# more information can be found here http://sonata-project.org/bundles/page cmf_routing: chain: routers_by_id: # enable the DynamicRouter with high priority to allow overwriting configured routes with content #symfony_cmf_routing_extra.dynamic_router: 200 # enable the symfony default router with a lower priority router.default: 150 # First chamilo/symfony2 router sonata.page.router: 100 # then the page router sonata_page: class: page: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Page site: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Site block: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Block snapshot: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Snapshot multisite: host_with_path_by_locale # host use_streamed_response: false # set the value to false in debug mode or if the reverse proxy does not handle streamed response ignore_uri_patterns: - ^/administration(.*) # sonata admin - ^/admin(.*) # chamilo admin - ^/main(.*) - /(.*)/(.*)administration(.*)/ - ^/api/(.*) - ^install - ^/install/(.*) - ^/packages/(.*) - ^/package/(.*) - install.php - install.php/(.*) - install.php/packages/(.*) - install.php/package/(.*) - install.php/(.*)/(.*) - ^/bundles/(.*) - ^/_wdt/(.*) - ^/_profiler/(.*) - ^/userportal - ^/userportal/(.*) - ^/js/(.*) - ^/faq/(.*) - ^/faq - ^/courses/(.*) - ^/front/editor - ^/contact(.*) # sonata admin ignore_route_patterns: - (.*)administration(.*) # ignore admin route, ie route containing 'admin' # sonata admin - ^_(.*) # ignore symfony routes - fos_user(.*) - sylius_flow(.*) ignore_routes: - home - elfinder - login - logout - fos_js_routing_js - _settings - main - sonata_page_cache_esi - sonata_page_cache_ssi - sonata_page_js_sync_cache - sonata_page_js_async_cache - sonata_cache_esi - sonata_cache_ssi - sonata_cache_js_async - sonata_cache_js_sync - sonata_cache_apc - chamilo_installer_flow - sylius_flow_start - sylius_flow_display - sylius_flow_forward - chamilo_core_user_user_mycourses cache_invalidation: service: sonata.page.cache.invalidation.simple recorder: sonata.page.cache.recorder classes: "Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Block": getId assets: stylesheets: - assetic/sonata_front_css.css javascripts: - assetic/sonata_front_js.js default_template: default templates: default: path: 'ChamiloPageBundle::demo_layout.html.twig' # path: '::layout.html.twig' name: 'default' containers: header: name: Header content_top: name: Top content content: name: Main content content_bottom: name: Bottom content footer: name: Footer matrix: layout: | HHHHHHHH TTTTTTTT CCCCCCCC BBBBBBBB FFFFFFFF mapping: H: header T: content_top C: content B: content_bottom F: footer 2columns: path: 'ChamiloPageBundle::demo_2columns_layout.html.twig' # path: '::layout.html.twig' name: '2 columns layout' containers: header: name: Header content_top: name: Top content left_col: name: Left content rigth_col: name: Right content content_bottom: name: Bottom content footer: name: Footer matrix: layout: | HHHHHHHH TTTTTTTT LLLLRRRR BBBBBBBB FFFFFFFF mapping: H: header T: content_top L: left_col R: rigth_col B: content_bottom F: footer page_defaults: homepage: { decorate: false, enabled: true } home: { decorate: false, enabled: true } caches: esi: token: add an unique token here # default is a random value version: 3 # version 3 is the default on debian wheezy ... servers: - %sonata_page.varnish.command% # you need to adapt this line to work with your configuration ssi: token: add an unique token here # default is a random value catch_exceptions: not_found: [404] # render 404 page with "not_found" key (name generated: _page_internal_error_{key}) fatal: [500] # so you can use the same page for different http errors or specify specific page for each error # Enable Doctrine to map the provided entities doctrine: orm: entity_managers: default: mappings: ChamiloPageBundle: ~ SonataPageBundle: ~