*/ /** * Includes */ require_once 'scormItem.class.php'; require_once 'scormMetadata.class.php'; require_once 'scormOrganization.class.php'; require_once 'scormResource.class.php'; /** * Defines the "scorm" child of class "learnpath" * @package chamilo.learnpath */ class scorm extends learnpath { public $manifest = array(); public $resources = array(); public $resources_att = array(); public $organizations = array(); public $organizations_att = array(); public $metadata = array(); public $idrefs = array(); // Will hold the references to resources for each item ID found. public $refurls = array(); // For each resource found, stores the file url/uri. public $subdir = ''; // Path between the scorm/ directory and the imsmanifest.xml e.g. maritime_nav/maritime_nav. This is the path that will be used in the lp_path when importing a package. public $items = array(); public $zipname = ''; // Keeps the zipfile safe for the object's life so that we can use it if no title avail. public $lastzipnameindex = 0; // Keeps an index of the number of uses of the zipname so far. public $manifest_encoding = 'UTF-8'; public $debug = false; /** * Class constructor. Based on the parent constructor. * @param string Course code * @param integer Learnpath ID in DB * @param integer User ID */ function __construct($course_code = null, $resource_id = null, $user_id = null) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log( 'New LP - scorm::scorm('.$course_code.','.$resource_id.','.$user_id.') - In scorm constructor', 0 ); } if (!empty($course_code) && !empty($resource_id) && !empty($user_id)) { parent::__construct($course_code, $resource_id, $user_id); } else { // Do nothing but still build the scorm object. } } /** * Opens a resource * @param integer Database ID of the resource */ function open($id) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('New LP - scorm::open() - In scorm::open method', 0); } // redefine parent method } /** * Possible SCO status: see CAM doc passed, completed, browsed, failed, not attempted, incomplete */ /** * Prerequisites: see CAM doc for pseudo-code */ /** * Parses an imsmanifest.xml file and puts everything into the $manifest array * @param string Path to the imsmanifest.xml file on the system. If not defined, uses the base path of the course's scorm dir * @return array Structured array representing the imsmanifest's contents */ function parse_manifest($file = '') { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::parse_manifest('.$file.')', 0); } if (empty($file)) { // Get the path of the imsmanifest file. } if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file) && ($xml = @file_get_contents($file))) { // Parsing using PHP5 DOMXML methods. if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::parse_manifest() - Parsing using PHP5 method', 0); } $this->manifest_encoding = self::detect_manifest_encoding( $xml ); // This method reads the encoding, it tries to be correct even in cases of wrong or missing encoding declarations. $xml = Text::api_utf8_encode_xml( $xml, $this->manifest_encoding ); // UTF-8 is supported by DOMDocument class, this is for sure. $doc = new DOMDocument(); $res = @$doc->loadXML($xml); if ($res === false) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log( 'New LP - In scorm::parse_manifest() - Exception thrown when loading '.$file.' in DOMDocument', 0 ); } // Throw exception? return null; } if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Called (encoding:'.$doc->xmlEncoding.' - saved: '.$this->manifest_encoding.')', 0); } $root = $doc->documentElement; if ($root->hasAttributes()) { $attributes = $root->attributes; if ($attributes->length !== 0) { foreach ($attributes as $attrib) { // element attributes $this->manifest[$attrib->name] = $attrib->value; } } } $this->manifest['name'] = $root->tagName; if ($root->hasChildNodes()) { $children = $root->childNodes; if ($children->length !== 0) { foreach ($children as $child) { // element children (can be , or ) if ($child->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { switch ($child->tagName) { case 'metadata': // Parse items from inside the element. $this->metadata = new scormMetadata('manifest', $child); break; case 'organizations': // Contains the course structure - this element appears 1 and only 1 time in a package imsmanifest. It contains at least one 'organization' sub-element. $orgs_attribs = $child->attributes; foreach ($orgs_attribs as $orgs_attrib) { // Attributes of the element. if ($orgs_attrib->nodeType == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { $this->manifest['organizations'][$orgs_attrib->name] = $orgs_attrib->value; } } $orgs_nodes = $child->childNodes; $i = 0; $found_an_org = false; foreach ($orgs_nodes as $orgnode) { // elements - can contain , and // Here