έντονους χαρακτήρες είναι υποχρεωτικά."; $langNotXML = "Το συγκεκριμένο αρχείο δεν είναι αρχείο XML !"; $langNotCSV = "Το συγκεκριμένο αρχείο δεν είναι αρχείο CSV !"; $langNoNeededData = "Το αρχείο δεν περιέχει όλα τα απαραίτητα δεδομένα !"; $langMaxImportUsers = "Δεν μπορείτε νε εισάγετε περισσότερους από 500 χρήστες με μια φορά"; $langAdminDatabases = "Βάσεις δεδομένων (phpMyAdmin)"; $langAdminUsers = "Χρήστες"; $langAdminClasses = "Τάξεις χρηστών"; $langAdminGroups = "Ομάδες χρηστών"; $langAdminCourses = "Μαθήματα"; $langAdminCategories = "Κατηγορίες μαθημάτων"; $langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Εγγραφή χρήστη / ομάδας σε μάθημα"; $AddACategory = "Προσθήκη Κατηγορίας"; $langInto = "μέσα σε"; $langNoCategories = "Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες εδώ"; $langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Επιτρέπεται η προσθήκη μαθημάτων σε αυτή την κατηγορία;"; $langGoToForum = "Μετάβαση στην Περιοχή Συζητήσεων"; $langCategoryCode = "Κωδικός κατηγορίας"; $langCategoryName = "Όνομα κατηγορίας"; $langCategories = "Κατηγορίες"; $langEditNode = "Επεξεργασία αυτής της κατηγορίας"; $langOpenNode = "Άνοιγμα αυτής της κατηγορίας"; $langDeleteNode = "Διαγραφή αυτής της κατηγορίας"; $langAddChildNode = "Προσθήκη υποκατηγορίας"; $langViewChildren = "Προβολή παιδιών"; $langTreeRebuildedIn = "Η δομή του δέντρου ξαναδημιουργήθηκε σε"; $langTreeRecountedIn = "Η δομή του δέντρου μερτήθηκε ξανά σε"; $langRebuildTree = "Επαναδημιουργία δέντρου"; $langRefreshNbChildren = "Ανανέωση αριθμού παιδιών"; $langShowTree = "Εμφάνιση δενδρικής μορφής"; $langBack = "Προηγούμενη σελίδα"; $langLogDeleteCat = "Η κατηγορία διαγράφηκε"; $langRecountChildren = "Επαναυπολογισμός παιδιών"; $langUpInSameLevel = "Πάνω στο ίδιο επίπεδο"; $langSeconds = "δευτερόλεπτα"; $langMailTo = "Αποστολή mail σε:"; $lang_no_access_here = "Δεν επιτρέπεται η πρόσβαση εδώ"; $lang_php_info = "πληροφορίες για το σύστημα"; $langAddAdminInApache = "Προσθήκη διαχειριστή"; $langAddFaculties = "Προσθήκη κατηγοριών"; $langSearchACourse = "Αναζήτηση μαθήματος"; $langSearchAUser = "Αναζήτηση χρήστη"; $langTechnicalTools = "Τεχνικά"; $langConfig = "Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος"; $langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Λίστα εισόδου (εκτεταμένη)"; $langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Μέγιστος αριθμός χρηστών που θα εμφανίζονται στη λίστα"; $NoTimeLimits = "Χωρίς χρονικό όριο"; $GeneralCoach = "Γενικός υπεύθυνος"; $GeneralProperties = "Γενικές ιδιότητες"; $CourseCoach = "Υπεύθυνος μαθήματος"; $UsersNumber = "Αριθμός χρηστών"; $DokeosClassic = "Κλασσικό Chamilo"; $PublicAdmin = "Δημόσια διαχείριση"; $PageAfterLoginTitle = "Σελίδα μετά την είσοδο στο σύστημα"; $PageAfterLoginComment = "Η σελίδα που εμφανίζεται με τη σύνδεση του χρήστη"; $DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Chamilo Web"; $TabsMyProfile = "Καρτέλα Προφίλ"; $GlobalRole = "Καθολικός Ρόλος"; $langNomOutilTodo = "Διαχείριση λίστας εκρεμοτήτων"; $langNomPageAdmin = "Διαχείριση"; $langSysInfo = "Πληροφορίες για το σύστημα"; $langDiffTranslation = "Σύγκριση μεταφράσεων"; $langStatOf = "Στατιστικά του"; $langSpeeSubscribe = "Γρήγορη εγγραφή ως ελεγκτής μαθήματος"; $langLogIdentLogout = "Λίστα εισόδου (εκτεταμένη)"; $langServerStatus = "Κατάσταση MySQL server :"; $langDataBase = "Βάση δεδομένων"; $langRun = "Εργασίες"; $langClient = "MySql Πελάτης"; $langServer = "Κατάσταση MySQL server :"; $langtitulary = "Ιδιοκτήτης"; $langUpgradeBase = "Αναβάθμιση βάσης δεδομένων"; $langManage = "Διαχείριση Portal"; $langErrorsFound = "βρέθηκαν σφάλματα"; $langMaintenance = "Backup"; $langUpgrade = "Αναβάθμιση βάσης δεδομένων"; $langWebsite = "Chamilo Website"; $langDocumentation = "Τεκμηρίωση"; $langContribute = "Συνεισφορά"; $langInfoServer = "Πληροφορίες Εξυπηρετητή"; $langOtherCategory = "Άλλη κατηγορία"; $langSendMailToUsers = "Αποστολή email στους χρήστες"; $langExampleXMLFile = "Παράδειγμα αρχείου XML"; $langExampleCSVFile = "Παράδειγμα αρχείου CSV"; $langCourseSystemCode = "Κωδικός συστήματος"; $langCourseVisualCode = "Οπτικός κωδικός"; $langSystemCode = "Κωδικός συστήματος"; $langVisualCode = "οπτικός κωδικός"; $langAddCourse = "Δημιουργία μαθήματος"; $langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Διαχείριση εικονικών μαθημάτων"; $langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Δημιουργία εικονικού μαθήματος"; $langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "Το εικονικό μάθημα θα μοιράζεται αποθηκευτικό χώρο (φάκελο και βάση δεδομένων) με ένα υπάρχον 'αληθινό' μάθημα."; $langRealCourseCode = "Πραγματικός κωδικός μαθήματος"; $langCourseCreationSucceeded = "Το μάθημα δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία"; $langYourDokeosUses = "Η εγκατάστασή του Chamilo, αυτή τη στιγμή χρησιμοποιεί"; $langOnTheHardDisk = "στο σκληρό δίσκο"; $langIsVirtualCourse = "Εικονικό μάθημα?"; $langSystemAnnouncements = "Ανακοινώσεις Portal"; $langAddAnnouncement = "Προσθήκη νέας ανακοίνωσης"; $langAnnouncementAdded = "Η ανακοίνωση έχει προστεθεί"; $langAnnouncementUpdated = "Η ανακοίνωση έχει ενημερωθεί"; $langAnnouncementDeleted = "Η ανακοίνωση έχει διαγραφεί"; $langContent = "Περιεχόμενο"; $PermissionsForNewFiles = "Δικαιώματα για νέα αρχεία"; $PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "Η δυνατότητα ορισμού των δικαιωμάτων για κάθε νέο αρχείο αυξάνει την ασφάλεια ενάντια στις κακόβουλες επιθέσεις από hackers που προσπαθούν να ανεβάσουν επικίνδυνο υλικό στην πύλη σας. Η προεπιλεγμένη τιμή (0550) είναι αρκετή για να δώσει στον εξυπηρετητή σας ένα λογικό επίπεδο προστασίας. Αν χρησιμοποιείτε το Oogie φροντίστε οι χρήστες που χρησιμοποιούν το OpenOffice να μπορούν να γράψουν αρχεία στο φάκελο του μαθήματος."; $langStudent = "Μαθητής"; $Guest = "Επισκέπτης"; $langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Είσοδος ως"; $langLoginAsThisUser = "Είσοδος ως"; $SelectPicture = "Επιλογή εικόνας..."; $DontResetPassword = "Χωρίς επαναφορά συνθηματικού"; $ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Συμμετοχή στη δημιουργία"; $langCourseAdmin = "Εκπαιδευτής"; $langOtherCourses = "άλλα μαθήματα"; $PlatformLanguageTitle = "Πλατφόρμα Μάθησης"; $ServerStatusComment = "Τι τύπου εξυπηρετητής είναι αυτός; Αυτό ενεργοποιεί ή απενεργοποιεί κάποιες επιλογές. Σε έναν εξυπηρετητή υπάρχει σε λειτουργία μια επιλογή μετάφρασης που προβάλει μη μεταφρασμένες συμβολοσειρές."; $ServerStatusTitle = "Τύπος Εξυπηρετητή"; $PlatformLanguages = "Γλώσσες Πλατφόρμας Chamilo"; $PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "Αυτό το εργαλείο διαχειρίζεται το μενού επιλογής γλώσσας στην σελίδα εισόδου. Σαν διαχειριστής μπορείτε να αποφασίσετε ποιες γλώσσες θα είναι διαθέσιμες για τους χρήστες σας."; $OriginalName = "Αρχικό όνομα"; $EnglishName = "Αγγλικό όνομα"; $DokeosFolder = "Φάκελος Chamilo"; $Properties = "Ιδιότητες"; $PlatformConfigSettings = "Ρυθμίσεις"; $SettingsStored = "Οι ρυθμίσεις έχουν αποθηκευτεί"; $InstitutionTitle = "Τίτλος Ιδρύματος"; $InstitutionComment = "Όνομα του Ιδρύματος (εμφανίζεται στην πάνω δεξιά πλευρά)"; $InstitutionUrlTitle = "Διεύθυνση του Ιδρύματος στο Διαδίκτυο"; $InstitutionUrlComment = "Η διεύθυνση του Ιδρύματος στο Διαδίκτυο (ο σύνδεσμος εμφανίζεται στην πάνω δεξιά πλευρά)"; $SiteNameTitle = "Όνομα πλατφόρμας μάθησης"; $SiteNameComment = "Όνομα της πλατφόρμας του Chamilo (εμφανίζεται στην πάνω δεξιά πλευρά)"; $emailAdministratorTitle = "Διαχειριστής Πλατφόρμας: E-mail"; $emailAdministratorComment = "Η διεύθυνση e-mail του Διαχειριστή Πλατφόρμας (εμφανίζεται στην κάτω αριστερά πλευρά)"; $administratorSurnameTitle = "Διαχειριστής Πλατφόρμας: Επίθετο"; $administratorSurnameComment = "Το επίθετο του Διαχειριστή Πλατφόρμας (εμφανίζεται κάτω αριστερά)"; $administratorNameTitle = "Διαχειριστής Πλατφόρμας: Όνομα"; $administratorNameComment = "Το όνομα του Διαχειριστή Πλατφόρμας (εμφανίζεται στην κάτω αριστερά πλευρά)"; $ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Πληροφορίες του διαχειριστή στο υποσέλιδο"; $ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Εμφάνιση πληροφορίων του διαχειριστή στο υποσέλιδο?"; $HomepageViewTitle = "Σχεδιασμός αρχικής σελίδας εκπαίδευσης"; $HomepageViewComment = "Πως θέλετε να φαίνεται η αρχική σελίδα εκπαίδευσης?"; $HomepageViewDefault = "Μορφή 2 στηλών. Τα ανενεργά αντικείμενα παραμένουν κρυμμένα"; $HomepageViewFixed = "Μορφή 3 στηλών. Τα ανενεργά αντικείμενα φαίνονται γκριζαρισμένα"; $Yes = "Ναι"; $No = "Όχι"; $ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Συντομεύσεις Εργαλείων"; $ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Εμφάνιση συντομεύσεων εργαλείων στο banner?"; $ShowStudentViewTitle = "Όψη μαθητή"; $ShowStudentViewComment = "Όψη μαθητή;
Αυτή η επιλογή επιπτρέπει στον διδάσκοντα να δει πως φαίνεται το περιβάλλον του μαθητή"; $AllowGroupCategories = "Κατηγορίες ομάδων"; $AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Να επιτρέπετε σε εκπαιδευτικούς να δημιουργούν κατηγορίες στο εργαλείο Ομάδων"; $PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: Chamilo Platform Languages"; $ProductionServer = "Server Παραγωγής"; $TestServer = "Δοκιμαστικός Server"; $ShowOnlineTitle = "Ποιοι είναι συνδεδεμένοι"; $AsPlatformLanguage = "ως γλώσσα πλατφόρμας"; $ShowOnlineComment = "Εμφάνιση πλήθους προσώπων που είναι συνδεμένοι;"; $AllowNameChangeTitle = "Να επιτρέπεται η άλλγη Ονόματος στο profile?"; $AllowNameChangeComment = "Επιτρέπεται η αλλαγή ονόματος και επιθέτου από τον χρήστη?"; $DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Προεπιλεγμένος χώρος δίσκου."; $DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the available disk space for a course? You can override the quota for specific training through: platform administration > Training > modify"; $ProfileChangesTitle = "Προφίλ"; $ProfileChangesComment = "Ποιά μέρη του προφίλ μπορούν να αλλαχθούν."; $RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Εγγραφή: απαιτούμενα πεδία"; $RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Ποια πεδία απαιτούνται (εκτός των όνομα, επίθετο, login και συνθηματικό)"; $DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Διαθέσιμος χώρος δίσκου ομάδας."; $DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "What is the default hard disk spade available for a groups documents tool?"; $AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Χαμένο συνθηματικό"; $AllowLostPasswordComment = "Επιτρέπεται στους χρήστες να αιτούνται