Ar tikrai norite ištrinti kursą?";
$Y = "TAIP";
$N = "NE";
$DepartmentUrl = "Padalinio URL";
$DepartmentUrlName = "Padalinys";
$BackupCourse = "Archyvuoti šį kursą";
$ModifGroups = "Grupės";
$Professor = "Dėstytojai";
$DescriptionCours = "Kurso aprašymas";
$ArchiveCourse = "Kurso atsarginis archyvas";
$RestoreCourse = "Atkurti kursą";
$Restore = "Atkurti";
$CreatedIn = "sukurtas";
$CreateMissingDirectories = "Nerastų katalogų sukūrimas";
$CopyDirectoryCourse = "Kopijuoti kurso failus";
$Disk_free_space = "Laisva vieta diske";
$BuildTheCompressedFile = "Atsarginio failo sukūrimas";
$FileCopied = "failas nukopijuotas";
$ArchiveLocation = "Archyvo vieta";
$SizeOf = "Dydis";
$ArchiveName = "Archyvo vardas";
$BackupSuccesfull = "Atsarginis archyvavimas sėkmingas";
$BUCourseDataOfMainBase = "Sukurti kurso duomenų atsarginę kopiją pagrindinėje duomenų bazėje kursui";
$BUUsersInMainBase = "Sukurti vartotojo duomenų atsarginę kopiją pagrindinėje duomenų bazėje kursui";
$BUAnnounceInMainBase = "Sukurti pranešimų duomenų atsarginę kopiją pagrindinėje duomenų bazėje kursui";
$BackupOfDataBase = "Sukurti duomenų bazės atsarginę kopiją";
$ExpirationDate = "Galiojimo pasibaigimo data";
$LastEdit = "Paskutinis redagavimas";
$LastVisit = "Paskutinis vizitas";
$Subscription = "Prenumeruotis";
$CourseAccess = "Priėjimas prie kurso";
$ConfirmBackup = "Ar tikrai norite sukurti kurso srities atsarginę kopiją?";
$CreateSite = "Sukurti kurso sritį";
$RestoreDescription = "Kursas yra archyve, kurį galite pasirinkti viršuje.
\nKai tik nuspausite \"Atkurti\", archyvas bus išskleistas ir kursas atkurtas.";
$RestoreNotice = "This script doesn't allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually.";
$AvailableArchives = "Esamų archyvų sąrašas";
$NoArchive = "Joks archyvas neparinktas";
$ArchiveNotFound = "Archyvas nerastas";
$ArchiveUncompressed = "Archyvas buvo išskleistas ir įdiegtas.";
$CsvPutIntoDocTool = "Failas \"users.csv\" įkeltas į dokumentus.";
$OtherCategory = "Kita kategorija";
$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Vartotojams leidžiama išsiprenumeruoti iš šio kurso";
$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Vartotojams neleidžiama išsiprenumeruoti iš šio kurso";
$CourseVisibilityClosed = " Priėjimas uždarytas; gali prieiti tik kurso vadovas.";
$CourseVisibilityClosed = "Uždarytas; prie kurso gali prieiti tik kurso vadovas ir kuratoriai..";
$CourseVisibilityModified = "Modifikuota";
$WorkEmailAlert = "Perspėti e-mailu naujo dokumento pateikimo atveju";
$WorkEmailAlertActivate = "Aktyvuoti e-mail perspėjimą naujo dokumento pateikimo atveju";
$WorkEmailAlertDeactivate = "Deaktyvuoti e-mail perspėjimą naujo dokumento pateikimo atveju";
$DropboxEmailAlert = "Perspėti e-mailu naujo dokumento failų saugykloje pateikimo atveju";
$DropboxEmailAlertActivate = "Aktyvuoti e-mail perspėjimą naujo dokumento failų saugykloje pateikimo atveju";
$AllowUserEditAgenda = "Leisti vartotojams redaguoti kurso darbotvarkę";
$AllowUserEditAgendaActivate = "Įjungti kurso darbotvarkės redagavimo galimybę vartotojams";
$AllowUserEditAgendaDeactivate = "Išjungti kurso darbotvarkės redagavimo galimybę vartotojams";
$AllowUserEditAnnouncement = "Leisti vartotojams redaguoti kurso pranešimus";
$AllowUserEditAnnouncementActivate = "Įjungti redagavimo galimybę vartotojams";
$AllowUserEditAnnouncementDeactivate = "Išjungti redagavimo galimybę vartotojams";
$OrInTime = "Or in";
$CourseRegistrationPassword = "Kurso registracijos slaptažodis";
$DescriptionDeleteCourse = "Visiškai neatstatomai ištrina kursą ir jo dokumentus.
