array(),'courses'=>array(),'sessions'=>array()); $utc_datetime = api_get_utc_datetime(); $start = time(); echo "\n-- Starting at ".date('h:i:s')." local server time\n"; if (!empty($servers)) { foreach ($servers as $server_info) { if ($server_info['active']) { echo "\n---- Start loading server----- \n"; echo $server_info['name']."\n\n"; error_log('Treating server '.$server_info['name']); //echo "---- ----------------------- \n"; $config_info = $server_info['connection']; $db_type = $config_info['type']; if (empty($db_type)) { die("This script requires a DB type to work. Please update\n"); } $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/migration.' . $db_type . '.class.php'; if (!is_file($file)) { die("Could not find db type file " . $file . "\n"); } require_once $file; $class = 'Migration' . strtoupper($db_type); $m = new $class($config_info['host'], $config_info['port'], $config_info['db_user'], $config_info['db_pass'], $config_info['db_name'], $boost); $m->connect(); /** * Prepare the arrays of matches that will allow for the migration */ $migrate = array(); $branch = $server_info['branch_id']; include $server_info['filename']; if ($action_type == 'migration') { error_log('Starting Migration'); //Default migration from MSSQL to Chamilo MySQL $m->migrate($matches); } else { //Getting transactions from MSSQL (via webservices) if (!empty($matches['web_service_calls'])) { error_log('Starting Synchronization'); $m->set_web_service_connection_info($matches); //This functions truncates the transaction lists! //$m->insert_test_transactions(); //$m->get_transactions_from_webservice(); //Load transactions saved before $params = array('branch_id' => 2); $m->execute_transactions(); } else { error_log('Make sure you define the web_service_calls array in your db_matches.php file'); } //print_r($m->errors_stack); } //echo "OK so far\n"; echo "\n ---- End loading server----- \n"; } else { error_log("db_matches not activated: {$server_info['name']} {$server_info['filename']}"); } } } $end = time(); echo "Total process took ".($end-$start)." seconds \n"; error_log("Total process took ".($end-$start)." seconds");