"; $langScormcontent = "This is a Scorm content
"; $langDownloadAndZipEnd = " Zip file uploaded and uncompressed"; $langZipNoPhp = "The zip file can not contain .PHP files"; $langGroupForumLink = "Group forum"; $langGroupSpace = "Group area"; $langNotScormContent = "This is not a scorm ZIP file !"; $langNoText = "Please type your text / HTML content"; $langNoFileName = "Please enter the file name"; $langMaxFileSize = "Max file size is"; $langFileName = "Page / activity name"; $langFileError = "The file to upload is not valid."; $langDown = "down"; $langViMod = "Visibility modified"; $langAddComment = "Add/Edit a comment to"; $langImpossible = "Operation impossible"; $langNewDir = "Name of the new folder"; $langTo = "to"; $langNoSpace = "The upload has failed. Either you have exceeded your maximum quota, or there is not enough disk space."; $langDownloadEnd = "The upload is finished"; $langFileExists = "The operation is impossible, a file with this name already exists."; $langDocCopied = "Document copied"; $langDocDeleted = "Document deleted"; $langElRen = "Element renamed"; $langDirMv = "Element moved"; $langComMod = "Comment modified"; $langRename = "Rename"; $langCopy = "Copy training content"; $langNameDir = "Name of the new folder"; $langDownloadFile = "Upload file"; $langRoot = "root"; $langBuilder = "Create a course (authoring tool)"; $langScormBuilder = "Create a course (authoring tool)"; $langCreateDoc = "Create a rich media page / activity"; $langOrganiseDocuments = "Create table of contents"; $langUncompress = "Uncompress zip"; $ExportShort = "Export as SCORM"; ?>