<?php class TestFillBlanksClass extends UnitTestCase { public $fFillBlanks; public function TestFillBlanksClass() { $this->UnitTestCase(''); } public function setUp() { $this->fFillBlanks = new FillBlanks(); } public function tearDown() { $this->fFillBlanks = null; } /** * function which redifines Question::createAnswersForm * @param the formvalidator instance */ /* function testcreateAnswersForm() { $form = new FormValidator('introduction_text'); $res = $this->fFillBlanks->createAnswersForm($form); $this->assertTrue(is_null($res)); var_dump($res); }*/ /** * abstract function which creates the form to create / edit the answers of the question * @param the formvalidator instance */ /* function testprocessAnswersCreation() { global $charset; $form = new FormValidator('introduction_text'); $res = $this->fFillBlanks->processAnswersCreation($form); $this->assertTrue(is_null($res)); var_dump($res); }*/ } ?>