// Reworks and improvements by Ivan Tcholakov, JUL-2009. var dialog = window.parent ; var oEditor = dialog.InnerDialogLoaded() ; var FCK = oEditor.FCK ; var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ; var FCKConfig = oEditor.FCKConfig ; var FCKTools = oEditor.FCKTools ; // Security RegExp var REG_SCRIPT = new RegExp( "< *script.*>|< *style.*>|< *link.*>|< *body.*>", "i" ) ; var REG_PROTOCOL = new RegExp( "javascript:|vbscript:|about:", "i" ) ; var REG_CALL_SCRIPT = new RegExp( "&\{.*\};", "i" ) ; var REG_EVENT = new RegExp( "onError|onUnload|onBlur|onFocus|onClick|onMouseOver|onMouseOut|onSubmit|onReset|onChange|onSelect|onAbort", "i" ) ; // Cookie Basic var REG_AUTH = new RegExp( "document\.cookie|Microsoft\.XMLHTTP", "i" ) ; // TEXTAREA var REG_NEWLINE = new RegExp( "\x0d|\x0a", "i" ) ; var YoutubeSite = 'http://www.youtube.com/v/' ; var HighQualityString = '%26hl=en%26fs=1%26rel=0%26ap=%2526fmt=18' ; var LowQualityString = '%26hl=en%26fs=1%26rel=0' ; // Set the language direction. window.document.dir = FCKLang.Dir ; FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent1'] = FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent1'] ? FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent1'] : '' ; FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent3'] = FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent3'] ? FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent3'] : '' ; FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent1'] = FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent1'].toString().replace( '%s', 'http://www.youtube.com/<\/a>' ) ; FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent3'] = FCKLang['DlgYouTubeURLTipContent3'].toString().replace( '%s', 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXXXXXXXXXX...' ) ; //#### Dialog Tabs // Set the dialog tabs. dialog.AddTab( 'Info', FCKLang.DlgInfoTab ) ; dialog.AddTab( 'Preview', FCKLang.DlgImgPreview ) ; // This function is called when a dialog tab has been selected. function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode ) { ShowE( 'divInfo', ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ; ShowE( 'divPreview', ( tabCode == 'Preview' ) ) ; if ( tabCode == 'Preview' ) { UpdatePreview() ; } else { ClearPreview() ; } } // Get the selected video (if available). var oFakeImage = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ; var oEmbed ; if ( oFakeImage ) { if ( oFakeImage.tagName == 'IMG' && oFakeImage.getAttribute( '_fckvideo' ) ) oEmbed = FCK.GetRealElement( oFakeImage ) ; else oFakeImage = null ; } window.onload = function() { // Translate the dialog box texts. oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ; // Load the selected element information (if any). LoadSelection() ; dialog.SetAutoSize( true ) ; // Activate the "OK" button. dialog.SetOkButton( true ) ; SelectField( 'txtUrl' ) ; } function LoadSelection() { if ( ! oEmbed ) return ; var src = GetAttribute( oEmbed, 'src', '' ) ; GetE( 'txtUrl' ).value = GetOriginalYoutubeUrl ( src ) ; if ( GetQuality ( src ) == 'high' ) { GetE( 'radioHigh' ).checked = true ; GetE( 'radioLow' ).checked = false ; } else { GetE( 'radioHigh' ).checked = false ; GetE( 'radioLow' ).checked = true ; } GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value = GetAttribute( oEmbed, 'width', 425 ) ; GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value = GetAttribute( oEmbed, 'height', 344 ) ; } //#### The OK button was hit. function Ok() { GetE( 'txtUrl' ).value = GetE( 'txtUrl' ).value.Trim() ; if ( GetE('txtUrl').value.length == 0 ) { dialog.SetSelectedTab( 'Info' ) ; GetE( 'txtUrl' ).focus() ; alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgYouTubeCode ) ; return false ; } // Check security if ( !checkCode( GetE( 'txtUrl' ).value ) ) { alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgYouTubeSecurity ) ; return false ; } oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; if ( !oEmbed ) { oEmbed = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'EMBED' ) ; oFakeImage = null ; } UpdateEmbed( oEmbed ) ; if ( !oFakeImage ) { oFakeImage = oEditor.FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__Video', oEmbed ) ; oFakeImage.setAttribute( '_fckvideo', 'true', 0 ) ; oFakeImage = FCK.InsertElement( oFakeImage ) ; } oEditor.FCKEmbedAndObjectProcessor.RefreshView( oFakeImage, oEmbed ) ; return true ; } function UpdateEmbed( e ) { var YoutubeUrl = GetE( 'txtUrl' ).value ; var YoutubeId = GetYoutubeId( YoutubeUrl ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'type', 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'pluginspage', 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'allowfullscreen', 'true' ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'wmode', 'transparent' ) ; if ( GetE( 'radioHigh' ).checked ) { SetAttribute( e, 'src', YoutubeSite + YoutubeId + HighQualityString ) ; } else { SetAttribute( e, 'src', YoutubeSite + YoutubeId + LowQualityString ) ; } SetAttribute( e, 'width' , GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value == '' ? 425 : GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'height', GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value == '' ? 344 : GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value ) ; } function checkCode( code ) { if ( code.search( REG_SCRIPT ) != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( code.search( REG_PROTOCOL ) != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( code.search( REG_CALL_SCRIPT ) != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( code.search( REG_EVENT ) != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( code.search( REG_AUTH ) != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( code.search( REG_NEWLINE ) != -1 ) { return false ; } return true ; } function GetOriginalYoutubeUrl ( url ) { var end = url.indexOf( '%' ) ; if ( end > 0 ) { url = url.substring( 0, end ) ; } url = url.replace( '/v/', '/watch?v=' ) ; return url ; } function GetYoutubeId( url ) { var YoutubeId = url.toString().slice( url.search( /\?v=/i ) + 3 ) ; var end = YoutubeId.indexOf( '%' ) ; if ( end > 0 ) { YoutubeId = YoutubeId.substring( 0, end ) ; } return YoutubeId ; } function GetQuality ( url ) { var quality = 'low' ; var QualityString = url.toString().substr( url.search( '%' ) ) ; if ( QualityString.length > LowQualityString.length ) { quality = 'high' ; } return quality ; } var ePreview ; function IsValidMedia( e ) { if ( !e ) return false ; var src = GetAttribute( e, 'src', '' ) ; var width = GetAttribute( e, 'width', '' ) ; var height = GetAttribute( e, 'height', '' ) ; if ( src.length == 0 ) return false ; if ( src.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf( 'youtube.com/v/%' ) != -1 ) return false ; if ( isNaN( width ) ) return false ; if ( parseInt( width, 10 ) <= 0 ) return false ; if ( isNaN( height ) ) return false ; if ( parseInt( height, 10 ) <= 0 ) return false ; return true ; } function SetPreviewElement( previewEl ) { ePreview = previewEl ; if ( IsValidMedia( oEmbed ) ) UpdatePreview() ; } function UpdatePreview() { if ( !ePreview ) return ; while ( ePreview.firstChild ) ePreview.removeChild( ePreview.firstChild ) ; var oDoc = ePreview.ownerDocument || ePreview.document ; var e = oDoc.createElement( 'EMBED' ) ; UpdateEmbed( e ) ; if ( !IsValidMedia( e ) ) { ClearPreview() ; } else { var max_width = 515 ; var max_height = 275 ; var width = GetAttribute( e, 'width', 425 ) ; var height = GetAttribute( e, 'height', 344 ) ; var new_size = FCK.ResizeToFit( width, height, max_width, max_height ) ; width = new_size[0] ; height = new_size[1] ; SetAttribute( e, 'width' , width ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'height', height ) ; ePreview.appendChild( e ) ; var margin_left = parseInt( ( max_width - width ) / 2, 10 ) ; var margin_top = parseInt( ( max_height - height ) / 2, 10 ) ; if ( ePreview.currentStyle ) { // IE ePreview.style.marginLeft = margin_left ; ePreview.style.marginTop = margin_top ; } else { // Other browsers SetAttribute( ePreview, 'style', 'margin-left: ' + margin_left + 'px; margin-top: ' + margin_top + 'px;' ) ; } } } function ClearPreview() { if ( !ePreview ) return ; while ( ePreview.firstChild ) ePreview.removeChild( ePreview.firstChild ) ; ePreview.innerHTML = ' ' ; }