*/ $this_section = SECTION_COURSES; if (empty($lp_controller_touched) || $lp_controller_touched != 1) { header('location: lp_controller.php?action=list'); } require_once 'back_compat.inc.php'; $courseDir = api_get_course_path().'/scorm'; $baseWordDir = $courseDir; $display_progress_bar = true; require_once 'learnpathList.class.php'; require_once 'learnpath.class.php'; require_once 'learnpathItem.class.php'; /** * Display initialisation and security checks */ // Extra javascript functions for in html head: $htmlHeadXtra[] = ""; $nameTools = get_lang('LearningPaths'); event_access_tool(TOOL_LEARNPATH); if (!$is_allowed_in_course) api_not_allowed(); /** * Display */ /* Require the search widget and prepare the header with its stuff. */ if (api_get_setting('search_enabled') == 'true') { require api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'search/search_widget.php'; search_widget_prepare(&$htmlHeadXtra); } Display::display_header($nameTools, 'Path'); $current_session = api_get_session_id(); //api_display_tool_title($nameTools); /* Introduction section (editable by course admins) */ Display::display_introduction_section(TOOL_LEARNPATH, array( 'CreateDocumentWebDir' => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/', 'CreateDocumentDir' => '../../courses/'.api_get_course_path().'/document/', 'BaseHref' => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/' ) ); $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true); if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { /* DIALOG BOX SECTION */ if (!empty($dialog_box)) { switch ($_GET['dialogtype']) { case 'confirmation': Display::display_confirmation_message($dialog_box); break; case 'error': Display::display_error_message($dialog_box); break; case 'warning': Display::display_warning_message($dialog_box); break; default: Display::display_normal_message($dialog_box); break; } } if (api_failure::get_last_failure()) { Display::display_normal_message(api_failure::get_last_failure()); } //include 'content_makers.inc.php'; echo '
'; echo ''.Display::return_icon('new_learnpath.png', get_lang('_add_learnpath'),'','32').'' . str_repeat(' ', 3). ''.Display::return_icon('import_scorm.png', get_lang('UploadScorm'),'','32').''; if (api_get_setting('service_ppt2lp', 'active') == 'true') { echo str_repeat(' ', 3).' '.Display::return_icon('import_powerpoint.png', get_lang('PowerPointConvert'),'','32').''; //echo str_repeat(' ', 3).''.get_lang('WordConvert').' '.get_lang('WordConvert').''; } echo '
'; } echo ''; $is_allowed_to_edit ? $colspan = 9 : $colspan = 3; if (!empty($curDirPath)) { if (substr($curDirPath, 1, 1) == '/') { $tmpcurDirPath=substr($curDirPath,1,strlen($curDirPath)); } else { $tmpcurDirPath = $curDirPath; } ?> '; if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '"; echo '"; } else { echo ''; echo '"; echo '"; } echo ''; /* DISPLAY SCORM LIST */ $list = new LearnpathList(api_get_user_id()); $flat_list = $list->get_flat_list(); //var_dump($flat_list); if (is_array($flat_list)) { $test_mode = api_get_setting('server_type'); $max = count($flat_list); $counter = 0; $current = 0; $autolunch_exists = false; foreach ($flat_list as $id => $details) { // Validacion when belongs to a session $session_img = api_get_session_image($details['lp_session'], $_user['status']); if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && $details['lp_visibility'] == 0) { // This is a student and this path is invisible, skip. continue; } // Check if the learnpath is visible for student. if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && !learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student($id, api_get_user_id())) { continue; } $start_time = $end_time = ''; if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { $time_limits = false; //This is an old LP (from a migration 1.8.7) so we do nothing if ((empty($details['created_on']) || $details['created_on'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') && (empty($details['modified_on']) || $details['modified_on'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) { $time_limits = false; } //Checking if expired_on is ON if ($details['expired_on'] != '' && $details['expired_on'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $time_limits = true; } if ($time_limits) { // check if start time if (!empty($details['publicated_on']) && $details['publicated_on'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && !empty($details['expired_on']) && $details['expired_on'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $start_time = api_strtotime($details['publicated_on'],'UTC'); $end_time = api_strtotime($details['expired_on'],'UTC'); $now = time(); $is_actived_time = false; if ($now > $start_time && $end_time > $now ) { $is_actived_time = true; } if (!