Elkitės atidžiai!";
$DescriptionCopyCourse = "Galimybė dublikuoti visą arba dalį kurso.";
$DescriptionRecycleCourse = "Šis įrankis ištrina kurso dokumentus, forumo įrašus, nuorodas ir t.t. Patogu panaudoti pvz.: kartą į metus. Prieš tai išsaugokite atsarginę kurso dokumentų kopiją!";
$PressAgain = "Spauskite 'Išsaugoti' pakartotinai ...";
$Rights = "Vartojimo teisės";
$Version = "Versija";
$StatusTip = "Išrinkti iš sąrašo";
$CreatedSize = "Sukurta, dydis";
$AuthorTip = "VCARD formatu";
$Format = "Formatas";
$FormatTip = "išrinkti iš sąrašo";
$Statuses = ":draft:draft,, final:final,, revised:revised,, unavailable:unavailable";
$Costs = ":no:free, no cost,, yes:not free, cost";
$Copyrights = ":yes:copyright,, no:no copyright";
$Formats = ":text/plain;iso-8859-1:text/plain;iso-8859-1,, text/plain;utf-8:text/plain;utf-8,, text/html;iso-8859-1:text/html;iso-8859-1,, text/html;utf-8:text/html;utf-8,, inode/directory:Folder,, application/msword:MsWord,, application/octet-stream:Octet stream,, application/pdf:PDF,, application/postscript:PostScript,, application/rtf:RTF,, application/,, application/,, application/xml;iso-8859-1:XML;iso-8859-1,, application/xml;utf-8:XML;utf-8,, application/zip:ZIP";
$LngResTypes = ":exercise:exercise,, simulation:simulation,, questionnaire:questionnaire,, diagram:diagram,, figure:figure,, graph:graf,, index:index,, slide:slide,, table:table,, narrative text:narrative text,, exam:exam,, experiment:experiment,, problem statement:problem statement,, self assessment:self assessment,, lecture:lecture";
$SelectOptionForBackup = "Prašome parinkti archyvavimo nustatymus.";
$LetMeSelectItems = "Leisti parinkti kurso komponentus";
$CreateFullBackup = "Pilnai suarchyvuoti šį kursą";
$CreateBackup = "sukurti archyvą";
$BackupCreated = "Šio kurso archyvas sukurtas. Tuoj šis failas bus parsiųstas į jūsų kompiuterį. Jei parsiuntimas neprasidėjo, spauskite ant šios nuorodos";
$SelectBackupFile = "išrinkti archyvą";
$ImportBackup = "Importuoti archyvą";
$ImportFullBackup = "Importuoti pilną archyvą";
$ImportFinished = "Importas pabaigtas";
$Tests = "Testai";
$Learnpaths = "Teorinė kursų medžiaga";
$CopyCourse = "Kopijuoti kursą";
$SelectItemsToCopy = "Išrinkti įrašus kopijavimui";
$CopyFinished = "Kopijavimas baigtas";
$FullRecycle = "Visiškai ištrinti";
$RecycleCourse = "Ištrinti kursą";
$RecycleFinished = "Ištrynimas baigtas";
$RecycleWarning = "Dėmesio: naudojant šį įrašą bus neatstatomai ištrintos kai kurios kurso dalys. Siūlome sukurti archyvą prieš naudojant ištrynimo įrankį.";
$SameFilename = "Kokie veiksmai su importuotais failais tuo pačiu pavadinimu kaip egzistuojantys failai?";
$SameFilenameSkip = "Peršokti";
$SameFilenameRename = "Pervadinti failą (pvz.: file.pdf taps file_1.pdf)";
$SameFilenameOverwrite = "Perrašyti failą";
$SelectDestinationCourse = "Išrinkti paskirties kursą";
$FullCopy = "Pilna kopija";
$NoResourcesToBackup = "Nėra jokių resursų archyvavimui";
$NoResourcesInBackupFile = "Archyve nėra resursų";
$SelectResources = "Išrinkti resursus";
$NoResourcesToRecycles = "Nėra resursų ištrynimui";
$IncludeQuestionPool = "Įtraukti klausimų archyvą";
$LocalFile = "lokalus failas";
$ServerFile = "failas serveryje";
$NoBackupsAvailable = "archyvo nėra";
$NoDestinationCoursesAvailable = "Paskirties kurso nėra";
$ImportBackupInfo = "Importuoti archyvą. Galite įkrauti archyvą iš savo kompiuterio arba esantį serveryje.";
$CreateBackupInfo = "Archyvuoti šį kursą. Galite išrinkti kursų turinį archyvavimui.";
$ToolIntro = "Įrankio apibūdinimas";
$UploadError = "Įkėlimas nepavyko, patikrinkite įrašymo teises ir maksimalų leistiną įkeliamų failų dydį.";
$DocumentsWillBeAddedToo = "Documents will be added too";
$Explanation = "Kai tik nuspausite TAIP, bus sukurtas visas tinklapis su Forumu, Darbotvarke, Dokumentų tvarkykle. Kaip kurso vadovas, galėsite keisti viso kurso turinį pagal savo poreikius.";
