".Display::return_icon('folder_up.gif')." ".get_lang('LevelUp').""; } if ($level and $level != 0 and $level != 1) { $folder_up = $folder; $folder_temp = explode('/', $folder); $last = count($folder_temp) - 1; unset($folder_temp[$last]); $folder_up = implode('/', $folder_temp); echo " ".Display::return_icon('folder_up.gif')." ".get_lang('LevelUp').""; } } /** * Shows the documents of the document tool * @param $folder */ function show_documents($folder) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); global $source_id, $action, $learnpath_id, $chapter_id, $originalresource; // documents are a special case: the teacher can add an invisible document (it will be viewable by the user) // other tools do not have this feature. This only counts if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { $visibility = "ip.visibility<>'2'"; } else { $visibility = "ip.visibility='1'"; } $item_property_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $document_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $sql = "SELECT * from $document_table docs, $item_property_table ip WHERE docs.id=ip.ref AND ip.tool = '".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND $visibility AND ip.to_group_id = 0 AND ip.to_user_id IS NULL ORDER BY docs.path ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { if (!$folder) { if (FileManager::get_levels($row['path']) - 1 == 1) { // showing the right icon if (file_or_folder($row['path'])) { echo Display::return_icon('file.gif'); } else { $image = FileManager::choose_image($row['path']); echo Display::return_icon($image); } // folders should be clickable if (file_or_folder($row['path'])) { echo "".substr( $row['path'], 1 ).'
'; } else { echo substr($row['path'], 1).' '; echo showorhide_addresourcelink('Document', $row['id']); echo '
'; } } } else { // we calculate the level we are in by using the $folder in the url // we put +1 because it does not start with an / and in the database it does $level = FileManager::get_levels($folder) + 1; // we calculate each level of the database entry $file_level = FileManager::get_levels($row['path']) - 1; // if the level of the database entry is equal to the level we ar in, we put it into an array // as this is a potential good entry if ($file_level == $level) { $good_paths[] = $row['path']; $good_ids[] = $row['id']; } //$haystack=$row['path']; //$conform_folder=strstr($haystack, $folder); //if (str_replace($folder.'/','',$conform_folder)!==$folder) // { // $good_folders[]=$row['path']; //echo str_replace($folder.'/','',$conform_folder); // echo '
'; // }// if (str_replace($folder.'/','',$conform_folder)!==$folder) } // else (if (!$folder)) } //while ($row=Database::fetch_array($result)) // this is code for the case that we are in a subfolder if ($good_paths) { // we have all the potential good database entries, the good ones are those that start with $folder foreach ($good_paths as $path) { if (strstr($path, $folder)) { $good_key = key($good_paths); // showing the right icon if (file_or_folder($path)) { echo Display::return_icon('file.gif'); } else { $image = FileManager::choose_image($path); echo Display::return_icon($image); } // folders should be clickable if (file_or_folder($path)) { $path = substr($path, 1); // remove the first / in folder_up $uri = str_replace($folder, $path, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $newuri = str_replace('add=', 'addnot=', $uri); //using the correct name of the folder $folder_name = str_replace($folder.'/', '', $path); echo "".$folder_name.'
