* @author Guillaume Lederer * @author Yannick Warnier */ /** * Unzip the exercise in the temp folder * @param string The path of the temporary directory where the exercise was uploaded and unzipped * @param string * @param string $baseWorkDir * @param string $uploadPath * @return bool */ function get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $_user = api_get_user_info(); //Check if the file is valid (not to big and exists) if (!isset($_FILES['userFile']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userFile']['tmp_name'])) { // upload failed return false; } if (preg_match('/.zip$/i', $_FILES['userFile']['name'])) { $result = handle_uploaded_document( $_course, $_FILES['userFile'], $baseWorkDir, $uploadPath, $_user['user_id'], 0, null, 1, null, null, true, null, null, false ); return $result; } return false; } /** * Imports an exercise in QTI format if the XML structure can be found in it * @param array $file * @return string|array as a backlog of what was really imported, and error or debug messages to display */ function import_exercise($file) { global $exercise_info; global $element_pile; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $record_item_body; // used to specify the question directory where files could be found in relation in any question global $questionTempDir; global $resourcesLinks; $baseWorkDir = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'qti2/'; if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir)) { mkdir($baseWorkDir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true); } $uploadPath = api_get_unique_id().'/'; if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir.$uploadPath)) { mkdir($baseWorkDir.$uploadPath, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true); } // set some default values for the new exercise $exercise_info = array(); $exercise_info['name'] = preg_replace('/.zip$/i', '', $file); $exercise_info['question'] = array(); $element_pile = array(); // create parser and array to retrieve info from manifest $element_pile = array(); //pile to known the depth in which we are // if file is not a .zip, then we cancel all if (!preg_match('/.zip$/i', $file)) { return 'UplZipCorrupt'; } // unzip the uploaded file in a tmp directory if (!get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath)) { return 'UplZipCorrupt'; } $baseWorkDir = $baseWorkDir.$uploadPath; // find the different manifests for each question and parse them. $exerciseHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir); $file_found = false; $result = false; $filePath = null; $resourcesLinks = array(); // parse every subdirectory to search xml question files and other assets to be imported // The assets-related code is a bit fragile as it has to deal with files renamed by Chamilo and it only works if // the imsmanifest.xml file is read. while (false !== ($file = readdir($exerciseHandle))) { if (is_dir($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { // Find each manifest for each question repository found $questionHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file); // Only analyse one level of subdirectory - no recursivity here while (false !== ($questionFile = readdir($questionHandle))) { if (preg_match('/.xml$/i', $questionFile)) { $isQti = isQtiQuestionBank($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file.'/'.$questionFile); if ($isQti) { $result = qti_parse_file($baseWorkDir, $file, $questionFile); $filePath = $baseWorkDir.$file; $file_found = true; } else { $isManifest = isQtiManifest($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file.'/'.$questionFile); if ($isManifest) { $resourcesLinks = qtiProcessManifest($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file.'/'.$questionFile); } } } } } elseif (preg_match('/.xml$/i', $file)) { $isQti = isQtiQuestionBank($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file); if ($isQti) { $result = qti_parse_file($baseWorkDir, '', $file); $filePath = $baseWorkDir.'/'.$file; $file_found = true; } else { $isManifest = isQtiManifest($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file); if ($isManifest) { $resourcesLinks = qtiProcessManifest($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file); } } } } if (!$file_found) { return 'NoXMLFileFoundInTheZip'; } if ($result == false) { return false; } $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($filePath); // 1. Create exercise. $exercise = new Exercise(); $exercise->exercise = $exercise_info['name']; // Random QTI support if (isset($exercise_info['order_type'])) { if ($exercise_info['order_type'] == 'Random') { $exercise->setQuestionSelectionType(2); $exercise->random = -1; } } if (!empty($exercise_info['description'])) { $exercise->updateDescription(formatText(strip_tags($exercise_info['description']))); } $exercise->save(); $last_exercise_id = $exercise->selectId(); $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); if (!empty($last_exercise_id)) { // For each question found... foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $question_array) { //2. Create question $question = new Ims2Question(); $question->type = $question_array['type']; if (empty($question->type)) { // If the type was not provided, assume this is a multiple choice, unique answer type (the most basic) $question->type = MCUA; } $question->setAnswer(); $description = ''; $question->updateTitle(formatText(strip_tags($question_array['title']))); if (isset($question_array['category'])) { $category = formatText(strip_tags($question_array['category'])); if (!empty($category)) { $categoryId = TestCategory::get_category_id_for_title( $category, $courseId ); if (empty($categoryId)) { $cat = new TestCategory(); $cat->name = $category; $cat->description = ''; $categoryId = $cat->save($courseId); if ($categoryId) { $question->category = $categoryId; } } else { $question->category = $categoryId; } } } if (!empty($question_array['description'])) { $description .