'; //Glossary
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '';
//@todo we should only enable this when there is a time control
//This library is necessary for the time control feature
$htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; //jQuery
$_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] = true;
$stat_table = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
$exercice_attemp_table = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
$TBL_EXERCICES = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
$TBL_QUESTIONS = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
$TBL_REPONSES = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
// General parameters passed via POST/GET
if (empty ($origin)) {
$origin = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['origin']);
if (empty ($learnpath_id)) {
$learnpath_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_id']);
if (empty ($learnpath_item_id)) {
$learnpath_item_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_item_id']);
if (empty ($learnpath_item_view_id)) {
$learnpath_item_view_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_item_view_id']);
if (empty ($formSent)) {
$formSent = $_REQUEST['formSent'];
if (empty ($exerciseResult)) {
$exerciseResult = $_REQUEST['exerciseResult'];
if (empty ($exerciseResultCoordinates)) {
$exerciseResultCoordinates = $_REQUEST['exerciseResultCoordinates'];
if (empty ($exerciseType)) {
$exerciseType = $_REQUEST['exerciseType'];
if (empty ($exerciseId)) {
$exerciseId = intval($_REQUEST['exerciseId']);
if (empty ($choice)) {
$choice = $_REQUEST['choice'];
if (empty ($_REQUEST['choice'])) {
$choice = $_REQUEST['choice2'];
if (empty ($questionNum)) {
$questionNum = intval($_REQUEST['questionNum']);
if (empty ($nbrQuestions)) {
$nbrQuestions = intval($_REQUEST['nbrQuestions']);
if (empty ($buttonCancel)) {
$buttonCancel = $_REQUEST['buttonCancel'];
$error = '';
// if the user has clicked on the "Cancel" button
if ($buttonCancel) {
// returns to the exercise list
header("Location: exercice.php?origin=$origin&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&learnpath_item_id=$learnpath_item_id&learnpath_item_view_id=$learnpath_item_view_id");
$safe_lp_id = ($learnpath_id == '') ? 0 : $learnpath_id;
$safe_lp_item_id = ($learnpath_item_id == '') ? 0 : $learnpath_item_id;
$safe_lp_item_view_id = ($learnpath_item_view_id == '') ? 0 : $learnpath_item_view_id;
* Teacher takes an exam and want to see a preview, we delete the objExercise from the session in order to get the latest changes
in the exercise
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null,true) && $_GET['preview'] == 1 ) {
// Loading the $objExercise variable
if (!isset ($_SESSION['objExercise']) || $_SESSION['objExercise']->id != $_REQUEST['exerciseId']) {
// Construction of Exercise
$objExercise = new Exercise();
if ($debug) {error_log('Setting the $objExercise variable'); };
// if the specified exercise doesn't exist or is disabled
if (!$objExercise->read($exerciseId) || (!$objExercise->selectStatus() && !$is_allowedToEdit && ($origin != 'learnpath'))) {
if ($debug) {error_log('Error while reading the exercise'); };
unset ($objExercise);
$error = get_lang('ExerciseNotFound');
} else {
// saves the object into the session
if ($debug) {error_log('$_SESSION[objExercise] was unset - set now - end'); };
if (!isset ($objExercise) && isset($_SESSION['objExercise'])) {
if ($debug) {error_log('Loading $objExercise from session'); };
$objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise'];
if (!is_object($objExercise)) {
if ($debug) {error_log('$objExercise was not set, kill the script'); };
header('Location: exercice.php');
$exerciseType = $objExercise->type;
$current_timestamp = time();
//Getting track exercise info
$exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info($safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id);
if ($debug) {error_log('$objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info function called:: '.print_r($exercise_stat_info, 1)); };
* Time control feature
* if the expired time is major that zero(0) then the expired time is compute on this time. Disable for learning path
$time_control = false;
if ($objExercise->expired_time != 0 && $origin != 'learnpath') {
$time_control = true;
if ($time_control) {
//Get the expired time of the current exercice in track_e_exercices
$total_seconds = $objExercise->expired_time*60;
//Generating the time control key
$current_expired_time_key = generate_time_control_key($objExercise->id);
if ($debug) {error_log('$current_expired_time_key '.$current_expired_time_key); };