'; } else { echo str_replace("/$folder/", '', $path).' '; echo showorhide_addresourcelink('Document', $good_ids[$good_key]); echo '
'; } } next($good_paths); } } } /** * Checks wether something is a file or a folder * 0 means file, 1 means folder * @param $filefolder * @todo use true and false instead of 1 and 0. */ function file_or_folder($filefolder) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); global $baseServDir; $courseDir = $_course['path'].'/document'; $baseWorkDir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseDir; return (is_dir($baseWorkDir.$filefolder) ? 1 : 0); } /** * Inserts a resource into the database * * @param $source_type * @param $source_id */ function store_resources($source_type, $source_id) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $resource_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES); $addedresource = $_SESSION['addedresource']; $addedresourceid = $_SESSION['addedresourceid']; if ($_SESSION['addedresource']) { foreach ($addedresource as $resource_type) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $resource_table (source_type, source_id, resource_type, resource_id) VALUES ('$source_type', '$source_id', '$resource_type', '".$addedresourceid[key( $addedresource )]."')"; Database::query($sql); $i = key($addedresource); next($addedresource); } $_SESSION['addedresource'] = ''; $_SESSION['addedresourceid'] = ''; } } /** * Displays the link that opens a new browser window that views the added resource. * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @param $type the type of the tool * @param $id the id of the resource * @param $style this is used to style the link (for instance when a resource is hidden => the added resources should also be styled like they are hidden) * @todo use the constants for the type definitions. */ function display_addedresource_link($type, $id, $style = '') { $_course = api_get_course_info(); // styling the link of the added resource if ($style <> '') { $styling = ' class="'.$style.'"'; } $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); switch ($type) { case 'Agenda': $TABLEAGENDA = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TABLEAGENDA WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); echo Display::return_icon('agenda.gif').' '.$myrow['title']."
\n"; break; case 'Ad_Valvas': $tbl_announcement = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_announcement WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); echo Display::return_icon('valves.gif').' '.$myrow['title']."
\n"; break; case 'Link': Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TABLETOOLLINK WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); echo Display::return_icon('links.gif').' '.$myrow['title']."
\n"; break; case 'Exercise': $TBL_EXERCICES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); echo Display::return_icon('quiz.gif').' '.$myrow['title']."
\n"; break; case 'Forum': $TBL_FORUMS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_FORUMS WHERE c_id = $course_id AND forum_id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif').' '.$myrow['forum_name']."
\n"; break; case 'Thread': //=topics //deprecated $tbl_posts = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts'; $tbl_posts_text = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts_text'; $TBL_FORUMS = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_forums'; $result = Database::query( "SELECT * FROM $tbl_posts posts, $TBL_FORUMS forum WHERE forum.forum_id=posts.forum_id and post_id=$id" ); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); // grabbing the title of the post $sql_title = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_posts_text WHERE post_id=".$myrow["post_id"]; $result_title = Database::query($sql_title); $myrow_title = Database::fetch_array($result_title); echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif').' '.$myrow_title['post_title']."
\n"; break; case 'Post': //deprecated $tbl_post = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST); $tbl_post_text = Database::get_course_table(TOOL_FORUM_POST_TEXT_TABLE); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_post p, $tbl_post_text t WHERE p.post_id = t.post_id AND p.post_id = $id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $post = Database::fetch_object($result); echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif').' '.$post->post_title."
\n"; break; case 'Document': $dbTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $dbTable WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $pathname = explode('/', $myrow['path']); // making a correct name for the link $last = count($pathname) - 1; // making a correct name for the link $filename = $pathname[$last]; // making a correct name for the link $image = FileManager::choose_image($filename); $ext = explode('.', $filename); $ext = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext) - 1]); $myrow['path'] = rawurlencode($myrow['path']); $in_frames = in_array($ext, array('htm', 'html', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); echo Display::return_icon($image).' '.$filename."
\n"; break; case 'Externallink': echo Display::return_icon('links.gif').' '.$id."
