<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ /** * @package chamilo.admin */ /** * Code */ // Resetting the course id. $cidReset = true; // Including some necessary dokeos files. require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; // Setting the section (for the tabs). $this_section = SECTION_PLATFORM_ADMIN; // Access restrictions. api_protect_admin_script(); // Setting breadcrumbs. $interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => 'class_list.php', 'name' => get_lang('AdminClasses')); // Setting the name of the tool. $tool_name = get_lang('AddClasses'); $tool_name = get_lang('ModifyClassInfo'); $class_id = intval($_GET['idclass']); $class = ClassManager :: get_class_info($class_id); $form = new FormValidator('edit_class', 'post', 'class_edit.php?idclass='.$class_id); $form->addText('name',get_lang('ClassName')); $form->addButtonUpdate(get_lang('Ok')); $form->setDefaults(array('name'=>$class['name'])); if($form->validate()) { $values = $form->exportValues(); ClassManager :: set_name($values['name'], $class_id); header('Location: class_list.php'); } Display :: display_header($tool_name); //api_display_tool_title($tool_name); $form->display(); // Displaying the footer. Display :: display_footer();