$CodeTaken = "Šis kurso kodas jau užimtas
Spauskite Atgal mygtuką Jūsų naršyklėje ir bandykite dar kartą";
$ExerciceEx = "Pavyzdinis testas";
$Antique = "Irony";
$SocraticIrony = "Socrates irony is...";
$ManyAnswers = "(daugiau kaip vienas atsakymas gali būti teisingas)";
$Ridiculise = "Ridiculise one's interlocutor in order to have him concede he is wrong.";
$NoPsychology = "No. Socratic irony is not a matter of psychology, it concerns argumentation.";
$AdmitError = "Admit one's own errors to invite one's interlocutor to do the same.";
$NoSeduction = "No. Socratic irony is not a seduction strategy or a method based on the example.";
$Force = "Compell one's interlocutor, by a series of questions and sub-questions, to admit he doesn't know what he claims to know.";
$Indeed = "Indeed. Socratic irony is an interrogative method. The Greek \"eirotao\" means \"ask questions\"";
$Contradiction = "Use the Principle of Non Contradiction to force one's interlocutor into a dead end.";
$NotFalse = "This answer is not false. It is true that the revelation of the interlocutor's ignorance means showing the contradictory conclusions where lead his premisses.";
$AddPageHome = "Įkrauti puslapį ir nuorodą į titulinį";
$ModifyInfo = "Kurso nustatymai";
$CourseDesc = "Kurso aprašymas";
$AgendaTitle = "Tuesday the 11th of December - First meeting. Room: LIN 18";
$AgendaText = "General introduction to project management";
$Micro = "Street interviews";
$Google = "Quick and powerful search engine";
$IntroductionTwo = "Šiame puslapyje publikuojami vartotojų ir jų grupių dokumentai.";
$AnnouncementEx = "Tai pranešimo pavyzdys. Tik kursų dėstytojai gali rašyti pranešimus.";
$JustCreated = "Sukūrėte kurso sritį";
$CreateCourseGroups = "Grupės";
$CatagoryMain = "Pagrindinis";
$CatagoryGroup = "Grupių forumai";
$Ln = "Kalba";
$FieldsRequ = "Būtina užpildyti visus laukelius";
$Ex = "pvz. Innovation management";
$Fac = "Kategorija";
$TargetFac = "This is the department or any other category where the course is delivered";
$Doubt = "Jei nežinote kokį kodą rašyti, peržvelkite";
$Program = "kurso programą. Jei Jūsų kursas neturi kodo, rašykite susijusį žodį, pvz. INNOVATION jei kursas yra apie Innovation Management";
$Scormtool = "Mokymosi medžiaga";
$Scormbuildertool = "Scorm kūrimo įrankis";
$Pathbuildertool = "Mokymosi medžiagos kūrimo įrankis";
$OnlineConference = "Konferencija";
$AgendaCreationTitle = "Kurso sukūrimas";
$AgendaCreationContenu = "Kursas sukurtas.";
$OnlineDescription = "Konferencijos aprašymas";
$Only = "Tik";
$RandomLanguage = "Shuffle selection in aivailable languages";
$ForumLanguage = "anglų";
$NewCourse = "Nauja kurso sritis";
$AddNewCourse = "Įrašyti naują kursų sritį";
$OtherProperties = "Archyve rastos kitos savybės";
$SysId = "Sistemos ID";
$ScoreShow = "Peržiūrėti įvertinimus";
$Visibility = "Matomumas";
$VersionDb = "Database version used at archive time";
$Expire = "Galiojimo terminas";
$ChoseFile = "Pasirinkti failą";
$FtpFileTips = "Failas FTP serveryje";
$HttpFileTips = "Failas Web (HTTP) serveryje";
$LocalFileTips = "Failas sistemos serveryje";
$PostFileTips = "Failas Jūsų kompiuteryje";
$Minimum = "minimumas";
$Maximum = "maksimalus";
$RestoreACourse = "atkurti kursą";
$Recycle = "Ištrinti kursą";
$AnnouncementExampleTitle = "Tai pranešimo pavyzdys";
$Wikipedia = "Nemokama enciklopedija";
$DefaultGroupCategory = "Grupės pagal nutylėjimą";
$DefaultCourseImages = "Galerija";
$ExampleForumCategory = "Forumo kategorijos pavyzdys";
$ExampleForum = "Forumo pavyzdys";
$ExampleThread = "Diskusijos pavyzdys";
$ExampleThreadContent = "Turinio pavyzdys";
$TitleNotification = "Nuo Jūsų paskutinio vizito";
$ForumCategoryAdded = "Forumo kategorija įrašyta";
$ClickKw = "Spragtelėkite ant raktažodžio medyje kad pažymėti arba nužymėti jį.";
$KwHelp = "
Click '+' button to open, '-' button to close, '++' button to open all, '--' button to close all.
Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the '+' button.
Alt-click '+' searches the original keywords in the tree.
Alt-click keyword selects a keyword without broader terms ordeselects a keyword with broader terms.
If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.
$SearchCrit = "Vienas žodis linijoje!";
$NoKeywords = "Šis kursas neturi raktažodžių";
$KwCacheProblem = "The keyword cache cannot be opened";
$CourseKwds = "Šiame dokumente yra kurso raktažodžiai";
$KwdsInMD = "raktažodžiai, naudojami MD";
$KwdRefs = "keyword references";
$NonCourseKwds = "Non-course keywords";
$KwdsUse = "Kurso raktažodžiai (bold = not used)";
$TotalMDEs = "Total number of Links MD entries:";
$ForumDeleted = "Forum deleted";
$ForumCategoryDeleted = "Forum category deleted";
$ForumLocked = "Forum blocked";
$AddForumCategory = "Sukurti naują forumo kategoriją";
$AddForum = "Sukurti naują forumą";
$Posts = "Pranešimai";
$LastPosts = "Paskutinis pranešimas";
$NoForumInThisCategory = "Šioje kategorijoje forumų nėra";
$InForumCategory = "Sukurti kategoriją";
$AllowAnonymousPosts = "Leisti anoniminius pranešimus?";
$StudentsCanEdit = "Ar gali studentai redaguoti savo pranešimus?";
$ApprovalDirect = "Patvirtinimas / Tiesioginis pranešimas";
$AllowNewThreads = "Leisti studentams rašyti temas";
$DefaultViewType = "Peržiūros tipas pagal nutylėjimą";
$GroupSettings = "Grupės nustatymai";
$NotAGroupForum = "Ne grupės forumas";
$PublicPrivateGroupForum = "Viešas ar privatus grupės forumas?";
$NewPostStored = "Jūsų žinutė išsaugota";
$ReplyToThread = "Rašyti atsakymą šioje temoje";
$QuoteMessage = "Cituoti šią žinutę";
$NewTopic = "Nauja tema";
$Views = "Peržiūros";
$LastPost = "Paskutinis pranešimas";
$Quoting = "Citavimas";
$NotifyByEmail = "Pranešti man el. paštu kai bus atsakymas į mano pranešimą";
$StickyPost = "Svarbi žinutė (visada bus viršuje su specialia ikona)";
$ReplyShort = "Re:";
$DeletePost = "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį pranešimą? Ištrinant pranešimą ištrinami ir visi atsakymai į jį.";
$Locked = "Užrakinta: Studentai šioje kategorijoje, forume ar temoje negali rašyti naujų žinučių, bet gali jas skaityti";
$Unlocked = "Atrakinti: Studentai gali rašyti naujas žinutes kategorijoje, forume ar temoje";
$Flat = "Flat";
$Threaded = "Threaded";
$Nested = "Nested";
$FlatView = "Flat View";
$ThreadedView = "Threaded View";
$NestedView = "Nested View";
$Structure = "Struktūra";
$ForumCategoryEdited = "Forumo kategorija modifikuota";
$ForumEdited = "Forumas modifikuotas";
$NewThreadStored = "Nauja tema įrašyta";
$Approval = "Patvirtinimas";
$Direct = "Tiesioginis";
$ForGroup = "Grupei";
$ThreadLocked = "Tema užrakinta.";
$NotAllowedHere = "Priėjimas Jums draudžiamas.";
$ReplyAdded = "Atsakymas įrašytas";
$EditPost = "Redaguoti straipsnį";
$EditPostStored = "Pranešimas redaguotas";
$NewForumPost = "Naujas pranešimas forume";
$YouWantedToStayInformed = "Jūs nustatėte, kad gautumėte žinutę el. paštu kai bus atsakyta į Jūsų temą";
$MessageHasToBeApproved = "Jūsų žinutė turi būti patvirtinta, kad kiti galėtų ją matyti.";
$AllowAttachments = "Leisti failų prisegimus";
$EditForumCategory = "Redaguoti forumo kategoriją";
$MovePost = "Perkelti pranešimą";
$MoveToThread = "Perkelti į temą";
$ANewThread = "Nauja tema";
$DeleteForum = "Ištrinti forumą?";
$DeleteForumCategory = "Ištrinti forumų kategoriją?";
$Lock = "Užrakinti";
$Unlock = "Atrakinti";
$MoveThread = "Perkelti temą";
$PostVisibilityChanged = "Pranešimo matomumas pakeistas";
$PostDeleted = "Pranešimas ištrintas";
$ThreadCanBeFoundHere = "The thread can be found here";
$DeleteCompleteThread = "Delete complete thread?";
$PostDeletedSpecial = "Special Post Deleted";
$LinkMoved = "Nuoroda perkelta";
$LinkName = "Nuorodos vardas";
$LinkAdd = "Pridėti nuorodą";
$LinkAdded = "Nuoroda pridėta.";
$LinkMod = "Redaguoti nuorodą";
$LinkModded = "Nuoroda modifikuota.";
$LinkDel = "Ištrinti nuorodą";
$LinkDeleted = "Nuoroda ištrinta";
