getDatabase(); } /** * The glue is the string needed between database and table. * The trick is: in multiple databases, this is a period (with backticks). * In single database, this can be e.g. an underscore so we just fake * there are multiple databases and the code can be written independent * of the single / multiple database setting. * @return string */ public static function get_database_glue() { return `.`; } /* Table name methods Use these methods to get table names for queries, instead of constructing them yourself. Backticks automatically surround the result, e.g. so the queries can look cleaner. Example: $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $condition"; $sql_result = Database::query($sql_query); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); */ /** * This function returns the correct complete name of any table of the main * database of which you pass the short name as a parameter. * Define table names as constants in this library and use them * instead of directly using magic words in your tool code. * * @param string $short_table_name, the name of the table * @return string */ public static function get_main_table($short_table_name) { return self::format_table_name(self::get_main_database(), $short_table_name); } /** * This method returns the correct complete name of any course table of * which you pass the short name as a parameter. * Define table names as constants in this library and use them * instead of directly using magic words in your tool code. * * @param string $short_table_name, the name of the table * @return string * */ public static function get_course_table($short_table_name) { return self::format_table_name(self::get_main_database(), DB_COURSE_PREFIX.$short_table_name); } /** * Returns the number of affected rows in the last database operation. * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result * @return int */ public static function affected_rows(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result = null) { return $result->rowCount(); //return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_affected_rows() : mysql_affected_rows($connection); } /** * Gets the array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query) - help achieving database independence * @param resource The result from a call to sql_query (e.g. Database::query) * @param string Optional: "ASSOC","NUM" or "BOTH", as the constant used in mysql_fetch_array. * @return array Array of results as returned by php * @author Yannick Warnier */ public static function fetch_array(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result, $option = 'BOTH') { if ($result === false) { return array(); } return $result->fetch(self::customOptionToDoctrineOption($option)); /*return $option == 'ASSOC' ? mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) : ($option == 'NUM' ? mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_NUM ) : mysql_fetch_array($result));*/ } /** * Gets an associative array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query). * This method is equivalent to calling Database::fetch_array() with 'ASSOC' value for the optional second parameter. * @param resource $result The result from a call to sql_query (e.g. Database::query). * @return array Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. */ public static function fetch_assoc(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result) { return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //return mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } /** * Gets the next row of the result of the SQL query (as returned by Database::query) in an object form * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement The result from a call to Database::query()) * @param string Optional class name to instanciate * @param array Optional array of parameters * @return object Object of class StdClass or the required class, containing the query result row * @author Yannick Warnier */ public static function fetch_object(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result) { // Waiting for in order to know which constant use. //return $result->fetch(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT); return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); /*return !empty($class) ? (is_array($params) ? mysql_fetch_object($result, $class, $params) : mysql_fetch_object( $result, $class )) : mysql_fetch_object($result);*/ } /** * Gets the array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query) - help achieving database independence * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement The result from a call to Database::query()) * @return array Array of results as returned by php */ public static function fetch_row(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result) { return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); //return mysql_fetch_row($result); } /** * Gets the ID of the last item inserted into the database * @return int The last ID as returned by the DB function */ public static function insert_id() { return self::$connectionWrite->lastInsertId(); } /** * Gets the number of rows from the last query result - help achieving database independence * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement * @return integer The number of rows contained in this result **/ public static function num_rows(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result) { return $result->rowCount(); } /** * Acts as the relative *_result() function of most DB drivers and fetches a * specific line and a field * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement The database resource to get data from * @param integer The row number * @param string Optional field name or number * @return mixed One cell of the result, or FALSE on error */ public static function result(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $resource, $row, $field = 0) { if ($resource->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $resource->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); return $result[$row][$field]; } return null; } /** * Frees all the memory associated with the provided result identifier. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * Notes: Use this method if you are concerned about how much memory is being used for queries that return large result sets. * Anyway, all associated result memory is automatically freed at the end of the script's execution. */ public static function free_result(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result) { $result->closeCursor(); //return mysql_free_result($result); } /** * Detects if a query is going to modify something in the database in order to use the write connection * @param string $query * @return bool */ public static function isWriteQuery($query) { $isWriteQuery = preg_match("/UPDATE(.*) FROM/i", $query) || preg_match("/INSERT INTO/i", $query) || preg_match("/REPLACE INTO/i", $query) || preg_match("/DELETE FROM/i", $query); return $isWriteQuery; } /** * Escapes a string to insert into the database as text * @param string The string to escape * @return string The escaped string */ public static function escape_string($string) { /* The pdo::quote function adds a "'" character we need to remove that ' because in Chamilo, developers builds a query like this: $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = 'Database::escape_string($id)'"; otherwise we will have an error because the query will be: SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ''1'' instead of SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '1' */ // $string = '_@_'.self::$db->quote($string).'_@_'; $string = self::$db->quote($string); return trim($string, "'"); return $string; } /** * Executes a query in the database * @author Julio Montoya * @param string $query The SQL query * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement */ public static function query($query) { $isWriteQuery = self::isWriteQuery($query); if ($isWriteQuery) { $connection = self::$connectionWrite; } else { $connection = self::$connectionRead; } /* The solution below does not work because there are some case where we use the "LIKE" option like this: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id LIKE "%'.Database::escape_string($id).' %" ; Chamilo queries are formed in many ways: $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."'; or $sql = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '.Database::escape_string($id).'; The problem here is that the function escape_string() calls the quote function that adds a "'" string. Instead of this we're adding a identifier __@__ so we can identify those cases and replace with a simple ' */ //var_dump($query); /*$query = str_replace( array( "\"_@_'", "'_@_\"", "'_@_'", "_@_'", "'_@_", ), "'", $query );*/ //var_dump($query); return $connection->executeQuery($query); /* //@todo remove this before the stable release //Check if the table contains a c_ (means a course id) if (api_get_setting('server_type') === 'test' && strpos($query, 'c_')) { //Check if the table contains inner joins if ( strpos($query, 'assoc_handle') === false && strpos($query, 'olpc_peru_filter') === false && strpos($query, 'allow_public_certificates') === false && strpos($query, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS') === false && strpos($query, 'thematic_advance') === false && strpos($query, 'thematic_plan') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_countries') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_os') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_providers') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_referers') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_browsers') === false && strpos($query, 'settings_current') === false && strpos($query, 'branch_sync') === false && strpos($query, 'branch_sync_log') === false && strpos($query, 'branch_sync_log') === false && strpos($query, 'branch_transaction') === false && strpos($query, 'branch_transaction_status') === false && strpos($query, 'dokeos_classic_2D') === false && strpos($query, 'cosmic_campus') === false && strpos($query, 'static_') === false && strpos($query, 'public_admin') === false && strpos($query, 'chamilo_electric_blue') === false && strpos($query, 'wcag_anysurfer_public_pages') === false && strpos($query, 