$is_actived_time) { continue; } } } $start_time = $end_time = ''; } else { if (!empty($details['publicated_on'])) { $start_time = api_convert_and_format_date($details['publicated_on'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG); } if (!empty($details['expired_on'])) { $end_time = api_convert_and_format_date($details['expired_on'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG); } } $counter++; if (($counter % 2) == 0) { $oddclass = 'row_odd'; } else { $oddclass = 'row_even'; } $url_start_lp = 'lp_controller.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=view&lp_id='.$id; $name = Security::remove_XSS($details['lp_name']); if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $dsp_desc = ''.$details['lp_maker'].'  '.$details['lp_proximity'].' '.(learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student($id, api_get_user_id())?'':' - ('.get_lang('LPNotVisibleToStudent').')'); $extra = '
'.$dsp_desc .''; } $image = '' . $name . ''; $my_title = $name; if ($details['lp_visibility'] == 0 ) { $my_title = Display::tag('font', $name, array('style'=>'color:grey')); } $dsp_line = ''. '"; //$dsp_desc=''."\n"; $dsp_desc = ''; $dsp_export = ''; $dsp_edit = ''; $dsp_build = ''; $dsp_edit_close = ''; $dsp_delete = ''; $dsp_visible = ''; $dsp_default_view = ''; $dsp_debug = ''; $dsp_order = ''; // Select course theme. if (!empty($platform_theme)) { $mystyle = $platform_theme; } if (!empty($user_theme)) { $mystyle = $user_theme; } if (!empty($mycoursetheme)) { $mystyle = $mycoursetheme; } $lp_theme_css = $mystyle; if ($display_progress_bar) { if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $dsp_progress = ''; } else { $dsp_progress = ''; } } else { $dsp_progress = ''; } $dsp_edit = ''; if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { /* if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { $dsp_desc = ''."\n"; } else { $dsp_desc = ''." "; } */ /* // Deprecated code, Chamilo 1.8.8. $dsp_desc = ''."\n"; */ //$dsp_desc = ''."\n"; /* Export */ // Export is inside "Edit" // export not available for normal lps yet /*if ($details['lp_type'] == 1) { $dsp_export = '"; $current ++; //counter for number of elements treated } // end foreach ($flat_list) // TODO: Erint some user-friendly message if counter is still = 0 to tell nothing can be displayd yet. } // end if ( is_array($flat_list) echo "
' . '
' . $image . '
' . $my_title . '' . $session_img .$extra. "
'.$details['lp_desc'].''.learnpath::get_db_progress($id, api_get_user_id(), '%', '', false, api_get_session_id()).'
'.learnpath::get_progress_bar('%',learnpath::get_db_progress($id, api_get_user_id(), '%', '', false, api_get_session_id())).'
'.learnpath::get_db_progress($id, api_get_user_id(), 'both','',false, api_get_session_id()).'
'; $dsp_edit_close = ''.$details['lp_maker'].'    '.$details['lp_proximity'].'    '.$details['lp_encoding'].'  '.$details['lp_maker'].'    '.$details['lp_proximity'].'    '.$details['lp_encoding'].''.$details['lp_maker'].'    '.$details['lp_proximity'].'    '.$details['lp_encoding'].''.$details['lp_maker'].'    '.$details['lp_proximity'].'
' . "" . "" . ""; } elseif ($details['lp_type'] == 2) { $dsp_export = '' . "" . "" . ""; } else { $dsp_export = '' . //"" . "" . //""; }*/ // EDIT LP if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { $dsp_edit_lp = ''.Display::return_icon('settings.png', get_lang('CourseSettings'),'','22').''; } else { $dsp_edit_lp = Display::return_icon('settings_na.png', get_lang('CourseSettings'),'','22'); } // BUILD if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['lp_type'] == 1 || $details['lp_type'] == 2) { $dsp_build = ''.Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('_edit_learnpath'),'','22').''; } else { $dsp_build = Display::return_icon('edit_na.png', get_lang('_edit_learnpath'),'','22'); } } else { $dsp_build = Display::return_icon('edit_na.png', get_lang('_edit_learnpath'),'','22'); } /* VISIBILITY COMMAND */ // Session test not necessary if we want to show base course learning paths inside the session (see http://support.chamilo.org/projects/chamilo-18/wiki/Tools_and_sessions). //if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['lp_visibility'] == 0) { $dsp_visible = "".Display::return_icon('invisible.png', get_lang('Show'),'','22').""; } else { $dsp_visible = "" .Display::return_icon('visible.png', get_lang('Hide'),'','22').""; } //} else { // $dsp_visible = ''; //} /* PUBLISH COMMAND */ if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['lp_published'] == "i") { $dsp_publish = "" . Display::return_icon('lp_publish_na.png', get_lang('_publish'),'','22').""; } else { $dsp_publish = "" .Display::return_icon('lp_publish.png', get_lang('_no_publish'),'','22').""; } } else { $dsp_publish = Display::return_icon('lp_publish_na.png', get_lang('_no_publish'),'','22'); } /* MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS */ if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['lp_prevent_reinit'] == 1) { $dsp_reinit = '' . Display::return_icon('reload_na.png', get_lang('AllowMultipleAttempts'),'','22').''; } else { $dsp_reinit = '' . Display::return_icon('reload.png', get_lang('PreventMultipleAttempts'),'','22').''; } } else { $dsp_reinit = Display::return_icon('reload_na.png', get_lang('AllowMultipleAttempts'),'','22'); } /* FUll screen VIEW */ if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { /* Default view mode settings (fullscreen/embedded) */ if ($details['lp_view_mode'] == 'fullscreen') { $dsp_default_view = '' . Display::return_icon('view_fullscreen.png', get_lang('ViewModeFullScreen'),'','22').''; } elseif ($details['lp_view_mode'] == 'embedded') { $dsp_default_view = '' . Display::return_icon('view_left_right.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedded'),'','22').''; } elseif ($details['lp_view_mode'] == 'embedframe') { $dsp_default_view = '' . Display::return_icon('view_nofullscreen.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedFrame'),'','22').''; } } else { if ($details['lp_view_mode'] == 'fullscreen'){ $dsp_default_view = Display::return_icon('view_fullscreen_na.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedded'),'','22'); } else{ $dsp_default_view = Display::return_icon('view_left_right_na.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedded'),'','22'); } } /* Increase SCORM recording */ /* if ($details['lp_force_commit'] == 1) { $dsp_force_commit = '' . 'Normal SCORM recordings' . ' '; }else{ $dsp_force_commit = '' . 'Extra SCORM recordings' . ' '; } */ /* DEBUG */ if ($test_mode == 'test' or api_is_platform_admin()) { if ($details['lp_scorm_debug'] == 1) { $dsp_debug = '' . Display::return_icon('bug.png', get_lang('HideDebug'),'','22').''; }else{ $dsp_debug = '' . Display::return_icon('bug_na.png', get_lang('ShowDebug'),'','22').''; } } /* Export */ if ($details['lp_type'] == 1) { $dsp_disk = Display::url(Display::return_icon('cd.gif', get_lang('Export'), array(), 22), api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=export&lp_id=$id"); } elseif ($details['lp_type'] == 2) { $dsp_disk = Display::url(Display::return_icon('cd.gif', get_lang('Export'), array(), 22), api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=export&lp_id=$id&export_name=".replace_dangerous_char($name, 'strict').".zip"); } else { $dsp_disk = Display::return_icon('cd_gray.gif', get_lang('Export'), array(), 22); } /* Auto Lunch LP code*/ $lp_auto_lunch_icon = ''; if (api_get_course_setting('enable_lp_auto_launch') == 1) { if ($details['autolaunch'] == 1 && $autolunch_exists == false) { $autolunch_exists = true; $lp_auto_lunch_icon = ' '; } else { $lp_auto_lunch_icon = ' '; } } //if (api_get_setting('pdf_export_watermark_enable') == 'true') { $export_icon = ' '.Display::return_icon('pdf.png', get_lang('ExportToPDF'),'','22').''; //} /* DELETE COMMAND */ if ($current_session == $details['lp_session']) { $dsp_delete = "" . Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('_delete_learnpath'),'','22').''; } else { $dsp_delete = Display::return_icon('delete_na.png', get_lang('_delete_learnpath'),'','22'); } /* COLUMN ORDER */ // Only active while session mode is not active if ($current_session == 0) { if ($details['lp_display_order'] == 1 && $max != 1) { $dsp_order .= ' '.Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('MoveDown'),'','22').' '; } elseif ($current == $max-1 && $max != 1) { $dsp_order .= ' '.Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('MoveUp'),'','22').''; } elseif ($max == 1) { $dsp_order = ''; } else { $dsp_order .= '' . Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('MoveDown'),'','22').''; $dsp_order .= '' . Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('MoveUp'),'','22').''; } } if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $start_time = Display::tag('td', Display::div($start_time, array('class'=>'small'))); $end_time = Display::tag('td', Display::div($end_time, array('class'=>'small'))); } else { $start_time = $end_time= ''; } } else { // end if ($is_allowedToEdit) //Student $export_icon = ' '.Display::return_icon('pdf.png', get_lang('ExportToPDF'),'','22').''; } echo $dsp_line.$start_time.$end_time.$dsp_progress.$dsp_desc.$dsp_export.$dsp_edit.$dsp_build.$dsp_edit_lp.$dsp_visible.$dsp_publish.$dsp_reinit. $dsp_default_view.$dsp_debug.$dsp_disk.$lp_auto_lunch_icon.$export_icon.$dsp_delete.$dsp_order.$dsp_edit_close; echo "
"; echo "

"; /* FOOTER */ Display::display_footer();