we are at the 'organization' level. There might be several organization tags but // there is generally only one. // There are generally three children nodes we are looking for inside and organization: // -title // -item (may contain other item tags or may appear several times inside organization) // -metadata (relative to the organization) $found_an_org = false; switch ($orgnode->nodeType) { case XML_TEXT_NODE: // Ignore here. break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: // Just in case there would be interesting attributes inside the organization tag. There shouldn't // as this is a node-level, not a data level. //$manifest['organizations'][$i][$orgnode->name] = $orgnode->value; //$found_an_org = true; break; case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: // <item>, <metadata> or <title> (or attributes) $organizations_attributes = $orgnode->attributes; foreach ($organizations_attributes as $orgs_attr) { $this->organizations_att[$orgs_attr->name] = $orgs_attr->value; } $oOrganization = new scormOrganization('manifest', $orgnode, $this->manifest_encoding); if ($oOrganization->identifier != '') { $name = $oOrganization->get_name(); if (empty($name)) { // If the org title is empty, use zip file name. $myname = $this->zipname; if ($this->lastzipnameindex != 0) { $myname = $myname + $this->lastzipnameindex; $this->lastzipnameindex++; } $oOrganization->set_name($this->zipname); } $this->organizations[$oOrganization->identifier] = $oOrganization; } break; } } break; case 'resources': if ($child->hasAttributes()) { $resources_attribs = $child->attributes; foreach ($resources_attribs as $res_attr) { if ($res_attr->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { $this->manifest['resources'][$res_attr->name] = $res_attr->value; } } } if ($child->hasChildNodes()) { $resources_nodes = $child->childNodes; $i = 0; foreach ($resources_nodes as $res_node) { $oResource = new scormResource('manifest', $res_node); if ($oResource->identifier != '') { $this->resources[$oResource->identifier] = $oResource; $i++; } } } // Contains links to physical resources. break; case 'manifest': // Only for sub-manifests. break; } } } } } unset($doc); // End parsing using PHP5 DOMXML methods. } else { if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Could not open/read file '.$file, 0); } $this->set_error_msg("File $file could not be read"); return null; } // TODO: Close the DOM handler. return $this->manifest; } /** * Detects the encoding of a given manifest (a xml-text). * It is possible the encoding of the manifest to be wrongly declared or * not to be declared at all. The proposed method tries to resolve these problems. * @param string $xml The input xml-text. * @return string The detected value of the input xml. */ private function detect_manifest_encoding(& $xml) { if (api_is_valid_utf8($xml)) { return 'UTF-8'; } if (preg_match(_PCRE_XML_ENCODING, $xml, $matches)) { $declared_encoding = api_refine_encoding_id($matches[1]); } else { $declared_encoding = ''; } if (!empty($declared_encoding) && !api_is_utf8($declared_encoding)) { return $declared_encoding; } $test_string = ''; if (preg_match_all('/<langstring[^>]*>(.*)<\/langstring>/m', $xml, $matches)) { $test_string = implode("\n", $matches[1]); unset($matches); } if (preg_match_all('/<title[^>]*>(.*)<\/title>/m', $xml, $matches)) { $test_string .= "\n".implode("\n", $matches[1]); unset($matches); } if (empty($test_string)) { $test_string = $xml; } return api_detect_encoding($test_string); } /** * Import the scorm object (as a result from the parse_manifest function) into the database structure * @param string Unique course code * @return bool Returns -1 on error */ function import_manifest($course_code, $use_max_score = 1) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('New LP - Entered import_manifest('.$course_code.')', 0); } $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; // Get table names. $new_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $new_lp_item = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM); $use_max_score = intval($use_max_score); foreach ($this->organizations as $id => $dummy) { $is_session = api_get_session_id(); $is_session != 0 ? $session_id = $is_session : $session_id = 0; $oOrganization =& $this->organizations[$id]; // Prepare and execute insert queries: // -for learnpath // -for items // -for views? $get_max = "SELECT MAX(display_order) FROM $new_lp WHERE c_id = $course_id "; $res_max = Database::query($get_max); $dsp = 1; if (Database::num_rows($res_max) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res_max); $dsp = $row[0] + 1; } $myname = $oOrganization->get_name(); $myname = api_utf8_decode($myname); $sql = "INSERT INTO $new_lp (c_id, lp_type, name, ref, description, path, force_commit, default_view_mod, default_encoding, js_lib,display_order, session_id, use_max_score)". "VALUES ($course_id , 2,'".