$LinkDelconfirm = "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią nuorodą?";
$AllLinksDel = "Ištrinti visas nuorodas kategorijoje";
$CategoryName = "Kategorijos pavadinimas";
$CategoryAdd = "Pridėti kategoriją";
$CategoryModded = "Kategorija modifikuota.";
$CategoryDel = "Ištrinti kategoriją";
$CategoryDelconfirm = "Kada trinama kategorija, visos jos nuorodos taip pat ištrinamos.\nAr tikrai norite ištrinti šią kategoriją su visomis nuorodomis ?";
$AllCategoryDel = "Ištrinti visas kategorijas ir visas nuorodas";
$GiveURL = "Prašome įrašyti nuorodos URL";
$GiveCategoryName = "Prašome įrašyti kategorijos pavadinimą";
$NoCategory = "Kategorijų nėra";
$ShowNone = "Uždaryti visas kategorijas";
$ListDeleted = "Sąrašas ištrintas";
$AddLink = "Pridėti nuorodą";
$DelList = "Ištrinti sąrašą";
$ModifyLink = "Redaguoti nuorodą";
$CsvImport = "CSV failo importas";
$CsvFileNotFound = "Importuotas CSV failas neatidarytas (tuščias arba per didelis)";
$CsvFileNoSeps = "Importuotas CSV failas turi turėti , arba ; skyriklius";
$CsvFileNoURL = "Importuotas CSV failas turi turėti mažiausiai du stulpelius - URL ir antraštę";
$CsvFileLine1 = "... - linija 1 =";
$CsvLinesFailed = "linijos/ų importavimas nepavyko (nėra URL arba antraštės).";
$CsvLinesOld = "atnaujinta egzistuojanti nuoroda (tas pats URL arba kategorija).";
$CsvLinesNew = "sukurta nauja nuoroda/os.";
$CsvExplain = "Failo turinys turi būti toks:
Jei kategorija ir URL yra vienodi kaip ir egzistuojančiame įraše, jo antraštė ir apibūdinimas bus atnaujinti.Kitaip bus sukurta nauja nuoroda.URL;kategorija;antraštė;apibūdinimas;;Svarbios nuorodos;Vardas 1;Apibūdinimas 1;;;Vardas 2;\"Apibūdinimas 2\";
Technically speaking, the users need only their\n browser to use Chamilo forums.
To organise forums, click on\n 'Forum Administration'. Discussions are organised in sets and subsets as\n following:
Category > Forum > Topic > Answers
To structure\n your users discussions, it is necessary to organise categories and\n forums beforehand, leaving the creation of topics and answers to them. By\n default, the Chamilo forum only contains the category 'Public', a sample\n forum and a sample topic.The first thing you should do is deleting\n the sample topic and modify the first forum name. Then, you can\n create, in the 'public' category, other forums, by by themes, to\n fit your learning scenario requirements.
Don't mix Categories and\n forums, and don't forget that an empty category (without forums) does not\n appear on the student view.
The description of a forum can be the\n list of its members, the definition of a goal, a task, a theme...
\nGroup forums should not be created through Forum tool but through Groups tool. There you will be allowed to decide whether your group forums are private or public.
\n Pedagogically advanced use\nSome teachers / trainers use the forum to post corrections. One student/trainee publishes a paper. The teacher corrects it using the edit button (yellow pencil) then the WYSYWIG editor to correct it (use colors and underline to show errors and corrections for instance) and the other students/trainees benefit of this correction."; $HDropbox = "Dropbox"; $DropboxContent = "
The dropbox is a Content Management Tool dedicated to peer-to-peer data exchange.Any file type is accepted : Word, Excel, PDF etc. It will manage versions in the sens that it will avoid destruction of a document by a document having the same name.
\nThe dropbox shows the files that were sent to you (the received folder)\nand the files that you sent to other members of this course (the sent folder).\n
If the list of received or sent files gets too long, you can delete all\nor some files from the list. The file itself is not removed as long as\nthe other party can see it.
\nTo send a document to more than one person, you need to use CTRL+clic in the multiple select box. The multiple select box is the form field showing the list of members.
