course = null; return; } $em = Database::getManager(); /** @var Course $course */ $course = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $id); if (!$course) { throw new Exception(get_lang('NoCourse')); } $this->course = $course; } /** Set the current session * @param int $id * * @throws Exception */ public function setSession($id) { if (!$id) { $this->session = null; return; } $em = Database::getManager(); /** @var Session $session */ $session = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $id); if (!$session) { throw new Exception(get_lang('NoSession')); } $this->session = $session; } /** * @param string $username * @param string $apiKeyToValidate * * @throws Exception * * @return Rest */ public static function validate($username, $apiKeyToValidate) { $apiKey = self::findUserApiKey($username, self::SERVIVE_NAME); if ($apiKey != $apiKeyToValidate) { throw new Exception(get_lang('InvalidApiKey')); } return new self($username, $apiKey); } /** * Create the gcm_registration_id extra field for users. */ public static function init() { $extraField = new ExtraField('user'); $fieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable(self::EXTRA_FIELD_GCM_REGISTRATION); if (empty($fieldInfo)) { $extraField->save([ 'variable' => self::EXTRA_FIELD_GCM_REGISTRATION, 'field_type' => ExtraField::FIELD_TYPE_TEXT, 'display_text' => self::EXTRA_FIELD_GCM_REGISTRATION, ]); } } /** * @param string $registrationId * * @return bool */ public function setGcmId($registrationId) { $registrationId = Security::remove_XSS($registrationId); $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('user'); return $extraFieldValue->save([ 'variable' => self::EXTRA_FIELD_GCM_REGISTRATION, 'value' => $registrationId, 'item_id' => $this->user->getId(), ]); } /** * @param int $lastMessageId * * @return array */ public function getUserMessages($lastMessageId = 0) { $lastMessages = MessageManager::getMessagesFromLastReceivedMessage($this->user->getId(), $lastMessageId); $messages = []; foreach ($lastMessages as $message) { $hasAttachments = MessageManager::hasAttachments($message['id']); $messages[] = [ 'id' => $message['id'], 'title' => $message['title'], 'sender' => [ 'id' => $message['user_id'], 'lastname' => $message['lastname'], 'firstname' => $message['firstname'], 'completeName' => api_get_person_name($message['firstname'], $message['lastname']), ], 'sendDate' => $message['send_date'], 'content' => $message['content'], 'hasAttachments' => $hasAttachments, 'url' => '', ]; } return $messages; } /** * Get the user courses. * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException * * @return array */ public function getUserCourses() { $courses = CourseManager::get_courses_list_by_user_id($this->user->getId()); $data = []; foreach ($courses as $courseId) { /** @var Course $course */ $course = Database::getManager()->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $courseId['real_id']); $teachers = CourseManager::getTeacherListFromCourseCodeToString($course->getCode()); $picturePath = CourseManager::getPicturePath($course, true) ?: Display::return_icon('session_default.png', null, null, null, null, true); $data[] = [ 'id' => $course->getId(), 'title' => $course->getTitle(), 'code' => $course->getCode(), 'directory' => $course->getDirectory(), 'urlPicture' => $picturePath, 'teachers' => $teachers, ]; } return $data; } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseInfo() { $teachers = CourseManager::getTeacherListFromCourseCodeToString($this->course->getCode()); $tools = CourseHome::get_tools_category( TOOL_STUDENT_VIEW, $this->course->getId(), $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0 ); return [ 'id' => $this->course->getId(), 'title' => $this->course->getTitle(), 'code' => $this->course->getCode(), 'directory' => $this->course->getDirectory(), 'urlPicture' => CourseManager::getPicturePath($this->course, true), 'teachers' => $teachers, 'tools' => array_map( function ($tool) { return ['type' => $tool['name']]; }, $tools ), ]; } /** * Get the course descriptions. * * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseDescriptions() { $descriptions = CourseDescription::get_descriptions($this->course->getId()); $results = []; /** @var CourseDescription $description */ foreach ($descriptions as $description) { $results[] = [ 'id' => $description->get_description_type(), 'title' => $description->get_title(), 'content' => str_replace('src="/', 'src="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH), $description->get_content()), ]; } return $results; } /** * @param int $directoryId * * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseDocuments($directoryId = 0) { /** @var string $path */ $path = '/'; $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; if ($directoryId) { $directory = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id( $directoryId, $this->course->getCode(), false, $sessionId ); if (!