courseId = intval($courseId); $this->userId = intval($userId); $this->sessionId = intval($sessionId); $this->groupId = intval($groupId); } /** * Get the users subscriptions (SessionRelCourseRelUser array or CourseRelUser array) for chat * @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException */ private function getUsersSubscriptions() { $em = Database::getManager(); $course = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $this->courseId); if ($this->sessionId) { $criteria = \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria::create() ->where( \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria::expr()->eq("course", $course) ); return $em ->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $this->sessionId) ->getUserCourseSubscriptions() ->matching($criteria); } return $em ->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $course) ->getUsers(); } /** * Prepare a message. Clean and insert emojis * @param string $message The message to prepare * @return string */ public static function prepareMessage($message) { if (empty($message)) { return ''; } Emojione\Emojione::$imagePathPNG = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'javascript/emojione/png/'; Emojione\Emojione::$ascii = true; $message = trim($message); $message = nl2br($message); // Security XSS $message = Security::remove_XSS($message); //search urls $message = preg_replace( '@((https?://)?([-\w]+\.[-\w\.]+)+\w(:\d+)?(/([-\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)*)@', '$1', $message ); // add "http://" if not set $message = preg_replace( '/]*href\s*=\s*"((?!https?:\/\/)[^"]*)"[^>]*>/i', '', $message ); // Parsing emojis $message = Emojione\Emojione::toImage($message); // Parsing text to understand markdown (code highlight) $message = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($message); return $message; } /** * Save a chat message in a HTML file * @param string$message * @param int $friendId * @return bool * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException */ public function saveMessage($message, $friendId = 0) { if (empty($message)) { return false; } $em = Database::getManager(); $user = $em->find('ChamiloUserBundle:User', $this->userId); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->courseId); $isMaster = (bool) api_is_course_admin(); $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $courseInfo['path'] . '/document'; $basepath_chat = '/chat_files'; if (!$this->groupId) { $group_info = GroupManager::get_group_properties($this->groupId); $basepath_chat = $group_info['directory'] . '/chat_files'; } $chat_path = $document_path . $basepath_chat . '/'; if (!is_dir($chat_path)) { if (is_file($chat_path)) { @unlink($chat_path); } } $date_now = date('Y-m-d'); $timeNow = date('d/m/y H:i:s'); $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_gid-' . $this->groupId; } elseif ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_sid-' . $this->sessionId; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_uid-' . $this->userId . '-' . $friendId; } else { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_uid-' . $friendId . '-' . $this->userId; } } $message = self::prepareMessage($message); $fileTitle = $basename_chat . '.log.html'; $filePath = $basepath_chat . '/' . $fileTitle; $absoluteFilePath = $chat_path . $fileTitle; if (!file_exists($absoluteFilePath)) { $doc_id = add_document($courseInfo, $filePath, 'file', 0, $fileTitle); $documentLogTypes = ['DocumentAdded', 'invisible']; foreach ($documentLogTypes as $logType) { api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, $logType, $this->userId, $this->groupId, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); } item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); } else { $doc_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($courseInfo, $filePath); } $fp = fopen($absoluteFilePath, 'a'); $userPhoto = UserManager::getUserPicture($this->userId, USER_IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM); if ($isMaster) { $fileContent = ' ' . $user->getCompleteName() . ' ' . $message . ' ' . $timeNow . ' '; } else { $fileContent = ' ' . $user->getCompleteName() . ' ' . $message . ' ' . $timeNow . ' '; } fputs($fp, $fileContent); fclose($fp); $chat_size = filesize($absoluteFilePath); update_existing_document($courseInfo, $doc_id, $chat_size); item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); return true; } /** * Disconnect a user from course chats * @param $userId */ public static function exitChat($userId) { $listCourse = CourseManager::get_courses_list_by_user_id($userId); foreach ($listCourse as $course) { Database::getManager() ->createQuery(' DELETE FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.cId = :course AND ccc.userId = :user ') ->execute([ 'course' => intval($course['real_id']), 'user' => intval($userId) ]); } } /** * Disconnect users who are more than 5 seconds inactive */ public function disconnectInactiveUsers() { $em = Database::getManager(); $extraCondition = "AND ccc.toGroupId = {$this->groupId}"; if (empty($this->groupId)) { $extraCondition = "AND ccc.sessionId = {$this->sessionId}"; } $connectedUsers = $em ->createQuery(" SELECT ccc FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.cId = :course $extraCondition ") ->setParameter('course', $this->courseId) ->getResult(); $now = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $cd_count_time_seconds = $now->getTimestamp(); foreach ($connectedUsers as $connection) { $date_count_time_seconds = $connection->getLastConnection()->getTimestamp(); if (strcmp($now->format('Y-m-d'), $connection->getLastConnection()->format('Y-m-d')) !== 0) { continue; } if (($cd_count_time_seconds - $date_count_time_seconds) <= 5) { continue; } $em ->createQuery(' DELETE FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.cId = :course AND ccc.userId = :user AND ccc.toGroupId = :group ') ->execute([ 'course' => $this->courseId, 'user' => $connection->getUserId(), 'group' => $this->groupId ]); } } /** * Keep registered to a user as connected * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\NonUniqueResultException */ public function keepUserAsConnected() { $em = Database::getManager(); $extraCondition = null; if ($this->groupId) { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.toGroupId = ' . intval($this->groupId); } else { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.sessionId = ' . intval($this->sessionId); } $currentTime = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $connection = $em ->createQuery(" SELECT ccc FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.userId = :user AND ccc.cId = :course $extraCondition ") ->setParameters([ 'user' => $this->userId, 'course' => $this->courseId ]) ->getOneOrNullResult(); if ($connection) { $connection->setLastConnection($currentTime); $em->merge($connection); $em->flush(); return; } $connection = new \Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CChatConnected(); $connection ->setCId($this->courseId) ->setUserId($this->userId) ->setLastConnection($currentTime) ->setSessionId($this->sessionId) ->setToGroupId($this->groupId); $em->persist($connection); $em->flush(); } /** * Check if the connection is denied for chat * @return bool * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException */ public function isChatDenied() { if (ChamiloSession::read('origin', null) !== 'whoisonline') { return false; } $talkTo = ChamiloSession::read('target', 0); if (!$talkTo) { return true; } $em = Database::getManager(); $user = $em->find('ChamiloUserBundle:User', $talkTo); if ($user->getChatcallText() === 'DENIED') { $user ->setChatcallDate(null) ->setChatcallUserId(null) ->setChatcallText(null); $em->merge($user); $em->flush(); return true; } return false; } /** * Get the emoji allowed on course chat * @return array */ public static function getEmojiStrategry() { return [ 'hearts' => ['unicode' => '2665', 'shortname' => ':hearts:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'black heart suit cards poker'], 'joy' => ['unicode' => '1F602', 'shortname' => ':joy:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with tears of joy cry face haha happy tears tears cry joy happy weep'], 'unamused' => ['unicode' => '1F612', 'shortname' => ':unamused:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'unamused face bored face indifference serious straight face unamused not amused depressed unhappy disapprove lame'], 'heart_eyes' => ['unicode' => '1F60D', 'shortname' => ':heart_eyes:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with heart-shaped eyes affection crush face infatuation like love valentines smiling heart lovestruck love flirt smile heart-shaped'], 'heart' => ['unicode' => '2764', 'shortname' => ':heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'heavy black heart like love red pink black heart love passion romance intense desire death evil cold valentines'], 'relaxed' => ['unicode' => '263A', 'shortname' => ':relaxed:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'white smiling face blush face happiness massage smile'], 'ok_hand' => ['unicode' => '1F44C', 'shortname' => ':ok_hand:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ok hand sign fingers limbs perfect okay ok smoke smoking marijuana joint pot 420'], 'kissing_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F618', 'shortname' => ':kissing_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face throwing a kiss affection face infatuation kiss blowing kiss heart love lips like love valentines'], 'blush' => ['unicode' => '1F60A', 'shortname' => ':blush:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with smiling eyes crush embarrassed face flushed happy shy smile smiling smile smiley'], 'weary' => ['unicode' => '1F629', 'shortname' => ':weary:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'weary face face frustrated sad sleepy tired weary sleepy tired tiredness study finals school exhausted'], 'pensive' => ['unicode' => '1F614', 'shortname' => ':pensive:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pensive face face okay sad pensive thoughtful think reflective wistful meditate serious'], 'sob' => ['unicode' => '1F62D', 'shortname' => ':sob:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'loudly crying face cry face sad tears upset cry sob tears sad melancholy morn somber hurt'], 'smirk' => ['unicode' => '1F60F', 'shortname' => ':smirk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smirking face mean prank smile smug smirking smirk smug smile half-smile conceited'], 'two_hearts' => ['unicode' => '1F495', 'shortname' => ':two_hearts:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'two hearts affection like love valentines heart hearts two love emotion'], 'grin' => ['unicode' => '1F601', 'shortname' => ':grin:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'grinning face with smiling eyes face happy joy smile grin grinning