= $question_array['description']; } $question->updateDescription($description); $question->save($exercise); $last_question_id = $question->selectId(); //3. Create answer $answer = new Answer($last_question_id); $answerList = $question_array['answer']; $answer->new_nbrAnswers = count($answerList); $totalCorrectWeight = 0; $j = 1; $matchAnswerIds = array(); if (!empty($answerList)) { foreach ($answerList as $key => $answers) { if (preg_match('/_/', $key)) { $split = explode('_', $key); $i = $split[1]; } else { $i = $j; $j++; $matchAnswerIds[$key] = $j; } // Answer $answer->new_answer[$i] = isset($answers['value']) ? formatText($answers['value']) : ''; // Comment $answer->new_comment[$i] = isset($answers['feedback']) ? formatText($answers['feedback']) : null; // Position $answer->new_position[$i] = $i; // Correct answers if (in_array($key, $question_array['correct_answers'])) { $answer->new_correct[$i] = 1; } else { $answer->new_correct[$i] = 0; } $answer->new_weighting[$i] = 0; if (isset($question_array['weighting'][$key])) { $answer->new_weighting[$i] = $question_array['weighting'][$key]; } if ($answer->new_correct[$i]) { $totalCorrectWeight += $answer->new_weighting[$i]; } } } if ($question->type == FREE_ANSWER) { $totalCorrectWeight = $question_array['weighting'][0]; } $question->updateWeighting($totalCorrectWeight); $question->save($exercise); $answer->save(); } // delete the temp dir where the exercise was unzipped my_delete($baseWorkDir.$uploadPath); return $last_exercise_id; } return false; } /** * We assume the file charset is UTF8 **/ function formatText($text) { return api_html_entity_decode($text); } /** * Parses a given XML file and fills global arrays with the elements * @param string $exercisePath * @param string $file * @param string $questionFile * @return bool */ function qti_parse_file($exercisePath, $file, $questionFile) { global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $record_item_body; global $questionTempDir; $questionTempDir = $exercisePath.'/'.$file.'/'; $questionFilePath = $questionTempDir.$questionFile; if (!($fp = fopen($questionFilePath, 'r'))) { Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('Error opening question\'s XML file'), 'error')); return false; } else { $data = fread($fp, filesize($questionFilePath)); } //parse XML question file //$data = str_replace(array('

', '

', '', ''), '', $data); $data = ChamiloApi::stripGivenTags($data, array('p', 'front')); $qtiVersion = array(); $match = preg_match('/ims_qtiasiv(\d)p(\d)/', $data, $qtiVersion); $qtiMainVersion = 2; //by default, assume QTI version 2 if ($match) { $qtiMainVersion = $qtiVersion[1]; } //used global variable start values declaration : $record_item_body = false; $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid = array( "SIMPLECHOICE", "CHOICEINTERACTION", "INLINECHOICEINTERACTION", "INLINECHOICE", "SIMPLEMATCHSET", "SIMPLEASSOCIABLECHOICE", "TEXTENTRYINTERACTION", "FEEDBACKINLINE", "MATCHINTERACTION", 'EXTENDEDTEXTINTERACTION', "ITEMBODY", "BR", "IMG" ); $question_format_supported = true; $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, false); if ($qtiMainVersion == 1) { xml_set_element_handler( $xml_parser, 'startElementQti1', 'endElementQti1' ); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'elementDataQti1'); } else { xml_set_element_handler( $xml_parser, 'startElementQti2', 'endElementQti2' ); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'elementDataQti2'); } if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { // if reading of the xml file in not successful : // set errorFound, set error msg, break while statement Display::addFlash( Display::return_message( get_lang('Error reading XML file'). sprintf( '[%d:%d]', xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser), xml_get_current_column_number($xml_parser) ), 'error' ) ); return false; } //close file fclose($fp); if (!$question_format_supported) { Display::addFlash( Display::return_message( get_lang( 'Unknown question format in file %file', array( '%file' => $questionFile, ) ), 'error' ) ); return false; } return true; } /** * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a opening tag * * @param object $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()" * @param string $name name of the element * @param array $attributes */ function startElementQti2($parser, $name, $attributes) { global $element_pile; global $exercise_info; global $current_question_ident; global $current_answer_id; global $current_match_set; global $currentAssociableChoice; global $current_question_item_body; global $record_item_body; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $current_inlinechoice_id; global $cardinality; global $questionTempDir; array_push($element_pile, $name); $current_element = end($element_pile); if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) { $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2]; } else { $parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) { $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3]; } else { $grand_parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) { $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4]; } else { $great_grand_parent_element = ''; } if ($record_item_body) { if ((!