2 if (!empty($_GET['askDelete'])) { $content .='
    '.get_lang('No').' |  '.get_lang('Yes').'
'; } elseif (isset($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete']) { /* * Process hiding a tools from available tools. */ //where $id is set? $id = intval($id); Database::query("DELETE FROM $tool_table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id='$id' AND added_tool=1"); } } // Course legal $enabled = api_get_plugin_setting('courselegal', 'tool_enable'); $pluginExtra = null; if ($enabled === 'true') { require_once api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'courselegal/config.php'; $plugin = CourseLegalPlugin::create(); $pluginExtra = $plugin->getTeacherLink(); } // COURSE ADMIN ONLY VIEW $blocks = []; // Start of tools for CourseAdmins (teachers/tutors) if ($session_id === 0 && api_is_course_admin() && api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) { $content .= '
'; $content .= $pluginExtra; if (api_get_setting('show_session_data') == 'true' && $session_id > 0) { $content .= '
'.get_lang('SessionData').' '. CourseHome::show_session_data($session_id).'
'; } $my_list = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_AUTHORING); $blocks[] = [ 'title' => get_lang('Authoring'), 'class' => 'course-tools-author', 'content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($my_list) ]; $list1 = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_INTERACTION); $list2 = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_COURSE_PLUGIN); $my_list = array_merge($list1, $list2); $blocks[] = [ 'title' => get_lang('Interaction'), 'class' => 'course-tools-interaction', 'content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($my_list) ]; $my_list = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_ADMIN_PLATFORM); $blocks[] = [ 'title' => get_lang('Administration'), 'class' => 'course-tools-administration', 'content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($my_list) ]; } elseif (api_is_coach()) { $content .= $pluginExtra; if (api_get_setting('show_session_data') === 'true' && $session_id > 0) { $content .= '
'.get_lang('SessionData').' '; $content .= CourseHome::show_session_data($session_id); $content .= '
'; } $my_list = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_STUDENT_VIEW); $blocks[] = [ 'content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($my_list) ]; $sessionsCopy = api_get_setting('allow_session_course_copy_for_teachers'); if ($sessionsCopy === 'true') { // Adding only maintenance for coaches. $myList = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_ADMIN_PLATFORM); $onlyMaintenanceList = array(); foreach ($myList as $item) { if ($item['name'] === 'course_maintenance') { $item['link'] = 'course_info/maintenance_coach.php'; $onlyMaintenanceList[] = $item; } } $blocks[] = [ 'title' => get_lang('Administration'), 'content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($onlyMaintenanceList) ]; } } else { $tools = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_STUDENT_VIEW); $isDrhOfCourse = CourseManager::isUserSubscribedInCourseAsDrh( api_get_user_id(), api_get_course_info() ); // Force user icon for DRH if ($isDrhOfCourse) { $addUserTool = true; foreach ($tools as $tool) { if ($tool['name'] === 'user') { $addUserTool = false; break; } } if ($addUserTool) { $tools[] = array( 'c_id' => api_get_course_int_id(), 'name' => 'user', 'link' => 'user/user.php', 'image' => 'members.gif', 'visibility' => '1', 'admin' => '0', 'address' => 'squaregrey.gif', 'added_tool' => '0', 'target' => '_self', 'category' => 'interaction', 'session_id' => api_get_session_id() ); } } if (count($tools) > 0) { $blocks[] = ['content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($tools)]; } if ($isDrhOfCourse) { $drhTool = CourseHome::get_tools_category(TOOL_DRH); $blocks[] = ['content' => CourseHome::show_tools_category($drhTool)]; } } $activityView = new Template('', false, false, false, false, false, false); $activityView->assign('blocks', $blocks); $content .= $activityView->fetch( $activityView->get_template('course_home/activity.tpl') );