smiling smile smiley'], 'flushed' => ['unicode' => '1F633', 'shortname' => ':flushed:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'flushed face blush face flattered flush blush red pink cheeks shy'], 'thumbsup' => ['unicode' => '1F44D', 'shortname' => ':thumbsup:', 'aliases' => ':+1:', 'keywords' => 'thumbs up sign cool hand like yes'], 'raised_hands' => ['unicode' => '1F64C', 'shortname' => ':raised_hands:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'person raising both hands in celebration gesture hooray winning woot yay banzai'], 'wink' => ['unicode' => '1F609', 'shortname' => ':wink:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'winking face face happy mischievous secret wink winking friendly joke'], 'information_desk_person' => ['unicode' => '1F481', 'shortname' => ':information_desk_person:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'information desk person female girl human woman information help question answer sassy unimpressed attitude snarky'], 'relieved' => ['unicode' => '1F60C', 'shortname' => ':relieved:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'relieved face face happiness massage phew relaxed relieved satisfied phew relief'], 'see_no_evil' => ['unicode' => '1F648', 'shortname' => ':see_no_evil:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'see-no-evil monkey animal monkey nature monkey see eyes vision sight mizaru'], 'v' => ['unicode' => '270C', 'shortname' => ':v:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'victory hand fingers hand ohyeah peace two victory'], 'pray' => ['unicode' => '1F64F', 'shortname' => ':pray:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'person with folded hands highfive hope namaste please wish pray high five hands sorrow regret sorry'], 'yum' => ['unicode' => '1F60B', 'shortname' => ':yum:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face savouring delicious food face happy joy smile tongue delicious savoring food eat yummy yum tasty savory'], 'stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye' => ['unicode' => '1F61C', 'shortname' => ':stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye childish face mischievous playful prank tongue wink winking kidding silly playful crazy'], 'notes' => ['unicode' => '1F3B6', 'shortname' => ':notes:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'multiple musical notes music score musical music notes music sound melody'], 'eyes' => ['unicode' => '1F440', 'shortname' => ':eyes:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'eyes look peek stalk watch'], 'smile' => ['unicode' => '1F604', 'shortname' => ':smile:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes face funny haha happy joy laugh smile smiley smiling'], 'disappointed' => ['unicode' => '1F61E', 'shortname' => ':disappointed:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'disappointed face disappointed disappoint frown depressed discouraged face sad upset'], 'raised_hand' => ['unicode' => '270B', 'shortname' => ':raised_hand:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'raised hand female girl woman'], 'clap' => ['unicode' => '1F44F', 'shortname' => ':clap:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clapping hands sign applause congrats hands praise clapping appreciation approval sound encouragement enthusiasm'], 'speak_no_evil' => ['unicode' => '1F64A', 'shortname' => ':speak_no_evil:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'speak-no-evil monkey animal monkey monkey mouth talk say words verbal verbalize oral iwazaru'], 100 => ['unicode' => '1F4AF', 'shortname' => ':100:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'hundred points symbol numbers perfect score 100 percent a plus perfect school quiz score test exam'], 'cry' => ['unicode' => '1F622', 'shortname' => ':cry:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'crying face face sad sad cry tear weep tears'], 'rage' => ['unicode' => '1F621', 'shortname' => ':rage:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pouting face angry despise hate mad pout anger rage irate'], 'tired_face' => ['unicode' => '1F62B', 'shortname' => ':tired_face:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tired face face frustrated sick upset whine exhausted sleepy tired'], 'scream' => ['unicode' => '1F631', 'shortname' => ':scream:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face screaming in fear face munch scream painting artist alien'], 'purple_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F49C', 'shortname' => ':purple_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'purple heart affection like love valentines purple violet heart love sensitive understanding compassionate compassion duty honor royalty veteran sacrifice'], 'broken_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F494', 'shortname' => ':broken_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'broken heart sad sorry'], 'kiss' => ['unicode' => '1F48B', 'shortname' => ':kiss:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'kiss mark affection face like lips love valentines'], 'blue_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F499', 'shortname' => ':blue_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'blue heart affection like love valentines blue heart love stability truth loyalty trust'], 'sleepy' => ['unicode' => '1F62A', 'shortname' => ':sleepy:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sleepy face face rest tired sleepy tired exhausted'], 'sweat_smile' => ['unicode' => '1F605', 'shortname' => ':sweat_smile:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat face happy hot smiling cold sweat perspiration'], 'stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes' => ['unicode' => '1F61D', 'shortname' => ':stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes face mischievous playful prank tongue kidding silly playful ecstatic'], 'punch' => ['unicode' => '1F44A', 'shortname' => ':punch:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'fisted hand sign fist hand'], 'triumph' => ['unicode' => '1F624', 'shortname' => ':triumph:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with look of triumph face gas phew triumph steam breath'], 'sparkling_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F496', 'shortname' => ':sparkling_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sparkling heart affection like love valentines'], 'smiley' => ['unicode' => '1F603', 'shortname' => ':smiley:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with open mouth face haha happy joy smiling smile smiley'], 'sunny' => ['unicode' => '2600', 'shortname' => ':sunny:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'black sun with rays brightness weather'], 'heartpulse' => ['unicode' => '1F497', 'shortname' => ':heartpulse:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'growing heart affection like love valentines'], 'wave' => ['unicode' => '1F44B', 'shortname' => ':wave:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'waving hand sign farewell gesture goodbye hands solong'], 'mask' => ['unicode' => '1F637', 'shortname' => ':mask:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with medical mask face ill sick sick virus flu medical mask'], 'heavy_check_mark' => ['unicode' => '2714', 'shortname' => ':heavy_check_mark:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'heavy check mark nike ok'], 'cherry_blossom' => ['unicode' => '1F338', 'shortname' => ':cherry_blossom:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'cherry blossom flower nature plant cherry blossom tree flower'], 'rose' => ['unicode' => '1F339', 'shortname' => ':rose:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rose flowers love valentines rose fragrant flower thorns love petals romance'], 'persevere' => ['unicode' => '1F623', 'shortname' => ':persevere:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'persevering face endure persevere face no sick upset'], 'revolving_hearts' => ['unicode' => '1F49E', 'shortname' => ':revolving_hearts:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'revolving hearts affection like love valentines heart hearts revolving moving circle multiple lovers'], 'sparkles' => ['unicode' => '2728', 'shortname' => ':sparkles:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sparkles cool shine shiny stars'], 'confounded' => ['unicode' => '1F616', 'shortname' => ':confounded:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'confounded face confused face sick unwell confound amaze perplex puzzle mystify'], 'tada' => ['unicode' => '1F389', 'shortname' => ':tada:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'party popper contulations party party popper tada celebration victory announcement climax congratulations'], 'no_good' => ['unicode' => '1F645', 'shortname' => ':no_good:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with no good gesture female girl woman no stop nope don\'t not'], 'muscle' => ['unicode' => '1F4AA', 'shortname' => ':muscle:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'flexed biceps arm flex hand strong muscle bicep'], 'angry' => ['unicode' => '1F620', 'shortname' => ':angry:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'angry face angry livid mad vexed irritated annoyed face frustrated mad'], 'gun' => ['unicode' => '1F52B', 'shortname' => ':gun:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pistol violence weapon'], 'cupid' => ['unicode' => '1F498', 'shortname' => ':cupid:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'heart with arrow affection heart like love valentines'], 'sweat' => ['unicode' => '1F613', 'shortname' => ':sweat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with cold sweat cold sweat sick anxious worried clammy diaphoresis face hot'], 'laughing' => ['unicode' => '1F606', 'shortname' => ':laughing:', 'aliases' => ':satisfied:', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed ey happy joy lol smiling laughing laugh'], 'yellow_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F49B', 'shortname' => ':yellow_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'yellow heart affection like love valentines yellow gold heart love friendship happy happiness trust compassionate respectful honest caring selfless'], 'kissing_closed_eyes' => ['unicode' => '1F61A', 'shortname' => ':kissing_closed_eyes:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'kissing face with closed eyes affection face infatuation like love valentines kissing kiss passion puckered heart love smooch'], 'disappointed_relieved' => ['unicode' => '1F625', 'shortname' => ':disappointed_relieved:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'disappointed but relieved face face nervous phew sweat disappoint relief'], 'raising_hand' => ['unicode' => '1F64B', 'shortname' => ':raising_hand:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'happy person raising one hand female girl