$myname."', '".$oOrganization->get_ref( )."','','".$this->subdir."', 0, 'embedded', '".$this->manifest_encoding."', 'scorm_api.php', $dsp, $session_id, $use_max_score)"; if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - In import_manifest(), inserting path: '.$sql, 0); } $res = Database::query($sql); $lp_id = Database::insert_id(); $this->lp_id = $lp_id; // Insert into item_property. api_item_property_update( api_get_course_info($course_code), TOOL_LEARNPATH, $this->lp_id, 'LearnpathAdded', api_get_user_id() ); api_item_property_update( api_get_course_info($course_code), TOOL_LEARNPATH, $this->lp_id, 'visible', api_get_user_id() ); // Now insert all elements from inside that learning path. // Make sure we also get the href and sco/asset from the resources. $list = $oOrganization->get_flat_items_list(); $parents_stack = array(0); $parent = 0; $previous = 0; $level = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { if ($item['level'] > $level) { // Push something into the parents array. array_push($parents_stack, $previous); $parent = $previous; } elseif ($item['level'] < $level) { $diff = $level - $item['level']; // Pop something out of the parents array. for ($j = 1; $j <= $diff; $j++) { $outdated_parent = array_pop($parents_stack); } $parent = array_pop($parents_stack); // Just save that value, then add it back. array_push($parents_stack, $parent); } $path = ''; $type = 'dir'; if (isset($this->resources[$item['identifierref']])) { $oRes =& $this->resources[$item['identifierref']]; $path = @$oRes->get_path(); if (!empty($path)) { $temptype = $oRes->get_scorm_type(); if (!empty($temptype)) { $type = $temptype; } } } $level = $item['level']; $field_add = ''; $value_add = ''; if (!empty($item['masteryscore'])) { $field_add .= 'mastery_score, '; $value_add .= $item['masteryscore'].','; } if (!empty($item['maxtimeallowed'])) { $field_add .= 'max_time_allowed, '; $value_add .= "'".$item['maxtimeallowed']."',"; } $title = Database::escape_string($item['title']); $title = api_utf8_decode($title); $max_score = Database::escape_string($item['max_score']); if ($max_score == 0 || is_null($max_score) || $max_score == '') { //If max score is not set The use_max_score parameter is check in order to use 100 (chamilo style) or '' (strict scorm) if ($use_max_score) { $max_score = "'100'"; } else { $max_score = "NULL"; } } else { //Otherwise save the max score $max_score = "'$max_score'"; } $identifier = Database::escape_string($item['identifier']); if (empty($title)) { $title = get_lang('Untitled'); } $prereq = Database::escape_string($item['prerequisites']); $sql_item = "INSERT INTO $new_lp_item (c_id, lp_id,item_type,ref,title, path,min_score,max_score, $field_add parent_item_id,previous_item_id,next_item_id, prerequisite,display_order,launch_data, parameters) VALUES ". "($course_id, $lp_id, '$type','$identifier', '$title', '$path' , 0, $max_score, $value_add". "$parent, $previous, 0, ". "'$prereq', ".$item['rel_order'].", '".$item['datafromlms']."',". "'".$item['parameters']."'". ")"; $res_item = Database::query($sql_item); if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - In import_manifest(), inserting item : '.$sql_item.' : '.Database::error(), 0); } $item_id = Database::insert_id(); // Now update previous item to change next_item_id. $upd = "UPDATE $new_lp_item SET next_item_id = $item_id WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $previous"; $upd_res = Database::query($upd); // Update previous item id. $previous = $item_id; // Code for indexing, now only index specific fields like terms and the title. if (!empty($_POST['index_document'])) { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'search/ChamiloIndexer.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'search/IndexableChunk.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'specific_fields_manager.lib.php'; $di = new ChamiloIndexer(); isset($_POST['language']) ? $lang = Database::escape_string($_POST['language']) : $lang = 'english'; $di->connectDb(null, null, $lang); $ic_slide = new IndexableChunk(); $ic_slide->addValue('title', $title); $specific_fields = get_specific_field_list(); $all_specific_terms = ''; foreach ($specific_fields as $specific_field) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$specific_field['code']])) { $sterms = trim($_REQUEST[$specific_field['code']]); $all_specific_terms .= ' '.$sterms; if (!empty($sterms)) { $sterms = explode(',', $sterms); foreach ($sterms as $sterm) { $ic_slide->addTerm(trim($sterm), $specific_field['code']); } } } } $body_to_index = $all_specific_terms.' '.