/* * JavaScript Load Image Test * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image * * Copyright 2011, Sebastian Tschan * https://blueimp.net * * Licensed under the MIT license: * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /* global describe, it, Blob */ ;(function (expect, loadImage) { 'use strict' var canCreateBlob = !!window.dataURLtoBlob // 80x60px GIF image (color black, base64 data): var b64DataGIF = 'R0lGODdhUAA8AIABAAAAAP///ywAAAAAUAA8AAACS4SPqcvtD6' + 'OctNqLs968+w+G4kiW5omm6sq27gvH8kzX9o3n+s73/g8MCofE' + 'ovGITCqXzKbzCY1Kp9Sq9YrNarfcrvcLDovH5PKsAAA7' var imageUrlGIF = 'data:image/gif;base64,' + b64DataGIF var blobGIF = canCreateBlob && window.dataURLtoBlob(imageUrlGIF) // 2x1px JPEG (color white, with the Exif orientation flag set to 6): var b64DataJPEG = '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/4QAiRXhpZgAASUkqAAgAAA' + 'ABABIBAwABAAAABgASAAAAAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEB' + 'AQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQ' + 'EBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQH/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEB' + 'AQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQ' + 'EBAQEBAQH/wAARCAABAAIDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEB' + 'AQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBA' + 'QAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAk' + 'M2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1' + 'hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKj' + 'pKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+' + 'Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAA' + 'AAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAx' + 'EEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl' + '8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2' + 'hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmq' + 'srO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8v' + 'P09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD+/iiiigD/2Q==' var imageUrlJPEG = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + b64DataJPEG var blobJPEG = canCreateBlob && window.dataURLtoBlob(imageUrlJPEG) function createBlob (data, type) { try { return new Blob([data], {type: type}) } catch (e) { var BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder var builder = new BlobBuilder() builder.append(data.buffer || data) return builder.getBlob(type) } } describe('Loading', function () { it('Return the img element or FileReader object to allow aborting the image load', function () { var img = loadImage(blobGIF, function () { return }) expect(img).to.be.an.instanceOf(Object) expect(img.onload).to.be.a('function') expect(img.onerror).to.be.a('function') }) it('Load image url', function (done) { expect(loadImage(imageUrlGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() })).to.be.ok }) it('Load image blob', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() })).to.be.ok }) it('Return image loading error to callback', function (done) { expect(loadImage('404', function (img) { expect(img).to.be.an.instanceOf(window.Event) expect(img.type).to.equal('error') done() })).to.be.ok }) it('Keep object URL if noRevoke is true', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { loadImage(img.src, function (img2) { expect(img.width).to.equal(img2.width) expect(img.height).to.equal(img2.height) done() }) }, {noRevoke: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Discard object URL if noRevoke is undefined or false', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { loadImage(img.src, function (img2) { if (!window.callPhantom) { // revokeObjectUrl doesn't seem to have an effect in PhantomJS expect(img2).to.be.an.instanceOf(window.Event) expect(img2.type).to.equal('error') } done() }) })).to.be.ok }) }) describe('Scaling', function () { describe('max/min', function () { it('Scale to maxWidth', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(30) done() }, {maxWidth: 40})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to maxHeight', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(20) expect(img.height).to.equal(15) done() }, {maxHeight: 15})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to minWidth', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {minWidth: 160})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to minHeight', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(320) expect(img.height).to.equal(240) done() }, {minHeight: 240})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to minWidth but respect maxWidth', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {minWidth: 240, maxWidth: 160})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to minHeight but respect maxHeight', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {minHeight: 180, maxHeight: 120})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to minWidth but respect maxHeight', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {minWidth: 240, maxHeight: 120})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale to minHeight but respect maxWidth', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {minHeight: 180, maxWidth: 160})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale up with the given pixelRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(320) expect(img.height).to.equal(240) expect(img.style.width).to.equal('160px') expect(img.style.height).to.equal('120px') done() }, {minWidth: 160, canvas: true, pixelRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale down with the given pixelRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) expect(img.style.width).to.equal('40px') expect(img.style.height).to.equal('30px') done() }, {maxWidth: 40, canvas: true, pixelRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale down with the given downsamplingRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(20) expect(img.height).to.equal(15) done() }, {maxWidth: 20, canvas: true, downsamplingRatio: 0.5})).to.be.ok }) it('Ignore max settings if image dimensions are smaller', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {maxWidth: 160, maxHeight: 120})).to.be.ok }) it('Ignore min settings if image dimensions are larger', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {minWidth: 40, minHeight: 30})).to.be.ok }) }) describe('contain', function () { it('Scale up to contain image in max dimensions', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {maxWidth: 160, maxHeight: 160, contain: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale down to contain image in max dimensions', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(30) done() }, {maxWidth: 40, maxHeight: 40, contain: true})).to.be.ok }) }) describe('cover', function () { it('Scale up to cover max dimensions with image dimensions', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(160) expect(img.height).to.equal(120) done() }, {maxWidth: 120, maxHeight: 120, cover: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Scale down to cover max dimensions with image dimensions', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(30) done() }, {maxWidth: 30, maxHeight: 30, cover: true})).to.be.ok }) }) }) describe('Cropping', function () { it('Crop to same values for maxWidth and