$directory) { throw new Exception('NoDataAvailable'); } $path = $directory['path']; } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->course->getId()); $documents = DocumentManager::getAllDocumentData( $courseInfo, $path, 0, null, false, false, $sessionId ); $results = []; if (!empty($documents)) { $webPath = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'document/document.php?'; /** @var array $document */ foreach ($documents as $document) { if ($document['visibility'] != '1') { continue; } $icon = $document['filetype'] == 'file' ? choose_image($document['path']) : chooseFolderIcon($document['path']); $results[] = [ 'id' => $document['id'], 'type' => $document['filetype'], 'title' => $document['title'], 'path' => $document['path'], 'url' => $webPath.http_build_query([ 'username' => $this->user->getUsername(), 'api_key' => $this->apiKey, 'cidReq' => $this->course->getCode(), 'id_session' => $sessionId, 'gidReq' => 0, 'gradebook' => 0, 'origin' => '', 'action' => 'download', 'id' => $document['id'], ]), 'icon' => $icon, 'size' => format_file_size($document['size']), ]; } } return $results; } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseAnnouncements() { $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $announcements = AnnouncementManager::getAnnouncements( null, null, false, null, null, null, null, null, 0, $this->user->getId(), $this->course->getId(), $sessionId ); $announcements = array_map( function ($announcement) { return [ 'id' => (int) $announcement['id'], 'title' => strip_tags($announcement['title']), 'creatorName' => strip_tags($announcement['username']), 'date' => strip_tags($announcement['insert_date']), ]; }, $announcements ); return $announcements; } /** * @param int $announcementId * * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseAnnouncement($announcementId) { $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $announcement = AnnouncementManager::getAnnouncementInfoById( $announcementId, $this->course->getId(), $this->user->getId() ); if (!$announcement) { throw new Exception(get_lang('NoAnnouncement')); } return [ 'id' => $announcement['announcement']->getIid(), 'title' => $announcement['announcement']->getTitle(), 'creatorName' => UserManager::formatUserFullName($announcement['item_property']->getInsertUser()), 'date' => api_convert_and_format_date( $announcement['item_property']->getInsertDate(), DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H ), 'content' => AnnouncementManager::parseContent( $this->user->getId(), $announcement['announcement']->getContent(), $this->course->getCode(), $sessionId ), ]; } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseAgenda() { $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $agenda = new Agenda( 'course', $this->user->getId(), $this->course->getId(), $sessionId ); $result = $agenda->parseAgendaFilter(null); $start = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $start->modify('first day of this month'); $start->setTime(0, 0, 0); $end = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $end->modify('last day of this month'); $end->setTime(23, 59, 59); $groupId = current($result['groups']); $userId = current($result['users']); $events = $agenda->getEvents( $start->getTimestamp(), $end->getTimestamp(), $this->course->getId(), $groupId, $userId, 'array' ); if (!is_array($events)) { return []; } $webPath = api_get_path(WEB_PATH); return array_map( function ($event) use ($webPath) { return [ 'id' => (int) $event['unique_id'], 'title' => $event['title'], 'content' => str_replace('src="/', 'src="'.