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) { $current_question_item_body .= "<".$name; foreach ($attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) { $current_question_item_body .= " ".$attribute_name."=\"".$attribute_value."\""; } $current_question_item_body .= ">"; } else { //in case of FIB question, we replace the IMS-QTI tag b y the correct answer between "[" "]", //we first save with claroline tags ,then when the answer will be parsed, the claroline tags will be replaced if ($current_element == 'INLINECHOICEINTERACTION') { $current_question_item_body .= "**claroline_start**".$attributes['RESPONSEIDENTIFIER']."**claroline_end**"; } if ($current_element == 'TEXTENTRYINTERACTION') { $correct_answer_value = $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$current_answer_id]; $current_question_item_body .= "[".$correct_answer_value."]"; } if ($current_element == 'BR') { $current_question_item_body .= "
"; } } } switch ($current_element) { case 'ASSESSMENTITEM': // retrieve current question $current_question_ident = $attributes['IDENTIFIER']; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident] = []; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'] = []; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'] = []; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['title'] = isset($attributes['TITLE']) ? $attributes['TITLE'] : ''; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['category'] = isset($attributes['CATEGORY']) ? $attributes['CATEGORY'] : ''; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['tempdir'] = $questionTempDir; break; case 'SECTION': //retrieve exercise name if (isset($attributes['TITLE']) && !empty($attributes['TITLE'])) { $exercise_info['name'] = $attributes['TITLE']; } break; case 'RESPONSEDECLARATION': // Retrieve question type if ('multiple' == $attributes['CARDINALITY']) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCMA; $cardinality = 'multiple'; } if ('single' == $attributes['CARDINALITY']) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA; $cardinality = 'single'; } //needed for FIB $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENTIFIER']; break; case 'INLINECHOICEINTERACTION': $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = FIB; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['subtype'] = 'LISTBOX_FILL'; $current_answer_id = $attributes['RESPONSEIDENTIFIER']; break; case 'INLINECHOICE': $current_inlinechoice_id = $attributes['IDENTIFIER']; break; case 'TEXTENTRYINTERACTION': $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = FIB; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['subtype'] = 'TEXTFIELD_FILL'; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['response_text'] = $current_question_item_body; //replace claroline tags break; case 'MATCHINTERACTION': $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MATCHING; break; case 'EXTENDEDTEXTINTERACTION': $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = FREE_ANSWER; break; case 'SIMPLEMATCHSET': if (!isset($current_match_set)) { $current_match_set = 1; } else { $current_match_set++; } $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_match_set] = array(); break; case 'SIMPLEASSOCIABLECHOICE': $currentAssociableChoice = $attributes['IDENTIFIER']; break; //retrieve answers id for MCUA and MCMA questions case 'SIMPLECHOICE': $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENTIFIER']; if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id] = array(); } break; case 'MAPENTRY': if ($parent_element == 'MAPPING' || $parent_element == 'MAPENTRY') { $answer_id = $attributes['MAPKEY']; if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'] = array(); } $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'][$answer_id] = $attributes['MAPPEDVALUE']; } break; case 'MAPPING': if (isset($attributes['DEFAULTVALUE'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['default_weighting'] = $attributes['DEFAULTVALUE']; } // no break ? case 'ITEMBODY': $record_item_body = true; $current_question_item_body = ''; break; case 'IMG': $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['attached_file_url'] = $attributes['SRC']; break; case 'ORDER': if (isset($attributes['ORDER_TYPE'])) { $exercise_info['order_type'] = $attributes['ORDER_TYPE']; } break; } } /** * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a closing tag * * @param $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()" * @param $name name of the element */ function endElementQti2($parser, $name) { global $element_pile; global $exercise_info; global $current_question_ident; global $record_item_body; global $current_question_item_body; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $cardinality; array_push($element_pile, $name); $current_element = end($element_pile); if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) { $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2]; } else { $parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) { $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3]; } else { $grand_parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) { $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4]; } else { $great_grand_parent_element = ''; } //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag: if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) { $current_question_item_body .