maxHeight', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(40) done() }, {maxWidth: 40, maxHeight: 40, crop: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop to different values for maxWidth and maxHeight', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {maxWidth: 40, maxHeight: 60, crop: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using the given sourceWidth and sourceHeight dimensions', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(40) done() }, {sourceWidth: 40, sourceHeight: 40, crop: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using the given left and top coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(20) done() }, {left: 40, top: 40, crop: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using the given right and bottom coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(20) done() }, {right: 40, bottom: 40, crop: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using the given 2:1 aspectRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(40) done() }, {aspectRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using the given 2:3 aspectRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {aspectRatio: 2 / 3})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using maxWidth/maxHeight with the given pixelRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(80) expect(img.style.width).to.equal('40px') expect(img.style.height).to.equal('40px') done() }, {maxWidth: 40, maxHeight: 40, crop: true, pixelRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using sourceWidth/sourceHeight with the given pixelRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(80) expect(img.style.width).to.equal('40px') expect(img.style.height).to.equal('40px') done() }, {sourceWidth: 40, sourceHeight: 40, crop: true, pixelRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Crop using maxWidth/maxHeight with the given downsamplingRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(10) expect(img.height).to.equal(10) var data = img.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, 10, 10).data for (var i = 0; i < data.length / 4; i += 4) { expect(data[i]).to.equal(0) expect(data[i + 1]).to.equal(0) expect(data[i + 2]).to.equal(0) expect(data[i + 3]).to.equal(255) } done() }, {maxWidth: 10, maxHeight: 10, crop: true, downsamplingRatio: 0.5})).to.be.ok }) }) describe('Orientation', function () { it('Should keep the orientation', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: 1})).to.be.ok }) it('Should rotate left', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(60) expect(img.height).to.equal(80) done() }, {orientation: 8})).to.be.ok }) it('Should rotate right', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(60) expect(img.height).to.equal(80) done() }, {orientation: 6})).to.be.ok }) it('Should adjust constraints to new coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(30) expect(img.height).to.equal(40) done() }, {orientation: 6, maxWidth: 30, maxHeight: 40})).to.be.ok }) it('Should adjust left and top to new coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(30) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: 5, left: 30, top: 20})).to.be.ok }) it('Should adjust right and bottom to new coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(30) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: 5, right: 30, bottom: 20})).to.be.ok }) it('Should adjust left and bottom to new coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(30) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: 7, left: 30, bottom: 20})).to.be.ok }) it('Should adjust right and top to new coordinates', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(30) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: 7, right: 30, top: 20})).to.be.ok }) it('Should rotate left with the given pixelRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(120) expect(img.height).to.equal(160) expect(img.style.width).to.equal('60px') expect(img.style.height).to.equal('80px') done() }, {orientation: 8, pixelRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Should rotate right with the given pixelRatio', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(120) expect(img.height).to.equal(160) expect(img.style.width).to.equal('60px') expect(img.style.height).to.equal('80px') done() }, {orientation: 6, pixelRatio: 2})).to.be.ok }) it('Should ignore too small orientation value', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: -1})).to.be.ok }) it('Should ignore too large orientation value', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(80) expect(img.height).to.equal(60) done() }, {orientation: 9})).to.be.ok }) it('Should rotate right based on the exif orientation value', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobJPEG, function (img, data) { expect(data).to.be.ok expect(data.exif).to.be.ok expect(data.exif.get('Orientation')).to.equal(6) expect(img.width).to.equal(1) expect(img.height).to.equal(2) done() }, {orientation: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Should adjust constraints based on the exif orientation value', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobJPEG, function (img) { expect(img.width).to.equal(10) expect(img.height).to.equal(20) done() }, {orientation: true, minWidth: 10, minHeight: 20})).to.be.ok }) }) describe('Canvas', function () { it('Return img element to callback if canvas is not true', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.getContext).to.not.be.ok expect(img.nodeName.toLowerCase()).to.equal('img') done() })).to.be.ok }) it('Return canvas element to callback if canvas is true', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.getContext).to.be.ok expect(img.nodeName.toLowerCase()).to.equal('canvas') done() }, {canvas: true})).to.be.ok }) it('Return scaled canvas element to callback', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { expect(img.getContext).to.be.ok expect(img.nodeName.toLowerCase()).to.equal('canvas') expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(30) done() }, {canvas: true, maxWidth: 40})).to.be.ok }) it('Accept a canvas element as parameter for loadImage.scale', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobGIF, function (img) { img = loadImage.scale(img, { maxWidth: 40 }) expect(img.getContext).to.be.ok expect(img.nodeName.toLowerCase()).to.equal('canvas') expect(img.width).to.equal(40) expect(img.height).to.equal(30) done() }, {canvas: true})).to.be.ok }) }) describe('Metadata', function () { it('Should parse Exif information', function (done) { loadImage.parseMetaData(blobJPEG, function (data) { expect(data.exif).to.be.ok expect(data.exif.get('Orientation')).to.equal(6) done() }) }) it('Should parse the complete image head', function (done) { loadImage.parseMetaData(blobJPEG, function (data) { expect(data.imageHead).to.be.ok loadImage.parseMetaData( createBlob(data.imageHead, 'image/jpeg'), function (data) { expect(data.exif).to.be.ok expect(data.exif.get('Orientation')).to.equal(6) done() } ) }) }) it('Should parse meta data automatically', function (done) { expect(loadImage(blobJPEG, function (img, data) { expect(data).to.be.ok expect(data.imageHead).to.be.ok expect(data.exif).to.be.ok expect(data.exif.get('Orientation')).to.equal(6) done() }, {meta: true})).to.be.ok }) }) }( this.chai.expect, this.loadImage ))