if (!isset($_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key])) {
//Timer - Get expired_time for a student
if (!empty($exercise_stat_info)) {
if ($debug) {error_log('Seems that the session ends and the user want to retake the exam'); };
$expired_time_of_this_attempt = $exercise_stat_info['expired_time_control'];
if ($debug) {error_log('$expired_time_of_this_attempt: '.$expired_time_of_this_attempt); }
//Get the last attempt of an exercice
$last_attempt_date = get_last_attempt_date_of_exercise($exercise_stat_info['exe_id']);
//This means that the user enters the exam but do not answer the first question we get the date from the track_e_exercises not from the track_et_attempt see #2069
if (empty($last_attempt_date)) {
$diff = $current_timestamp - api_strtotime($exercise_stat_info['start_date'], 'UTC');
$last_attempt_date = api_get_utc_datetime(api_strtotime($exercise_stat_info['start_date'],'UTC') + $diff);
} else {
//Recalculate the time control due #2069
$diff = $current_timestamp - api_strtotime($last_attempt_date,'UTC');
$last_attempt_date = api_get_utc_datetime(api_strtotime($last_attempt_date,'UTC') + $diff);
if ($debug) {error_log('$last_attempt_date: '.$last_attempt_date); }
//New expired time - it is due to the possible closure of session
$new_expired_time_in_seconds = api_strtotime($expired_time_of_this_attempt, 'UTC') - api_strtotime($last_attempt_date,'UTC');
if ($debug) {error_log('$new_expired_time_in_seconds: '.$new_expired_time_in_seconds); }
$expected_time = $current_timestamp + $new_expired_time_in_seconds;
if ($debug) {error_log('$expected_time1: '.$expected_time); }
//$plugin_expired_time = date('M d, Y H:i:s', $expected_time);
$clock_expired_time = api_get_utc_datetime($expected_time);
if ($debug) {error_log('$clock_expired_time: '.$clock_expired_time); }
//@todo check this validation with Fasa: With this change the user can log out and login from the system and the counter will not work
//We modify the "expired_time_control" field in track_e_exercices for this attempt
$sql_track_e_exe = "UPDATE $stat_table SET expired_time_control = '".$clock_expired_time."' WHERE exe_id = '".$exercise_stat_info['exe_id']."'";
if ($debug) {error_log('$sql_track_e_exe1: '.$sql_track_e_exe); }
//First we update the attempt to today
// How the expired time is changed into "track_e_exercices" table,then the last attempt for this student should be changed too,so
$sql_track_e_exe = "UPDATE $exercice_attemp_table SET tms = '".api_get_utc_datetime()."' WHERE exe_id = '".$exercise_stat_info['exe_id']."' AND tms = '".$last_attempt_date."' ";
if ($debug) {error_log('$sql_track_e_exe2: '.$sql_track_e_exe); }
//Sessions that contain the expired time
$_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] = $clock_expired_time;
if ($debug) {error_log('1. Setting the $_SESSION[expired_time]: '.$_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] ); };
} else {
$expected_time = $current_timestamp + $total_seconds;
if ($debug) error_log('$current_timestamp '.$current_timestamp);
if ($debug) error_log('$expected_time '.$expected_time);
//$expected_time = api_strtotime(api_get_utc_datetime($expected_time));
//$plugin_expired_time = date('M d, Y H:i:s', $expected_time);
//$clock_expired_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expected_time);
$clock_expired_time = api_get_utc_datetime($expected_time);
if ($debug) error_log('$expected_time '.$clock_expired_time);
//Sessions that contain the expired time
$_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] = $clock_expired_time;
// $_SESSION['end_expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] = $plugin_expired_time;
if ($debug) {error_log('2. Setting the $_SESSION[expired_time]: '.$_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] ); };
//if ($debug) {error_log('2. Setting the $_SESSION[end_expired_time]: '.$_SESSION['end_expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] ); };
} else {
// $plugin_expired_time = $_SESSION['end_expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key];
$clock_expired_time = $_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key];
if ($debug) {error_log('Getting the $_SESSION[end_expired_time]: '.$_SESSION['end_expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key] ); };
// get time left for exipiring time
//$time_left = api_strtotime($plugin_expired_time) - api_strtotime(api_get_utc_datetime());
// get time left for exipiring time
$time_left = api_strtotime($clock_expired_time,'UTC') - time();
* The time control feature is enable here - this feature is enable for a jquery plugin called epiclock