$title; $ic_slide->addValue("content", $body_to_index); // TODO: Add a comment to say terms separated by commas. $courseid = api_get_course_id(); $ic_slide->addCourseId($courseid); $ic_slide->addToolId(TOOL_LEARNPATH); $xapian_data = array( SE_COURSE_ID => $courseid, SE_TOOL_ID => TOOL_LEARNPATH, SE_DATA => array('lp_id' => $lp_id, 'lp_item' => $previous, 'document_id' => ''), // TODO: Unify with other lp types. SE_USER => (int)api_get_user_id(), ); $ic_slide->xapian_data = serialize($xapian_data); $di->addChunk($ic_slide); // Index and return search engine document id. $did = $di->index(); if ($did) { // Save it to db. $tbl_se_ref = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SEARCH_ENGINE_REF); $sql = 'INSERT INTO %s (id, course_code, tool_id, ref_id_high_level, ref_id_second_level, search_did) VALUES (NULL , \'%s\', \'%s\', %s, %s, %s)'; $sql = sprintf($sql, $tbl_se_ref, api_get_course_id(), TOOL_LEARNPATH, $lp_id, $previous, $did); Database::query($sql); } } } } } /** * Intermediate to import_package only to allow import from local zip files * @param string Path to the zip file, from the sys root * @param string Current path (optional) * @return string Absolute path to the imsmanifest.xml file or empty string on error */ function import_local_package($file_path, $current_dir = '') { // TODO: Prepare info as given by the $_FILES[''] vector. $file_info = array(); $file_info['tmp_name'] = $file_path; $file_info['name'] = basename($file_path); // Call the normal import_package function. return $this->import_package($file_info, $current_dir); } /** * Imports a zip file into the Chamilo structure * @param string Zip file info as given by $_FILES['userFile'] * @return string Absolute path to the imsmanifest.xml file or empty string on error */ function import_package($zip_file_info, $current_dir = '') { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::import_package('.print_r($zip_file_info, true).',"'.$current_dir.'") method', 0); } $maxFilledSpace = DocumentManager :: get_course_quota(); $zip_file_path = $zip_file_info['tmp_name']; $zip_file_name = $zip_file_info['name']; if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log( 'New LP - import_package() - zip file path = '.$zip_file_path.', zip file name = '.$zip_file_name, 0 ); } $course_rel_dir = api_get_course_path().'/scorm'; // scorm dir web path starting from /courses $course_sys_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course_rel_dir; // Absolute system path for this course. $current_dir = replace_dangerous_char(trim($current_dir), 'strict'); // Current dir we are in, inside scorm/ if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - import_package() - current_dir = '.$current_dir, 0); } //$uploaded_filename = $_FILES['userFile']['name']; // Get name of the zip file without the extension. if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Received zip file name: '.$zip_file_path, 0); } $file_info = pathinfo($zip_file_name); $filename = $file_info['basename']; $extension = $file_info['extension']; $file_base_name = str_replace('.'.$extension, '', $filename); // Filename without its extension. $this->zipname = $file_base_name; // Save for later in case we don't have a title. if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log("New LP - base file name is : ".$file_base_name, 0); } $new_dir = replace_dangerous_char(trim($file_base_name), 'strict'); $this->subdir = $new_dir; if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log("New LP - subdir is first set to : ".$this->subdir, 0); } $zipFile = new PclZip($zip_file_path); // Check the zip content (real size and file extension). $zipContentArray = $zipFile->listContent(); $package_type = ''; $at_root = false; $manifest = ''; $manifest_list = array(); // The following loop should be stopped as soon as we found the right imsmanifest.xml (how to recognize it?). foreach ($zipContentArray as $thisContent) { $thisContent['filename']; //error_log('Looking at '.$thisContent['filename'], 0); if (preg_match('~.(php.*|phtml)$~i', $thisContent['filename'])) { $this->set_error_msg("File $file contains a PHP script"); //return api_failure::set_failure('php_file_in_zip_file'); } elseif (stristr($thisContent['filename'], 'imsmanifest.xml')) { //error_log('Found imsmanifest at '.$thisContent['filename'], 0); if ($thisContent['filename'] == basename($thisContent['filename'])) { $at_root = true; } else { //$this->subdir .= '/'.dirname($thisContent['filename']); if ($this->debug > 2) { error_log("New LP - subdir is now ".