\n"; break; } } /** * This function is to display the added resources (lessons) in the learning path player and builder * this function is a modification of display_addedresource_link($type, $id) function * the two ids are a bit confusing, I admit, but I did not want to change Patrick's work, I was * building upon it. - Denes * * Parameters: * @param completed - if ="completed" then green presentation with checkbox * @param id_in_path - if onclick then this lesson will be considered completed, that is the unique index in the items table * @param id - that is the correspondent id in the mirror tool (like Agenda item 2) * @param type - that is the correspondent type in the mirror tool (like this is a Link item) * @param builder - if ="builder" then onclick shows in new window * @param icon - if ="icon" then the small icon will appear * if ="wrap" then wrapped settings are used (and no icon is displayed) * if ="nolink" then only the name is returned with no href and no icon (note:only in this case, the result is not displayed, but returned) * @todo this function is too long, rewrite */ function display_addedresource_link_in_learnpath($type, $id, $completed, $id_in_path, $builder, $icon, $level = 0) { global $learnpath_id, $tbl_learnpath_item, $items; global $curDirPath, $_configuration, $enableDocumentParsing, $_user, $_cid; $_course = api_get_course_info(); $hyperlink_target_parameter = ''; //or e.g. 'target="_blank"' $length = ((($builder == 'builder') and ($icon == 'nolink')) ? 65 : 32); if ($builder != 'builder') { $origin = 'learnpath'; } //origin = learnpath in student view $linktype = $type; if (($type == 'Link _self') or ($type == 'Link _blank')) { $type = 'Link'; } switch ($type) { case "Agenda": $TABLEAGENDA = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TABLEAGENDA WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["title"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; $agenda_id = $row['item_id']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($myrow["title"] == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($myrow["title"], $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('agenda.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $myrow["title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Agenda&origin=$origin&agenda_id=$agenda_id#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $myrow["title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Ad_Valvas": $tbl_announcement = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_announcement WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["content"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; $ann_id = $row['item_id']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); // the title and the text are in the content field and we only want to display the title list($title, $text) = split('
', $myrow['content']); if ($title == '') { $title = $myrow['content']; } $title = $myrow['title']; $text = $myrow['content']; if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($title == '') { $type = "Announcement"; echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($title, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('valves.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $title, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Ad_Valvas&origin=$origin&ann_id=$ann_id#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $title, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Link" : $TABLETOOLLINK = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TABLETOOLLINK WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["title"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($myrow["title"] == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($myrow["title"], $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { if ($linktype == 'Link _self') { echo Display::return_icon('links.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('link_blank.gif'); } } $thelink = $myrow["url"]; if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $myrow["title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=$linktype&origin=$origin&thelink=$thelink#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $myrow["title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Exercise": $TBL_EXERCICES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($builder == 'builder') { $origin = 'builder'; } //this is needed for the exercise_submit.php can delete the session info about tests $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["title"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($myrow["title"] == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($myrow["title"], $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('quiz.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $myrow["title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Exercise&origin=$origin&exerciseId=".$myrow["id"]."#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $myrow["title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "HotPotatoes": $TBL_DOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT, $_course['dbName']); $documentPath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/document'; $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM ".$TBL_DOCUMENT." WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $path = $myrow["path"]; $name = GetQuizName($path, $documentPath); if ($builder == 'builder') { $origin = 'builder'; } //this is needed for the exercise_submit.php can delete the session info about tests $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('jqz.gif'); } $cid = $_course['official_code']; if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=HotPotatoes&origin=$origin&id=$id#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo " ".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Forum": $TBL_FORUMS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_FORUMS WHERE forum_id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["forum_name"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($myrow["forum_name"] == '') { $type = "Forum"; echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($myrow["forum_name"], $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif'); } $forumparameters = "forum=".$myrow["forum_id"]."&md5=".