'specific_field') === false && strpos($query, 'down_doc_path') === false && strpos($query, 'INNER JOIN') === false && strpos($query, 'inner join') === false && strpos($query, 'left join') === false && strpos($query, 'LEFT JOIN') === false && strpos($query, 'insert') === false && strpos($query, 'INSERT') === false && strpos($query, 'ALTER') === false && strpos($query, 'alter') === false && strpos($query, 'c_id') === false && strpos($query, 'c_quiz_question_rel_category') === false && strpos($query, 'c_quiz_category') === false && strpos($query, 'c_quiz_rel_question') === false && strpos($query, 'c_quiz_answer') === false && strpos($query, 'c_quiz_question') === false && strpos($query, 'c_quiz_rel_question') === false && strpos($query, 'create table') === false && strpos($query, 'CREATE TABLE') === false && strpos($query, 'AUTO_INCREMENT') === false ) { //@todo remove this echo '
                $message = '

Dev message: please add the c_id field in this query or report this error in

'; $message .= $query; echo $message; echo '
'; } } */ } public static function customOptionToDoctrineOption($option) { switch($option) { case 'ASSOC': return PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; break; case 'NUM': return PDO::FETCH_NUM; break; case 'BOTH': default: return PDO::FETCH_BOTH; break; } } /** * Stores a query result into an array. * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result - the return value of the query * @param option BOTH, ASSOC, or NUM * @return array - the value returned by the query */ public static function store_result(\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement $result, $option = 'BOTH') { return $result->fetchAll(self::customOptionToDoctrineOption($option)); /* var_dump($a ); $array = array(); if ($result !== false) { // For isolation from database engine's behaviour. while ($row = self::fetch_array($result, $option)) { $array[] = $row; } } return $array;*/ } /* Private methods You should not access these from outside the class No effort is made to keep the names / results the same. */ /** * Structures a database and table name to ready them * for querying. The database parameter is considered not glued, * just plain e.g. COURSE001 * @todo not sure if we need this now */ private static function format_table_name($database, $table) { /*$glue = '`.`'; $table_name = '`'.$database.$glue.$table.'`'; */ return $table; //return $table_name; } /* New useful DB functions */ /** * Executes an insert to in the database (dbal already escape strings) * @param string table name * @param array An array of field and values * @param bool show query * @return int the id of the latest executed query */ public static function insert($table_name, $attributes, $show_query = false) { $result = self::$connectionWrite->insert($table_name, $attributes); if ($result) { return self::insert_id(); } return false; } /** * Experimental useful database finder * @todo lot of stuff to do here * @todo known issues, it doesn't work when using LIKE conditions * @example array('where'=> array('course_code LIKE "?%"')) * @example array('where'=> array('type = ? AND category = ?' => array('setting', 'Plugins')) * @example array('where'=> array('name = "Julio" AND lastname = "montoya")) */ public static function select($columns, $table_name, $conditions = array(), $type_result = 'all', $option = 'ASSOC') { //$qb = self::$db->createQueryBuilder(); $conditions = self::parse_conditions($conditions); //@todo we could do a describe here to check the columns ... $clean_columns = ''; if (is_array($columns)) { $clean_columns = implode(',', $columns); } else { if ($columns == '*') { $clean_columns = '*'; } else { $clean_columns = (string)$columns; } } /*$qb->select($clean_columns); $qb->from($table_name, 'table'); $qb->orderBy('table.' . $sort_order, 'ASC');*/ $sql = "SELECT $clean_columns FROM $table_name $conditions"; //var_dump($sql); $result = self::query($sql); $array = array(); if ($type_result == 'all') { while ($row = self::fetch_array($result, $option)) { if (isset($row['id'])) { $array[$row['id']] = $row; } else { $array[] = $row; } } } else { $array = self::fetch_array($result, $option); } return $array; } /** * Parses WHERE/ORDER conditions i.e array('where'=>array('id = ?' =>'4'), 'order'=>'id DESC')) * @todo known issues, it doesn't work when using LIKE conditions example: array('where'=>array('course_code LIKE "?%"')) * @param array * @return string * @todo lot of stuff to do here */ static function parse_conditions($conditions) { if (empty($conditions)) { return ''; } $return_value = $where_return = ''; foreach ($conditions as $type_condition => $condition_data) { if ($condition_data == false) { continue; } $type_condition = strtolower($type_condition); switch ($type_condition) { case 'where': foreach ($condition_data as $condition => $value_array) { if (is_array($value_array)) { $clean_values = array(); foreach ($value_array as $item) { $item = Database::escape_string($item); $clean_values[] = $item; } } else { $value_array = Database::escape_string($value_array); $clean_values = $value_array; } if (!empty($condition) && $clean_values != '') { $condition = str_replace('%', "'@percentage@'", $condition); //replace "%" $condition = str_replace("'?'", "%s", $condition); $condition = str_replace("?", "%s", $condition); $condition = str_replace("@%s@", "@-@", $condition); $condition = str_replace("%s", "'%s'", $condition); $condition = str_replace("@-@", "@%s@", $condition); //Treat conditons as string $condition = vsprintf($condition, $clean_values); $condition = str_replace('@percentage@', '%', $condition); //replace "%" $where_return .