$this->subdir, 0); } } $package_type = 'scorm'; $manifest_list[] = $thisContent['filename']; $manifest = $thisContent['filename']; //just the relative directory inside scorm/ } else { // Do nothing, if it has not been set as scorm somewhere else, it stays as '' default. } $realFileSize += $thisContent['size']; } // Now get the shortest path (basically, the imsmanifest that is the closest to the root). $shortest_path = $manifest_list[0]; $slash_count = substr_count($shortest_path, '/'); foreach ($manifest_list as $manifest_path) { $tmp_slash_count = substr_count($manifest_path, '/'); if ($tmp_slash_count < $slash_count) { $shortest_path = $manifest_path; $slash_count = $tmp_slash_count; } } $this->subdir .= '/'.dirname($shortest_path); // Do not concatenate because already done above. $manifest = $shortest_path; if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Package type is now '.$package_type, 0); } if ($package_type == '') // && defined('CHECK_FOR_SCORM') && CHECK_FOR_SCORM) { if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Package type is empty', 0); } return api_failure::set_failure('not_scorm_content'); } if (!FileManager::enough_size($realFileSize, $course_sys_dir, $maxFilledSpace)) { if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Not enough space to store package', 0); } return api_failure::set_failure('not_enough_space'); } // It happens on Linux that $new_dir sometimes doesn't start with '/' if ($new_dir[0] != '/') { $new_dir = '/'.$new_dir; } if ($new_dir[strlen($new_dir) - 1] == '/') { $new_dir = substr($new_dir, 0, -1); } /* Uncompressing phase */ /* We need to process each individual file in the zip archive to - add it to the database - parse & change relative html links - make sure the filenames are secure (filter funny characters or php extensions) */ if (is_dir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir) OR @mkdir( $course_sys_dir.$new_dir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories() ) ) { // PHP method - slower... if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('New LP - Changing dir to '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir, 0); } $saved_dir = getcwd(); chdir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir); $unzippingState = $zipFile->extract(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($unzippingState); $j++) { $state = $unzippingState[$j]; // TODO: Fix relative links in html files (?) $extension = strrchr($state['stored_filename'], '.'); if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('New LP - found extension '.$extension.' in '.$state['stored_filename'], 0); } } if (!empty($new_dir)) { $new_dir = $new_dir.'/'; } // Rename files, for example with \\ in it. if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('New LP - try to open: '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir, 0); } if ($dir = @opendir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir)) { if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('New LP - Opened dir '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir, 0); } while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $filetype = 'file'; if (is_dir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$file)) { $filetype = 'folder'; } // TODO: RENAMING FILES CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS SCORM-WISE, avoid that as much as possible! //$safe_file = replace_dangerous_char($file, 'strict'); $find_str = array('\\', '.php', '.phtml'); $repl_str = array('/', '.txt', '.txt'); $safe_file = str_replace($find_str, $repl_str, $file); if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('Comparing: '.$safe_file, 0); } if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('and: '.$file, 0); } if ($safe_file != $file) { //@rename($course_sys_dir.$new_dir, $course_sys_dir.'/'.$safe_file); $mydir = dirname($course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$safe_file); if (!is_dir($mydir)) { $mysubdirs = split('/', $mydir); $mybasedir = '/'; foreach ($mysubdirs as $mysubdir) { if (!empty($mysubdir)) { $mybasedir = $mybasedir.$mysubdir.'/'; if (!is_dir($mybasedir)) { @mkdir($mybasedir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log('New LP - Dir '.$mybasedir.' doesnt exist. Creating.', 0); } } } } } @rename($course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$file, $course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$safe_file); if ($this->debug >= 1) { error_log( 'New LP - Renaming '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$file.' to '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$safe_file, 0 ); } } } } closedir($dir); chdir($saved_dir); api_chmod_R($course_sys_dir.$new_dir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - changed back to init dir: '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir, 0); } } } else { return ''; } return $course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$manifest; } /** * Sets the proximity setting in the database * @param string Proximity setting */ function set_proximity($proxy = '') { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::set_proximity('.