"; $HHome = "Help Course Home Page"; $HomeContent = "The course home page shows a series of tools : an introduction text, a course description, a Documents manager etc. This page is modular : you can hide / show any tool in one clic. Hidden tools can be reactivated at any time.
\nNavigation\nTo browse your course, you have 2 navigation tools. One on top left is a tree showing where you are and how deep you are in the course. On top right, you can access to a tool through its icon in one clic. Whether you select your course code on left (always UPPER CASE) or the house icon on the right, you will reach the home page of your course.
\nBest practice\nTo motivate your students, it is important that your course area is a dynamic area. This will indicate that there is 'somebody behind the screen'. A quick way to give this feeling is to edit the Introduction text (clic on yellow pencil) at least evey week to tell latest news, forthcoming deadlines and so on.
\nTo build your course, it might proove relevant to follow these steps:\n
The Documents tool is similar to the FileManager of\n your desktop computer.
You can create simple web pages ('Create a document') or upload files of any type (HTML, Word,\n Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Your only concern\n must be that your users have the corresponding software to read them.\n Some file types can contain viruses, it is your responsibilty not to\n upload virus contaminated files, unless your portal admin has installed a server side anti=virus software. \n It is, anyway, a worthwhile precaution to check documents with\n antivirus software before uploading them.
\nThe documents are presented in alphabetical order.
Tip : If\n you want to present them in a different order, numerate them: 01, 02,\n 03... Or use the Learning Path to present a sophisticated Table of Contents. Note that once your documents are uploaded, you may decide to hide the documents area and show only one page on Home page (Add link on home page orange tool) or a Learning Path containing some documents from your Documents area.
You can :
\nSelect Create a document > Give it a title (no spaces, no accents) > type your text > Use the buttons of the Wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor to structure information, create tables, styles etc. To create web pages, you will need to get familiar with 3 concepts : Links, Images and Tables. Note that web pages offer less layout possibilities than Ms-Word pages. Note too that instead of creating a document in the editor, you can also cut and paste existing content from a web page or a Word document. This is an easy and quick way to migrate content onto your Chamilo course.\n
\n\n\t\tTo delete a comment, click on ,\n\t\tdelete the old comment in the field and click\n\t\t.\n\t\t
\n\t\t\tYou can organise your content through filing. For this:\n\t\t
\n\t\tAdding users
\nYou can subscribe existing students one by one to your course, by clicking on the link 'Subscribe users to this course'. Usually however it's better to open your course for registration and let the students register themselves.
\nDescription has no computer related function.\n It does not give rights on the system. It just indicates to\n Humans, who is who. You can modify it by clicking on the pencil, then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student,\n visitor, expert...
\nAdmin rights
\nAdmin rights, on the other hand, correspond to the technical\n authorisation to modify the content and organisation of this course area. You can only choose between giving all the admin\n rights and giving none of them.
\nTo allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the area, you need to be sure he/she is already registered, then click\n on the pencil, then check 'Teacher', then 'Ok'.
\nTo mention in the header of the area the name of a\n co-teacher (co�chairmen, etc.), use the tool 'Course settings'. This\n modification does not register your co-teacher as a user of the course.\n The field 'Teachers' is completely independant of the Users\n list.
\nTracking and Personal Home Pages
\nIn addition to showing the users list and modifying their rights, the Users tool also shows individual tracking and allows the teacher define headings for personal home pages to be filled-in by students.
"; $GroupContent = "Introduction
\nThis tool allows to create and manage workgroups.\nAt creation (Create groups), groups are empty. There are\nmany ways to fill them:\n
Groups filling, whether automatical or manual, works only if there are already users\nregistered in the area. Users list is visible in Users tool.
Create groups
\nTo create new groups, click on 'Create new group(s)' and determine number of groups to\ncreate.
Group settings
\nYou can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).\nUsers are allowed to self-register in groups:\n
You create empty groups, users self-register.\nIf you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.\nThis method is good for teachers who do not know the users list when\ncreating groups.
\nTools:\nEvery group possesses either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area\n(a shared file manager) or (in most cases) both.
\nManual editing
\nOnce groups are created (Create groups), you see at the bottom of the page, a list of groups\nwith a series of informations and functions \n
The tests tool allows you to create tests that will contains as many questions as you like.
\nThere are various types of answers available for the creation of your questions :
In order to create a test, click on the link \"New test\".
\nType the test name, as well as an optional description of it.
\nYou can add an audio or a video file, for listening comprehension etc. It is up to you to choose these files as light as possible so that they download easily through the web. Prefer .mp3 files to .wav file for instance, because of a better compression and then smaller file size.\n
\nYou can also choose between 2 test types :
You can now add a question into the test previously created. The description is optional, as well as the picture that you have the possibility to link to your question.