$webPath, $event['description']), 'startDate' => $event['start_date_localtime'], 'endDate' => $event['end_date_localtime'], 'isAllDay' => $event['allDay'] ? true : false, ]; }, $events ); } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseNotebooks() { $em = Database::getManager(); /** @var CNotebookRepository $notebooksRepo */ $notebooksRepo = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCourseBundle:CNotebook'); $notebooks = $notebooksRepo->findByUser($this->user, $this->course, $this->session); return array_map( function (CNotebook $notebook) { return [ 'id' => $notebook->getIid(), 'title' => $notebook->getTitle(), 'description' => $notebook->getDescription(), 'creationDate' => api_format_date( $notebook->getCreationDate()->getTimestamp() ), 'updateDate' => api_format_date( $notebook->getUpdateDate()->getTimestamp() ), ]; }, $notebooks ); } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseForumCategories() { $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $webCoursePath = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$this->course->getDirectory().'/upload/forum/images/'; require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'forum/'; $categoriesFullData = get_forum_categories('', $this->course->getId(), $sessionId); $categories = []; $includeGroupsForums = api_get_setting('display_groups_forum_in_general_tool') === 'true'; $forumsFullData = get_forums('', $this->course->getCode(), $includeGroupsForums, $sessionId); $forums = []; foreach ($forumsFullData as $forumId => $forumInfo) { $forum = [ 'id' => intval($forumInfo['iid']), 'catId' => intval($forumInfo['forum_category']), 'title' => $forumInfo['forum_title'], 'description' => $forumInfo['forum_comment'], 'image' => $forumInfo['forum_image'] ? ($webCoursePath.$forumInfo['forum_image']) : '', 'numberOfThreads' => isset($forumInfo['number_of_threads']) ? intval($forumInfo['number_of_threads']) : 0, 'lastPost' => null, ]; $lastPostInfo = get_last_post_information($forumId, false, $this->course->getId(), $sessionId); if ($lastPostInfo) { $forum['lastPost'] = [ 'date' => api_convert_and_format_date($lastPostInfo['last_post_date']), 'user' => api_get_person_name( $lastPostInfo['last_poster_firstname'], $lastPostInfo['last_poster_lastname'] ), ]; } $forums[] = $forum; } foreach ($categoriesFullData as $category) { $categoryForums = array_filter( $forums, function (array $forum) use ($category) { if ($forum['catId'] != $category['cat_id']) { return false; } return true; } ); $categories[] = [ 'id' => intval($category['iid']), 'title' => $category['cat_title'], 'catId' => intval($category['cat_id']), 'description' => $category['cat_comment'], 'forums' => $categoryForums, 'courseId' => $this->course->getId(), ]; } return $categories; } /** * @param int $forumId * * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseForum($forumId) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'forum/'; $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $forumInfo = get_forums($forumId, $this->course->getCode(), true, $sessionId); if (!isset($forumInfo['iid'])) { throw new Exception(get_lang('NoForum')); } $webCoursePath = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$this->course->getDirectory().'/upload/forum/images/'; $forum = [ 'id' => $forumInfo['iid'], 'title' => $forumInfo['forum_title'], 'description' => $forumInfo['forum_comment'], 'image' => $forumInfo['forum_image'] ? ($webCoursePath.$forumInfo['forum_image']) : '', 'threads' => [], ]; $threads = get_threads($forumInfo['iid'], $this->course->getId(), $sessionId); foreach ($threads as $thread) { $forum['threads'][] = [ 'id' => $thread['iid'], 'title' => $thread['thread_title'], 'lastEditDate' => api_convert_and_format_date($thread['lastedit_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), 'numberOfReplies' => $thread['thread_replies'], 'numberOfViews' => $thread['thread_views'], 'author' => api_get_person_name($thread['firstname'], $thread['lastname']), ]; } return $forum; } /** * @param int $forumId * @param int $threadId * * @return array */ public function getCourseForumThread($forumId, $threadId) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'forum/'; $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $threadInfo = get_thread_information($forumId, $threadId, $sessionId); $thread = [ 'id' => intval($threadInfo['iid']), 'cId' => intval($threadInfo['c_id']), 'title' => $threadInfo['thread_title'], 