$proxy.') method', 0); } $lp = $this->get_id(); if ($lp != 0) { $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET content_local = '$proxy' WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id = ".$lp; $res = Database::query($sql); return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets the theme setting in the database * @param string theme setting */ function set_theme($theme = '') { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::set_theme('.$theme.') method', 0); } $lp = $this->get_id(); if ($lp != 0) { $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET theme = '$theme' WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id = ".$lp; $res = Database::query($sql); return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets the image setting in the database * @param string preview_image setting */ function set_preview_image($preview_image = '') { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::set_theme('.$preview_image.') method', 0); } $lp = $this->get_id(); if ($lp != 0) { $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET preview_image = '$preview_image' WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id = ".$lp; $res = Database::query($sql); return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets the author setting in the database * @param string preview_image setting */ function set_author($author = '') { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::set_author('.$author.') method', 0); } $lp = $this->get_id(); if ($lp != 0) { $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET author = '$author' WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id = ".$lp; $res = Database::query($sql); return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets the content maker setting in the database * @param string Proximity setting */ function set_maker($maker = '') { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::set_maker method('.$maker.')', 0); } $lp = $this->get_id(); if ($lp != 0) { $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET content_maker = '$maker' WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id = ".$lp; $res = Database::query($sql); return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Exports the current SCORM object's files as a zip. Excerpts taken from learnpath_functions.inc.php::exportpath() * @param integer Learnpath ID (optional, taken from object context if not defined) */ function export_zip($lp_id = null) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::export_zip method('.$lp_id.')', 0); } if (empty($lp_id)) { if (!is_object($this)) { return false; } else { $id = $this->get_id(); if (empty($id)) { return false; } else { $lp_id = $this->get_id(); } } } //error_log('New LP - in export_zip()',0); //zip everything that is in the corresponding scorm dir //write the zip file somewhere (might be too big to return) require_once 'learnpath_functions.inc.php'; $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $_course = Database::get_course_info(api_get_course_id()); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_lp WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id=".$lp_id; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $LPname = $row['path']; $list = split('/', $LPname); $LPnamesafe = $list[0]; //$zipfoldername = '/tmp'; //$zipfoldername = '../../courses/'.$_course['directory'].'/temp/'.$LPnamesafe; $zipfoldername = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['directory'].'/temp/'.$LPnamesafe; $scormfoldername = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['directory'].'/scorm/'.$LPnamesafe; $zipfilename = $zipfoldername.'/'.$LPnamesafe.'.zip'; // Get a temporary dir for creating the zip file. //error_log('New LP - cleaning dir '.$zipfoldername, 0); deldir($zipfoldername); // Make sure the temp dir is cleared. $res = mkdir($zipfoldername, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); //error_log('New LP - made dir '.$zipfoldername, 0); // Create zipfile of given directory. $zip_folder = new PclZip($zipfilename); $zip_folder->create($scormfoldername.'/', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $scormfoldername.'/'); //$zipfilename = '/var/www/chamilo/courses/TEST2/scorm/example_document.html'; //This file sending implies removing the default mime-type from php.ini //DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($zipfilename, true, $LPnamesafe.'.zip'); DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($zipfilename, true); // Delete the temporary zip file and directory in fileManager.lib.php FileManager::my_delete($zipfilename); FileManager::my_delete($zipfoldername); return true; } /** * Gets a resource's path if available, otherwise return empty string * @param string Resource ID as used in resource array * @return string The resource's path as declared in imsmanifest.xml */ function get_res_path($id) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::get_res_path('.