το χαμένο τους συνθηματικό?"; $AllowRegistrationTitle = "Εγγραφή"; $AllowRegistrationComment = "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?"; $AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Εγγραφή ως εκπαιδευτικός"; $AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a teacher (with the ability to create courses)?"; $PlatformLanguage = "Γλώσσα Πλατφόρμας"; $Tuning = "Βελτιστοποίηση"; $SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Διαχωρισμός φακέλου upload του χρήστη"; $SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Chamilo code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it."; $CourseQuota = "Χώρος Δίσκου"; $EditNotice = "Επεξεργασία ειδοποίησης"; $General = "Γενικά"; $LostPassword = "Χαμένο συνθηματικό"; $Registration = "Εγγραφή"; $Password = "Συνθηματικό"; $InsertLink = "Προσθήκη σελίδας (CMS)"; $EditNews = "Επεξεργασία Ειδήσεων/Νέων"; $EditCategories = "Επεξεργασία κατηγοριών εκπαιδευσης"; $EditHomePage = "Επεξεργασία χώρου αρχικής σελίδας"; $AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a teacher define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?"; $Platform = "Πλατφόρμα"; $Course = "Μάθημα"; $Languages = "Γλώσσες"; $Privacy = "Ιδιωτικότητα"; $NoticeTitle = "Τίτλος ειδοποίησης"; $NoticeText = "Κείμενο ειδοποίησης"; $LinkName = "Κείμενο συνδέσμου"; $LinkURL = "URL του συνδέσμου"; $OpenInNewWindow = "Άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο"; $langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to training or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)"; $Plugins = "Plugins"; $HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Hide the [= ... =] markup when a language variable is not translated"; $Info = "Πληροφορίες"; $UserAdded = "Ο χρήστης προστέθηκε"; $NoSearchResults = "Δεν υπάρχουν αποτελέσματα"; $UserDeleted = "Ο χρήστης διαγράφηκε"; $NoClassesForThisCourse = "Δεν υπάρχουν τάξεις εγγεγραμένες στο μάθημα"; $CourseUsage = "Χρήση μαθήματος"; $NoCoursesForThisUser = "Ο χρήστης δεν είναι εγγεγραμμένος σε μάθημα"; $NoClassesForThisUser = "Ο χρήστης δεν είναι εγγεγραμμένος σε τάξη"; $NoCoursesForThisClass = "Η τάξη δεν είναι εγγεγραμμένη σε μάθημα"; $langOpenToTheWorld = "Δημόσια πρόσβαση (για όλο τον κόσμο)"; $OpenToThePlatform = "Ανοιχτή πρόσβαση (μόνο για εγγεγραμμένους χρήστες της πλατφόρμας)"; $langPrivate = "Ιδιωτική πρόσβαση"; $langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Χωρίς πρόσβαση (μόνο για εκπαιδευτικούς)"; $langSubscription = "Εγγραφή"; $langUnsubscription = "Ακύρωση εγγραφής"; $CourseAccessConfigTip = "Εξ ορισμού, το μάθημα είναι δημόσια προσβάσιμο, αλλά μπορείτε να αλλάξετε το επίπεδο πρόσβασης παραπάνω"; $Tool = "εργαλείο"; $NumberOfItems = "πλήθος στοιχείων"; $DocumentsAndFolders = "Αρχεία και φάκελοι"; $Learnpath = "Μονοπάτι γνώσης"; $Exercises = "Tests"; $AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Προσωπική Ατζέντα"; $AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Can the learner add personal events to the Agenda?"; $CurrentValue = "τρέχουσα τιμή"; $CourseDescription = "Περιγραφή Μαθήματος"; $OnlineConference = "Online Συζήτηση"; $Chat = "Chat"; $Quiz = "Tests"; $Announcements = "Ανακοινώσεις"; $Links = "Σύνδεσμοι"; $LearningPath = "Μονοπάτι γνώσης"; $Documents = "Αρχεία και φάκελοι"; $UserPicture = "Εικόνα"; $officialcode = "Κωδική Ονομασία"; $Login = "Login"; $UserPassword = "Συνθηματικό"; $SubscriptionAllowed = "Η εγγραφή επιτρέπεται"; $UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Επιτρέπεται η ακύρωση εγγραφής"; $AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Επιτρέπεται"; $NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Δεν επιτρέπεται"; $AddDummyContentToCourse = "Προσθήκη παραδειγματικού περιεχομένου στο μάθημα"; $DummyCourseCreator = "Δημιουργία παραδειγματικού περιεχομένου στο μάθημα"; $DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes."; $AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins"; $CreateVirtualCourse = "Δημιουργία εικονικού μαθήματος"; $DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Εμφάνιση καταλόγου εικονικών μαθημάτων"; $LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Διασύνδεση με τον κωδικό του πραγματικού μαθήματος"; $AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Attempted creation of virtual course..."; $WantedCourseCode = "Wanted course code"; $ResetPassword = "Επαναφορά συνθηματικού"; $CheckToSendNewPassword = "Επιλέξτε για να αποσταλεί νέο συνθηματικό"; $AutoGeneratePassword = "Αυτόματη δημιουργία συνθηματικού"; $UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Χρήση τίτλου για το όνομα του εγγράφου"; $UseDocumentTitleComment = "This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext"; $StudentPublications = "Αναθέσεις"; $PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Τα διαγραμμένα αρχεία δεν μπορούν να ανακτηθούν"; $PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Διαγράφοντας ένα αρχείο, διαγράφεται μόνιμα. Το αρχείο δεν μπορεί να ανακτηθεί."; $ClassName = "Το όνομα της τάξης υπάρχει"; $DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Dropbox: Μέγιστο μέγεθος αρχείου"; $DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "Πόσο μεγάλο (σε MB) μπορεί να είναι ένα αρχείο στο dropbox?"; $DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Dropbox: Τα αρχεία μπορούν να αντικατασταθούν"; $DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Can the original document be overwritten when a user or trainer uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism."; $DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox space?"; $DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow trainers and users to upload documents to their dropbox without sending the documents to themselves"; $DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Dropbox: Εκπαιδευτής <-> Εκπαιδευτής"; $DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Allow users to send documents to other users (peer 2 peer). Users might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, tests solutions, ...). If you disable this then the users can send documents to the trainer only."; $DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Dropbox: Allow mailing"; $DropboxAllowMailingComment = "With the mailing functionality you can send each learner a personal document"; $PermissionsForNewDirs = "Δικαιώματα νέων φακέλων"; $PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions."; $UserListHasBeenExported = "The users list has been exported."; $ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Κατέβασμα αρχείου"; $administratorTelephoneTitle = "Διαχειριστής Πλατφόρμας: Τηλέφωνο"; $administratorTelephoneComment = "Ο τηλεφωνικός αριθμός του διαχειριστή της Πλατφόρμας"; $SendMailToNewUser = "Αποστολή mail στο νέο χρήστη"; $ExtendedProfileTitle = "Εκτεταμένο προφίλ"; $ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to 'True', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: 'My competences', 'My diplomas', 'What I am able to teach' and 'My personal open area'"; $Classes = "Tάξεις"; $UserUnsubscribed = "Ο χρήστης δεν είναι πλέον εγγεγραμένος"; $CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "Ο χρήστης δεν μπορεί να ακυρώση την εγγραφή επειδή είναι ένας από τους εκπαιδευτικούς"; $InvalidStartDate = "Δεν δόθηκε έγγυρη ημερ. έναρξης"; $InvalidEndDate = "Δεν δόθηκε έγγυρη ημερ. λήξης"; $DateFormatLabel = "(y/m/d h:m)"; $HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Homepage-files are not writable!"; $PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Please give a notice text"; $PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Please give a notice title"; $PleaseEnterLinkName = "Plese give a link name"; $InsertThisLink = "Εισαγωγή συνδέσμου"; $FirstPlace = "Στην αρχή"; $After = "μετά"; $DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Dropbox: άδεια στην ομάδα"; $DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Οι χρήστες μπορούν να στέλνουν αρχεία στις ομάδες"; $ClassDeleted = "Η τάξη διαγράφηκε"; $ClassesDeleted = "Οι τάξεις διαγράφηκαν"; $NoUsersInClass = "Δεν υπάρχουν χρήστες στην τάξη"; $UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected course"; $InvalidTitle = "Εισάγετε τίτλο"; $CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "Η κατηγορία (κωδικός) χρησιμοποιείται ήδη"; $PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Εισάγεται κωδικό και όνομα κατηγορίας"; $DokeosHomepage = "Chamilo website"; $DokeosForum = "Forum κοινότητας"; $RegisterYourPortal = "Καταχώρηση της πλαρφόρμα σας"; $DokeosExtensions = "Extensions κοινότητας"; $ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Display training navigation menu"; $ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that quickens access to the tools"; $LoginAs = "Είσοδος ως"; $ImportClassListCSV = "Import class list via CSV"; $ShowOnlineWorld = "Display number of users online on the login page (visible for the world)"; $ShowOnlineUsers = "Display number of users online all pages (visible for the persons who are logged in)"; $ShowOnlineCourse = "Display number of users online in this course"; $ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?"; $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus στα δεξιά"; $SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus στην τοποθεσία"; $ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected training"; $ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected training"; $RoleId = "ID Ρόλου"; $RoleName = "Όνομα Ρόλου"; $RoleType = "Τύπος"; $RightValueModified = "The value has been modified."; $MakeAvailable = "Σε Διάθεση"; $MakeUnavailable = "Χωρίς Διάθεση"; $Stylesheets = "Style sheets"; $DefaultDokeosStyle = "Προεπιλεγμένο στυλ Chamilo"; $ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Should the navigation menu show the different tool icons?"; $Plugin = "Plugins"; $MainMenu = "Βασικό μενού"; $MainMenuLogged = "Βασικό μενού με το login"; $Banner = "Banner"; $ImageResizeTitle = "Resize uploaded user images"; $ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the GD library. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored."; $MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maximum user image width"; $MaxImageWidthComment = "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload."; $MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maximum user image height"; $MaxImageHeightComment = "Maximum height in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload."; $YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Η έκδοσή σας ΔΕΝ είναι ενημερωμένη"; $YourVersionIs = "Η έκδοσή σας είναι"; $PleaseVisitDokeos = "Παρακαλούμε επισκεφθείτε το website του Chamilo"; $VersionUpToDate = "Η έκδοσή σας είναι ενημερωμένη"; $ConnectSocketError = "Socket Connection Error"; $SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Socket connections are disabled"; $ShowEmailAddresses = "Εμφάνιση διευθύνσεων email"; $ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Εμφάνιση διευθύνσεων email στους χρήστες"; $LatestVersionIs = "The latest version is"; $langConfigureExtensions = "Chamilo PRO"; $langActiveExtensions = "Ενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας"; $langVisioconf = "Chamilo LIVE"; $langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo LIVE is a videoconferencing tool that offers: Slides sharing, whiteboard to draw and write on top of slides, audio/video duplex and chat. It requires Flash® player 9+ and offers 2 modes : one to many and many to many."; $langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID"; $langPpt2lpDescription = "Chamilo RAPID is a Rapid Learning tool available in Chamilo Pro and Chamilo Medical. It allows you to convert Powerpoint presentations and their Openoffice equivalents to SCORM-compliant e-courses. After the conversion, you end up in the Courses authoring tool and are able to add audio comments on slides and pages, tests and activities between the slides or pages and interaction activities like forum discussions or assigment upload. Every step becomes an independent and removable learning object. And the whole course generates accurate SCORM reporting for further coaching."; $langBandWidthStatistics = "Στατιστικά Bandwidth"; $langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG allow you to consult advanced statistics about the state of the server on the last 24 hours."; $ServerStatistics = "Στατιστικά Server"; $langServerStatisticsDescription = "Μπορείτε να συμβουλευτείτε το AWStats για στατιστικά της πλατφόρμα σας: επισκέπτες, προβολές σελίδων, αναφορές..."; $SearchEngine = "Μηχανή αναζήτησης στο πλήρες κείμενο"; $langSearchEngineDescription = "Η μηχανή αναζήτησης στο πλήρες κείμενο, σας επιτρέπει αναζήτηση λέξεων σε ολόκληρη τη πλατφόρμα. Η καθημερινή καταχώρηση σε ευρετήριο των περιεχομένων, κατοχυρώνει την ποιότητα των αποτελεσμάτων."; $langListSession = "Λίστα συνεδριών"; $AddSession = "Προσθήκη Περιόδου"; $langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Εισαγωγή συνεδριών από XML/CSV format"; $ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Εξαγωγή συνεδριών σε XML/CSV format"; $SessionName = "Όνομα περιόδου"; $langNbCourses = "Μαθήματα"; $DateStart = "Ημερομηνία έναρξης"; $DateEnd = "Ημερομηνία λήξης"; $CoachName = "Όνομα υπευθύνου"; $SessionList = "Λίστα περιόδων"; $SessionNameIsRequired = "Πρέπει να δώσετε ένα όνομα σ' αυτή τη περίοδο"; $NextStep = "Επόμενο βήμα"; $keyword = "Λέξη-κλειδί"; $Confirm = "Επιβεβαίωση"; $UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Ακύρωση εγγραφής χρηστών από το μάθημα"; $MissingClassName = "Δεν υπάρχει το όνομα της τάξης"; $ClassNameExists = "Το όνομα της τάξης υπάρχει"; $ImportCSVFileLocation = "Τοποθεσία του CVS αρχείου για εισαγωγή"; $ClassesCreated = "Οι τάξεις δημιουργήθηκαν"; $ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Παρουσιάστηκαν σφάλματα κατά την εισαγωγή του αρχείου"; $ServiceActivated = "Η υπηρεσία ενεργοποιήθηκε"; $ActivateExtension = "Ενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας"; $InvalidExtension = "Το extension δεν είναι έγκυρο"; $VersionCheckExplanation = "Για να ενεργοποιήσετε τον αυτόματο έλεγχο έκδοσης, πρέπει να έχετε εγγραφεί στο campus του chamilo.com. Οι πληροφορίες που συλλέγονται είναι μόνο για εσωτερική χρήση και μόνο συγκεντρωτικά δεδομένα θα είναι διαθέσιμα δημόσια (συνολικός αριθμός παραρτημάτων, συνολικός αριθμός μαθημάτων, συνολικός αριθμός μαθητών, κλπ) (δείτε τα στατιστικά). Μετά την εγγραφή σας θα εμφανίζεστε και στην (παγκόσμια λίστα). Αν δεν επιθυμείτε να εμφανίζεστε στη λίστα, πρέπει να επιλέξετε την επιλογή παρακάτω. Η εγγραφή είναι πολύ απλή, πατήστε μόνο αυτό το πλήκτρο:
"; $AfterApproval = "Μετά από έγκριση"; $StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Ενεργοποίηση όψης μαθητή"; $StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the learner view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a learner would see it"; $TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on Who Is Online"; $TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many minutes after his last action a user will be considered *online*"; $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on course creation"; $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course"; $AccountValidDurationTitle = "Εγγυρότητα λογαρισμού"; $AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation"; $UseSessionModeTitle = "Χρήση συνεδριών"; $UseSessionModeComment = "Training sessions give a different way of dealing with training, where training have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *training session*, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session."; $HomepageViewActivity = "Activity view (default)"; $HomepageView2column = "Όψη 2 στηλών"; $HomepageView3column = "Όψη 3 στηλών"; $AllowUserHeadings = "Can a teacher define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?"; $IconsOnly = "Μόνο εικονίδια"; $TextOnly = "Μόνο κείμενο"; $IconsText = "Εικονίδια και κείμενο"; $EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Enable tool introduction"; $EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Enable introductions on each tool's homepage"; $BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Course homepage breadcrumb"; $BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses' homepages"; $Comment = "Σχόλιο"; $Version = "Η έκδοσή σας είναι ενημερωμένη"; $LoginPageMainArea = "Login page main area"; $LoginPageMenu = "Login page menu"; $CampusHomepageMainArea = "Portal homepage main area"; $CampusHomepageMenu = "Portal homepage menu"; $MyCoursesMainArea = "Courses main area"; $MyCoursesMenu = "Courses menu"; $Header = "Κεφαλίδα"; $Footer = "Υποσέλιδο"; $PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Public pages compliance to WAI"; $PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal's public pages might appear differently."; $VersionCheck = "Έλεγχος έκδοσης"; $Active = "Ενεργός"; $Inactive = "Ανενεργός"; $SessionOverview = "Περίληψη περιόδου"; $SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Add user in the training only if not yet in"; $UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Remove user from training if his name is not in the list"; $DeleteSelectedSessions = "Διαγραφή επιλεγμένων συνεδριών"; $CourseListInSession = "Μαθήματα στην συνεδρία"; $UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected courses from this session"; $NbUsers = "Χρήστες"; $SubscribeUsersToSession = "Εγγραφή χρηστών στην περίοδο"; $UserListInPlatform = "Portal users list"; $UserListInSession = "List of users registered in this session"; $CourseListInPlatform = "Λίστα μαθημάτων"; $Host = "Host"; $UserOnHost = "Login"; $FtpPassword = "FTP password"; $PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files"; $WCAGContent = "Κείμενο"; $SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Add courses to this session"; $DateStartSession = "Ημερ. έναρξης"; $DateEndSession = "Ημερ. λήξης"; $EditSession = "Επεξεργασία περιόδου"; $VideoConferenceUrl = "Path to live conferencing"; $VideoClassroomUrl = "Path to classroom live conferencing"; $ReconfigureExtension = "Επαναρύθμιση extension"; $ServiceReconfigured = "Service reconfigured"; $ChooseNewsLanguage = "Επιλογή γλώσσας νέων"; $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Συνολικός χρόνος στο μάθημα"; $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a course. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To disable this option, let the default value 0 in the field."; $EditLink = "Επεξεργασία συνδέσμου"; $FinishSessionCreation = "Finish session creation"; $VisioRTMPPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol port"; $SessionNameAlreadyExists = "Session name already exists"; $NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "No classes have been created"; $ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "This field should be numeric"; $UserLocked = "Κλειδωμένος χρήστης"; $UserUnlocked = "Ξεκλείδωτος χρήστης"; $CannotDeleteUser = "Δεν μπορείτε να διαγράψετε τον χρήστη"; $SelectedUsersDeleted = "Επιλογή χρηστών προς διαγραφή"; $SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Μερικοί χρήστες δεν διαγράφηκαν"; $ExternalAuthentication = "Εξωτερική πιστοποίηση"; $RegistrationDate = "Ημερομηνία εγγραφής"; $UserUpdated = "Ο χρήστης ενημερώθηκε"; $HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Τα αρχεία της αρχικής σελίδας δεν είναι αναγνώσιμα"; $Choose = "Επιλογή γλώσσας νέων"; $ModifySessionCourse = "Επεξεργασία περιόδου μαθήματος"; $CourseSessionList = "Μαθήματα στην περίδο"; $SelectACoach = "Επιλογή υπευθύνου"; $UserNameUsedTwice = "Το Login χρησιμοποιείται 2η φορά"; $UserNameNotAvailable = "Το login δεν είναι διαθέσιμο"; $UserNameTooLong = "Το login είναι πολύ μεγάλο"; $WrongStatus = "Λάθος κατάσταση"; $ClassNameNotAvailable = "Το όνομα της τάξης δεν είναι διαθέσιμο"; $FileImported = "Το αρχείο εισήχθει"; $WhichSessionToExport = "Επιλογή περιόδου προς εξαγωγή"; $AllSessions = "Όλες οι συνεδρίες"; $CodeDoesNotExists = "Δεν υπάρχει ο κωδικός"; $UnknownUser = "Άγνωστος χρήστης"; $UnknownStatus = "Άγνωστη κατάσταση"; $SessionDeleted = "Η περίοδος έχει διαγραφεί"; $CourseDoesNotExist = "Το μάθημα δεν υπάρχει"; $UserDoesNotExist = "Δεν υπάρχει ο χρήστης"; $ButProblemsOccured = "αλλά υπήρξαν προβλήματα"; $UsernameTooLongWasCut = "Έχει απαγορευτεί η είσοδος στο login"; $NoInputFile = "Δεν απεστάλει κανένα αρχείο"; $StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "Learner status has been given to"; $WrongDate = "Λάθος format ημερομηνίας (εεεε-μμ-ηη)"; $ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "Αυτό είναι ένα αυτόματο μήνυμα email. Παρακαλούμε μην απαντάτε σε αυτό."; $YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "Σύντομα θα λάβετε e-mail από τον εκπαιδευτή σας"; $SlideSize = "Μέγεθος των slides"; $EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiarism prevention"; $CourseTeachers = "Εκπαιδευτικοί"; $UnknownTeacher = "Άγνωστος εκπαιδευτικός"; $HideDLTTMarkup = "Να κρύβονται τα [= ... =] όταν μια μεταβλητή γλώσσας δεν είναι μεταφρασμένη"; $ListOfCoursesOfSession = "Λίστα μαθημάτων στην περίοδο"; $UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Αναίρεση εγγραφής των επιλεγμένων χρηστών από την περίοδο"; $ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each course is in, next to the course title, on the homepage courses list"; $ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of courses on the homepage, even if they're empty"; $ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show the categories of courses on the homepage, even if they're empty"; $XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid"; $ForTheSession = "για την συνεδρία"; $AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Online e-mail editor enabled"; $AllowEmailEditorComment = "If this option is activated, clicking on an e-mail address will open an online mail editor."; $AddCSVHeader = "Add the CSV header line?"; $YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV header