'forumId' => intval($threadInfo['forum_id']), 'posts' => [], ]; $forumInfo = get_forums($threadInfo['forum_id'], $this->course->getCode(), true, $sessionId); $postsInfo = getPosts($forumInfo, $threadInfo['iid'], 'ASC'); foreach ($postsInfo as $postInfo) { $thread['posts'][] = [ 'id' => $postInfo['iid'], 'title' => $postInfo['post_title'], 'text' => $postInfo['post_text'], 'author' => api_get_person_name($postInfo['firstname'], $postInfo['lastname']), 'date' => api_convert_and_format_date($postInfo['post_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), 'parentId' => $postInfo['post_parent_id'], ]; } return $thread; } /** * @return array */ public function getUserProfile() { $pictureInfo = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($this->user->getId(), 'web'); $result = [ 'pictureUri' => $pictureInfo['dir'].$pictureInfo['file'], 'id' => $this->user->getId(), 'status' => $this->user->getStatus(), 'fullName' => UserManager::formatUserFullName($this->user), 'username' => $this->user->getUsername(), 'officialCode' => $this->user->getOfficialCode(), 'phone' => $this->user->getPhone(), 'extra' => [], ]; $fieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('user'); $extraInfo = $fieldValue->getAllValuesForAnItem($this->user->getId(), true); foreach ($extraInfo as $extra) { /** @var ExtraFieldValues $extraValue */ $extraValue = $extra['value']; $result['extra'][] = [ 'title' => $extraValue->getField()->getDisplayText(true), 'value' => $extraValue->getValue(), ]; } return $result; } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function getCourseLearnPaths() { $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $categoriesTempList = learnpath::getCategories($this->course->getId()); $categoryNone = new CLpCategory(); $categoryNone->setId(0); $categoryNone->setName(get_lang('WithOutCategory')); $categoryNone->setPosition(0); $categories = array_merge([$categoryNone], $categoriesTempList); $categoryData = []; /** @var CLpCategory $category */ foreach ($categories as $category) { $learnPathList = new LearnpathList( $this->user->getId(), api_get_course_info($this->course->getCode()), $sessionId, null, false, $category->getId() ); $flatLpList = $learnPathList->get_flat_list(); if (empty($flatLpList)) { continue; } $listData = []; foreach ($flatLpList as $lpId => $lpDetails) { if ($lpDetails['lp_visibility'] == 0) { continue; } if (!learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student( $lpId, $this->user->getId(), api_get_course_info($this->course->getCode()), $sessionId )) { continue; } $timeLimits = false; // This is an old LP (from a migration 1.8.7) so we do nothing if (empty($lpDetails['created_on']) && empty($lpDetails['modified_on'])) { $timeLimits = false; } // Checking if expired_on is ON if (!empty($lpDetails['expired_on'])) { $timeLimits = true; } if ($timeLimits) { if (!empty($lpDetails['publicated_on']) && !empty($lpDetails['expired_on'])) { $startTime = api_strtotime($lpDetails['publicated_on'], 'UTC'); $endTime = api_strtotime($lpDetails['expired_on'], 'UTC'); $now = time(); $isActivedTime = false; if ($now > $startTime && $endTime > $now) { $isActivedTime = true; } if (!$isActivedTime) { continue; } } } $progress = learnpath::getProgress($lpId, $this->user->getId(), $this->course->getId(), $sessionId); $listData[] = [ 'id' => $lpId, 'title' => Security::remove_XSS($lpDetails['lp_name']), 'progress' => intval($progress), 'url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'webservices/api/v2.php?'.http_build_query([ 'hash' => $this->encodeParams([ 'action' => 'course_learnpath', 'lp_id' => $lpId, 'course' => $this->course->getId(), 'session' => $sessionId, ]), ]), ]; } if (empty($listData)) { continue; } $categoryData[] = [ 'id' => $category->getId(), 'name' => $category->getName(), 'learnpaths' => $listData, ]; } return $categoryData; } /** * @param string $encoded * * @return array */ public static function decodeParams($encoded) { $decoded = json_decode($encoded); return $decoded; } /** * Start login for a user. Then make a redirect to show the learnpath. * * @param int $lpId */ public function showLearningPath($lpId) { $loggedUser['user_id'] = $this->user->getId(); $loggedUser['status'] = $this->user->getStatus(); $loggedUser['uidReset'] = true; $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; ChamiloSession::write('_user', $loggedUser); Login::init_user($this->user->getId(), true); $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'lp/lp_controller.php?'