woman hand raise notice attention answer'], 'fist' => ['unicode' => '270A', 'shortname' => ':fist:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'raised fist fingers grasp hand'], 'green_heart' => ['unicode' => '1F49A', 'shortname' => ':green_heart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'green heart affection like love valentines green heart love nature rebirth reborn jealous clingy envious possessive'], 'headphones' => ['unicode' => '1F3A7', 'shortname' => ':headphones:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'headphone gadgets music score headphone sound music ears beats buds audio listen'], 'thumbsdown' => ['unicode' => '1F44E', 'shortname' => ':thumbsdown:', 'aliases' => ':-1:', 'keywords' => 'thumbs down sign hand no'], 'heart_eyes_cat' => ['unicode' => '1F63B', 'shortname' => ':heart_eyes_cat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes affection animal cats like love valentines lovestruck love heart'], 'dancer' => ['unicode' => '1F483', 'shortname' => ':dancer:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'dancer female fun girl woman dance dancer dress fancy boogy party celebrate ballet tango cha cha music'], 'skull' => ['unicode' => '1F480', 'shortname' => ':skull:', 'aliases' => ':skeleton:', 'keywords' => 'skull dead skeleton dying'], 'poop' => ['unicode' => '1F4A9', 'shortname' => ':poop:', 'aliases' => ':shit: :hankey: :poo:', 'keywords' => 'pile of poo poop shit shitface turd poo'], 'fire' => ['unicode' => '1F525', 'shortname' => ':fire:', 'aliases' => ':flame:', 'keywords' => 'fire cook hot flame'], 'walking' => ['unicode' => '1F6B6', 'shortname' => ':walking:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pedestrian human man walk pedestrian stroll stride foot feet'], 'cold_sweat' => ['unicode' => '1F630', 'shortname' => ':cold_sweat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with open mouth and cold sweat face nervous sweat exasperated frustrated'], 'copyright' => ['unicode' => '00A9', 'shortname' => ':copyright:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'copyright sign ip license'], 'penguin' => ['unicode' => '1F427', 'shortname' => ':penguin:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'penguin animal nature'], 'crown' => ['unicode' => '1F451', 'shortname' => ':crown:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'crown king kod leader royalty'], 'open_hands' => ['unicode' => '1F450', 'shortname' => ':open_hands:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'open hands sign butterfly fingers'], 'point_right' => ['unicode' => '1F449', 'shortname' => ':point_right:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'white right pointing backhand index direction fingers hand'], 'heartbeat' => ['unicode' => '1F493', 'shortname' => ':heartbeat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'beating heart affection like love valentines'], 'dancers' => ['unicode' => '1F46F', 'shortname' => ':dancers:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'woman with bunny ears bunny female girls women dancing dancers showgirl playboy costume bunny cancan'], 'ok_woman' => ['unicode' => '1F646', 'shortname' => ':ok_woman:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with ok gesture female girl human pink women yes ok okay accept'], 'pizza' => ['unicode' => '1F355', 'shortname' => ':pizza:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'slice of pizza food party pizza pie new york italian italy slice peperoni'], 'ballot_box_with_check' => ['unicode' => '2611', 'shortname' => ':ballot_box_with_check:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ballot box with check agree ok'], 'zzz' => ['unicode' => '1F4A4', 'shortname' => ':zzz:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sleeping symbol sleepy tired'], 'point_left' => ['unicode' => '1F448', 'shortname' => ':point_left:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'white left pointing backhand index direction fingers hand'], 'musical_note' => ['unicode' => '1F3B5', 'shortname' => ':musical_note:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'musical note score musical music note music sound'], 'bow' => ['unicode' => '1F647', 'shortname' => ':bow:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'person bowing deeply boy male man sorry bow respect curtsy bend'], 'fearful' => ['unicode' => '1F628', 'shortname' => ':fearful:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'fearful face face nervous oops scared terrified fear fearful scared frightened'], 'ribbon' => ['unicode' => '1F380', 'shortname' => ':ribbon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ribbon bowtie decoration girl pink ribbon lace wrap decorate'], 'joy_cat' => ['unicode' => '1F639', 'shortname' => ':joy_cat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'cat face with tears of joy animal cats haha happy tears happy tears cry joy'], 'arrow_forward' => ['unicode' => '25B6', 'shortname' => ':arrow_forward:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'black right-pointing triangle arrow blue-square'], 'tongue' => ['unicode' => '1F445', 'shortname' => ':tongue:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tongue mouth playful tongue mouth taste buds food silly playful tease kiss french kiss lick tasty playfulness silliness intimacy'], 'runner' => ['unicode' => '1F3C3', 'shortname' => ':runner:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'runner exercise man walking run runner jog exercise sprint race dash'], 'point_up' => ['unicode' => '261D', 'shortname' => ':point_up:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'white up pointing index direction fingers hand'], 'airplane' => ['unicode' => '2708', 'shortname' => ':airplane:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'airplane flight transportation vehicle airplane plane airport travel airlines fly jet jumbo boeing airbus'], 'gem' => ['unicode' => '1F48E', 'shortname' 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=> 'chocolate bar desert food snack chocolate bar candy coca hershey\'s'], 'rabbit' => ['unicode' => '1F430', 'shortname' => ':rabbit:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rabbit face animal nature'], 'musical_score' => ['unicode' => '1F3BC', 'shortname' => ':musical_score:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'musical score clef treble music musical score clef g-clef stave staff'], 'snake' => ['unicode' => '1F40D', 'shortname' => ':snake:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'snake animal evil'], 'bee' => ['unicode' => '1F41D', 'shortname' => ':bee:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'honeybee animal insect bee queen buzz flower pollen sting honey hive bumble pollination'], 'mortar_board' => ['unicode' => '1F393', 'shortname' => ':mortar_board:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'graduation cap cap college degree graduation hat school university graduation cap mortarboard academic education ceremony square tassel'], 'new_moon' => ['unicode' => '1F311', 'shortname' => ':new_moon:', 'aliases' => '', 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creature ocean sea'], 'high_heel' => ['unicode' => '1F460', 'shortname' => ':high_heel:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'high-heeled shoe fashion female shoes'], 'loud_sound' => ['unicode' => '1F50A', 'shortname' => ':loud_sound:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'speaker with three sound waves '], 'top' => ['unicode' => '1F51D', 'shortname' => ':top:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'top with upwards arrow above blue-square words'], 'house_with_garden' => ['unicode' => '1F3E1', 'shortname' => ':house_with_garden:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'house with garden home nature plant'], 'rotating_light' => ['unicode' => '1F6A8', 'shortname' => ':rotating_light:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'police cars revolving light 911 ambulance emergency police light police emergency'], 'lipstick' => ['unicode' => '1F484', 'shortname' => ':lipstick:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'lipstick fashion female girl'], 'ear' => ['unicode' => '1F442', 'shortname' => ':ear:', 'aliases' => '', 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ornament confused doubt'], 'tropical_fish' => ['unicode' => '1F420', 'shortname' => ':tropical_fish:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tropical fish animal swim'], 'older_man' => ['unicode' => '1F474', 'shortname' => ':older_man:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'older man human male men'], 'bride_with_veil' => ['unicode' => '1F470', 'shortname' => ':bride_with_veil:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'bride with veil couple marriage wedding bride wedding planning veil gown dress engagement white'], 'peach' => ['unicode' => '1F351', 'shortname' => ':peach:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'peach food fruit nature peach fruit juicy pit'], 'eyeglasses' => ['unicode' => '1F453', 'shortname' => ':eyeglasses:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'eyeglasses accessories eyesight fashion eyeglasses spectacles eye sight nearsightedness myopia farsightedness hyperopia frames vision see blurry contacts'], 'pencil' => ['unicode' => '1F4DD', 'shortname' => ':pencil:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 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nature moon first quarter anthropomorphic face sky night cheese phase'], 'telephone_receiver' => ['unicode' => '1F4DE', 'shortname' => ':telephone_receiver:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'telephone receiver communication dial technology'], 'eight_spoked_asterisk' => ['unicode' => '2733', 'shortname' => ':eight_spoked_asterisk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'eight spoked asterisk green-square sparkle star'], 'sos' => ['unicode' => '1F198', 'shortname' => ':sos:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'squared sos emergency help red-square words'], 'koala' => ['unicode' => '1F428', 'shortname' => ':koala:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'koala animal nature'], 'blue_car' => ['unicode' => '1F699', 'shortname' => ':blue_car:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'recreational vehicle car suv car wagon automobile'], 'arrow_down' => ['unicode' => '2B07', 'shortname' => ':arrow_down:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'downwards black arrow arrow blue-square'], 'ramen' => ['unicode' => '1F35C', 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rase checkered chequred race flag finish complete end'], 'tea' => ['unicode' => '1F375', 'shortname' => ':tea:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'teacup without handle bowl breakfast british drink green tea leaf drink teacup hot beverage'], 'stew' => ['unicode' => '1F372', 