$myrow["md5"]; if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $myrow["forum_name"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Forum&origin=$origin&forumparameters=$forumparameters#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $myrow["forum_name"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Thread": //forum post //deprecated $tbl_topics = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_topics'; $tbl_posts = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts'; $TBL_FORUMS = $_course['dbNameGlu']."bb_forums"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_topics where topic_id=$id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["topic_title"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($myrow["topic_title"] == '') { $type = "Forum Post"; echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($myrow["topic_title"], $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $myrow["topic_title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Thread&origin=$origin&topic=".$myrow["topic_id"]."&forum=".$myrow["forum_id"]."&md5=".$myrow["md5"]."#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $myrow["topic_title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Post": //deprecated $tbl_posts = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts'; $tbl_posts_text = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts_text'; $TBL_FORUMS = $_course['dbNameGlu']."bb_forums"; $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_posts where post_id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); // grabbing the title of the post $sql_titel = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_posts_text WHERE post_id=".$myrow["post_id"]; $result_titel = Database::query($sql_titel); $myrow_titel = Database::fetch_array($result_titel); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow_titel["post_title"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); $posternom = $myrow['nom']; $posterprenom = $myrow['prenom']; $posttime = $myrow['post_time']; $posttext = $myrow_titel['post_text']; $posttitle = $myrow_titel['post_title']; $posttext = str_replace('"', "'", $posttext); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($myrow_titel["post_title"] == '') { $type = "Forum"; echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($myrow_titel["post_title"], $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $myrow_titel["post_title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Post&origin=$origin&posternom=$posternom&posterprenom=$posterprenom&posttime=$posttime&posttext=$posttext&posttitle=$posttitle#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $myrow_titel["post_title"], ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Document": $dbTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $dbTable WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $pathname = explode("/", $myrow["path"]); // making a correct name for the link $last = count($pathname) - 1; // making a correct name for the link $filename = $pathname[$last]; // making a correct name for the link if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } $image = FileManager::choose_image($filename); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $filename = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; if (($myrow["path"] == '') and ($filename == '')) { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($filename, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon($image); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $filename, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Document&origin=$origin&docurl=".$myrow["path"]."#$id_in_path"; } else { $enableDocumentParsing = 'yes'; if (!$enableDocumentParsing) { //this is the solution for the non-parsing version in the builder $file = urlencode($myrow["path"]); echo "".shorten( $filename, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } else { echo "".shorten( $filename, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } } break; case "Assignments": $name = get_lang('Assignments'); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('works.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Assignments&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Dropbox": $name = get_lang('Dropbox'); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('dropbox.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Dropbox&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Introduction_text": $name = get_lang('IntroductionText'); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('introduction.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Introduction_text&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { $s = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH)."$_cid/index.php?intro_cmdEdit=1"; echo "".shorten($name, ($length - 3 * $level)).""; } break; case "Course_description": $name = get_lang('CourseDescription'); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('info.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Course_description&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { $s = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."course_description"; echo "".shorten($name, ($length - 3 * $level)).""; } break; case "Groups": $name = get_lang('Groups'); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); //echo " "; } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('group.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Groups&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; case "Users": $name = get_lang('Users'); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $name = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; echo str_repeat(" >", $level); if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($icon != 'nolink') { if ($completed == 'completed') { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif'); } else { echo Display::return_icon('checkbox_on2.gif', 'on', array('style' => 'visibility: hidden')); } } if (($builder != 'builder') and ($icon != 'wrap')) { echo ""; } if ($name == '') { echo "".get_lang('StepDeleted1')." $type ".get_lang( 'StepDeleted2' ).""; return (true); } if ($icon == 'nolink') { return (shorten($name, $length)); } if ($icon == 'icon') { echo Display::return_icon('members.gif'); } if ($builder != 'builder') { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; $items[] = api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Users&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; if ($desc != '') { if ($icon != 'wrap') { echo "
  ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } else { echo "
     ".shorten( $desc, ($length - 3 * $level) )."