= $condition; } } if (!empty($where_return)) { $return_value = " WHERE $where_return"; } break; case 'order': $order_array = $condition_data; if (!empty($order_array)) { // 'order' => 'id desc, name desc' $order_array = $order_array; $new_order_array = explode(',', $order_array); $temp_value = array(); foreach ($new_order_array as $element) { $element = explode(' ', $element); $element = array_filter($element); $element = array_values($element); if (!empty($element[1])) { $element[1] = strtolower($element[1]); $order = 'DESC'; if (in_array($element[1], array('desc', 'asc'))) { $order = $element[1]; } $temp_value[] = $element[0].' '.$order.' '; } else { //by default DESC $temp_value[] = $element[0].' DESC '; } } if (!empty($temp_value)) { $return_value .= ' ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $temp_value); } } break; case 'limit': $limit_array = explode(',', $condition_data); if (!empty($limit_array)) { if (count($limit_array) > 1) { $return_value .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit_array[0]).' , '.intval($limit_array[1]); } else { $return_value .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit_array[0]); } } break; } } return $return_value; } public static function parse_where_conditions($conditions) { return self::parse_conditions(array('where' => $conditions)); } /** * Deletes an item depending of conditions * @param string $table_name * @param array $where_conditions * @param bool $show_query * @return int */ public static function delete($table_name, $where_conditions, $show_query = false) { //return self::$connectionWrite->delete($table_name, $where_conditions); $where_return = self::parse_where_conditions($where_conditions); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_name $where_return "; if ($show_query) { echo $sql; echo '
'; } $result = self::query($sql); $affected_rows = self::affected_rows($result); //@todo should return affected_rows for return $affected_rows; } /** * Experimental useful database update * @param string table name use Database::get_main_table * @param array array with values to updates, keys are the fields in the database: * @example: $params['name'] = 'Julio'; $params['lastname'] = 'Montoya'; * @param array where conditions i.e array('id = ?' =>'4') * @param bool show query * @todo lot of stuff to do here */ public static function update($table_name, $attributes, $where_conditions = array(), $show_query = false) { if (!empty($table_name) && !empty($attributes)) { $update_sql = ''; //Cleaning attributes $count = 1; foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $value = self::escape_string($value); } $update_sql .= "$key = '$value' "; if ($count < count($attributes)) { $update_sql .= ', '; } $count++; } if (!empty($update_sql)) { //Parsing and cleaning the where conditions $where_return = self::parse_where_conditions($where_conditions); $sql = "UPDATE $table_name SET $update_sql $where_return "; if ($show_query) { var_dump($sql); } $result = self::query($sql); $affected_rows = self::affected_rows($result); return $affected_rows; } } return false; } /* Query methods These methods execute a query and return the result(s). */ /** * Counts the number of rows in a table * @param string $table The table of which the rows should be counted * @return int The number of rows in the given table. */ public static function count_rows($table) { $obj = self::fetch_object(self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM $table")); return $obj->n; } /** * Returns a list of tables within a database. The list may contain all of the * available table names or filtered table names by using a pattern. * @param string $database (optional) The name of the examined database. * @param string $pattern (optional) A pattern for filtering table names as if it was needed for the SQL's LIKE clause, for example 'access_%'. * @deprecated * @return array Returns in an array the retrieved list of table names. */ public static function get_tables($database = '', $pattern = '') { $result = array(); $query = "SHOW TABLES"; if (!empty($database)) { $query .= " FROM `".self::escape_string($database)."`"; } if (!empty($pattern)) { $query .= " LIKE '".self::escape_string($pattern)."'"; } $query_result = Database::query($query); while ($row = Database::fetch_row($query_result)) { $result[] = $row[0]; } return $result; } /** * Returns a list of databases created on the server. The list may contain all of the * available database names or filtered database names by using a pattern. * @return array Returns in an array the retrieved list of database names. */ public static function get_databases() { $sm = self::$db->getSchemaManager(); return $sm->listDatabases(); } }