'shortname' => ':stew:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pot of food food meat stew hearty soup thick hot pot'], 'arrow_up' => ['unicode' => '2B06', 'shortname' => ':arrow_up:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'upwards black arrow blue-square'], 'underage' => ['unicode' => '1F51E', 'shortname' => ':underage:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'no one under eighteen symbol 18 drink night pub'], 'snail' => ['unicode' => '1F40C', 'shortname' => ':snail:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'snail animal shell slow snail slow escargot french appetizer'], 'meat_on_bone' => ['unicode' => '1F356', 'shortname' => ':meat_on_bone:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'meat on bone food good meat bone animal cooked'], 'camel' => ['unicode' 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=> ['unicode' => '1F689', 'shortname' => ':station:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'station public transportation vehicle station train subway'], 'end' => ['unicode' => '1F51A', 'shortname' => ':end:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'end with leftwards arrow above arrow words'], 'bamboo' => ['unicode' => '1F38D', 'shortname' => ':bamboo:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pine decoration nature plant vegetable pine bamboo decoration new years spirits harvest prosperity longevity fortune luck welcome farming agriculture'], 'truck' => ['unicode' => '1F69A', 'shortname' => ':truck:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'delivery truck cars transportation truck delivery package'], 'clock3' => ['unicode' => '1F552', 'shortname' => ':clock3:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face three oclock clock time'], 'six_pointed_star' => ['unicode' => '1F52F', 'shortname' => ':six_pointed_star:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'six pointed star with middle dot purple-square'], 'mag_right' => 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down-pointing double triangle arrow blue-square'], 'clock9' => ['unicode' => '1F558', 'shortname' => ':clock9:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face nine oclock clock time'], 'blue_book' => ['unicode' => '1F4D8', 'shortname' => ':blue_book:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'blue book knowledge library read'], 'arrow_heading_up' => ['unicode' => '2934', 'shortname' => ':arrow_heading_up:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards arrow blue-square'], 'metro' => ['unicode' => '1F687', 'shortname' => ':metro:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'metro blue-square mrt transportation tube underground metro subway underground train'], 'clock5' => ['unicode' => '1F554', 'shortname' => ':clock5:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face five oclock clock time'], 'wc' => ['unicode' => '1F6BE', 'shortname' => ':wc:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'water closet blue-square restroom toilet water closet toilet bathroom throne porcelain waste flush 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'keywords' => 'ticket concert event pass ticket show entertainment stub admission proof purchase'], 'information_source' => ['unicode' => '2139', 'shortname' => ':information_source:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'information source alphabet blue-square letter'], 'pouch' => ['unicode' => '1F45D', 'shortname' => ':pouch:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pouch accessories bag pouch bag cosmetic packing grandma makeup'], 'chart' => ['unicode' => '1F4B9', 'shortname' => ':chart:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'chart with upwards trend and yen sign graph green-square'], 'japanese_castle' => ['unicode' => '1F3EF', 'shortname' => ':japanese_castle:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'japanese castle building photo castle japanese residence royalty fort fortified fortress'], 'cinema' => ['unicode' => '1F3A6', 'shortname' => ':cinema:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'cinema blue-square film movie record cinema movie theater motion picture'], 'clock7' => ['unicode' => '1F556', 'shortname' => ':clock7:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face seven oclock clock time'], 'orange_book' => ['unicode' => '1F4D9', 'shortname' => ':orange_book:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'orange book knowledge library read'], 'restroom' => ['unicode' => '1F6BB', 'shortname' => ':restroom:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'restroom blue-square woman man unisex bathroom restroom sign shared toilet'], 'fountain' => ['unicode' => '26F2', 'shortname' => ':fountain:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'fountain photo'], 'clock6' => ['unicode' => '1F555', 'shortname' => ':clock6:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face six oclock clock time'], 'vibration_mode' => ['unicode' => '1F4F3', 'shortname' => ':vibration_mode:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'vibration mode orange-square phone'], 'ab' => ['unicode' => '1F18E', 'shortname' => ':ab:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'negative squared ab alphabet red-square'], 'postbox' => ['unicode' => '1F4EE', 'shortname' => ':postbox:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'postbox email envelope letter'], 'rice_scene' => ['unicode' => '1F391', 'shortname' => ':rice_scene:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'moon viewing ceremony photo moon viewing observing otsukimi tsukimi rice scene festival autumn'], 'floppy_disk' => ['unicode' => '1F4BE', 'shortname' => ':floppy_disk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'floppy disk oldschool save technology floppy disk storage information computer drive megabyte'], 'parking' => ['unicode' => '1F17F', 'shortname' => ':parking:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'negative squared latin capital letter p alphabet blue-square cars letter'], 'department_store' => ['unicode' => '1F3EC', 'shortname' => ':department_store:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'department store building mall shopping department store retail sale merchandise'], 'pager' => ['unicode' => '1F4DF', 'shortname' => ':pager:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pager bbcall oldschool'], 'currency_exchange' => ['unicode' => '1F4B1', 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=> '', 'keywords' => 'japanese post office building communication email'], 'card_index' => ['unicode' => '1F4C7', 'shortname' => ':card_index:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'card index business stationery'], 'cl' => ['unicode' => '1F1E8-1F1F1', 'shortname' => ':cl:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'chile country nation'], 'open_file_folder' => ['unicode' => '1F4C2', 'shortname' => ':open_file_folder:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'open file folder documents load'], 'mahjong' => ['unicode' => '1F004', 'shortname' => ':mahjong:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'mahjong tile red dragon chinese game kanji'], 'ophiuchus' => ['unicode' => '26CE', 'shortname' => ':ophiuchus:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ophiuchus ophiuchus serpent snake astrology greek constellation stars zodiac purple-square sign horoscope'], 'busstop' => ['unicode' => '1F68F', 'shortname' => ':busstop:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'bus stop transportation bus stop city transport transportation'], 'abc' => 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=> '', 'keywords' => 'angola country nation'], 'ag' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1EC', 'shortname' => ':ag:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'antigua and barbuda country nation'], 'ar' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1F7', 'shortname' => ':ar:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'argentina country nation'], 'am' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1F2', 'shortname' => ':am:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'armenia country nation hayastan'], 'au' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1FA', 'shortname' => ':au:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'australia country nation'], 'at' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1F9', 'shortname' => ':at:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'austria country nation österreich osterreich'], 'az' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1FF', 'shortname' => ':az:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'azerbaijan country nation azarbaycan'], 'bs' => ['unicode' => '1F1E7-1F1F8', 'shortname' => ':bs:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the bahamas country nation'], 'bh' => ['unicode' => '1F1E7-1F1ED', 'shortname' => ':bh:', 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=> ['unicode' => '1F60E', 'shortname' => ':sunglasses:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'smiling face with sunglasses cool face smiling sunglasses sun glasses sunny cool smooth'], 'mz' => ['unicode' => '1F1F2-1F1FF', 'shortname' => ':mz:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'mozambique country nation mocambique'], 'neutral_face' => ['unicode' => '1F610', 'shortname' => ':neutral_face:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'neutral face face indifference neutral objective impartial blank'], 'mm' => ['unicode' => '1F1F2-1F1F2', 'shortname' => ':mm:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'myanmar country nation myanma naingngandaw'], 'expressionless' => ['unicode' => '1F611', 'shortname' => ':expressionless:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'expressionless face expressionless blank void vapid without expression face indifferent'], 'na' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1E6', 'shortname' => ':na:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'namibia country nation'], 'confused' => ['unicode' => '1F615', 'shortname' => ':confused:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'confused face confused confuse daze perplex puzzle indifference skeptical undecided uneasy hesitant'], 'nr' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1F7', 'shortname' => ':nr:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'nauru country nation'], 'kissing' => ['unicode' => '1F617', 'shortname' => ':kissing:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'kissing face 3 face infatuation like love valentines kissing kiss pucker lips smooch'], 'np' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1F5', 'shortname' => ':np:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'nepal country nation'], 'kissing_smiling_eyes' => ['unicode' => '1F619', 'shortname' => ':kissing_smiling_eyes:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'kissing