Chamilo Homepage'; $PoweredBy = 'Platform Chamilo © '.date('Y'); /** * English language variables. */ // Sections. $SectionSystemRequirementsProblem = 'System requirements problem'; $SectionInstallation = 'Installation'; $SectionDatabaseUnavailable = 'Database is unavailable'; $SectionTechnicalIssues = 'Technical issues'; $SectionProtection = 'Protection measure'; // Error code. $ErrorCode = 'Error code'; // Error code 1. $IncorrectPhpVersionTitle = 'Incorrect PHP version'; $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription = 'Scripting language version %s1 on your server is incorrect. PHP %s2 should be supported. %s3 Read the installation guide.'; // Error code 2. $InstallationTitle = 'Chamilo has not been installed'; $InstallationDescription = 'Click to INSTALL Chamilo %s or read the installation guide'; // Error code 3. // Error code 4. // Error code 5. $DatabaseUnavailableTitle = 'Database is unavailable'; $DatabaseUnavailableDescription = 'This portal is currently experiencing database issues. Please report this to the portal administrator. Thank you for your help.'; // Error code 6. $AlreadyInstalledTitle = 'Chamilo has already been installed'; $AlreadyInstalledDescription = 'The system has already been installed. In order its content to be protected you are not allowed to start the installation script again.'; // Unspecified error. $TechnicalIssuesTitle = 'Technical issues'; $TechnicalIssuesDescription = 'This portal is currently experiencing technical issues. Please report this to the portal administrator. Thank you for your help.'; if (is_int($global_error_code) && $global_error_code > 0) { $theme = 'chamilo/'; $css_path = 'main/css/'; $css_file = $css_path.$theme.'default.css'; $bootstrap_file = $css_path.'bootstrap.css'; $css_base_file = $css_path.'base.css'; $css_base_chamilo_file = $css_path.'base_chamilo.css'; $css_list = array($css_file, $css_base_file, $css_base_chamilo_file, $bootstrap_file); $root_sys = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../')).'/'; $root_rel = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if (!empty($root_rel)) { $pos = strrpos($root_rel, '/'); $root_rel = substr($root_rel, 0, $pos - strlen($root_rel) + 1); if (strpos($root_rel, '/main/') !== false) { $pos = 0; while (($test_pos = strpos(substr($root_rel, $pos, strlen($root_rel)), '/main/')) !== false) { $pos = $test_pos + 1; } $root_rel = substr($root_rel, 0, $pos); } elseif (strpos($root_rel, '/courses/') !== false) { $pos = 0; while (($test_pos = strpos(substr($root_rel, $pos, strlen($root_rel)), '/courses/')) !== false) { $pos = $test_pos + 1; } $root_rel = substr($root_rel, 0, $pos); } } $installation_guide_url = $root_rel.'documentation/installation_guide.html'; $css_def = ''; foreach ($css_list as $css_item) { $css_base_chamilo_file = $root_sys.$css_item; if (file_exists($css_base_chamilo_file)) { $css_def .= @file_get_contents($css_base_chamilo_file); } } $css_def = str_replace('behavior:url("/main/css/");', '', $css_def); $css_def = str_replace('main/', $root_rel.'main/', $css_def); $css_def = str_replace('images/', $root_rel.$css_path.$theme.'images/', $css_def); $css_def = str_replace('../../img/', $root_rel.'main/img/', $css_def); $global_error_message = array(); switch ($global_error_code) { case 1: $global_error_message['section'] = $SectionSystemRequirementsProblem; $global_error_message['title'] = $IncorrectPhpVersionTitle; $php_version = function_exists('phpversion') ? phpversion() : (defined('PHP_VERSION') ? PHP_VERSION : ''); $php_version = empty($php_version) ? '' : '(PHP '.$php_version.')'; $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription = str_replace('%s1', $php_version, $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription); $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription = str_replace('%s2', REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription); $pos = strpos($IncorrectPhpVersionDescription, '%s3'); if ($pos !== false) { $length = strlen($IncorrectPhpVersionDescription); $read_installation_guide = substr($IncorrectPhpVersionDescription, $pos + 3, $length); $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription = substr($IncorrectPhpVersionDescription, 0, $pos); $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription .= '
'.$read_installation_guide.''; } $global_error_message['description'] = $IncorrectPhpVersionDescription; break; case 2: $global_error_message['section'] = $SectionInstallation; $global_error_message['title'] = $InstallationTitle; if (($pos = strpos($InstallationDescription, '%s')) === false) { $InstallationDescription = 'Click to INSTALL Chamilo %s or read the installation guide'; } $click_to_install = substr($InstallationDescription, 0, $pos); $read_installation_guide = substr($InstallationDescription, $pos + 2); $InstallationDescription = '

'.$read_installation_guide.''; $global_error_message['description'] = $InstallationDescription; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: $global_error_message['section'] = $SectionDatabaseUnavailable; $global_error_message['title'] = $DatabaseUnavailableTitle; $global_error_message['description'] = $DatabaseUnavailableDescription; break; case 6: $global_error_message['section'] = $SectionProtection; $global_error_message['title'] = $AlreadyInstalledTitle; $global_error_message['description'] = $AlreadyInstalledDescription; break; default: $global_error_message['section'] = $SectionTechnicalIssues; $global_error_message['title'] = $TechnicalIssuesTitle; $global_error_message['description'] = $TechnicalIssuesDescription; break; } $show_error_codes = defined('SHOW_ERROR_CODES') && SHOW_ERROR_CODES && $global_error_code != 2; $global_error_message['code'] = $show_error_codes ? $ErrorCode.': '.$global_error_code.'

' : ''; $global_error_message['details'] = empty($global_error_message['details']) ? '' : ($show_error_codes ? ': '.$global_error_message['details'] : $global_error_message['details']); $global_error_message['organisation'] = $Organisation; $global_error_message['powered_by'] = $PoweredBy; $global_error_message['encoding'] = 'UTF-8'; $global_error_message['css'] = $css_def; $global_error_message['chamilo_logo'] = $root_rel.$css_path.$theme.'images/header-logo.png'; // {ORGANISATION} moved from the header $global_error_message_page = << {TITLE}
EOM; foreach ($global_error_message as $key => $value) { $global_error_message_page = str_replace('{'.strtoupper($key).'}', $value, $global_error_message_page); } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$global_error_message['encoding']); die($global_error_message_page); }