This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Chamilo portal"; $ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "List of users subscribed to course"; $NumberOfCourses = "Μαθήματα"; $ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Show the language each course is in, next to the course title, on the homepage courses list"; $VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol tunnel port"; $name = "Όνομα"; $Security = "Ασφάλεια"; $UploadExtensionsListType = "Type of filtering on document uploads"; $UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Whether you want to use the blacklist or whitelist filtering. See blacklist or whitelist description below for more details."; $Blacklist = "Blacklist"; $Whitelist = "Whitelist"; $UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Blacklist - setting"; $UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Whitelist - setting"; $UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "The blacklist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension figures in the blacklist below. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter."; $UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter."; $UploadExtensionsSkip = "Filtering behaviour (skip/rename)"; $UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "If you choose to skip, the files filtered through the blacklist or whitelist will not be uploaded to the system. If you choose to rename them, their extension will be replaced by the one defined in the extension replacement setting. Beware that renaming doesn't really protect you, and may cause name collision if several files of the same name but different extensions exist."; $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Replacement extension"; $UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement."; $Remove = "Αφαίρεση"; $Rename = "Μετονομασία"; $ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Show the number of courses in each category in the courses categories on the homepage"; $EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Chamilo.
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWith Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Chamilo-integration modules."; $EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "Leaders in 
anti plagiarism
\t\t\t\t"; $EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices\t\t\t"; $NameOfTheSession = "Όνομα περιόδου"; $NoSessionsForThisUser = "Ο χρήστης δεν έχει κάνει εγγραφή σε περίοδο"; $DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Display categories on home page"; $DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page"; $ShowTabsTitle = "Tabs in the header"; $ShowTabsComment = "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my training page if these need to appear"; $DefaultForumViewTitle = "Default forum view"; $DefaultForumViewComment = "What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any trainer can however choose a different view for every individual forum"; $TabsMyCourses = "Καρτέλα μαθημάτων"; $TabsCampusHomepage = "Portal homepage tab"; $TabsReporting = "Καρτέλα αναφορών"; $TabsPlatformAdministration = "Καρτέλα διαχειριστή πλατφόρμας"; $NoCoursesForThisSession = "Δεν υπάρχουν μαθήματα σε αυτή την περίοδο"; $NoUsersForThisSession = "No Users for this session"; $LastNameMandatory = "The last name cannot be empty"; $FirstNameMandatory = "The first name cannot be empty"; $EmailMandatory = "The email cannot be empty"; $TabsMyAgenda = "Agenda tab"; $NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "The notice will be not displayed on the homepage"; $LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Let those fields empty to hide the notice"; $Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server's parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page."; $PlatformCharsetTitle = "Character set"; $PlatformCharsetComment = "The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Chamilo. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all english, latin and west-european characters, the default UTF-8 should be alright."; $ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Extended profile fields in registration"; $ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "Which of the following fields of the extended profile have to be available in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated (see above)."; $ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Required extended profile fields in registration"; $ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "Which of the following fields of the extende profile are required in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated and that the field is also available in the registration form (see above)."; $NoReplyEmailAddress = "No-reply e-mail address"; $NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "This is the e-mail address to be used when an e-mail has to be sent specifically requesting that no answer be sent in return. Generally, this e-mail address should be configured on your server to drop/ignore any incoming e-mail."; $SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Survey e-mail sender (no-reply)"; $SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "Should the survey invitations use the coach email address or the no-reply address defined in the main configuration section?"; $CourseCoachEmailSender = "Coach email address"; $NoReplyEmailSender = "No-reply e-mail address"; $Flat = "Flat"; $Threaded = "Threaded"; $Nested = "Nested"; $OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "Enable the OpenID URL-based authentication (displays an additional login form on the homepage)"; $VersionCheckEnabled = "Version check enabled"; $InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "The main/install directory of your Chamilo system is still accessible to web users. This might represent a security threat for your installation. We recommend that you remove this directory or that you change its permissions so web users cannot use the scripts it contains."; $GradebookActivation = "Assessments tool activation"; $GradebookActivationComment = "The Assessments tool allows you to assess competences in your organization by merging classroom and online activities evaluations into Performance reports. Do you want to activate it?"; $UserTheme = "Theme (stylesheet)"; $UserThemeSelection = "User theme selection"; $UserThemeSelectionComment = "Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Chamilo for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over user-defined themes."; $AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value directive"; $VisioHost = "Οικοδεσπότης βιντεοδιάσκεψης"; $VisioPort = "Videoconference streaming server port"; $VisioPassword = "Videoconference streaming server password"; $Port = "Θύρα"; $EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Click here for a demo account"; $ManageUserFields = "Profiling"; $UserFields = "Profile attributes"; $AddUserField = "Add profile field"; $FieldLabel = "Ετικέτα πεδίου"; $FieldType = "Τύπος πεδίου"; $FieldTitle = "Τίτλος πεδίου"; $FieldDefaultValue = "Προεπιλεγμένη τιμή"; $FieldOrder = "Σειρά"; $FieldVisibility = "Ορατό;"; $FieldChangeability = "Μπορεί να τροποποιηθεί"; $FieldTypeText = "Κείμενο"; $FieldTypeTextarea = "Περιοχή κειμένου"; $FieldTypeRadio = "Αποκλειστικά κουμπιά"; $FieldTypeSelect = "Select drop-down"; $FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Multiple selection drop-down"; $FieldAdded = "Field succesfully added"; $GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Grades thresholds colouring"; $GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Tick the box to enable marks thresholds"; $TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Enable marks thresholds"; $GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Competence levels labelling"; $GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Tick the box to enable Competence levels labelling"; $TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Enable Competence level labelling"; $GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Threshold"; $GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "The threshold (in %) under which scores will be colored red"; $GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Display score upper limit"; $GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Tick the box to show the score's upper limit"; $TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Enable score's upper limit display"; $AddUserFields = "Add profile field"; $FieldPossibleValues = "Πιθανές τιμές"; $FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Only given for repetitive fields, split by semi-column (;)"; $FieldTypeDate = "Ημερομηνία"; $FieldTypeDatetime = "Ημερομηνία και ώρα"; $UserFieldsAddHelp = "Adding a user field is very easy:
- pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,
- select a type,
- pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated to any language),
- if you picked a multiple type (radio, select, multiple select), provide the possible choices (again, it can make use of the language variables defined in Chamilo), split by semi-column characters,
- for text types, you can choose a default value.