* for more details of how it works see this link : http://eric.garside.name/docs.html?p=epiclock
if ($time_control) { //Sends the exercice form when the expired time is finished
$htmlHeadXtra[] = $objExercise->show_time_control_js($time_left);
if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] && $objExercise->type == ONE_PER_PAGE && $objExercise->feedbacktype != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_DIRECT) {
if (!empty($exercise_stat_info)) {
$exe_id = $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'];
$recorded['questionList'] = explode(',', $exercise_stat_info['data_tracking']);
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $exercice_attemp_table . ' WHERE exe_id = ' . $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'] . ' ORDER BY tms ASC';
$result = Database::query($query);
while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result,'ASSOC')) {
$recorded['exerciseResult'][$row['question_id']] = 1;
$exerciseResult = $_SESSION['exerciseResult'] = $recorded['exerciseResult'];
$questionNum = count($recorded['exerciseResult']);
$questionList = $_SESSION['questionList'] = $recorded['questionList'];
// if the user has submitted the form
if ($formSent && isset($_POST)) {
if ($debug > 0) { error_log('$formSent was set'); }
// Initializing
if (!is_array($exerciseResult)) {
$exerciseResult = array ();
$exerciseResultCoordinates = array();
//Only for hotspot
if (!isset($choice) && isset($_REQUEST['hidden_hotspot_id'])) {
$hotspot_id = (int)($_REQUEST['hidden_hotspot_id']);
$choice = array($hotspot_id => '');
// if the user has answered at least one question
if (is_array($choice)) {
if ($debug) { error_log('$choice is an array '.print_r($choice, 1)); }
// Also store hotspot spots in the session ($exerciseResultCoordinates
// will be stored in the session at the end of this script)
if (isset ($_POST['hotspot'])) {
$exerciseResultCoordinates = $_POST['hotspot'];
if ($debug) { error_log('$_POST[hotspot] data '.print_r($exerciseResultCoordinates, 1)); }
if ($exerciseType == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE) {
// $exerciseResult receives the content of the form.
// Each choice of the student is stored into the array $choice
$exerciseResult = $choice;
} else {
// gets the question ID from $choice. It is the key of the array
list ($key) = array_keys($choice);
// if the user didn't already answer this question
if (!isset($exerciseResult[$key])) {
// stores the user answer into the array
$exerciseResult[$key] = $choice[$key];
//saving each question
if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] && $objExercise->feedbacktype != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_DIRECT) {
$nro_question = $questionNum; // - 1;
//START of saving and qualifying each question submitted
$questionId = $key;
// gets the student choice for this question
$choice = $exerciseResult[$questionId];
if (isset($exe_id)) {
//Manage the question and answer attempts
if ($debug > 0) { error_log('manage_answer exe_id: '.$exe_id.' - $questionId: '.$questionId.' Choice'.print_r($choice,1)); }
$objExercise->manage_answer($exe_id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show',$exerciseResultCoordinates, true, false,false);
//END of saving and qualifying
if ($debug > 0) { error_log('$choice is an array - end'); }
// the script "exercise_result.php" will take the variable $exerciseResult from the session
// if all questions on one page OR if it is the last question (only for an exercise with one question per page)
if ($exerciseType == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE || $questionNum >= $nbrQuestions) {
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
// goes to the script that will show the result of the exercise
if ($exerciseType == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE) {
if ($debug) { error_log('Exercise ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE -> Redirecting to exercise_result.php'); }
//We check if the user attempts before sending to the exercise_result.php
if ($objExercise->selectAttempts() > 0) {
$attempt_count = get_attempt_count(api_get_user_id(), $exerciseId, $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id);
if ($attempt_count >= $objExercise->selectAttempts()) {
Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf(get_lang('ReachedMaxAttempts'), $exerciseTitle, $objExercise->selectAttempts()), false);
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//so we are not in learnpath tool
echo ''; //End glossary div
Display :: display_footer();
} else {
echo '