.http_build_query([ 'cidReq' => $this->course->getCode(), 'id_session' => $sessionId, 'gidReq' => 0, 'gradebook' => 0, 'origin' => '', 'action' => 'view', 'lp_id' => intval($lpId), 'isStudentView' => 'true', ]); header("Location: $url"); exit; } /** * @param array $postValues * @param int $forumId * * @return array */ public function saveForumPost(array $postValues, $forumId) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'forum/'; $forum = get_forums($forumId, $this->course->getCode()); store_reply($forum, $postValues, $this->course->getId(), $this->user->getId()); return [ 'registered' => true, ]; } /** * Get the list of sessions for current user. * * @return array the sessions list */ public function getUserSessions() { $data = []; $sessionsByCategory = UserManager::get_sessions_by_category($this->user->getId(), false); foreach ($sessionsByCategory as $category) { $categorySessions = []; foreach ($category['sessions'] as $sessions) { $sessionCourses = []; foreach ($sessions['courses'] as $course) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($course['real_id']); $teachers = SessionManager::getCoachesByCourseSessionToString( $sessions['session_id'], $course['real_id'] ); $sessionCourses[] = [ 'id' => $courseInfo['real_id'], 'title' => $courseInfo['title'], 'code' => $courseInfo['code'], 'directory' => $courseInfo['directory'], 'pictureUrl' => $courseInfo['course_image_large'], 'teachers' => $teachers, ]; } $sessionBox = Display::getSessionTitleBox($sessions['session_id']); $categorySessions[] = [ 'name' => $sessionBox['title'], 'id' => $sessions['session_id'], 'date' => $sessionBox['dates'], 'duration' => isset($sessionBox['duration']) ? $sessionBox['duration'] : null, 'courses' => $sessionCourses, ]; } $data[] = [ 'id' => $category['session_category']['id'], 'name' => $category['session_category']['name'], 'sessions' => $categorySessions, ]; } return $data; } /** * @param string $subject * @param string $text * @param array $receivers * * @return array */ public function saveUserMessage($subject, $text, array $receivers) { foreach ($receivers as $userId) { MessageManager::send_message($userId, $subject, $text); } return [ 'sent' => true, ]; } /** * @param string $search * * @return array */ public function getMessageUsers($search) { $repo = UserManager::getRepository(); $users = $repo->findUsersToSendMessage($this->user->getId(), $search); $showEmail = api_get_setting('show_email_addresses') === 'true'; $data = []; /** @var User $user */ foreach ($users as $user) { $userName = UserManager::formatUserFullName($user); if ($showEmail) { $userName .= " ({$user->getEmail()})"; } $data[] = [ 'id' => $user->getId(), 'name' => $userName, ]; } return $data; } /** * @param string $title * @param string $text * * @return array */ public function saveCourseNotebook($title, $text) { $values = ['note_title' => $title, 'note_comment' => $text]; $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $noteBookId = NotebookManager::save_note( $values, $this->user->getId(), $this->course->getId(), $sessionId ); return [ 'registered' => $noteBookId, ]; } /** * @param array $values * @param int $forumId * * @return array */ public function saveForumThread(array $values, $forumId) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'forum/'; $sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0; $forum = get_forums($forumId, $this->course->getCode(), true, $sessionId); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($this->course->getCode()); $thread = store_thread($forum, $values, $courseInfo, false, $this->user->getId(), $sessionId); return [ 'registered' => $thread->getIid(), ]; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function getUsersCampus(array $params) { $conditions = [ 'status' => $params['status'], ]; $idCampus = $params['id_campus']; $users = UserManager::get_user_list($conditions, ['firstname'], false, false, $idCampus); $list = []; foreach ($users as $item) { $listTemp = [ 'id' => $item['user_id'], 'firstname' => $item['firstname'], 'lastname' => $item['lastname'], 'email' => $item['email'], ]; $list[] = $listTemp; } return $list; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function getCoursesCampus(array $params) { $idCampus = $params['id_campus']; $courseList = CourseManager::get_courses_list( 0, //offset 0, //howMany 1, //$orderby = 1 'ASC', -1, //visibility null, $idCampus, //$urlId true //AlsoSearchCode ); return $courseList; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function addSession(array $params) { $name = $params['name']; $coach_username = intval($params['coach_username']); $startDate = $params['access_start_date']; $endDate = $params['access_end_date']; $displayStartDate = $startDate; $displayEndDate = $endDate; $description = $params['description']; $idUrlCampus = $params['id_campus']; $return = SessionManager::create_session( $name, $startDate, $endDate, $displayStartDate, $displayEndDate, null, null, $coach_username, null, 1, false, null, $description, 1, [], null, false, $idUrlCampus ); if ($return) { $out = [ 'status' => true, 'message' => 'Sesión creada correctamente', 'id_session' => $return, ]; } else { $out = [ 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Error al crear la sesión', ]; } return $out; } /** * @param array $courseParam * * @return array */ public function addCourse(array $courseParam) { $results = []; $idCampus = isset($courseParam['id_campus']) ? $courseParam['id_campus'] : 1; $title = isset($courseParam['title']) ? $courseParam['title'] : ''; $wantedCode = isset($courseParam['wanted_code']) ? $courseParam['wanted_code'] : null; $diskQuota = isset($courseParam['disk_quota']) ? $courseParam['disk_quota'] : '100'; $visibility = isset($courseParam['visibility']) ? (int) $courseParam['visibility'] : null; if (isset($courseParam['visibility'])) { if ($courseParam['visibility'] && $courseParam['visibility'] >= 0 && $courseParam['visibility'] <= 3 ) { $visibility = (int) $courseParam['visibility']; } } $params = []; $params['title'] = $title; $params['wanted_code'] = 'CAMPUS_'.$idCampus.'_'.$wantedCode; $params['user_id'] = $this->user->getId(); $params['visibility'] = $visibility; $params['disk_quota'] = $diskQuota; $courseInfo = CourseManager::create_course($params, $params['user_id'], $idCampus); if (!empty($courseInfo)) { $results['status'] = true; $results['code_course'] = $courseInfo['code']; $results['title_course'] = $courseInfo['title']; $results['message'] = 'Curso registrado con exito'; } else { $results['status'] = false; $results['message'] = 'Error al registrar el curso'; } return $results; } /** * @param $user_param * * @return array */ public function addUser($user_param) { $results = []; $orig_user_id_value = []; $firstName = $user_param['firstname']; $lastName = $user_param['lastname']; $status = $user_param['status']; $email = $user_param['email']; $loginName = $user_param['loginname']; $password = $user_param['password']; $official_code = ''; $language = ''; $phone = ''; $picture_uri = ''; $auth_source = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE; $expiration_date = ''; $active = 1; $hr_dept_id = 0; $extra = null; $original_user_id_name = $user_param['original_user_id_name']; $original_user_id_value = $user_param['original_user_id_value']; $orig_user_id_value[] = $user_param['original_user_id_value']; $extra_list = $user_param['extra']; if (!empty($user_param['language'])) { $language = $user_param['language']; } if (!empty($user_param['phone'])) { $phone = $user_param['phone']; } if (!empty($user_param['expiration_date'])) { $expiration_date = $user_param['expiration_date']; } // Default language. if (empty($language)) { $language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); } // First check wether the login already exists. if (!UserManager::is_username_available($loginName)) { $results[] = 0; } $userId = UserManager::create_user( $firstName, $lastName, $status, $email, $loginName, $password, $official_code, $language, $phone, $picture_uri, $auth_source, $expiration_date, $active, $hr_dept_id ); if ($userId) { if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { if (api_get_current_access_url_id() != -1) { UrlManager::add_user_to_url( $userId, api_get_current_access_url_id() ); } else { UrlManager::add_user_to_url($userId, 1); } } else { // We add by default the access_url_user table with access_url_id = 1 UrlManager::add_user_to_url($userId, 1); } // Save new field label into user_field