tag linking * to that URL * - Goes through the given string, and replaces www.xxxx.yyyy[zzzz] with an HTML tag linking * to http://www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz] * - Goes through the given string, and replaces xxxx@yyyy with an HTML mailto: tag linking * to that email address * - Only matches these 2 patterns either after a space, or at the beginning of a line * * Notes: the email one might get annoying - it's easy to make it more restrictive, though.. maybe * have it require something like xxxx@yyyy.zzzz or such. We'll see. */ function make_clickable($string) { if(!stristr($string,' src=') && !stristr($string,' href=')) { $string=eregi_replace("(https?|ftp)://([a-z0-9#?/&=._+:~%-]+)","\\1://\\2",$string); $string=eregi_replace("([a-z0-9_.-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+)","\\1",$string); } return $string; } /** * formats the date according to the locale settings * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @author Christophe Gesch� * originally inspired from from PhpMyAdmin * @param string $formatOfDate date pattern * @param integer $timestamp, default is NOW. * @return the formatted date */ function format_locale_date( $dateFormat, $timeStamp = -1) { // Defining the shorts for the days $DaysShort = array (get_lang("SundayShort"), get_lang("MondayShort"), get_lang("TuesdayShort"), get_lang("WednesdayShort"), get_lang("ThursdayShort"), get_lang("FridayShort"), get_lang("SaturdayShort")); // Defining the days of the week to allow translation of the days $DaysLong = array (get_lang("SundayLong"), get_lang("MondayLong"), get_lang("TuesdayLong"), get_lang("WednesdayLong"), get_lang("ThursdayLong"), get_lang("FridayLong"), get_lang("SaturdayLong")); // Defining the shorts for the months $MonthsShort = array (get_lang("JanuaryShort"), get_lang("FebruaryShort"), get_lang("MarchShort"), get_lang("AprilShort"), get_lang("MayShort"), get_lang("JuneShort"), get_lang("JulyShort"), get_lang("AugustShort"), get_lang("SeptemberShort"), get_lang("OctoberShort"), get_lang("NovemberShort"), get_lang("DecemberShort")); // Defining the months of the year to allow translation of the months $MonthsLong = array (get_lang("JanuaryLong"), get_lang("FebruaryLong"), get_lang("MarchLong"), get_lang("AprilLong"), get_lang("MayLong"), get_lang("JuneLong"), get_lang("JulyLong"), get_lang("AugustLong"), get_lang("SeptemberLong"), get_lang("OctoberLong"), get_lang("NovemberLong"), get_lang("DecemberLong")); if ($timeStamp == -1) $timeStamp = time(); // with the ereg we replace %aAbB of date format //(they can be done by the system when locale date aren't aivailable $date = ereg_replace('%[A]', $DaysLong[(int)strftime('%w', $timeStamp)], $dateFormat); $date = ereg_replace('%[a]', $DaysShort[(int)strftime('%w', $timeStamp)], $date); $date = ereg_replace('%[B]', $MonthsLong[(int)strftime('%m', $timeStamp)-1], $date); $date = ereg_replace('%[b]', $MonthsShort[(int)strftime('%m', $timeStamp)-1], $date); return strftime($date, $timeStamp); } // end function format_locale_date /** * @desc this function does some parsing on the text that gets inputted. This parsing can be of any kind * LaTeX notation, Word Censoring, Glossary Terminology (extension will available soon), Musical Notations, ... * The inspiration for this filter function came from Moodle an phpBB who both use a similar approach * @param $input string. some text * @return $output string. some text that contains the parsed elements. * @example [tex]\sqrt(2)[/tex] * @author Patrick Cool * @version March 2OO6 */ function text_filter($input, $filter=true) { //$input=stripslashes($input); if ($filter==true) { // *** parse [tex]...[/tex] tags *** // // which will return techexplorer or image html depending on the capabilities of the // browser of the user (using some javascript that checks if the browser has the TechExplorer plugin installed or not) $input=_text_parse_tex($input); // *** parse [teximage]...