<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. 
$langCourseProgram  = "Course description";
$langThisCourseDescriptionIsEmpty  = "This course is presently not described.";
$langEditCourseProgram  = "Create and edit a course description";
$QuestionPlan  = "Question to leader";
$langInfo2Say  = "Information to give to users";
$langOuAutreTitre  = "Title";
$langNewBloc  = "Other";
$langAddCat  = "add category";
$langAdd  = "Add";
$langValid  = "Valid";
$langBackAndForget  = "Back and forget";
$langOkSent = "Your page has been uploaded.<p>It is now linked from <a href=../../$dbname/index.php>Homepage</a>";
$Content = "Content";
$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Course description has been updated";
$CourseDescriptionDeleted = "Course description has been deleted";
$CourseDescriptionIntro = "To create a course description, click on a heading and fill the correct form field.<br><br> Click then OK and fill another heading.";