face with smiling eyes affection face infatuation valentines kissing kiss smile pucker lips smooch'], 'nl' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1F1', 'shortname' => ':nl:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the netherlands country nation nederland holland'], 'stuck_out_tongue' => ['unicode' => '1F61B', 'shortname' => 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stunned pain anguish ouch misery distress grief'], 'grimacing' => ['unicode' => '1F62C', 'shortname' => ':grimacing:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'grimacing face face grimace teeth grimace disapprove pain'], 'kp' => ['unicode' => '1F1F0-1F1F5', 'shortname' => ':kp:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'north korea country nation'], 'open_mouth' => ['unicode' => '1F62E', 'shortname' => ':open_mouth:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face with open mouth face impressed mouth open jaw gapping surprise wow'], 'no' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1F4', 'shortname' => ':no:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'norway country nation norge'], 'hushed' => ['unicode' => '1F62F', 'shortname' => ':hushed:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'hushed face face woo quiet hush whisper silent'], 'om' => ['unicode' => '1F1F4-1F1F2', 'shortname' => ':om:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'oman country nation saltanat uman'], 'sleeping' => ['unicode' => '1F634', 'shortname' => ':sleeping:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sleeping face face sleepy tired sleep sleepy sleeping snore'], 'pk' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1F0', 'shortname' => ':pk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pakistan country nation'], 'no_mouth' => ['unicode' => '1F636', 'shortname' => ':no_mouth:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'face without mouth face hellokitty mouth silent vapid'], 'pw' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1FC', 'shortname' => ':pw:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'palau country nation belau'], 'helicopter' => ['unicode' => '1F681', 'shortname' => ':helicopter:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'helicopter transportation vehicle helicopter helo gyro gyrocopter'], 'pa' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1E6', 'shortname' => ':pa:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'panama country nation'], 'steam_locomotive' => ['unicode' => '1F682', 'shortname' => ':steam_locomotive:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'steam locomotive train transportation vehicle locomotive steam train engine'], 'pg' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1EC', 'shortname' => ':pg:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'papua new guinea country nation papua niu gini'], 'train2' => ['unicode' => '1F686', 'shortname' => ':train2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'train transportation vehicle train locomotive rail'], 'py' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1FE', 'shortname' => ':py:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'paraguay country nation'], 'light_rail' => ['unicode' => '1F688', 'shortname' => ':light_rail:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'light rail transportation vehicle train rail light'], 'tram' => ['unicode' => '1F68A', 'shortname' => ':tram:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tram transportation vehicle tram transportation transport'], 'pe' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1EA', 'shortname' => ':pe:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'peru country nation'], 'oncoming_bus' => ['unicode' => '1F68D', 'shortname' => ':oncoming_bus:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'oncoming bus transportation vehicle bus school city transportation public'], 'ph' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1ED', 'shortname' => ':ph:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the philippines country nation pilipinas'], 'trolleybus' => ['unicode' => '1F68E', 'shortname' => ':trolleybus:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'trolleybus bart transportation vehicle trolley bus city transport transportation'], 'pl' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1F1', 'shortname' => ':pl:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'poland country nation polska'], 'minibus' => ['unicode' => '1F690', 'shortname' => ':minibus:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'minibus car transportation vehicle bus city transport transportation'], 'pt' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1F9', 'shortname' => ':pt:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'portugal country nation'], 'oncoming_police_car' => ['unicode' => '1F694', 'shortname' => ':oncoming_police_car:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'oncoming police car enforcement law vehicle police car emergency ticket citation crime help officer'], 'qa' => ['unicode' => '1F1F6-1F1E6', 'shortname' => ':qa:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'qatar country nation dawlat qatar'], 'oncoming_taxi' => ['unicode' => '1F696', 'shortname' => ':oncoming_taxi:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'oncoming taxi cars uber vehicle taxi car automobile city transport service'], 'tw' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1FC', 'shortname' => ':tw:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the republic of china country nation'], 'oncoming_automobile' => ['unicode' => '1F698', 'shortname' => ':oncoming_automobile:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'oncoming automobile car transportation vehicle sedan car automobile'], 'cg' => ['unicode' => '1F1E8-1F1EC', 'shortname' => ':cg:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the republic of the congo country nation'], 'articulated_lorry' => ['unicode' => '1F69B', 'shortname' => ':articulated_lorry:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'articulated lorry cars transportation vehicle truck delivery semi lorry articulated'], 'ro' => ['unicode' => '1F1F7-1F1F4', 'shortname' => ':ro:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'romania country nation'], 'tractor' => ['unicode' => '1F69C', 'shortname' => ':tractor:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tractor agriculture car farming vehicle tractor farm construction machine digger'], 'monorail' => ['unicode' => '1F69D', 'shortname' => ':monorail:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'monorail transportation vehicle train mono rail transport'], 'rw' => ['unicode' => '1F1F7-1F1FC', 'shortname' => ':rw:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rwanda country nation'], 'mountain_railway' => ['unicode' => '1F69E', 'shortname' => ':mountain_railway:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'mountain railway transportation mountain railway rail train transport'], 'kn' => ['unicode' => '1F1F0-1F1F3', 'shortname' => ':kn:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'saint kitts and nevis country nation '], 'suspension_railway' => ['unicode' => '1F69F', 'shortname' => ':suspension_railway:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'suspension railway transportation vehicle suspension railway rail train transportation'], 'lc' => ['unicode' => '1F1F1-1F1E8', 'shortname' => ':lc:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'saint lucia country nation'], 'mountain_cableway' => ['unicode' => '1F6A0', 'shortname' => ':mountain_cableway:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'mountain cableway transportation vehicle mountain cable rail train railway'], 'vc' => ['unicode' => '1F1FB-1F1E8', 'shortname' => ':vc:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'saint vincent and the grenadines country nation '], 'aerial_tramway' => ['unicode' => '1F6A1', 'shortname' => ':aerial_tramway:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'aerial tramway transportation vehicle aerial tram tramway cable transport'], 'ws' => ['unicode' => '1F1FC-1F1F8', 'shortname' => ':ws:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'samoa country nation american samoa'], 'rowboat' => ['unicode' => '1F6A3', 'shortname' => ':rowboat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rowboat hobby ship sports water boat row oar paddle'], 'sm' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F2', 'shortname' => ':sm:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'san marino country nation'], 'vertical_traffic_light' => ['unicode' => '1F6A6', 'shortname' => ':vertical_traffic_light:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'vertical traffic light transportation traffic light stop go yield vertical'], 'st' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F9', 'shortname' => ':st:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sao tome and principe country nation sao tome e principe'], 'put_litter_in_its_place' => ['unicode' => '1F6AE', 'shortname' => ':put_litter_in_its_place:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'put litter in its place symbol blue-square litter waste trash garbage receptacle can'], 'do_not_litter' => ['unicode' => '1F6AF', 'shortname' => ':do_not_litter:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'do not litter symbol bin garbage trash litter garbage waste no can trash'], 'sn' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F3', 'shortname' => ':sn:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'senegal country nation'], 'potable_water' => ['unicode' => '1F6B0', 'shortname' => ':potable_water:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'potable water symbol blue-square cleaning faucet liquid restroom potable water drinkable pure clear clean aqua h20'], 'rs' => ['unicode' => '1F1F7-1F1F8', 'shortname' => ':rs:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'serbia country nation srbija'], 'non-potable_water' => ['unicode' => '1F6B1', 'shortname' => ':non-potable_water:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'non-potable water symbol drink faucet tap non-potable water not drinkable dirty gross aqua h20'], 'sc' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1E8', 'shortname' => ':sc:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the seychelles country nation seychelles'], 'no_bicycles' => ['unicode' => '1F6B3', 'shortname' => ':no_bicycles:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'no bicycles cyclist prohibited bicycle bike pedal no'], 'sl' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F1', 'shortname' => ':sl:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sierra leone country nation'], 'bicyclist' => ['unicode' => '1F6B4', 'shortname' => ':bicyclist:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'bicyclist