectInputAppropriateClass($countLetter) { $limits = array( 0 => 'input-mini', 10 => 'input-mini', 15 => 'input-medium', 20 => 'input-xlarge', 40 => 'input-xlarge', 60 => 'input-xxlarge', 100 => 'input-xxlarge', 200 => 'input-xxlarge', ); foreach ($limits as $size => $item) { if ($countLetter <= $size) { return $item; } } return $limits[0]; } }