Once you're done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless."; $AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Να επιτρέπονται θεμ. παραλλαγές στα μαθήματα"; $AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows course graphical themes and makes it possible to change the style sheet used by a course to any of the possible style sheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the course, the style sheet of the course will have priority over the user's own style sheet and the platform's default style sheet."; $DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool"; $DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool"; $DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool"; $DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "This setting enables or disables the upcoming events that appears in the left column of the agenda tool of the course"; $NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Number of upcoming events that have to be displayed."; $NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "The number of upcoming events that have to be displayed in the agenda. This requires that the upcoming event functionlity is activated (see setting above)."; $ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Display closed courses on login page and portal start page?"; $ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Display closed courses on the login page and courses start page? On the portal start page an icon will appear next to the courses to quickly subscribe to each courses. This will only appear on the portal's start page when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet."; $LDAPConnectionError = "LDAP Connection Error"; $LDAP = "LDAP Connection Error"; $LDAPEnableTitle = "Enable LDAP"; $LDAPEnableComment = "If you have an LDAP server, you will have to configure its settings below and modify your configuration file as described in the installation guide, and then activate it. This will allow users to authenticate using their LDAP logins. If you don't know what LDAP is, please leave it disabled"; $LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "Main LDAP server address"; $LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "The IP address or url of your main LDAP server."; $LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Main LDAP server's port."; $LDAPMainServerPortComment = "The port on which the main LDAP server will respond (usually 389). This is a mandatory setting."; $LDAPDomainTitle = "LDAP domain"; $LDAPDomainComment = "This is the LDAP domain (dc) that will be used to find the contacts on the LDAP server. For example: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz"; $LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "Replicate server address"; $LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "When the main server is not available, this server will be accessed. Leave blank or use the same value as the main server if you don't have a replicate server."; $LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Replicate server's port"; $LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "The port on which the replicate server will respond."; $LDAPSearchTermTitle = "Αναζήτηση όρου"; $LDAPSearchTermComment = "This term will be used to filter the search for contacts on the LDAP server. If you are unsure what to put in here, please refer to your LDAP server's documentation and configuration."; $LDAPVersionTitle = "LDAP version"; $LDAPVersionComment = "Please select the version of the LDAP server you want to use. Using the right version depends on your LDAP server's configuration."; $LDAPVersion2 = "LDAP 2"; $LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3"; $LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Tutor identification field"; $LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "A check will be done on this LDAP contact field on new users insertion. If this field is not empty, the user will be considered as a tutor and inserted in Chamilo as such. If you want all your users to be recognised as simple users, leave this field empty. You can modify this behaviour by changing the code. Please read the installation guide for more information."; $LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Authentication login"; $LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user login that should be used. Do not include \"cn=\". Leave empty for anonymous access."; $LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Authentication password"; $LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user password that should be used."; $LDAPImport = "LDAP Import"; $EmailNotifySubscription = "Notify subscribed users by e-mail"; $DontUncheck = "Do not uncheck"; $AllSlashNone = "Όλα/Κανένα"; $LDAPImportUsersSteps = "LDAP Import: Users/Steps"; $EnterStepToAddToYourSession = "Enter step to add to your session"; $ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearDepartmentAndStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the department and the step"; $FollowEachOfTheseStepsStepByStep = "Ακολούθησε καθένα από αυτά τα βήματα, βήμα προς βήμα"; $RegistrationYearExample = "Registration year. Example: %s for academic year %s-%s"; $SelectDepartment = "Επιλογή τμήματος"; $RegistrationYear = "Registration year. Example: %s for academic year %s-%s"; $SelectStepAcademicYear = "Select step (academic year)"; $ErrorExistingStep = "Error: this step already exists"; $ErrorStepNotFoundOnLDAP = "Error: step not found on LDAP server"; $StepDeletedSuccessfully = "Step deleted successfully"; $StepUsersDeletedSuccessfully = "Step users removed successfully"; $NoStepForThisSession = "No LOs in this session"; $DeleteStepUsers = "Remove users from step"; $ImportStudentsOfAllSteps = "Import learners of all steps"; $ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "Import LDAP users into the platform"; $NoUserInThisSession = "No user in this session"; $SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "Subscribe some users to this session"; $EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "Enter the learners you would like to register to your course"; $ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the component and the component's step"; $SelectComponent = "Select component"; $Component = "Στοιχείο"; $SelectStudents = "Επιλογή εκπαιδευτών"; $LDAPUsersAdded = "Προστέθηκαν LDAP χρήστες"; $NoUserAdded = "Δεν προστέθηκε κανείς χρήστης"; $ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "Εισαγωγή LDAP χρηστών στο μάθημα"; $ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "Import LDAP users and a step into a session"; $LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "LDAP synchro: Import learners/steps into course sessions"; $TabsMyGradebook = "Καρτέλα αξιολογήσεων"; $LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "LDAP users added or updated"; $SearchLDAPUsers = "Αναζήτηση για χρήστες LDAP"; $SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "Select a course in which you would like to register the users you are going to select next"; $ImportLDAPUsersIntoSession = "Import LDAP users into a session"; $LDAPSelectFilterOnUsersOU = "Select a filter to find a matching string at the end of the OU attribute"; $LDAPOUAttributeFilter = "The OU attribute filter"; $SelectSessionToImportUsersTo = "Select the session in which you want to import these users"; $VisioUseRtmptTitle = "Use the rtmpt protocol"; $VisioUseRtmptComment = "The rtmpt protocol allows access to the videoconference from behind a firewall, by redirecting the communications on port 80. This, however, will slow down the streaming, so it is recommended not to use it unless necessary."; $UploadNewStylesheet = "New stylesheet file"; $NameStylesheet = "Name of the stylesheet"; $StylesheetAdded = "The stylesheet has been added"; $LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle = "Tutor identification value"; $LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment = "When a check is done on the tutor field given above, this value has to be inside one of the tutor fields sub-elements for the user to be considered as a trainer. If you leave this field blank, the only condition is that the field exists for this LDAP user to be considered as a trainer. As an example, the field could be \"memberof\" and the value to search for could be \"CN=G_TRAINER,OU=Trainer\"."; $IsNotWritable = "is not writeable"; $FieldMovedDown = "The field is successfully moved down"; $CannotMoveField = "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του πεδίου"; $FieldMovedUp = "The field is successfully moved up."; $FieldShown = "Το πεδίο είναι τώρα ορατό για τον χρήστη"; $CannotShowField = "Cannot make the field visible."; $FieldHidden = "Το πεδίο είναι τώρα αόρατο για τον χρήστη"; $CannotHideField = "Cannot make the field invisible"; $FieldMadeChangeable = "The field is now changeable by the user: the user can now fill or edit the field"; $CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "The field can not be made changeable."; $FieldMadeUnchangeable = "The field is now made unchangeable: the user cannot fill or edit the field."; $CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "The field cannot be made unchangeable"; $FieldDeleted = "Το πεδίο έχει διαγραφεί"; $CannotDeleteField = "Το πεδίο δεν μπορεί να διαγραφεί"; $AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Register users by Coach"; $AddUsersByCoachComment = "Coach users may create users to the platform and subscribe users to a session."; $UserFieldsSortOptions = "Sort the options of the profiling fields"; $FieldOptionMovedUp = "The option has been moved up."; $CannotMoveFieldOption = "Cannot move the option."; $FieldOptionMovedDown = "The option has been moved down."; $DefineSessionOptions = "Ορισμός χρόνος πρόσβασης υπευθύνου"; $DaysBefore = "μέρες πριν ξεκινήσει η περίοδος"; $DaysAfter = "μέρες μετά"; $SessionAddTypeUnique = "Απλή εγγραφή"; $SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Πολλαπλή εγγραφή"; $EnableSearchTitle = "Full-text search feature"; $EnableSearchComment = "Select \"Yes\" to enable this feature. It is highly dependent on the Xapian extension for PHP, so this will not work if this extension is not installed on your server, in version 1.x at minimum."; $SearchASession = "Find a training session"; $ActiveSession = "Ενεργή συνεδρία"; $AddUrl = "Προσθήκη συνδέσμου"; $ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Εμφάνιση υπευθύνου περιόδου"; $ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the training list"; $ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Extend rights for coach"; $ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Activate this option will give the coach the same permissions as the trainer on authoring tools"; $ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Activate this option will allow the coachs to create and edit surveys"; $ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Extend rights for coachs on surveys"; $CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "This user cannot be deleted because he is still teacher in a course. You can either remove his teacher status from these courses and then delete his account, or disable his account instead of deleting it."; $AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Allow non admin to create courses"; $AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Allow non administrators (teachers) to create new courses on the server"; $AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Allow learners to browse the courses catalogue and subscribe to available courses"; $YesWillDeletePermanently = "Yes (the files will be deleted permanently and will not be recoverable)"; $NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (the files will be deleted from the application but will be manually recoverable by your server administrator)"; $SelectAResponsible = "Επιλογή υπευθύνου"; $ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "No HR manager available"; $AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Learners access to courses catalogue"; $SharedSettingIconComment = "This is a shared setting"; $GlobalAgenda = "Καθολική αντζέντα"; $AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Advanced file manager in the WYSIWYG editor"; $AdvancedFileManagerComment = "Enable advanced file manager for WYSIWYG editor? This will add a considerable amount of additional options to the file manager that opens in a pop-up window when uploading files to the server, but might be a little more complicated to use for the final user."; $ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Average progress in courses"; $MultipleAccessURLs = "Multiple access URL / Branding"; $SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "Full-text search: show unlinked results"; $SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "When showing the results of a full-text search, what should be done with the results that are not accessible to the current user?"; $SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "Να μην εμφανιστούν"; $SearchShowUnlinkedResults = "Full-text search: show unlinked results"; $Templates = "Templates"; $HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Να μην εμφανίζεται η πλατφόρμα μου στις πλατφόρμες που εμφανίζει το Chamilo"; $EnableVersionCheck = "Ενεργοποίηση ελέγχου έκδοσης"; $AllowMessageToolTitle = "Εσωτερικό εργαλείο μηνυμάτων"; $AllowReservationTitle = "Κρατήσεις"; $AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your training (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu."; $ConfigureResourceType = "Configure"; $ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configure multiple access URL"; $URLAdded = "The URL has been added"; $URLAlreadyAdded = "This URL already exists, please select another URL"; $AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Are you sure you want to set this language as the portal's default?"; $CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Current portal's language"; $EditUsersToURL = "Edit users and URLs"; $AddUsersToURL = "Add users to an URL"; $URLList = "URL list"; $AddToThatURL = "Add users to that URL"; $SelectUrl = "Select a URL"; $UserListInURL = "Users subscribed to this URL"; $UsersWereEdited = "The user accounts have been updated"; $AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "You must select at least one user and one URL"; $UsersBelongURL = "The user accounts are now attached to the URL"; $LPTestScore = "Σκορ Ομάδας"; $ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Average of tests in learning paths"; $ImportUsersToACourse = "Εισαγωγή λίστας χρηστών"; $ImportCourses = "Εισαγωγή λίστας μαθημάτων"; $ManageUsers = "Διαχείριση χρηστών"; $ManageCourses = "Διαχείριση μαθημάτων"; $UserListIn = "Λίστα χρηστών του Portal"; $URLInactive = "The URL has been disabled"; $URLActive = "The URL has been enabled"; $EditUsers = "Edit users and URLs"; $EditCourses = "Επεξεργασία μαθημάτων"; $CourseListIn = "Μαθήματα στην συνεδρία"; $AddCoursesToURL = "Add courses to an URL"; $EditCoursesToURL = "Edit courses of an URL"; $AddCoursesToThatURL = "Add courses to that URL"; $EnablePlugins = "Enable the selected plugins"; $AtLeastOneCourseAndOneURL = "At least one course and one URL"; $ClickToRegisterAdmin = "Click here to register the admin into all sites"; $AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "Admin user should be registered here"; $URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "URL not configured yet, please add this URL :"; $AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Admin user assigned to this URL"; $CoursesWereEdited = "Courses updated successfully"; $URLEdited = "The URL has been edited"; $AddSessionToURL = "Add session to an URL"; $FirstLetterSession = "Session title's first letter"; $EditSessionToURL = "Επεξεργασία περιόδου"; $AddSessionsToThatURL = "Προσθήκη περιόδων σε αυτό το URL"; $SessionBelongURL = "Sessions were edited"; $ManageSessions = "Διαχείριση περιόδων"; $AllowMessageToolComment = "Enabling the internal messaging tool allows users to send messages to other users of the platform and to have a messaging inbox."; $AllowSocialToolTitle = "Social network tool (Facebook-like)"; $AllowSocialToolComment = "The social network tool allows users to define relations with other users and, by doing so, to define groups of friends. Combined with the internal messaging tool, this tool allows tight communication with friends, inside the portal environment."; $SetLanguageAsDefault = "Set language as default"; $FieldFilter = "Φίλτρο"; $FilterOn = "Φίλτρο ενεργό"; $FilterOff = "Φίλτρο ανενεργό"; $FieldFilterSetOn = "You can now use this field as a filter"; $FieldFilterSetOff = "You can't use this field as a filter"; $buttonAddUserField = "Add user field"; $UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code"; $TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "The following courses already use this code"; $UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code"; $UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been unsubscribed from the following courses because several courses share the same visual code"; $FilterUsers = "Filter users"; $SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Several courses were subscribed to the session because of a duplicate course code"; $CoachIsRequired = "You must select a coach"; $EncryptMethodUserPass = "Encryption method"; $AddTemplate = "Add a template"; $TemplateImageComment100x70 = "This image will represent the template in the templates list. It should be no larger than 100x70 pixels"; $TemplateAdded = "Template added"; $TemplateDeleted = "Template deleted"; $EditTemplate = "Template edition"; $FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "The users that were not registered on the platform have been imported"; $YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "You must import a file corresponding to the selected format"; $ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Show teacher or tutor's e-mail address in the footer"; $ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Show trainer or tutor's e-mail in footer ?"; $Created = "Δημιουργήθηκε"; $AddSystemAnnouncement = "Προσθήκη ανακοίνωσης συστήματος"; $EditSystemAnnouncement = "Επεξεργασία ανακοίνωσης συστήματος"; $LPProgressScore = "% of learning objects visited"; $TotalTimeByCourse = "Συνολικός χρόνος στο μάθημα"; $LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Last time learner entered the course"; $AnnouncementAvailable = "The announcement is available"; $AnnouncementNotAvailable = "The announcement is not available"; $Searching = "Αναζήτηση"; $AddLDAPUsers = "Add LDAP users"; $Academica = "Academica"; $AddNews = "Προσθήκη νέων"; $SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Failed to open the search database"; $SearchDatabaseVersionError = "The search database uses an unsupported format"; $SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "The search database has been modified/broken"; $SearchDatabaseLockError = "Failed to lock the search database"; $SearchDatabaseCreateError = "Failed to create the search database"; $SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "The search database has suffered corruption"; $SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Connection timed out while communicating with the remote search database"; $SearchOtherXapianError = "Error in search engine"; $FieldRemoved = "Field removed"; $TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "The new sub-language has been added"; $DeleteSubLanguage = "Delete sub-language"; $CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Create a sub-language for this language"; $DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Delete this sub-language"; $CreateSubLanguage = "Create a sub-language for this language"; $RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Define new terms for this sub-language"; $AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Sub-language terms"; $LoadLanguageFile = "Load language file"; $AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Allow definition and use of sub-languages"; $AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform's interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You'll find this option in the languages section of the administration panel."; $AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Add terms to the sub-language"; $TemplateEdited = "Template edited"; $SubLanguage = "Sub-language"; $LanguageIsNowVisible = "The language has been made visible and can now be used throughout the platform."; $LanguageIsNowHidden = "The language has been hidden. It will not be possible to use it until it becomes visible again."; $LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The /main/lang directory, used on this portal to store the languages, is not writable. Please contact your platform administrator and report this message."; $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Show glossary terms in documents"; $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "From here you can configure how to add links to the glossary terms from the documents"; $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatic: adds links to all defined glossary terms found in the document"; $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual: shows a glossary icon in the online editor, so you can mark the terms that are in the glossary and that you want to link"; $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None: doesn't add any glossary terms to the documents"; $LanguageVariable = "Language variable"; $ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "To export a document that has glossary terms with its references to the glossary, you have to make sure you include the glossary tool in the export"; $ShowTutorDataTitle = "Session's tutor's data is shown in the footer."; $ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the session's tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?"; $ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Show teacher information in footer"; $ShowTeacherDataComment = "Show the teacher reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?"; $TermsAndConditions = "Terms and conditions"; $HTMLText = "HTML"; $PageLink = "Page Link"; $DisplayTermsConditions = "Display a Terms & Conditions statement on the registration page, require visitor to accept the T&C to register."; $AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Enable terms and conditions"; $AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "This option will display the Terms and Conditions in the register form for new users. Need to be configured first in the portal administration page."; $Load = "Load language file"; $AllVersions = "All versions"; $EditTermsAndConditions = "Edit terms and conditions"; $Changes = "Τροποποιήσεις"; $ExplainChanges = "Explain changes"; $TermAndConditionNotSaved = "Term and condition not saved"; $TheSubLanguageHasBeenRemoved = "The sub language has been removed"; $AddTermsAndConditions = "Add terms and conditions"; $TermAndConditionSaved = "Term and condition saved"; $Visibility = "Ορατότητα"; $SessionCategory = "Κατηγορίες συνεδριών"; $ListSessionCategory = "Λίστα κατηγοριών συνεδριών"; $AddSessionCategory = "Προσθήκη κατηγορίας"; $SessionCategoryName = "Όνομα κατηγορίας"; $EditSessionCategory = "Επεξεργασία κατηγορίας περιόδου"; $SessionCategoryAdded = "Η κατηγορία προστέθηκε"; $SessionCategoryUpdate = "Η κατηγορία ενημερώθηκε"; $SessionCategoryDelete = "The selected categories have been deleted"; $SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Please give a name to the sessions category"; $ThereIsNotStillASession = "There are no sessions available"; $SelectASession = "Επιλογή περιόδου"; $OriginCoursesFromSession = "Μαθήματα από την αρχική περίοδο"; $DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Μαθήματα από την περίοδο προορισμού"; $CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Βοήθεια για την αντιγραφή μαθημάτων από περίοδο σε περίοδο"; $TypeOfCopy = "Τύπος αντιγράφου"; $CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Αντιγραφή από μάθημα μιας περιόδου σε άλλη περίοδο"; $YouMustSelectACourseFromOriginalSession = "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε ένα μάθημα από την αρχική περίοδο"; $MaybeYouWantToDeleteThisUserFromSession = "Maybe you want to delete the user, instead of unsubscribing him from all courses...?"; $EditSessionCoursesByUser = "Επεξεργασία μαθημάτων περιόδου ανά χρήστη"; $CoursesUpdated = "Τα μαθήματα ενημερώθηκαν"; $CurrentCourses = "Τρέχοντα μαθήματα"; $CoursesToAvoid = "Μη προσβάσιμα μαθήματα"; $EditSessionCourses = "Επεξεργασία μαθημάτων περιόδου"; $SessionVisibility = "Ορατότητα μετά την καταληκτική ημερομηνία"; $BlockCoursesForThisUser = "Block user from courses in this session"; $LanguageFile = "Αρχείο γλώσσας"; $ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Show the courses descriptions in the catalog"; $ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Show the courses descriptions as an integrated popup when clicking on a course info icon in the courses catalog"; $StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "The stylesheet could not be added"; $AddSessionsInCategories = "Add sessions in categories"; $ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "It is recommended to install the imagick php extension for better performances