[/teximage] tags *** // // these force the gif rendering of LaTeX using the mimetex gif renderer //$input=_text_parse_tex_image($input); // *** parse [texexplorer]...[/texexplorer] tags *** // // these force the texeplorer LaTeX notation $input=_text_parse_texexplorer($input); // *** Censor Words *** // // censor words. This function removes certain words by [censored] // this can be usefull when the campus is open to the world. // $input=text_censor_words($input); // *** parse [?]...[/?] tags *** // // for the glossary tool (see http://www.dokeos.com/extensions) $input=_text_parse_glossary($input); // parse [wiki]...[/wiki] tags // this is for the coolwiki plugin. // $input=text_parse_wiki($input); // parse [tool]...[/tool] tags // this parse function adds a link to a certain tool // $input=text_parse_tool($input); // parse [user]...[/user] tags // parse [email]...[/email] tags // parse [code]...[/code] tags } return $input; } /** * Apply parsing to content to parse tex commandos that are seperated by [tex] * [/tex] to make it readable for techexplorer plugin. * This function should not be accessed directly but should be accesse through the text_filter function * @param string $text The text to parse * @return string The text after parsing. * @author Patrick Cool * @version June 2004 */ function _text_parse_tex($textext) { //$textext = str_replace(array ("[tex]", "[/tex]"), array ('[*****]', '[/*****]'), $textext); //$textext=stripslashes($texttext); $input_array=preg_split("/(\[tex]|\[\/tex])/",$textext,-1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($input_array as $key=>$value) { if ($key>0 && $input_array[$key-1]=='[tex]' AND $input_array[$key+1]=='[/tex]') { $input_array[$key]=latex_gif_renderer($value); unset($input_array[$key-1]); unset($input_array[$key+1]); //echo 'LaTeX:
'; } } $output=implode('',$input_array); return $output; } /** * Apply parsing to content to parse tex commandos that are seperated by [tex] * [/tex] to make it readable for techexplorer plugin. * This function should not be accessed directly but should be accesse through the text_filter function * @param string $text The text to parse * @return string The text after parsing. * @author Patrick Cool * @version June 2004 */ function _text_parse_texexplorer($textext) { if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE')) { $textext = str_replace(array ("[texexplorer]", "[/texexplorer]"), array (""), $textext); } else { $textext = str_replace(array ("[texexplorer]", "[/texexplorer]"), array (""), $textext); } return $textext; } /** * This function should not be accessed directly but should be accesse through the text_filter function * @author Patrick Cool */ function _text_parse_glossary($input) { return $input; } /** * @desc this function makes a valid link to a different tool * This function should not be accessed directly but should be accesse through the text_filter function * @author Patrick Cool */ function _text_parse_tool($input) { // an array with all the valid tools $tools[]=array(TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT, 'announcements/announcements.php'); $tools[]=array(TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT, 'calendar/agenda.php'); // check if the name between the [tool] [/tool] tags is a valid one } /** * render LaTeX code into a gif or retrieve a cached version of the gif * @author Patrick Cool Ghent University */ function latex_gif_renderer($latex_code) { global $_course; // setting the paths and filenames $mimetex_path=api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'mimetex/'; $temp_path=api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/temp/'; $latex_filename=md5($latex_code).'.gif'; if(!file_exists($temp_path.$latex_filename) OR isset($_GET['render'])) { if ((PHP_OS == "WINNT") || (PHP_OS == "WIN32") || (PHP_OS == "Windows")) { $mimetex_command=$mimetex_path.'mimetex.exe -e "'.$temp_path.md5($latex_code).'.gif" '.escapeshellarg($latex_code).''; } else { $mimetex_command=$mimetex_path.'mimetex.linux -e "'.$temp_path.md5($latex_code).'.gif" '.escapeshellarg($latex_code); } exec($mimetex_command); //echo 'volgende shell commando werd uitgevoerd:

'; } $return = ""; $return .= ''.$latex_code.''; return $return; } /** * This function returns the difference between the current date (date(now)) with the parameter $date in a string format like "2 days, 1 hour" * Example: $date="2008-03-07 15:44:08"; * date_to_str($date) it will return 3 days, 20 hours * * @param string This string has to be the result of a date function in this format -> date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()); * @return string The difference between the current date and the parameter in a literal way "3 days, 2 hour" * * @author Julio Montoya */ function date_to_str_ago($date) { $dst_date=strtotime($date); //for not call date several times $date_array=date("s/i/G/j/n/Y",$dst_date); $date_split=explode("/",$date_array); $dst_s=$date_split[0]; $dst_m=$date_split[1]; $dst_h=$date_split[2]; $dst_day=$date_split[3]; $dst_mth=$date_split[4]; $dst_yr=$date_split[5]; $dst_date = mktime($dst_h,$dst_m,$dst_s,$dst_mth,$dst_day,$dst_yr); $time=$offset = time()-$dst_date; //seconds between current days and today //------------ Here start the functions sec_to_str $act_day=date('d'); $act_mth=date('n'); $act_yr = date('Y'); if ($dst_day==$act_day && $dst_mth==$act_mth && $dst_yr == $act_yr ) { return ucfirst(get_lang('Today')); } if ($dst_day==$act_day-1 && $dst_mth==$act_mth && $dst_yr == $act_yr ) { return ucfirst(get_lang('Yesterday')); } // original 1 //$sec_time=array("century"=>3.1556926*pow(10,9),"decade"=>315569260,"year"=>31556926,"month"=>2629743.83,"week"=>604800,"day"=>86400,"hour"=>3600,"minute"=>60,"second"=>1); //$sec_time=array(get_lang('MinDecade')=>315569260,get_lang('MinYear')=>31556926,get_lang('MinMonth')=>2629743.83,get_lang('MinWeek')=>604800,get_lang('MinDay')=>86400,get_lang('MinHour')=>3600,get_lang('MinMinute')=>60); $MinDecade=get_lang('MinDecade'); $MinYear=get_lang('MinYear'); $MinMonth=get_lang('MinMonth'); $MinWeek=get_lang('MinWeek'); $MinDay=get_lang('MinDay'); $MinHour=get_lang('MinHour'); $MinMinute=get_lang('MinMinute'); $MinDecades=get_lang('MinDecades'); $MinYears=get_lang('MinYears'); $MinMonths=get_lang('MinMonths'); $MinWeeks=get_lang('MinWeeks'); $MinDays=get_lang('MinDays'); $MinHours=get_lang('MinHours'); $MinMinutes=get_lang('MinMinutes'); $sec_time_time=array(315569260,31556926,2629743.83,604800,86400,3600,60); $sec_time_sing=array($MinDecade,$MinYear,$MinMonth,$MinWeek,$MinDay,$MinHour,$MinMinute); $sec_time_plu =array($MinDecades,$MinYears,$MinMonths,$MinWeeks,$MinDays,$MinHours,$MinMinutes); $str_result=array(); $time_result=array(); $key_result=array(); $str=''; $i=0; for ($i=0;$i $time) { continue; } $current_value=intval($time/$seconds); if ($current_value!='1') { $date_str= $sec_time_plu[$i]; } else { $date_str= $sec_time_sing[$i]; } $key_result[]=$sec_time_sing[$i]; $str_result[]=$current_value.' '.$date_str; $time_result[]= $current_value; $str.=$current_value.$date_str; $time%=$seconds; } if ($key_result[0]== $MinDay && $key_result[1]== $MinMinute) { $key_result[1]=' 0 '.$MinHours; $str_result[0]=$time_result[0].' '.$key_result[0]; $str_result[1]=$key_result[1]; } if ($key_result[0]== $MinYear && ($key_result[1]== $MinDay || $key_result[1]== $MinWeek)) { $key_result[1]=' 0 '.$MinMonths; $str_result[0]=$time_result[0].' '.$key_result[0]; $str_result[1]=$key_result[1]; } if (!empty($str_result[1])) { $str=$str_result[0].', '.$str_result[1]; } else { $str=$str_result[0]; } return $str; } ?>