<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ /** * * @package chamilo.library */ /** * Code */ require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; // A regular expression for testing against valid email addresses. // It should actually be revised for using the complete RFC3696 description: // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696#section-3 //$regexp_rfc3696 = "^[0-9a-z_\.+-]+@(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]\.)+[a-z]{2,3})$"; // Deprecated, 13-OCT-2010. /** * Sends email using the phpmailer class * Sender name and email can be specified, if not specified * name and email of the platform admin are used * * @author Bert Vanderkimpen ICT&O UGent * * @param recipient_name name of recipient * @param recipient_email email of recipient * @param message email body * @param subject email subject * @return returns true if mail was sent * @see class.phpmailer.php * @deprecated use api_mail_html() */ function api_mail( $recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $sender_name = '', $sender_email = '', $extra_headers = '', $additionalParameters = array() ) { api_mail_html( $recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $sender_name, $sender_email, $extra_headers, null, null, $additionalParameters ); } /** * Sends an HTML email using the phpmailer class (and multipart/alternative to downgrade gracefully) * Sender name and email can be specified, if not specified * name and email of the platform admin are used * * @author Bert Vanderkimpen ICT&O UGent * @author Yannick Warnier <yannick.warnier@beeznest.com> * * @param string name of recipient * @param string email of recipient * @param string email subject * @param string email body * @param string sender name * @param string sender e-mail * @param array extra headers in form $headers = array($name => $value) to allow parsing * @param array data file (path and filename) * @param array data to attach a file (optional) * @param bool True for attaching a embedded file inside content html (optional) * @return returns true if mail was sent * @see class.phpmailer.php */ function api_mail_html( $recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $senderName = '', $senderEmail = '', $extra_headers = array(), $data_file = array(), $embedded_image = false, $additionalParameters = array() ) { global $platform_email; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->Mailer = $platform_email['SMTP_MAILER']; $mail->Host = $platform_email['SMTP_HOST']; $mail->Port = $platform_email['SMTP_PORT']; $mail->CharSet = $platform_email['SMTP_CHARSET']; // Stay far below SMTP protocol 980 chars limit. $mail->WordWrap = 200; if ($platform_email['SMTP_AUTH']) { $mail->SMTPAuth = 1; $mail->Username = $platform_email['SMTP_USER']; $mail->Password = $platform_email['SMTP_PASS']; } // 5 = low, 1 = high $mail->Priority = 3; $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // Default values $notification = new Notification(); $defaultEmail = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderEmail(); $defaultName = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderName(); // Error to admin. $mail->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To: '.$defaultEmail); // If the parameter is set don't use the admin. $senderName = !empty($senderName) ? $senderName : $defaultEmail; $senderEmail = !empty($senderEmail) ? $senderEmail : $defaultName; // Reply to first if (isset($extra_headers['reply_to'])) { $mail->AddReplyTo( $extra_headers['reply_to']['mail'], $extra_headers['reply_to']['name'] ); $mail->Sender = $extra_headers['reply_to']['mail']; unset($extra_headers['reply_to']); } $mail->SetFrom($senderEmail, $senderName); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->AltBody = strip_tags( str_replace('<br />', "\n", api_html_entity_decode($message)) ); // Send embedded image. if ($embedded_image) { // Get all images html inside content. preg_match_all("/<img\s+.*?src=[\"\']?([^\"\' >]*)[\"\']?[^>]*>/i", $message, $m); // Prepare new tag images. $new_images_html = array(); $i = 1; if (!empty($m[1])) { foreach ($m[1] as $image_path) { $real_path = realpath($image_path); $filename = basename($image_path); $image_cid = $filename.'_'.$i; $encoding = 'base64'; $image_type = mime_content_type($real_path); $mail->AddEmbeddedImage( $real_path, $image_cid, $filename, $encoding, $image_type ); $new_images_html[] = '<img src="cid:'.$image_cid.'" />'; $i++; } } // Replace origin image for new embedded image html. $x = 0; if (!empty($m[0])) { foreach ($m[0] as $orig_img) { $message = str_replace($orig_img, $new_images_html[$x], $message); $x++; } } } $message = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\n", "\r"), '<br />', $message); $mail->Body = '<html><head></head><body>'.$message.'</body></html>'; // Attachment ... if (!empty($data_file)) { $mail->AddAttachment($data_file['path'], $data_file['filename']); } // Only valid addresses are accepted. if (is_array($recipient_email)) { foreach ($recipient_email as $dest) { if (api_valid_email($dest)) { $mail->AddAddress($dest, $recipient_name); } } } else { if (api_valid_email($recipient_email)) { $mail->AddAddress($recipient_email, $recipient_name); } else { return 0; } } if (is_array($extra_headers) && count($extra_headers) > 0) { foreach ($extra_headers as $key => $value) { switch (strtolower($key)) { case 'encoding': case 'content-transfer-encoding': $mail->Encoding = $value; break; case 'charset': $mail->Charset = $value; break; case 'contenttype': case 'content-type': $mail->ContentType = $value; break; default: $mail->AddCustomHeader($key.':'.$value); break; } } } else { if (!empty($extra_headers)) { $mail->AddCustomHeader($extra_headers); } } // WordWrap the html body (phpMailer only fixes AltBody) FS#2988 $mail->Body = $mail->WrapText($mail->Body, $mail->WordWrap); // Send the mail message. if (!$mail->Send()) { error_log('ERROR: mail not sent to '.$recipient_name.' ('.$recipient_email.') because of '.$mail->ErrorInfo.'<br />'); return 0; } $plugin = new AppPlugin(); $installedPluginsList = $plugin->getInstalledPluginListObject(); foreach ($installedPluginsList as $installedPlugin) { if ($installedPlugin->isMailPlugin and array_key_exists("smsType", $additionalParameters)) { $clockworksmsObject = new Clockworksms(); $clockworksmsObject->send($additionalParameters); } } // Clear all the addresses. $mail->ClearAddresses(); return 1; }