Dear %s
Ticket %s has been assigned to you.
Message sent from the support ticket system
"; $strings['TicketAssignX'] = "[TICKETS] Assignation of ticket #%s"; $strings['AreYouSureYouWantToCloseTheTicket'] = "Are you sure you want to close this ticket?"; $strings['AreYouSureYouWantToUnassignTheTicket'] = "Are you sure you want to unassign this ticket?"; $strings['YouMustWriteAMessage'] = "You have to enter a message"; $strings['LastResponse'] = "Last response"; $strings['AssignTicket'] = "Assign ticket"; $strings['AttendedBy'] = "Attended by"; $strings['IfYouAreSureTheTicketWillBeClosed'] = "If you are certain, the ticket will be closed"; $strings['YourQuestionWasSentToTheResponableAreaX'] = "Your support request was sent to the area manager: %s
"; $strings['YourAnswerToTheQuestionWillBeSentToX'] = "The answer to your support ticket was sent to the following e-mail: %s
"; $strings['VirtualSupport'] = "Virtual support"; $strings['IncidentResentToVirtualSupport'] = "The incident was sent to virtual support"; $strings['DateLastEdition'] = "Last edition date"; $strings['GeneralInformation'] = "General information"; $strings['TicketsAboutGeneralInformation'] = "Tickets about general information"; $strings['Enrollment'] = "Enrollment"; $strings['TicketsAboutEnrollment'] = "Tickets about enrollment"; $strings['RequestAndPapework'] = "Requests and paperwork"; $strings['TicketsAboutRequestAndPapework'] = "Tickets about requests and paperwork"; $strings['AcademicIncidence'] = "Academic Incidents"; $strings['TicketsAboutAcademicIncidence'] = "Tickets about academic incidents, like exams, practices, tasks, etc."; $strings['VirtualCampus'] = "Virtual campus"; $strings['TicketsAboutVirtualCampus'] = "Tickets about virtual campus"; $strings['OnlineEvaluation'] = "Online evaluation"; $strings['TicketsAboutOnlineEvaluation'] = "Tickets about online evaluation"; $strings['ToBeAssigned'] = "To be assigned"; $strings['Untill'] = "Until"; $strings['TicketWasThisAnswerSatisfying'] = "Was this answer satisfactory?"; $strings['TicketDetail'] = "Ticket details"; $strings['AreYouSure'] = "Are you sure?"; $strings['allow_student_add'] = "Allow students to generate tickets"; $strings['PleaseBeforeRegisterATicketSelectOneUser'] = "Please select a user before you register a ticket."; $strings['RequestConfirmation'] = "Request confirmation"; $strings['TicketUpdated'] = "Ticket updated"; $strings['TicketClosed'] = "Ticket closed"; $strings['TicketXCreated'] = "Ticket %screated"; $strings['allow_category_edition'] = "Allow category edition"; $strings['warn_admin_no_user_in_category'] = "Warn admin if category doesn't have users related"; $strings['send_warning_to_all_admins'] = "Send warning to all admins, if category doesn't have users related"; $strings['WarningCategoryXDoesntHaveUsers'] = "Warning: The category '%s' doesn't have users assigned"; $strings['TicketInformation'] = 'Ticket information'; $strings['CategoryWithNoUserNotificationSentToAdmins'] = 'Category %s with no user sent to all administrators.'; $strings['TicketXAssignedToUserX'] = 'Ticket #%s assigned to user %s'; $strings['TicketXCreatedWithNoCategory'] = 'Ticket #%s created with no category';