\nIn order to create a MAQ / MCQ :
This allows you to create a text with gaps. The aim is to let the user find words that you have removed from the text.
\nTo remove a word from the text, and so to create a blank, put this word between brackets [like this].
\nOnce the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the student when it replies to the question.
\nSave your text, and you will enter the next step that will allow you to give a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question worths 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.
This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the user will have to connect elements from an unit U1 with elements from an unit U2.
\nIt can also be used to ask the user to sort elements in a certain order.
\nFirst define the options among which the user will be able to choose the good answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect via the drop-down menu elements from the first unit with those of the second one.
\nNotice : Several elements from the first unit can point to the same element in the second unit.
\nGive a weighting to each correct matching, and save your answer.
In order to modify a test, the principle is the same as for the creation. Just click on the picture beside the test to modify, and follow instructions above.
In order to delete a test, click on the picture beside the test to delete it.
So as for a test to be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture beside the test name.
You can test your exercise by clicking on its name in the tests list.
\nAt the time of test creation / modification, you can tell if you want questions to be drawn in a random order among all questions of the test.
\nBy enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order every time users will run the test.
\nIf you have got a big number of questions, you can also choose to randomly draw only X questions among all questions available in that exercise.
When you delete a test, its questions are not removed from the database, and they can be reused into a new test, via the questions pool.
\nThe questions pool also allows to reuse the same question into several tests.
\nBy default, all the questions of your course are hidden. You can show the questions related to a test, by chosing this one in the drop-down menu \"Filter\".
\nOrphan questions are questions that don not belong to any test.
You can import HotPotatoes tests into Chamilo portal, to this Tests tool. Results of these tests are stored the same way as Chamilo tests. You can explore the results in User Tracking. In case of single tests, we recommend to use html or htm format, if your test contains pictures, a zip file upload is the most convenient way.
\nNote : You can add HotPotatoes Tests as a step in the Learning Path, as well.
\nMethod of the import\n\nWhat is a Learning Path ?\n
A Learning Path is a sequence of learning steps included in modules. It can be content-based (looking like a table of contents) or activities-based, looking like an agenda or a programme of what you need to do in order to understand and practice a certain knowledge or know-how.
In addition to being structured, a learning path can also be sequenced. This means that some steps will constitute pre-requisites for others ('you cannot go to step 2 before step1'). Your sequence can be suggestive (you show steps one after the other) or imperative (you add pre-requisites so that people are forced to follow the sequence).\n
\nHow to create our own Learning Path ?
\n\nThe first step is to arrive to Learning Path Builder section. In\nthe Learning Path screen, there is a link to it. There you can create\nmany paths by clicking onto Add a new learning path. But they are\nempty, till you add modules and steps to them.
If you make a path\nvisible, it will appear as a new tool on the homepage of the course. This\nway their access is easier.
\nWhat are the steps for these paths ? (What are the items that can be added?)
\nAll Chamilo tools, activities and contents that you consider to be useful and connected to your\nimagined path can be added :
\nOther features of Learning Path\n
\n\nStudents can be asked to follow (read) your path in a given order, as you\ncan set prerequisities in the path. This means that for example students\ncannot go to Quiz 2 till they have read Document 1. All items have a status :\ncompleted or incomplete, so the progress of students is clearly available.\n
\nIf you alter the original title of a step, the new title will appear in\nthe path, but the original title will not be deleted. So if you want\ntest8.doc to appear as 'Final Exam' in the path, you do not have to rename\nthe file, you can use the new title in the path. It is also useful\nto give new titles to links as they are too long.\n
\nWhen finished, do not forget to check the student view, where the table of\ncontents appears on the left and the path steps usually appear on the right,\none by one.\n
\nWhat is a Scorm or IMS format Learning path and how to upload (import) it?\n
\nThe learning path tool allows you to upload SCORM and IMS compliant course\ncontents.
\nSCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a public standard followed by major e-Learning actors\nlike NETg, Macromedia, Microsoft, Skillsoft, etc. and acting at three levels:\n
\n\nUseful links
\nNote :
\nThe Learning Path section lists all the self-built Learning Paths\nand all uploaded Scorm format Learning Paths, as well.\n
"; $DescriptionContent = "This tool will help you describe your course in a synthetic way and from the outside. It may help your future students get a clear view on what they can expect from this course. It is also an opportunity for you to rethink your course scenario.
Items are given here as proposals. If you want to create a course description with your own items, use only the 'Other' item and decide for its title.\n\nTo fill the course description, select Create and edit with forms > Scrolldown menu and select the item of your choice > fill the form > Validate. You can always edit or delete the content of every item by clicking on the pencil or red cross icons.
"; $LinksContent = "The Links tool allows you to create a library of resources for your students. Especially resoucrs that you have not created yourself.