"; } } } else { echo "".shorten( $name, ($length - 3 * $level) ).""; } break; } //end huge switch-statement } /** * This function is to create and return a link to the added resources (lessons). * It returns the same thing as display_addedresource_link_in_learnpath() but doesn't display * anything. * * Parameters: * @param type - that is the correspondent type in the mirror tool (like this is a Link item) * @param id - that is the correspondent id in the mirror tool (like Agenda item 2) * @param id_in_path - the unique index in the items table */ function get_addedresource_link_in_learnpath($type, $id, $id_in_path) { global $learnpath_id, $tbl_learnpath_item, $items; global $curDirPath, $_configuration, $enableDocumentParsing, $_user, $_cid; $_course = api_get_course_info(); $hyperlink_target_parameter = ""; //or e.g. target='_blank' $builder = 'player'; $origin = 'learnpath'; $linktype = $type; if (($type == "Link _self") or ($type == "Link _blank")) { $type = "Link"; } $link = ''; switch ($type) { case "Agenda": $TABLEAGENDA = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $_course['dbName']); ; $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TABLEAGENDA WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["title"] = $row['title']; } $desc = $row['description']; $agenda_id = $row['item_id']; if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Agenda&origin=$origin&agenda_id=$agenda_id#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../calendar/agenda.php?origin=$origin&agenda_id=$agenda_id"; } break; case "Ad_Valvas": $tbl_announcement = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_announcement WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Ad_Valvas&origin=$origin&ann_id=$id#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../announcements/announcements.php?origin=$origin&ann_id=$id"; } break; case "Link" : $TABLETOOLLINK = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TABLETOOLLINK WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $thelink = $myrow["url"]; if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=$linktype&origin=$origin&thelink=$thelink#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= $thelink; } break; case "Exercise": $TBL_EXERCICES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($builder == 'builder') { $origin = 'builder'; } //this is needed for the exercise_submit.php can delete the session info about tests $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["title"] = $row['title']; } if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Exercise&origin=$origin&exerciseId=".$myrow["id"]."#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../exercice/exercise_submit.php?origin=$origin&exerciseId=".$myrow["id"]; } break; case "HotPotatoes": $TBL_DOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT, $_course['dbName']); $documentPath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/document'; $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM ".$TBL_DOCUMENT." WHERE id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $path = $myrow["path"]; $name = GetQuizName($path, $documentPath); if ($builder == 'builder') { $origin = 'builder'; } $cid = $_course['official_code']; if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=HotPotatoes&origin=$origin&id=$id#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../exercice/showinframes.php?file=$path&cid=$cid&uid=".$_user['user_id'].""; } break; case "Forum": //deprecated $TBL_FORUMS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_FORUMS WHERE forum_id=$id"); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($builder == 'builder') { $origin = 'builder'; } $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow["forum_name"] = $row['title']; } if ($myrow["forum_name"] == '') { $type = "Forum"; } $forumparameters = "forum=".$myrow["forum_id"]."&md5=".$myrow["md5"]; if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Forum&origin=$origin&forumparameters=$forumparameters#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../phpbb/viewforum.php?$forumparameters"; } break; case "Thread": //forum post //deprecated $tbl_topics = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_topics'; $tbl_posts = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts'; $TBL_FORUMS = $_course['dbNameGlu']."bb_forums"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_topics where topic_id=$id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Thread&origin=$origin&topic=".$myrow["topic_id"]."&forum=".$myrow["forum_id"]."&md5=".$myrow["md5"]."#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../phpbb/viewtopic.php?topic=".$myrow["topic_id"]."&forum=".$myrow["forum_id"]."&md5=".$myrow["md5"]; } break; case "Post": /* todo REVIEW THIS SECTION - NOT USING VALID TABLES ANYMORE $tbl_posts = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts'; $tbl_posts_text = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'bb_posts_text'; $TBL_FORUMS = $_course['dbNameGlu']."bb_forums"; $result= Database::query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_posts where post_id=$id"); $myrow=Database::fetch_array($result); // grabbing the title of the post $sql_titel="SELECT * FROM $tbl_posts_text WHERE post_id=".$myrow["post_id"]; $result_titel=Database::query($sql_titel); $myrow_titel=Database::fetch_array($result_titel); $sql="select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result=Database::query($sql); $row=Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row['title'] != '') { $myrow_titel["post_title"]=$row['title']; } $desc=$row['description']; $link .