bike exercise hipster sports bicyclist road bike pedal bicycle transportation'], 'sg' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1EC', 'shortname' => ':sg:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'singapore country nation'], 'mountain_bicyclist' => ['unicode' => '1F6B5', 'shortname' => ':mountain_bicyclist:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'mountain bicyclist human sports transportation bicyclist mountain bike pedal bicycle transportation'], 'sk' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F0', 'shortname' => ':sk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'slovakia country nation'], 'no_pedestrians' => ['unicode' => '1F6B7', 'shortname' => ':no_pedestrians:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'no pedestrians crossing rules walking no walk pedestrian stroll stride foot feet'], 'si' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1EE', 'shortname' => ':si:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'slovenia country nation slovenija'], 'children_crossing' => ['unicode' => '1F6B8', 'shortname' => ':children_crossing:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'children crossing school children kids caution crossing street crosswalk slow'], 'sb' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1E7', 'shortname' => ':sb:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the solomon islands country nation'], 'shower' => ['unicode' => '1F6BF', 'shortname' => ':shower:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'shower bath clean wash bathroom shower soap water clean shampoo lather'], 'so' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F4', 'shortname' => ':so:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'somalia country nation'], 'bathtub' => ['unicode' => '1F6C1', 'shortname' => ':bathtub:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'bathtub clean shower bath tub basin wash bubble soak bathroom soap water clean shampoo lather water'], 'za' => ['unicode' => '1F1FF-1F1E6', 'shortname' => ':za:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'south africa country nation'], 'passport_control' => ['unicode' => '1F6C2', 'shortname' => ':passport_control:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'passport control blue-square custom passport official travel control foreign identification'], 'customs' => ['unicode' => '1F6C3', 'shortname' => ':customs:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'customs border passport customs travel foreign goods check authority government'], 'baggage_claim' => ['unicode' => '1F6C4', 'shortname' => ':baggage_claim:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'baggage claim airport blue-square transport bag baggage luggage travel'], 'lk' => ['unicode' => '1F1F1-1F1F0', 'shortname' => ':lk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sri lanka country nation'], 'left_luggage' => ['unicode' => '1F6C5', 'shortname' => ':left_luggage:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'left luggage blue-square travel bag baggage luggage travel'], 'sd' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1E9', 'shortname' => ':sd:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sudan country nation as-sudan'], 'earth_africa' => ['unicode' => '1F30D', 'shortname' => ':earth_africa:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'earth globe europe-africa globe international world earth globe space planet africa europe home'], 'sr' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1F7', 'shortname' => ':sr:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'suriname country nation'], 'earth_americas' => ['unicode' => '1F30E', 'shortname' => ':earth_americas:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'earth globe americas USA globe international world earth globe space planet north south america americas home'], 'sz' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1FF', 'shortname' => ':sz:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'swaziland country nation'], 'globe_with_meridians' => ['unicode' => '1F310', 'shortname' => ':globe_with_meridians:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'globe with meridians earth international world earth meridian globe space planet home'], 'se' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1EA', 'shortname' => ':se:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sweden country nation sverige'], 'waxing_crescent_moon' => ['unicode' => '1F312', 'shortname' => ':waxing_crescent_moon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'waxing crescent moon symbol nature moon waxing sky night cheese phase'], 'ch' => ['unicode' => '1F1E8-1F1ED', 'shortname' => ':ch:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'switzerland country nation'], 'waning_gibbous_moon' => ['unicode' => '1F316', 'shortname' => ':waning_gibbous_moon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'waning gibbous moon symbol nature moon waning gibbous sky night cheese phase'], 'sy' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1FE', 'shortname' => ':sy:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'syria country nation'], 'last_quarter_moon' => ['unicode' => '1F317', 'shortname' => ':last_quarter_moon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'last quarter moon symbol nature moon last quarter sky night cheese phase'], 'tj' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1EF', 'shortname' => ':tj:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tajikistan country nation jumhurii tojikiston'], 'waning_crescent_moon' => ['unicode' => '1F318', 'shortname' => ':waning_crescent_moon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'waning crescent moon symbol nature moon crescent waning sky night cheese phase'], 'tz' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1FF', 'shortname' => ':tz:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tanzania country nation'], 'new_moon_with_face' => ['unicode' => '1F31A', 'shortname' => ':new_moon_with_face:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'new moon with face nature moon new anthropomorphic face sky night cheese phase'], 'th' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1ED', 'shortname' => ':th:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'thailand country nation prathet thai'], 'last_quarter_moon_with_face' => ['unicode' => '1F31C', 'shortname' => ':last_quarter_moon_with_face:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'last quarter moon with face nature moon last quarter anthropomorphic face sky night cheese phase'], 'tg' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1EC', 'shortname' => ':tg:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'togo country nation republique togolaise'], 'full_moon_with_face' => ['unicode' => '1F31D', 'shortname' => ':full_moon_with_face:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'full moon with face night moon full anthropomorphic face sky night cheese phase spooky werewolves monsters'], 'to' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1F4', 'shortname' => ':to:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tonga country nation'], 'sun_with_face' => ['unicode' => '1F31E', 'shortname' => ':sun_with_face:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'sun with face morning sun anthropomorphic face sky'], 'tt' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1F9', 'shortname' => ':tt:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'trinidad and tobago country nation'], 'evergreen_tree' => ['unicode' => '1F332', 'shortname' => ':evergreen_tree:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'evergreen tree nature plant evergreen tree needles christmas'], 'tn' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1F3', 'shortname' => ':tn:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tunisia country nation tunis'], 'deciduous_tree' => ['unicode' => '1F333', 'shortname' => ':deciduous_tree:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'deciduous tree nature plant deciduous tree leaves fall color'], 'tr' => ['unicode' => '1F1F9-1F1F7', 'shortname' => ':tr:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'turkey country nation turkiye'], 'lemon' => ['unicode' => '1F34B', 'shortname' => ':lemon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'lemon fruit nature lemon yellow citrus'], 'pear' => ['unicode' => '1F350', 'shortname' => ':pear:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pear fruit nature pear fruit shape'], 'baby_bottle' => ['unicode' => '1F37C', 'shortname' => ':baby_bottle:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'baby bottle container food baby bottle milk mother nipple newborn formula'], 'ug' => ['unicode' => '1F1FA-1F1EC', 'shortname' => ':ug:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'uganda country nation'], 'horse_racing' => ['unicode' => '1F3C7', 'shortname' => ':horse_racing:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'horse racing animal betting competition horse race racing jockey triple crown'], 'ua' => ['unicode' => '1F1FA-1F1E6', 'shortname' => ':ua:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ukraine country nation ukrayina'], 'rugby_football' => ['unicode' => '1F3C9', 'shortname' => ':rugby_football:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rugby football sports rugby football ball sport team england'], 'ae' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1EA', 'shortname' => ':ae:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the united arab emirates country nation'], 'european_post_office' => ['unicode' => '1F3E4', 'shortname' => ':european_post_office:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'european post office building'], 'rat' => ['unicode' => '1F400', 'shortname' => ':rat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rat animal mouse rat rodent crooked snitch'], 'mouse2' => ['unicode' => '1F401', 'shortname' => ':mouse2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'mouse animal nature mouse mice rodent'], 'uy' => ['unicode' => '1F1FA-1F1FE', 'shortname' => ':uy:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'uruguay country nation'], 'ox' => ['unicode' => '1F402', 'shortname' => ':ox:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ox animal beef cow'], 'uz' => ['unicode' => '1F1FA-1F1FF', 'shortname' => ':uz:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'uzbekistan country nation uzbekiston respublikasi'], 'water_buffalo' => ['unicode' => '1F403', 'shortname' => ':water_buffalo:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'water buffalo animal cow nature ox water buffalo asia bovine milk dairy'], 'vu' => ['unicode' => '1F1FB-1F1FA', 'shortname' => ':vu:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'vanuatu country nation'], 'cow2' => ['unicode' => '1F404', 