\nWhen the list grows, it might proove relevant to organise it into categories to help your students find the right information at the right place. You can edit every link to re-assign it into a new category (you need to create this category first).
\nThe Description field can be used to give pre-information on the target web pages but also to describe what you expect the student to do with the link. If, for instance, you point to a website on Aristotle, the description field may ask the student to study the difference between synthesis and analysis."; $MycoursesContent = "
Once logged in into the platform, you are in your personal startpage.
\n\nIn the main area (center) you see \"My course list\", a list of all your courses. Depending on your user rights you can also have the possibility to create new courses (via the right hand menu).\n
\n\nIn the top banner you see
\nEdit my course list, in the right hand menu, allows you to enroll in new courses as far as the tacher or the organisation has left these courses open to enrollment. This link lets you unregister from courses too.\n
\n\nThe links Support Forum and Documentation that point to the main Chamilo website, where you can ask technical or pedagogical questions, find more information.\nTo enter a course (main area of your startpage), click on its name. Your profile can vary from one course to the other. It is possible that you are teacher in one course and student in another. \n
"; $AgendaContent = "The agenda appears both in each course area and as a synthetic tool for the student ('My agenda' in top banner).
\nIn the course, the agenda appears as a list of events. You can attach documents or activities to a date so that the agenda becomes a chronological programme for your learning activities.
\nIn addition to being present in the agenda, the new events are indicated to the student when he/she logs in the next time. The system tells what has been added in the Agenda (and in the Announcements) since his/her last visit : icons appear on the portal home page besides the courses where events and announcements hve been added.
\nIf you want to go further in the logic of structuring learning activities one after the other, we suggest that you use preferably the Learning Path that offers the same principles with more advanced features. The Learning Path can be considered as a synthesis of a Table of Contens tool + an Agenda + sequencing (imposed order) and tracking.
"; $AnnouncementsContent = "The Announcements tool allows you to send an email to all your students or to some of them or to some groups. It can proove efficient to drive students back to your website if they do not visit it very often.
\nTo send a message to some users and/or some groups, select 'Messages to selected users' then use CTRL+C to select more than one in the left hand menu, click on the right arrow to move them then type your message in the field below.
"; $ChatContent = "The Chat tool allows you to discuss live with your students.
\nThis chat is not similar to usual ones, like MSN� or Yahoo Messenger� because it is web based. The disadvantage is that it refreshes only after 10 seconds and not immediately. The advantage is that it is integrated in your course,it archives your discussions into the Documents tool and it doesn't require from your students any plugin to download.
\nIf users send their pictures in 'My e-portfolio' (top banner), then this picture will appear in the discussion to help identify who is speaking.
\nOnly the teacher is allowed to delete the discussion when he/she finds it relevant.
\nPedagogical relevance
\nAdding a chat to your course is not necessarily a good idea. However, if this participates to your scenario, the chat can help. You can imagine, for instance, to hide the chat always except at a certain time when you have a dedicated meeting with your students to answer their questions live. It is less a 'free' dicsussion tool this way, but you give students a guarantee that they will benefit from this live meeting.
"; $WorkContent = "The student publications tool is a very simple one. It allows your students to upload any document in the course area.
\nDepending on your course scenario, you can set all files to be visible to all students by default, or only visible for you. Making all files visible is useful when for instance you want to ask students to give their opinion on each other's papers or let them learn to publish texts to the world. Keep files invisible if e.g. you ask the same question to everybody and want to avoid cheating.
\nThis tool has an Introduction text area to allow you to write a question, detailed guidelines, a reminder of a deadline or anything else you may find relevant.
"; $TrackingContent = "The tracking helps you follow your students : did they connect to the sytem, when, how many times? How much do they get in tests? Did they already upload their Paper? When? If you use Scorm courses, you can evn know how much time a student spent on a module or chapter. The trackinggives information at 2 levels:\n
Course settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your course : Title, code, language, name of teachers etc.
\nThe options situated in the middle of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can students register to it? You can use these settigs dynamically : open registration during one week > ask your students to register > close access to registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is in byt you don't have the administrative hassle of registrating them yourself.
\nAt the bottom of the page, you can Backup the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally. So that there will be 2 backups of it in different places. If you backup a course then delete it. You will not be allowed to restore it yourself but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your course. Backuping a course is also a good way to get all your documents back onto your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip� to UNZIP the archive. Note that backuping a course does not remove it in any way.
"; $HExternal = "Help Add a Link"; $ExternalContent = "Dokeos is a modular tool. You can hide and show tools whenever you want, according to your project or to its different chronological phases. But you can also add on your home page tools or pages that you have created yourself or that come from the outside of your Chamilo portal. This way, you will make of your course home page YOUR page.
\nTo take possession of your page that way, you will Add links on it. These links can be of 2 types:\n