= str_repeat(" >",$level); $posternom=$myrow['nom']; $posterprenom=$myrow['prenom']; $posttime=$myrow['post_time']; $posttext=$myrow_titel['post_text']; $posttitle=$myrow_titel['post_title']; $posttext = str_replace('"',"'",$posttext); if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self()."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Post&origin=$origin&posternom=$posternom&posterprenom=$posterprenom&posttime=$posttime&posttext=$posttext&posttitle=$posttitle#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../phpbb/viewtopic.php?topic=".$myrow["topic_id"]."&forum=".$myrow["forum_id"]."&md5=".$myrow["md5"]; } */ break; case "Document": $dbTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT, $_course['dbName']); $result = Database::query("SELECT * FROM $dbTable WHERE id=$id", __FILE__, __LINE); $myrow = Database::fetch_array($result); $pathname = explode("/", $myrow["path"]); // making a correct name for the link $last = count($pathname) - 1; // making a correct name for the link $filename = $pathname[$last]; // making a correct name for the link $sql = "select * from $tbl_learnpath_item where id=$id_in_path"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Document&origin=$origin&docurl=".$myrow["path"]."#$id_in_path"; } else { $enableDocumentParsing = 'yes'; if (!$enableDocumentParsing) { //this is the solution for the non-parsing version in the builder $file = urlencode($myrow["path"]); $link .= "../document/showinframes.php?file=$file"; } else { $link .= "../document/download.php?doc_url=".$myrow["path"]; } } break; case "Assignments": if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Assignments&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../work/work.php"; } break; case "Dropbox": if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Dropbox&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../dropbox/index.php"; } break; case "Introduction_text": if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Introduction_text&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; } else { $s = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH)."$_cid/index.php?intro_cmdEdit=1"; $link .= $s; } break; case "Course_description": if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Course_description&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; } else { $s = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."course_description"; $link .= $s; } break; case "Groups": if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Groups&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../group/group.php?origin=$origin"; } break; case "Users": if ($builder != 'builder') { $link .= api_get_self( )."?action=closelesson&source_forum=".$_GET['source_forum']."&how=complete&id_in_path=$id_in_path&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&type=Users&origin=$origin#$id_in_path"; } else { $link .= "../user/user.php?origin=$origin"; } break; } //end huge switch-statement return $link; } /** * This function is to remove an resource item from the array */ function remove_resource($resource_key) { $addedresource = $_SESSION['addedresource']; $addedresourceid = $_SESSION['addedresourceid']; unset($addedresource[$resource_key]); unset($addedresourceid[$resource_key]); $_SESSION['addedresource'] = $addedresource; $_SESSION['addedresourceid'] = $addedresourceid; } /** * This function is to show the button "click to add resource" on the tool page * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ function show_addresource_button($additionalparameters = '') { global $charset; echo ' '; } /** * this function is to delete ONE specific resource that were added to a specific item * Deprecated */ /* function delete_one_added_resource($source_type, $source_id, $resource_type, $resource_id) { //echo "delete_one_added_resource"; $_course = api_get_course_info(); $TABLERESOURCE = $_course['dbNameGlu']."resource"; $sql="DELETE FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$source_type' and source_id='$source_id' and resource_type='$resource_type' and resource_id='$resource_id'"; Database::query($sql); } */ /** * this function is to delete the resources that were added to a specific item */ function delete_added_resource($type, $id) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $TABLERESOURCE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES, $_course['dbName']); $sql = "DELETE FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$type' and source_id='$id'"; Database::query($sql); } /** * this function is te delete all resources of a specific type (only used in announcements -- delete all) * Author : Frederik Vermeire */ function delete_all_resources_type($type) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $TABLERESOURCE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES, $_course['dbName']); $sql = "DELETE FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$type'"; Database::query($sql); } /** * this function checks wether there are added resources or not */ function check_added_resources($type, $id) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $TABLERESOURCE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES, $_course['dbName']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$type' and source_id='$id'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $number_added = Database::num_rows($result); if ($number_added <> 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * this function is to load the resources that were added to a specific item * into the session variables */ function edit_added_resources($type, $id) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $TABLERESOURCE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES, $_course['dbName']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$type' and source_id=$id"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $addedresource[] = $row["resource_type"]; $addedresourceid[] = $row["resource_id"]; } $_SESSION['addedresource'] = $addedresource; $_SESSION['addedresourceid'] = $addedresourceid; } /** * this function is store the modified resources * first we delete all the added resources in the database, * then we add all the resources from the session object. */ function update_added_resources($type, $id) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $TABLERESOURCE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES, $_course['dbName']); // delete all the added resources for this item in the database; $sql = "DELETE FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$type' AND source_id='$id'"; //echo $sql; Database::query($sql); // store the resources from the session into the database store_resources($type, $id); //delete_added_resource_($type, $id); unset_session_resources(); } /** * this function is to display the resources that were added to a specific item */ function display_added_resources($type, $id, $style = '') { $_course = api_get_course_info(); global $origin; $TABLERESOURCE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINKED_RESOURCES, $_course['dbName']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $TABLERESOURCE WHERE source_type='$type' and source_id='$id'"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { if ($origin != 'learnpath') { display_addedresource_link($row['resource_type'], $row['resource_id'], $style); } else { display_addedresource_link_in_learnpath( $row['resource_type'], $row['resource_id'], 'agendaitems', '', 'builder', 'icon' ); echo "
"; } } } /** * This function is to show the added resources when adding an item * $showdeleteimg determine if the delete image should appear or not. * deleting an added resource is only possible through the resource linker file itself */ function display_resources($showdeleteimg) { global $action; global $resourceaction; global $id; global $locationkey; global $source_id, $action, $learnpath_id, $chapter_id, $originalresource; if ($resourceaction == "removeresource") { /* unneccessary because when editing we delete all the added resources from the database and add all these from the session if ($action=="edit") // we have an edit and thus we delete from the database and from the session { echo "remove from database"; echo $_SESSION['source_type']."/"; echo $id."/"; $addedresource=$_SESSION['addedresource']; $addedresourceid=$_SESSION['addedresourceid']; echo $addedresource[$key]."/"; echo $addedresourceid[$key]."/"; delete_one_added_resource($_SESSION['source_type'],$id,$addedresource[$key],$addedresourceid[$key]); remove_resource($key); } else // we remove from the session {*/ //echo "remove from session"; remove_resource($locationkey); } $addedresource = $_SESSION['addedresource']; $addedresourceid = $_SESSION['addedresourceid']; if (is_array($addedresource)) { echo ''; foreach ($addedresource as $resource) { //echo $resource.":".$addedresourceid[key($addedresource)]; echo ''; next($addedresource); //$_SESSION['edit']==''; } echo '
'; display_addedresource_link($resource, $addedresourceid[key($addedresource)]); echo ''; // if $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] contains and ?id=xx we have an edit and the url for deleting a session added resource // should also contain this id. $test = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $output = array(); parse_str($test['query'], $output); if ($showdeleteimg == 1) { echo " ".Display::return_icon('delete.gif', get_lang('Delete'))."
"; } echo '
'; } else // it is a string { echo ''; } } // end of the display_resources function /** * This function checks wether the link add resource should be displayed next the item in the linker page * So we have to check if the specific id of that tool is already in the array of the added resources * if it is already in, the link should not be showed since it would make it possible to add * the same resource a second time (=duplication of added resources) */ function showorhide_addresourcelink($type, $id) { global $from_learnpath, $source_id, $action, $learnpath_id, $chapter_id, $originalresource, $folder, $content, $target; //global $_SESSION['addresource']; //global $_SESSION['addresourceid']; $addedresource = $_SESSION['addedresource']; $addedresourceid = $_SESSION['addedresourceid']; if (is_array($_SESSION['addedresource'])) { foreach ($addedresource as $toolcompare) { //echo $toolcompare; //echo "/".$type."/".$id."****"; //$key=key($addedresource); //echo $addedresourceid[$key]; //print_r($addedresourceid); //echo "
"; if ($toolcompare == $type and $addedresourceid[key($addedresource)] == $id) { $show = 0; } next($addedresource); } if ($from_learnpath) { $lang_add_it_or_resource = get_lang('AddIt'); } else { $lang_add_it_or_resource = get_lang('AddResource'); } if ($show !== 0) { if ($type == "Document") { echo "".$lang_add_it_or_resource.""; } else { echo "".$lang_add_it_or_resource.""; } } } else // if it is not an array, it is a string { if ($_SESSION['addedresource'] !== $type or $_SESSION['addedresourceid'] !== $id) { if ($from_learnpath) { $lang_add_it_or_resource = get_lang('AddIt'); } else { $lang_add_it_or_resource = get_lang('AddResource'); } echo "".$lang_add_it_or_resource.""; } } } ?>