'shortname' => ':cow2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'cow animal beef nature ox cow milk dairy beef bessie moo'], 'va' => ['unicode' => '1F1FB-1F1E6', 'shortname' => ':va:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'the vatican city country nation'], 'tiger2' => ['unicode' => '1F405', 'shortname' => ':tiger2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'tiger animal nature tiger cat striped tony tigger hobs'], 've' => ['unicode' => '1F1FB-1F1EA', 'shortname' => ':ve:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'venezuela country nation'], 'leopard' => ['unicode' => '1F406', 'shortname' => ':leopard:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'leopard animal nature leopard cat spot spotted sexy'], 'vn' => ['unicode' => '1F1FB-1F1F3', 'shortname' => ':vn:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'vietnam country nation viet nam'], 'rabbit2' => ['unicode' => '1F407', 'shortname' => ':rabbit2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rabbit animal nature rabbit bunny easter reproduction prolific'], 'eh' => ['unicode' => '1F1EA-1F1ED', 'shortname' => ':eh:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'western sahara country nation aṣ-Ṣaḥrā’ al-gharbīyah sahra gharbiyah'], 'cat2' => ['unicode' => '1F408', 'shortname' => ':cat2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'cat animal meow pet cat kitten meow'], 'ye' => ['unicode' => '1F1FE-1F1EA', 'shortname' => ':ye:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'yemen country nation al yaman'], 'dragon' => ['unicode' => '1F409', 'shortname' => ':dragon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'dragon animal chinese green myth nature dragon fire legendary myth'], 'zm' => ['unicode' => '1F1FF-1F1F2', 'shortname' => ':zm:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'zambia country nation'], 'crocodile' => ['unicode' => '1F40A', 'shortname' => ':crocodile:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'crocodile animal nature crocodile croc alligator gator cranky'], 'zw' => ['unicode' => '1F1FF-1F1FC', 'shortname' => ':zw:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'zimbabwe country nation'], 'whale2' => ['unicode' => '1F40B', 'shortname' => ':whale2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'whale animal nature ocean sea whale blubber bloated fat large massive'], 'pr' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1F7', 'shortname' => ':pr:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'puerto rico country nation'], 'ram' => ['unicode' => '1F40F', 'shortname' => ':ram:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ram animal nature sheep ram sheep male horn horns'], 'ky' => ['unicode' => '1F1F0-1F1FE', 'shortname' => ':ky:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'cayman islands country nation'], 'goat' => ['unicode' => '1F410', 'shortname' => ':goat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'goat animal nature goat sheep kid billy livestock'], 'bm' => ['unicode' => '1F1E7-1F1F2', 'shortname' => ':bm:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'bermuda country nation'], 'rooster' => ['unicode' => '1F413', 'shortname' => ':rooster:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'rooster animal chicken nature rooster cockerel cock male cock-a-doodle-doo crowing'], 'pf' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1EB', 'shortname' => ':pf:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'french polynesia country nation polynésie française polynesie francaise'], 'dog2' => ['unicode' => '1F415', 'shortname' => ':dog2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'dog animal doge friend nature pet dog puppy pet friend woof bark fido'], 'ps' => ['unicode' => '1F1F5-1F1F8', 'shortname' => ':ps:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'palestinian authority country nation'], 'pig2' => ['unicode' => '1F416', 'shortname' => ':pig2:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'pig animal nature pig piggy pork ham hog bacon oink slop livestock greed greedy'], 'nc' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1E8', 'shortname' => ':nc:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'new caledonia country nation nouvelle calédonie caledonie'], 'dromedary_camel' => ['unicode' => '1F42A', 'shortname' => ':dromedary_camel:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'dromedary camel animal desert hot dromedary camel hump desert middle east heat hot water hump day wednesday sex'], 'sh' => ['unicode' => '1F1F8-1F1ED', 'shortname' => ':sh:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'saint helena country nation'], 'busts_in_silhouette' => ['unicode' => '1F465', 'shortname' => ':busts_in_silhouette:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'busts in silhouette group human man person team user silhouette silhouettes people user members accounts relationship shadow'], 'aw' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1FC', 'shortname' => ':aw:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'aruba country nation'], 'two_men_holding_hands' => ['unicode' => '1F46C', 'shortname' => ':two_men_holding_hands:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'two men holding hands bromance couple friends like love men gay homosexual friends hands holding team unity'], 'vi' => ['unicode' => '1F1FB-1F1EE', 'shortname' => ':vi:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'u.s. virgin islands country nation'], 'two_women_holding_hands' => ['unicode' => '1F46D', 'shortname' => ':two_women_holding_hands:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'two women holding hands couple female friends like love women hands girlfriends friends sisters mother daughter gay homosexual couple unity'], 'hk' => ['unicode' => '1F1ED-1F1F0', 'shortname' => ':hk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'hong kong country nation xianggang'], 'thought_balloon' => ['unicode' => '1F4AD', 'shortname' => ':thought_balloon:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'thought balloon bubble cloud speech thought balloon comic think day dream wonder'], 'ac' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1E8', 'shortname' => ':ac:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'ascension country nation'], 'euro' => ['unicode' => '1F4B6', 'shortname' => ':euro:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'banknote with euro sign currency dollar money euro europe banknote money currency paper cash bills'], 'ms' => ['unicode' => '1F1F2-1F1F8', 'shortname' => ':ms:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'montserrat country nation'], 'pound' => ['unicode' => '1F4B7', 'shortname' => ':pound:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'banknote with pound sign bills british currency england money sterling uk pound britain british banknote money currency paper cash bills'], 'gu' => ['unicode' => '1F1EC-1F1FA', 'shortname' => ':gu:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'guam country nation'], 'mailbox_with_mail' => ['unicode' => '1F4EC', 'shortname' => ':mailbox_with_mail:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'open mailbox with raised flag communication email inbox'], 'gl' => ['unicode' => '1F1EC-1F1F1', 'shortname' => ':gl:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'greenland country nation kalaallit nunaat'], 'mailbox_with_no_mail' => ['unicode' => '1F4ED', 'shortname' => ':mailbox_with_no_mail:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'open mailbox with lowered flag email inbox'], 'nu' => ['unicode' => '1F1F3-1F1FA', 'shortname' => ':nu:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'niue country nation'], 'postal_horn' => ['unicode' => '1F4EF', 'shortname' => ':postal_horn:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'postal horn instrument music'], 'wf' => ['unicode' => '1F1FC-1F1EB', 'shortname' => ':wf:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'wallis and futuna country nation'], 'no_mobile_phones' => ['unicode' => '1F4F5', 'shortname' => ':no_mobile_phones:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'no mobile phones iphone mute'], 'mo' => ['unicode' => '1F1F2-1F1F4', 'shortname' => ':mo:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'macau country nation aomen'], 'twisted_rightwards_arrows' => ['unicode' => '1F500', 'shortname' => ':twisted_rightwards_arrows:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'twisted rightwards arrows blue-square'], 'fo' => ['unicode' => '1F1EB-1F1F4', 'shortname' => ':fo:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'faroe islands country nation foroyar'], 'repeat' => ['unicode' => '1F501', 'shortname' => ':repeat:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arr loop record'], 'fk' => ['unicode' => '1F1EB-1F1F0', 'shortname' => ':fk:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'falkland islands country nation islas malvinas'], 'repeat_one' => ['unicode' => '1F502', 'shortname' => ':repeat_one:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arr blue-square loop'], 'je' => ['unicode' => '1F1EF-1F1EA', 'shortname' => ':je:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'jersey country nation'], 'arrows_counterclockwise' => ['unicode' => '1F504', 'shortname' => ':arrows_counterclockwise:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle ar blue-square sync'], 'ai' => ['unicode' => '1F1E6-1F1EE', 'shortname' => ':ai:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'anguilla country nation'], 'low_brightness' => ['unicode' => '1F505', 'shortname' => ':low_brightness:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'low brightness symbol summer sun'], 'gi' => ['unicode' => '1F1EC-1F1EE', 'shortname' => ':gi:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'gibraltar country nation'], 'high_brightness' => ['unicode' => '1F506', 'shortname' => ':high_brightness:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'high brightness symbol light summer sun'], 'mute' => ['unicode' => '1F507', 'shortname' => ':mute:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'speaker with cancellation stroke sound volume'], 'sound' => ['unicode' => '1F509', 'shortname' => ':sound:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'speaker with one sound wave speaker volume'], 'no_bell' => ['unicode' => '1F515', 'shortname' => ':no_bell:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'bell with cancellation stroke mute sound volume'], 'microscope' => ['unicode' => '1F52C', 'shortname' => ':microscope:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'microscope experiment laboratory zoomin'], 'telescope' => ['unicode' => '1F52D', 'shortname' => ':telescope:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'telescope space stars'], 'clock130' => ['unicode' => '1F55C', 'shortname' => ':clock130:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face