table. UserManager::create_extra_field( $original_user_id_name, 1, $original_user_id_name, '' ); // Save the external system's id into user_field_value table. UserManager::update_extra_field_value( $userId, $original_user_id_name, $original_user_id_value ); if (is_array($extra_list) && count($extra_list) > 0) { foreach ($extra_list as $extra) { $extra_field_name = $extra['field_name']; $extra_field_value = $extra['field_value']; // Save new field label into user_field table. UserManager::create_extra_field( $extra_field_name, 1, $extra_field_name, '' ); // Save the external system's id into user_field_value table. UserManager::update_extra_field_value( $userId, $extra_field_name, $extra_field_value ); } } $results[] = $userId; } else { $results[] = 0; } return $results; } /** * Subscribe User to Course. * * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function subscribeUserToCourse($params) { $course_id = $params['course_id']; $course_code = $params['course_code']; $user_id = $params['user_id']; if (!$course_id && !$course_code) { return [false]; } if (!$course_code) { $course_code = CourseManager::get_course_code_from_course_id($course_id); } if (CourseManager::subscribeUser($user_id, $course_code)) { return [true]; } else { return [false]; } return [true]; } /** * Add Campus Virtual. * * @param array Params Campus * * @return array */ public function createCampusURL($params) { $urlCampus = Security::remove_XSS($params['url']); $description = Security::remove_XSS($params['description']); $active = isset($params['active']) ? intval($params['active']) : 0; $num = UrlManager::url_exist($urlCampus); if ($num == 0) { // checking url if (substr($urlCampus, strlen($urlCampus) - 1, strlen($urlCampus)) == '/') { $idCampus = UrlManager::add($urlCampus, $description, $active, true); } else { //create $idCampus = UrlManager::add($urlCampus.'/', $description, $active, true); } return [ 'status' => true, 'id_campus' => $idCampus, ]; } return [ 'status' => false, 'id_campus' => 0, ]; } /** * Edit Campus Virtual. * * @param array Params Campus * * @return array */ public function editCampusURL($params) { $urlCampus = Security::remove_XSS($params['url']); $description = Security::remove_XSS($params['description']); $active = isset($params['active']) ? intval($params['active']) : 0; $url_id = isset($params['id']) ? intval($params['id']) : 0; if (!empty($url_id)) { //we can't change the status of the url with id=1 if ($url_id == 1) { $active = 1; } //checking url if (substr($urlCampus, strlen($urlCampus) - 1, strlen($urlCampus)) == '/') { UrlManager::update($url_id, $urlCampus, $description, $active); } else { UrlManager::update($url_id, $urlCampus.'/', $description, $active); } return [true]; } return [false]; } /** * Delete Campus Virtual. * * @param array Params Campus * * @return array */ public function deleteCampusURL($params) { $url_id = isset($params['id']) ? intval($params['id']) : 0; $result = UrlManager::delete($url_id); if ($result) { return [ 'status' => true, 'message' => get_lang('URLDeleted'), ]; } else { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => get_lang('Error'), ]; } } /** * @param array $params * * @throws Exception * * @return array */ public function addCoursesSession(array $params) { $sessionId = $params['id_session']; $courseList = $params['list_courses']; $result = SessionManager::add_courses_to_session( $sessionId, $courseList, true, false ); if ($result) { return [ 'status' => $result, 'message' => 'Los cursos fueron añadidos a la sessión', ]; } else { return [ 'status' => $result, 'message' => 'Error al añadir cursos a la sessión', ]; } } /** * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function addUsersSession(array $params) { $sessionId = $params['id_session']; $userList = $params['list_users']; if (!is_array($userList)) { $userList = []; } SessionManager::subscribeUsersToSession( $sessionId, $userList, null, false ); return [ 'status' => true, 'message' => 'Error al añadir usuarios a la sessión', ]; } /** * @param array $additionalParams Optional * * @return string */ private function encodeParams(array $additionalParams = []) { $params = array_merge($additionalParams, [ 'api_key' => $this->apiKey, 'username' => $this->user->getUsername(), ]); $encoded = json_encode($params); return $encoded; } }