$id.') method', 0); } $path = ''; if (isset($this->resources[$id])) { $oRes =& $this->resources[$id]; $path = @$oRes->get_path(); } return $path; } /** * Gets a resource's type if available, otherwise return empty string * @param string Resource ID as used in resource array * @return string The resource's type as declared in imsmanifest.xml */ function get_res_type($id) { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::get_res_type('.$id.') method', 0); } $type = ''; if (isset($this->resources[$id])) { $oRes =& $this->resources[$id]; $temptype = $oRes->get_scorm_type(); if (!empty($temptype)) { $type = $temptype; } } return $type; } /** * Gets the default organisation's title * @return string The organization's title */ function get_title() { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::get_title() method', 0); } $title = ''; if (isset($this->manifest['organizations']['default'])) { $title = $this->organizations[$this->manifest['organizations']['default']]->get_name(); } elseif (count($this->organizations) == 1) { // This will only get one title but so we don't need to know the index. foreach ($this->organizations as $id => $value) { $title = $this->organizations[$id]->get_name(); break; } } return $title; } /** * // TODO @TODO Implement this function to restore items data from an imsmanifest, * updating the existing table... This will prove very useful in case initial data * from imsmanifest were not imported well enough * @param string course Code * @param string LP ID (in database) * @param string Manifest file path (optional if lp_id defined) * @return integer New LP ID or false on failure * TODO @TODO Implement imsmanifest_path parameter */ function reimport_manifest($course, $lp_id = null, $imsmanifest_path = '') { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::reimport_manifest() method', 0); } global $_course; // RECOVERING PATH FROM DB $main_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course = Datbase::escape_string($course); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $main_table WHERE code = '$course'"; if ($this->debug > 2) { error_log('New LP - scorm::reimport_manifest() '.__LINE__.' - Querying course: '.$sql, 0); } //$res = Database::query($sql); $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $this->cc = $course; } else { $this->error = 'Course code does not exist in database ('.$sql.')'; return false; } // TODO: Make it flexible to use any course_code (still using env course code here) //$lp_table = Database::get_course_table(LEARNPATH_TABLE); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $lp_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $lp_id = intval($lp_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $lp_table WHERE c_id = ".$course_id." AND id = '$lp_id'"; if ($this->debug > 2) { error_log('New LP - scorm::reimport_manifest() '.__LINE__.' - Querying lp: '.$sql, 0); } $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $this->lp_id = $lp_id; $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $this->type = $row['lp_type']; $this->name = stripslashes($row['name']); $this->encoding = $row['default_encoding']; $this->proximity = $row['content_local']; $this->maker = $row['content_maker']; $this->prevent_reinit = $row['prevent_reinit']; $this->license = $row['content_license']; $this->scorm_debug = $row['debug']; $this->js_lib = $row['js_lib']; $this->path = $row['path']; if ($this->type == 2) { if ($row['force_commit'] == 1) { $this->force_commit = true; } } $this->mode = $row['default_view_mod']; $this->subdir = $row['path']; } // Parse the manifest (it is already in this lp's details). $manifest_file = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['directory'].'/scorm/'.$this->subdir.'/imsmanifest.xml'; if ($this->subdir == '') { $manifest_file = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['directory'].'/scorm/imsmanifest.xml'; } echo $manifest_file; if (is_file($manifest_file) && is_readable($manifest_file)) { // Re-parse the manifest file. if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - In scorm::reimport_manifest() - Parsing manifest '.$manifest_file, 0); } $manifest = $this->parse_manifest($manifest_file); // Import new LP in DB (ignore the current one). if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - In scorm::reimport_manifest() - Importing manifest '.$manifest_file, 0); } $this->import_manifest(api_get_course_id()); } else { if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log( 'New LP - In scorm::reimport_manifest() - Could not find manifest file at '.$manifest_file, 0 ); } } return false; } }