one-thirty clock time'], 'clock230' => ['unicode' => '1F55D', 'shortname' => ':clock230:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face two-thirty clock time'], 'clock330' => ['unicode' => '1F55E', 'shortname' => ':clock330:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face three-thirty clock time'], 'clock430' => ['unicode' => '1F55F', 'shortname' => ':clock430:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face four-thirty clock time'], 'clock530' => ['unicode' => '1F560', 'shortname' => ':clock530:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face five-thirty clock time'], 'clock630' => ['unicode' => '1F561', 'shortname' => ':clock630:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face six-thirty clock time'], 'clock730' => ['unicode' => '1F562', 'shortname' => ':clock730:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face seven-thirty clock time'], 'clock830' => ['unicode' => '1F563', 'shortname' => ':clock830:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face eight-thirty clock time'], 'clock930' => ['unicode' => '1F564', 'shortname' => ':clock930:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face nine-thirty clock time'], 'clock1030' => ['unicode' => '1F565', 'shortname' => ':clock1030:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face ten-thirty clock time'], 'clock1130' => ['unicode' => '1F566', 'shortname' => ':clock1130:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face eleven-thirty clock time'], 'clock1230' => ['unicode' => '1F567', 'shortname' => ':clock1230:', 'aliases' => '', 'keywords' => 'clock face twelve-thirty clock time'] ]; } /** * Get the emoji list to include in chat * @return array */ public static function getEmojisToInclude() { return [ ':bowtie:', ':smile:'| ':laughing:', ':blush:', ':smiley:', ':relaxed:', ':smirk:', ':heart_eyes:', ':kissing_heart:', ':kissing_closed_eyes:', ':flushed:', ':relieved:', ':satisfied:', ':grin:', ':wink:', ':stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:', ':stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:', ':grinning:', ':kissing:', ':kissing_smiling_eyes:', ':stuck_out_tongue:', ':sleeping:', ':worried:', ':frowning:', ':anguished:', ':open_mouth:', ':grimacing:', ':confused:', ':hushed:', ':expressionless:', ':unamused:', ':sweat_smile:', ':sweat:', ':disappointed_relieved:', ':weary:', ':pensive:', ':disappointed:', ':confounded:', ':fearful:', ':cold_sweat:', ':persevere:', ':cry:', ':sob:', ':joy:', ':astonished:', ':scream:', ':neckbeard:', ':tired_face:', ':angry:', ':rage:', ':triumph:', ':sleepy:', ':yum:', ':mask:', ':sunglasses:', ':dizzy_face:', ':imp:', ':smiling_imp:', ':neutral_face:', ':no_mouth:', ':innocent:', ':alien:' ]; } /** * Get the chat history file name * @param bool $absolute Optional. Whether get the base or the absolute file path * @param int $friendId Optional. * @return string */ public function getFileName($absolute = false, $friendId = 0) { $date = date('Y-m-d'); $base = 'messages-' . $date . '.log.html'; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $base = 'messages-' . $date . '_gid-' . $this->groupId . '.log.html'; } elseif ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $base = 'messages-' . $date . '_sid-' . $this->sessionId . '.log.html'; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $base = 'messages-' . $date . '_uid-' . $this->userId . '-' . $friendId . '.log.html'; } else { $base = 'messages-' . $date . '_uid-' . $friendId . '-' . $this->userId . '.log.html'; } } if (!$absolute) { return $base; } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->courseId); $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $courseInfo['path'] . '/document'; $chatPath = $document_path . '/chat_files/'; if ($this->groupId) { $group_info = GroupManager::get_group_properties($this->groupId); $chatPath = $document_path . $group_info['directory'] . '/chat_files/'; } return $chatPath . $base; } /** * Get the chat history * @param bool $reset * @param int $friendId Optional. * @return string */ public function readMessages($reset = false, $friendId = 0) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->courseId); $date_now = date('Y-m-d'); $isMaster = (bool)api_is_course_admin(); $basepath_chat = '/chat_files'; $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $courseInfo['path'] . '/document'; if ($this->groupId) { $group_info = GroupManager:: get_group_properties($this->groupId); $basepath_chat = $group_info['directory'] . '/chat_files'; } $chat_path = $document_path . $basepath_chat . '/'; if (!is_dir($chat_path)) { if (is_file($chat_path)) { @unlink($chat_path); } if (!api_is_anonymous()) { @mkdir($chat_path, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); // Save chat files document for group into item property if ($this->groupId) { $doc_id = add_document($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, 'folder', 0, 'chat_files'); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'FolderCreated', null, $this->groupId, null, null, null ); } } } $filename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '.log.html'; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $filename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_gid-' . $this->groupId . '.log.html'; } else if ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $filename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_sid-' . $this->sessionId . '.log.html'; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $filename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_uid-' . $this->userId . '-' . $friendId . '.log.html'; } else { $filename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_uid-' . $friendId . '-' . $this->userId . '.log.html'; } } if (!file_exists($chat_path . $filename_chat)) { @fclose(fopen($chat_path . $filename_chat, 'w')); if (!api_is_anonymous()) { $doc_id = add_document($courseInfo, $basepath_chat . '/' . $filename_chat, 'file', 0, $filename_chat); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', $this->userId, $this->groupId, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', $this->userId, $this->groupId, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); } } $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_gid-' . $this->groupId; } else if ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_sid-' . $this->sessionId; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_uid-' . $this->userId . '-' . $friendId; } else { $basename_chat = 'messages-' . $date_now . '_uid-' . $friendId . '-' . $this->userId; } } if ($reset && $isMaster) { $i = 1; while (file_exists($chat_path . $basename_chat . '-' . $i . '.log.html')) { $i++; } @rename($chat_path . $basename_chat . '.log.html', $chat_path . $basename_chat . '-' . $i . '.log.html'); @fclose(fopen($chat_path . $basename_chat . '.log.html', 'w')); $doc_id = add_document( $courseInfo, $basepath_chat . '/' . $basename_chat . '-' . $i . '.log.html', 'file', filesize($chat_path . $basename_chat . '-' . $i . '.log.html'), $basename_chat . '-' . $i . '.log.html' ); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', $this->userId, $this->groupId, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', $this->userId, $this->groupId, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); $doc_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id( $courseInfo, $basepath_chat . '/' . $basename_chat . '.log.html' ); update_existing_document($courseInfo, $doc_id, 0); } $remove = 0; $content = array(); if (file_exists($chat_path . $basename_chat . '.log.html')) { $content = file($chat_path . $basename_chat . '.log.html'); $nbr_lines = sizeof($content); $remove = $nbr_lines - 100; } if ($remove < 0) { $remove = 0; } array_splice($content, 0, $remove); if (isset($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'whoisonline') { //the caller $content[0] = get_lang('CallSent') . '' . $content[0]; } if (isset($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'whoisonlinejoin') { //the joiner (we have to delete the chat request to him when he joins the chat) Database::getManager() ->createQuery(' UPDATE ChamiloUserBundle:User u SET u.chatcallUserId = NULL, u.chatcallDate = NULL, u.chatcallText = NULL WHERE = :user ') ->execute(['user' => $this->userId]); } $history = ''; foreach ($content as $this_line) { $history .= $this_line; } $history .= ''; if ($isMaster || $GLOBALS['is_courseCoach']) { $history .= ' ' . get_lang('ClearList') . ' '; } return $history; } /** * Get the number of users connected in chat * @return mixed */ public function countUsersOnline() { $date = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $date->modify('-5 seconds'); $extraCondition = null; if ($this->groupId) { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.toGroupId = ' . intval($this->groupId); } else { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.sessionId = ' . intval($this->sessionId); } $number = Database::getManager() ->createQuery(" SELECT COUNT(ccc.userId) FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.lastConnection > :date AND ccc.cId = :course $extraCondition ") ->setParameters([ 'date' => $date, 'course' => $this->courseId ]) ->getSingleScalarResult(); return intval($number); } /** * Check if a user is connected in course chat * @param int $userId * @return int */ private function userIsConnected($userId) { $date = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $date->modify('-5 seconds'); $extraCondition = null; if ($this->groupId) { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.toGroupId = ' . intval($this->groupId); } else { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.sessionId = ' . intval($this->sessionId); } $number = Database::getManager() ->createQuery(" SELECT COUNT(ccc.userId) FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.lastConnection > :date AND ccc.cId = :course AND ccc.userId = :user $extraCondition ") ->setParameters([ 'date' => $date, 'course' => $this->courseId, 'user' => $userId ]) ->getSingleScalarResult(); return intval($number); } /** * Get the users online data * @return string */ public function listUsersOnline() { $subscriptions = $this->getUsersSubscriptions(); $usersInfo = []; foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { $user = $subscription->getUser(); $usersInfo[] = [ 'id' => $user->getId(), 'firstname' => $user->getFirstname(), 'lastname' => $user->getLastname(), 'status' => !$this->sessionId ? $subscription->getStatus() : $user->getStatus(), 'image_url' => UserManager::getUserPicture($user->getId(), USER_IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'profile_url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'social/profile.php?u=' . $user->getId(), 'complete_name' => $user->getCompleteName(), 'username' => $user->getUsername(), 'email' => $user->getEmail(), 'isConnected' => $this->userIsConnected($user->getId()) ]; } return $usersInfo; } }