= ""; } switch ($name) { case 'ITEMBODY': $record_item_body = false; if ($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] == FIB) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['response_text'] = $current_question_item_body; } else { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['statement'] = $current_question_item_body; } break; } array_pop($element_pile); } /** * @param $parser * @param $data */ function elementDataQti2($parser, $data) { global $element_pile; global $exercise_info; global $current_question_ident; global $current_answer_id; global $current_match_set; global $currentAssociableChoice; global $current_question_item_body; global $record_item_body; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $current_inlinechoice_id; global $cardinality; global $resourcesLinks; $current_element = end($element_pile); if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) { $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2]; } else { $parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) { $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3]; } else { $grand_parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) { $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4]; } else { $great_grand_parent_element = ''; } //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag (needed for question statment and/or FIB text: if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) { $current_question_item_body .= $data; } switch ($current_element) { case 'SIMPLECHOICE': if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['value'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['value'] = trim($data); } else { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['value'] .= ''.trim($data); } break; case 'FEEDBACKINLINE': if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['feedback'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['feedback'] = trim($data); } else { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['feedback'] .= ' '.trim($data); } break; case 'SIMPLEASSOCIABLECHOICE': $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_match_set][$currentAssociableChoice] = trim($data); break; case 'VALUE': if ($parent_element == 'CORRECTRESPONSE') { if ($cardinality == 'single') { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$data] = $data; } else { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][] = $data; } } // Getting score of free answer if ($grand_parent_element == 'OUTCOMEDECLARATION') { if (!empty(trim($data))) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'][0] = trim($data); } } break; case 'ITEMBODY': // Replace relative links by links to the documents in the course // $resourcesLinks is only defined by qtiProcessManifest() if (isset($resourcesLinks) && isset($resourcesLinks['manifest']) && isset($resourcesLinks['web'])) { foreach ($resourcesLinks['manifest'] as $key => $value) { $data = preg_replace('|'.$value.'|', $resourcesLinks['web'][$key], $data); } } $current_question_item_body .= $data; break; case 'INLINECHOICE': // if this is the right answer, then we must replace the claroline tags in the FIB text bye the answer between "[" and "]" : $answer_identifier = $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$current_answer_id]; if ($current_inlinechoice_id == $answer_identifier) { $current_question_item_body = str_replace( "**claroline_start**".$current_answer_id."**claroline_end**", "[".$data."]", $current_question_item_body ); } else { if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['wrong_answers'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['wrong_answers'] = array(); } $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['wrong_answers'][] = $data; } break; case 'MATTEXT': if ($grand_parent_element == 'FLOW_MAT' && ($great_grand_parent_element == 'PRESENTATION_MATERIAL' || $great_grand_parent_element == 'SECTION') ) { if (!empty(trim($data))) { $exercise_info['description'] = $data; } } break; } } /** * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a opening tag for QTI1 * * @param object $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()" * @param string $name name of the element * @param array $attributes */ function startElementQti1($parser, $name, $attributes) { global $element_pile; global $exercise_info; global $current_question_ident; global $current_answer_id; global $current_match_set; global $currentAssociableChoice; global $current_question_item_body; global $record_item_body; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $current_inlinechoice_id; global $cardinality; global $questionTempDir; global $lastLabelFieldName; global $lastLabelFieldValue; array_push($element_pile, $name); $current_element = end($element_pile); if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) { $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2]; } else { $parent_element = ''; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) { $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3]; } else { $grand_parent_element = ""; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) { $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4]; } else { $great_grand_parent_element = ""; } if ($record_item_body) { if ((!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) { $current_question_item_body .