_persistantFreeze = true; $this->_appendName = true; $this->_type = 'datepicker'; $popup_link = ' Select Date'; $special_chars = array ('D', 'l', 'd', 'M', 'F', 'm', 'y', 'H', 'a', 'A', 's', 'i', 'h', 'g', ' '); $hour_minute_devider = get_lang("HourMinuteDivider"); foreach ($special_chars as $char) { $popup_link = str_replace($char, "\\".$char, $popup_link); $hour_minute_devider = str_replace($char, "\\".$char, $hour_minute_devider); } $lang_code = api_get_language_isocode(); // If translation not available in PEAR::HTML_QuickForm_date, add the Chamilo-translation if (! array_key_exists($lang_code, $this->_locale)) { $this->_locale[$lang_code]['months_long'] = api_get_months_long(); } $this->_options['format'] = 'dFY '.$popup_link.' H '.$hour_minute_devider.' i'; $this->_options['minYear'] = date('Y')-5; $this->_options['maxYear'] = date('Y')+10; $this->_options['language'] = $lang_code; if (isset($optionIncrement)) { $this->_options['optionIncrement']['i'] = intval($optionIncrement); } } /** * HTML code to display this datepicker */ public function toHtml() { $javascript = $this->getElementJS(); return $javascript.parent :: toHtml(); } /** * Get the necessary javascript for this datepicker */ private function getElementJS() { $js = ''; if (!defined('DATEPICKER_JAVASCRIPT_INCLUDED')) { define('DATEPICKER_JAVASCRIPT_INCLUDED', 1); $js .= ''; } return $js; } /** * Export the date value in MySQL format * @return string YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS */ public function exportValue(&$submitValues, $assoc = false) { $values = parent::getValue(); $y = $values['Y'][0]; $m = $values['F'][0]; $d = $values['d'][0]; $h = $values['H'][0]; $i = $values['i'][0]; $m = $m < 10 ? '0'.$m : $m; $d = $d < 10 ? '0'.$d : $d; $h = $h < 10 ? '0'.$h : $h; $i = $i < 10 ? '0'.$i : $i; $datetime = $y.'-'.$m.'-'.$d.' '.$h.':'.$i.':00'; $result[$this->getName()]= $datetime; return $result; } /** * Sets an option to a value */ function setLocalOption($name,$value) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; } }