in the resolution for generating the thumbnail images otherwise not show very well, if it is not install by default uses the php-gd extension."; $EditSpecificSearchField = "Edit specific search field"; $FieldName = "Όνομα πεδίου"; $SpecialExports = "Ειδικές εξαγωγές"; $SpecialCreateFullBackup = "Ειδική δημιουργία πλήρους backup"; $SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "Special let me select items"; $CreateBackup = "Δημιουργία backup"; $AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "Allow coaches to edit inside course sessions"; $AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "Allow coaches to edit inside course sessions"; $ShowSessionDataTitle = "Show session data title"; $ShowSessionDataComment = "Show session data comment"; $SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "Subscription sessions in the category"; $SessionListInPlatform = "List of session in the platform"; $SessionListInCategory = "List of sesiones in the categories"; $ToExportSpecialSelect = "If you want to export courses containing sessions, which will ensure that these seansido included in the export to any of that will have to choose in the list."; $ErrorMsgSpecialExport = "There were no courses registered or may not have made the association with the sessions"; $ConfigureInscription = "Διαχείριση της σελίδας εγγραφής"; $MsgErrorSessionCategory = "Select category and sessions"; $NumberOfSession = "Πλήθος περιόδων"; $DeleteSelectedSessionCategory = "Delete only the selected categories without sessions"; $DeleteSelectedFullSessionCategory = "Delete the selected categories to sessions"; $EditTopRegister = "Edit Note"; $InsertTabs = "Add Tabs"; $EditTabs = "Edit Tabs"; $YourGradebookFirstNeedsACertificateInOrderToBeLinkedToASkill = "Your gradebook first needs a certificate in order to be linked to a skill"; $PlatformUnsubscribeTitle = "Allow unsubscription from platform"; $PlatformUnsubscribeComment = "By enabling this option, you allow any user to definitively remove his own account and all data related to it from the platform. This is quite a radical action, but it is necessary for portals opened to the public where users can auto-register. An additional entry will appear in the user profile to unsubscribe after confirmation."; $BabyOrange = "Baby Orange"; $BlueLagoon = "Blue lagoon"; $CoolBlue = "Cool blue"; $Corporate = "Corporate"; $CosmicCampus = "Cosmic campus"; $DeliciousBordeaux = "Delicious Bordeaux"; $DokeosClassic2D = "Chamilo classic 2D"; $DokeosBlue = "Chamilo blue"; $EmpireGreen = "Empire green"; $FruityOrange = "Fruity orange"; $Medical = "Medical"; $RoyalPurple = "Royal purple"; $SilverLine = "Silver line"; $SoberBrown = "Sober brown"; $SteelGrey = "Steel grey"; $TastyOlive = "Tasty olive"; $ExportCourses = "Εξαγωγή λίστας μαθημάτων"; $IsAdministrator = "Is administrator"; $IsNotAdministrator = "Is not administrator"; $AddTimeLimit = "Add time limit"; $EditTimeLimit = "Edit time limit"; $TheTimeLimitsAreReferential = "The time limit of a category is referential, will not affect the boundaries of a training session"; $ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "Show the glossary terms in extra tools"; $ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "From here you can configure how to add the glossary terms in extra tools as learning path and exercice tool"; $FieldTypeTag = "User tag"; $SendEmailToAdminTitle = "Email alert, of creation a new course"; $SendEmailToAdminComment = "Send an email to the platform administrator, each time the teacher register a new course"; $UserTag = "User tag"; $SelectSession = "Select the session in which you want to import these users"; $GroupPermissions = "Group Permissions"; $SpecialCourse = "Special course"; $MathMimetexTitle = "mimeTEX mathematical editor"; $MathMimetexComment = "Enable mimeTeX mathematical editor. The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide."; $MathASCIImathMLTitle = "ASCIIMathML mathematical editor"; $MathASCIImathMLComment = "Enable ASCIIMathML mathematical editor"; $YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Allow learners to insert videos from YouTube"; $YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Enable the possibility that learners can insert Youtube videos"; $BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Block learners copy and paste"; $BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Block learners the ability to copy and paste into the WYSIWYG editor"; $MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Buttons bar extended"; $MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Enable button bars extended when the WYSIWYG editor is maximized"; $Editor = "Επεξεργαστής κειμένου HTML"; $GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Go directly to the course after login"; $GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "When a user is registered in one course, go directly to the course after login"; $GroupList = "Λίστα ομάδων"; $AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Allow learners to download directories"; $AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Allow learners to pack and download a complete directory from the document tool"; $AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Allow learners to create groups in social network"; $AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Allow learners to create groups in social network"; $AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Allow sending messages to any platform user"; $AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Allows you to send messages to any user of the platform, not just your friends or the people currently online."; $TabsSocial = "Καρτέλα κοινωνικού δικτύου"; $MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Max upload file size in messages"; $MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Maximum size for file uploads in the messaging tool (in Bytes)"; $AddAdditionalProfileField = "Add user profile field"; $Username = "Όνομα χρήστη"; $ChamiloHomepage = "Ιστοσελίδα Chamilo"; $ChamiloForum = "Chamilo forum"; $ChamiloExtensions = "Επεκτάσεις Chamilo"; $ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Impossible to contact the version server right now. Please try again later."; $ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Green"; $ChamiloRed = "Chamilo red"; $MessagesSent = "Πλήθος απεσταλμένων μηνυμάτων"; $MessagesReceived = "Πλήθος ληφθέντων μηνυμάτων"; $CountFriends = "Πλήθος επαφών"; $ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "This plugin has been deleted from the dashboard plugin directory"; $EnableDashboardPlugins = "Enable dashboard plugins"; $CoursesListInPlatform = "Λίστα μαθημάτων πλατφόρμας"; $AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourceManager = "Courses assigned to HR manager"; $AssignedCoursesTo = "Τα μαθήματα ανατέθηκαν στον χρήστη"; $AssignCoursesToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign courses to HR manager"; $TimezoneValueTitle = "Ζώνη Ώρας"; $TimezoneValueComment = "The timezone for this portal should be set to the same timezone as the organization's headquarter. If left empty, it will use the server's timezone.
If configured, all times on the system will be printed based on this timezone. This setting has a lower priority than the user's timezone, if enabled and selected by the user himself through his extended profile."; $UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Enable users timezones"; $UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Enable the possibility for users to select their own timezone. The timezone field should be set to visible and changeable in the Profiling menu in the administration section before users can choose their own. Once configured, users will be able to see assignment deadlines and other time references in their own timezone, which will reduce errors at delivery time."; $FieldTypeTimezone = "Ζώνη Ώρας"; $AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned sessions have been updated"; $AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned courses have been updated"; $AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned users have been updated"; $Lock = "Κλείδωμα"; $AssignUsersToX = "Assign users to %s"; $AssignUsersToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign users to Human Resources manager"; $AssignedUsersListToHumanResourcesManager = "List of users assigned to Human Resources manager"; $AssignCoursesToX = "Assign courses to %s"; $SessionsListInPlatform = "List of sessions on the platform"; $AssignSessionsToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign sessions to Human Resources manager"; $AssignedSessionsListToHumanResourcesManager = "List of sessions assigned to the Human Resources manager"; $SessionsInformation = "Αναφορά περιόδων"; $YourSessionsList = "Οι περίοδοί σας"; $TeachersInformationsList = "Αναφορά εκπαιδευτικών"; $YourTeachers = "Οι εκπαιδευτικοί σας"; $StudentsInformationsList = "Αναφορά μαθητών"; $YourStudents = "Οι μαθητές σας"; $GoToThematicAdvance = "Go to thematic advance"; $TeachersInformationsGraph = "Γράφημα αναφοράς εκπαιδευτικών"; $StudentsInformationsGraph = "Γράφημα αναφοράς μαθητών"; $Timezones = "Ζώνες ώρας"; $TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Time spent on the platform last week, by day"; $GraphicNotAvailable = "Το γράφημα δεν είναι διαθέσιμο"; $AttendancesFaults = "Απουσίες"; $Minutes = "Λεπτά"; $SystemStatus = "Κατάσταση συστήματος"; $IsWritable = "Με δυνατότητα εγγραφής"; $DirectoryExists = "Ο φάκελος υπάρχει"; $DirectoryMustBeWritable = "Ο φάκελος πρέπει να είναι εγγράψιμος από τον web server"; $DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "Ο φάκελος πρέπει να διαγραφεί (δεν είναι πλέον χρήσιμος)"; $Section = "Ενότητα"; $Expected = "Αναμενόμενη"; $Setting = "Ρύθμιση"; $Current = "Τρέχουσα τιμή"; $SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "The session garbage collector maximum lifetime indicates which maximum time is given between two runs of the garbage collector."; $PHPVersionInfo = "Έκδοση PHP"; $FileUploadsInfo = "File uploads indicate whether file uploads are authorized at all"; $UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Maximum volume of an uploaded file. This setting should, most of the time, be matched with the post_max_size variable."; $MagicQuotesRuntimeInfo = "This is a highly unrecommended feature which converts values returned by all functions that returned external values to slash-escaped values. This feature should *not* be enabled."; $PostMaxSizeInfo = "This is the maximum size of uploads through forms using the POST method (i.e. classical file upload forms)"; $SafeModeInfo = "Safe mode is a deprecated PHP feature which (badly) limits the access of PHP scripts to other resources. It is recommended to leave it off."; $DisplayErrorsInfo = "Show errors on screen. Turn this on on development servers, off on production servers."; $MaxInputTimeInfo = "The maximum time allowed for a form to be processed by the server. If it takes longer, the process is abandonned and a blank page is returned."; $DefaultCharsetInfo = "The default character set to be sent when returning pages"; $RegisterGlobalsInfo = "Whether to use the register globals feature or not. Using it represents potential security risks with this software."; $ShortOpenTagInfo = "Whether to allow for short open tags to be used or not. This feature should not be used."; $MemoryLimitInfo = "Maximum memory limit for one single script run. If the memory needed is higher, the process will stop to avoid consuming all the server's available memory and thus slowing down other users."; $MagicQuotesGpcInfo = "Whether to automatically escape values from GET, POST and COOKIES arrays. A similar feature is provided for the required data inside this software, so using it provokes double slash-escaping of values."; $VariablesOrderInfo = "The order of precedence of Environment, GET, POST, COOKIES and SESSION variables"; $MaxExecutionTimeInfo = "Maximum time a script can take to execute. If using more than that, the script is abandoned to avoid slowing down other users."; $ExtensionMustBeLoaded = "This extension must be loaded."; $MysqlProtoInfo = "MySQL protocol"; $MysqlHostInfo = "MySQL server host"; $MysqlServerInfo = "MySQL server information"; $MysqlClientInfo = "MySQL client"; $ServerProtocolInfo = "Protocol used by this server"; $ServerRemoteInfo = "Remote address (your address as received by the server)"; $ServerAddessInfo = "Server address"; $ServerNameInfo = "Server name (as used in your request)"; $ServerPortInfo = "Server port"; $ServerUserAgentInfo = "Your user agent as received by the server"; $ServerSoftwareInfo = "Software running as a web server"; $UnameInfo = "Information on the system the current server is running on"; $AssignSessionsToX = "Assign sessions to %s"; $AssignCoursesToSessionsAdministrator = "Assign courses to session's administrator"; $AssignCoursesToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign courses to platform's administrator"; $AssignedCoursesListToPlatformAdministrator = "Assigned courses list to platform administrator"; $AssignedCoursesListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assigned courses list to sessions administrator"; $AssignSessionsToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign sessions to platform administrator"; $AssignSessionsToSessionsAdministrator = "assign sessions to sessions administrator"; $AssignedSessionsListToPlatformAdministrator = "Assigned sessions list to platform administrator"; $AssignedSessionsListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assigned sessions list to sessions administrator"; $EvaluationsGraph = "Graph of evaluations"; $Action = "Ενέργεια"; $ISOCode = "ISO code"; $TheSubLanguageForThisLanguageHasBeenAdded = "The sub-language of this language has been added"; $ReturnToLanguagesList = "Return to the languages list"; $ActivityCoach = "The coach of the session, shall have all rights and privileges on all the courses that belong to the session."; $CategoriesNumber = "Κατηγορίες"; $CourseProgress = "Πρόοδος μαθήματος"; $ExportAllCoursesList = "Export all courses"; $ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "Export selected courses from the following list"; $CoursesListHasBeenExported = "The list of courses has been exported"; $WhichCoursesToExport = "Μαθήματα προς εξαγωγή"; $AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign users to the platform administrator"; $AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Users assigned to the platform administrator"; $AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Courses assigned to the HR manager"; $ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "Δεν υπάρχουν μαθήματα προς επιλογή"; $HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Vertical activity view"; $CoursesInformation = "Πληροφορίες Μαθημάτων"; $SpecialExportsIntroduction = "The special exports feature is meant to help an instructional controller to export all courses documents in one unique step. Another option lets you choose the courses you want to export, and will export documents present in these courses' sessions as well. This is a very heavy operation, and we recommend you do not start it during normal usage hours of your portal. Do it in a quieter period. If you don't need all the contents at once, try to export courses documents directly from the course maintenance tool inside the course itself."; $AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Allow User Course Subscription By Course Admininistrator"; $AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Activate this option will allow course administrator to subscribe users inside a course"; $ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configure Dashboard Plugin"; $EditBlocks = "Επεξεργασία blocks"; $SessionFields = "Session fields"; $SessionCoachEndDateComment = "Date on which the session is closed to coaches. The additional delay will allow them to export all relevant tracking information"; $SessionCoachStartDateComment = "Date on which the session is made available to coaches, so they can prepare it before the students get connected"; $SessionEndDateComment = "Date on which the session is closed"; $SessionStartDateComment = "Date on which the session is made available to all"; $SessionDisplayEndDateComment = "Date that will be shown in the session information as the date on which the session ends"; $SessionDisplayStartDateComment = "Date that will be shown in the session information as the date on which the session starts"; $SessionCoachEndDate = "Date on which the session is closed to coaches. The additional delay will allow them to export all relevant tracking information"; $SessionCoachStartDate = "Date on which the session is made available to coaches, so they can prepare it before the students get connected"; $SessionEndDate = "Date on which the session is closed"; $SessionStartDate = "Date on which the session is made available to all"; $SessionDisplayEndDate = "Date that will be shown in the session information as the date on which the session ends"; $SessionDisplayStartDate = "Date that will be shown in the session information as the date on which the session starts"; $UserHasNoCourse = "This user is not subscribed to any course"; $SessionTutorsCanSeeExpiredSessionsResultsComment = "Can session tutors see the reports for their session after it has expired?"; $SessionTutorsCanSeeExpiredSessionsResultsTitle = "Session tutors reports visibility"; $TheXMLImportLetYouAddMoreInfoAndCreateResources = "The XML import lets you add more info and create resources (courses, users). The CSV import will only create sessions and let you assign existing resources to them."; $ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Show link to report bug"; $ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Show a link in the header to report a bug inside of our support platform (http://support.chamilo.org). When clicking on the link, the user is sent to the support platform, on a wiki page that describes the bug reporting process."; $DataFiller = "Data filler"; $GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Enable competence level labelling in order to set custom score information"; $GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Competence levels custom values"; $GradebookNumberDecimals = "Πλήθος δεκαδικών ψηφίων"; $GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Allows you to set the number of decimals allowed in a score"; $EditExtraFieldOptions = "Edit extra field options"; $ManageSessionFields = "Manage session fields"; $EditSessionsToURL = "Edit sessions for a URL"; $AddSessionsToURL = "Add sessions to URL"; $SessionListIn = "List of session in the platform"; $FillUsers = "Fill users"; $ThisSectionIsOnlyVisibleOnSourceInstalls = "This section is only visible on installations from source code, not in packaged versions of the platform. It will allow you to quickly populate your platform with test data. Use with care (data is really inserted) and only on development or testing installations."; $UsersFillingReport = "Users filling report"; $AllUsersAreAutomaticallyRegistered = "All users are automatically registered"; $AssignCoach = "Assign coach"; $chamilo = "Chamilo"; $php = "PHP"; $Off = "Off"; $minimum = "minimum"; $webserver = "Web server"; $mysql = "MySQL"; $Social = "Social"; $BackupCreated = "Backup created"; $NotInserted = "Not inserted"; $phone = "τηλέφωνο"; $ResetLP = "Reset Learning path"; $LPWasReset = "Learning path was reset for the learner"; $AnnouncementVisible = "Announcement visible"; $AnnouncementInvisible = "Announcement invisible"; $GlossaryDeleted = "Glossary deleted"; $CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Course description updated"; $SessionReadOnly = "Read only"; $SessionAccessible = "Με Πρόσβαση"; $SessionNotAccessible = "Χωρίς Πρόσβαση"; $GroupAdded = "Η ομάδα προστέθηκε"; $AddUsersToGroup = "Προσθήκη χρηστών στην ομάδα"; $ErrorReadingZip = "Σφάλμα κατά την ανάγνωση του ZIP αρχείου"; $ErrorStylesheetFilesExtensionsInsideZip = "The only accepted extensions in the ZIP file are jpg, jpeg, png, gif and css."; $MyTextHere = "Εισαγωγή κειμένου..."; $FieldTypeSocialProfile = "Social network link"; $AllowUsersCopyFilesTitle = "Allow users to copy files from a course in your personal file area"; $AllowUsersCopyFilesComment = "Allows users to copy files from a course in your personal file area, visible through the Social Network or through the HTML editor when they are out of a course"; $ReviewCourseRequests = "Review incoming course requests"; $AcceptedCourseRequests = "Accepted course requests"; $RejectedCourseRequests = "Rejected course requests"; $BrowscapInfo = "Browscap loading browscap.ini file that contains a large amount of data on the browser and its capabilities, so it can be used by the function get_browser () PHP"; $EnableCourseValidation = "Επικύρωση μαθημάτων"; $EnableCourseValidationComment = "When the \"Courses validation\" feature is enabled, a teacher is not able to create a course alone. He/she fills a course request. The platform administrator reviews the request and approves it or rejects it.
This feature relies on automated e-mail messaging; set Chamilo to access an e-mail server and to use a dedicated an e-mail account."; $CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLink = "Course validation - a link to the terms and conditions"; $CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLinkComment = "This is the URL to the \"Terms and Conditions\" document that is valid for making a course request. If the address is set here, the user should read and agree with these terms and conditions before sending a course request.
If you enable Chamilo's \"Terms and Conditions\" module and if you want its URL to be used, then leave this setting empty."; $EnableSSOTitle = "Single Sign On"; $EnableSSOComment = "Enabling Single Sign On allows you to connect this platform as a slave of an authentication master, for example a Drupal website with the Drupal-Chamilo plugin or any other similar master setup."; $SSOServerDomainTitle = "Domain of the Single Sign On server"; $SSOServerDomainComment = "The domain of the Single Sign On server (the web address of the other server that will allow automatic registration to Chamilo). This should generally be the address of the other server without any trailing slash and without the protocol, e.g. www.example.com"; $SSOServerAuthURITitle = "Single Sign On server authentication URL"; $SSOServerAuthURIComment = "The address of the page that deals with the authentication verification. For example /?q=user in Drupal's case."; $SSOServerUnAuthURITitle = "Single Sign On server's logout URL"; $SSOServerUnAuthURIComment = "The address of the page on the server that logs the user out. This option is useful if you want users logging out of Chamilo to be automatically logged out of the authentication server."; $SSOServerProtocolTitle = "Single Sign On server's protocol"; $SSOServerProtocolComment = "The protocol string to prefix the Single Sign On server's domain (we recommend you use https:// if your server is able to provide this feature, as all non-secure protocols are dangerous for authentication matters)"; $EnabledWirisTitle = "WIRIS mathematical editor"; $EnabledWirisComment = "Enable WIRIS mathematical editor. Installing this plugin you get WIRIS editor and WIRIS CAS.
This activation is not fully realized unless it has been previously downloaded the PHP plugin for FCKeditor WIRIS and unzipped its contents in the Chamilo's directory main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/fckeditor_wiris/
This is necessary because Wiris is proprietary software and his services are commercial. To make adjustments to the plugin, edit configuration.ini file or replace his content by configuration.ini.default Chamilo file."; $AllowSpellCheckTitle = "Ορθογραφικός έλεγχος"; $AllowSpellCheckComment = "Ενεργοποίηση ορθογραφικού ελέγχου"; $EnabledSVGTitle = "Create and edit SVG files"; $EnabledSVGComment = "This option allows you to create and edit SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) multilayer online, as well as export them to png format images."; $ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextTitle = "Forcing pasting as plain text in the wiki"; $ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextComment = "This will prevent many hidden tags, incorrect or non-standard, copied from other texts to stop corrupting the text of the Wiki after many issues; but will lose some features while editing."; $EnabledGooglemapsTitle = "Activate Google maps"; $EnabledGooglemapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Google maps. Activation is not fully realized if not previously edited the file main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php and added a Google maps API key."; $EnabledImageMapsTitle = "Activate Image maps"; $EnabledImageMapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Image maps. This allows you to associate URLs to areas of an image, creating hotspots."; $CourseTool = "Course tool"; $BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "BigBlueButton videoconference tool"; $BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton videoconference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. Learners will not be able to launch a conference, only join one. If you don't have a BigBlueButton server, please set one up or ask the