backup before."; $langSameFilename = "What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?"; $langSameFilenameSkip = "Skip same file name"; $langSameFilenameRename = "Rename file (eg file.pdf becomes file_1.pdf)"; $langSameFilenameOverwrite = "Overwrite file"; $langSelectDestinationCourse = "Select target training"; $langFullCopy = "Full copy"; $langCourseDescription = "Training description"; $langNoResourcesToBackup = "There are no resources to backup"; $langNoResourcesInBackupFile = "There are no resources in backup file"; $langSelectResources = "Select resources"; $langNoResourcesToRecycles = "There are no resources to recycle"; $langIncludeQuestionPool = "Include questions pool"; $langLocalFile = "local file"; $langServerFile = "server file"; $langNoBackupsAvailable = "no backup is available"; $langNoDestinationCoursesAvailable = "No destination training available"; $langBackup = "Backup"; $langImportBackupInfo = "Import a backup. You will be able to upload a backup file from you local drive or you can use a backup file available on the server."; $langCreateBackupInfo = "Create a backup. You can select the learning objects to integrate in the backup file. "; $ToolIntro = "Tool introduction"; $UploadError = "Upload failed, please check maximum file size limits and folder rights."; $DocumentsWillBeAddedToo = "Documents will be added too"; $ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz = "If you want to export a course containing a test, you have to make sure the corresponding tests are included in the export, so you have to select them in the list of tests."; $ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The archives directory, used by this tool, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator."; $DestinationCourse = "Target training"; ?>