= "<".$name; foreach ($attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) { $current_question_item_body .= " ".$attribute_name."=\"".$attribute_value."\""; } $current_question_item_body .= ">"; } else { //in case of FIB question, we replace the IMS-QTI tag b y the correct answer between "[" "]", //we first save with claroline tags ,then when the answer will be parsed, the claroline tags will be replaced if ($current_element == 'INLINECHOICEINTERACTION') { $current_question_item_body .= "**claroline_start**".$attributes['RESPONSEIDENTIFIER']."**claroline_end**"; } if ($current_element == 'TEXTENTRYINTERACTION') { $correct_answer_value = $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$current_answer_id]; $current_question_item_body .= "[".$correct_answer_value."]"; } if ($current_element == 'BR') { $current_question_item_body .= "
"; } } } switch ($current_element) { case 'ASSESSMENT': // This is the assessment element: we don't care, we just want questions if (!empty($attributes['TITLE'])) { $exercise_info['name'] = $attributes['TITLE']; } break; case 'ITEM': //retrieve current question $current_question_ident = $attributes['IDENT']; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident] = array(); $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'] = array(); $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'] = array(); $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['tempdir'] = $questionTempDir; break; case 'SECTION': break; case 'RESPONSE_LID': // Retrieve question type if ("multiple" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) { $cardinality = 'multiple'; } if ("single" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) { $cardinality = 'single'; } //needed for FIB $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENT']; $current_question_item_body = ''; break; case 'RENDER_CHOICE': break; case 'RESPONSE_LABEL': if (!empty($attributes['IDENT'])) { $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENT']; //set the placeholder for the answer to come (in endElementQti1) $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id] = ''; } break; case 'DECVAR': if ($parent_element == 'OUTCOMES' && $grand_parent_element == 'RESPROCESSING') { // The following attributes are available //$attributes['VARTYPE']; //$attributes['DEFAULTVAL']; //$attributes['MINVALUE']; //$attributes['MAXVALUE']; } break; case 'VAREQUAL': if ($parent_element == 'CONDITIONVAR' && $grand_parent_element == 'RESPCONDITION') { // The following attributes are available //$attributes['RESPIDENT'] } break; case 'SETVAR': if ($parent_element == 'RESPCONDITION') { // The following attributes are available //$attributes['ACTION'] } break; case 'IMG': break; case 'MATTEXT': if ($parent_element == 'MATERIAL') { if ($grand_parent_element == 'PRESENTATION') { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['title'] = $current_question_item_body; } } break; } } /** * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a closing tag for QTI1 * * @param object $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()" * @param string $name name of the element * @param array $attributes The element attributes */ function endElementQti1($parser, $name, $attributes) { global $element_pile; global $exercise_info; global $current_question_ident; global $record_item_body; global $current_question_item_body; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $cardinality; global $lastLabelFieldName; global $lastLabelFieldValue; global $resourcesLinks; $current_element = end($element_pile); if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) { $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2]; } else { $parent_element = ""; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) { $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3]; } else { $grand_parent_element = ""; } if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) { $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4]; } else { $great_grand_parent_element = ""; } //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag : if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) { $current_question_item_body .= ""; } switch ($name) { case 'MATTEXT': if ($parent_element == 'MATERIAL') { // For some reason an item in a hierarchy doesn't seem to // catch the grandfather 'presentation', so we check for 'item' as a patch (great-grand-father) if ($grand_parent_element == 'PRESENTATION' || $grand_parent_element == 'ITEM') { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['title'] = $current_question_item_body; $current_question_item_body = ''; } elseif ($grand_parent_element == 'RESPONSE_LABEL') { $last = ''; foreach ($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'] as $key => $value) { $last = $key; } $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$last]['value'] = $current_question_item_body; $current_question_item_body = ''; } } // no break ? case 'RESPONSE_LID': // Retrieve question type if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'])) { if ("multiple" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCMA; } if ("single" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) { $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA; } } $current_question_item_body = ''; //needed for FIB $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENT']; break; case 'ITEMMETADATA': $current_question_item_body = ''; break; } array_pop($element_pile); } /** * QTI1 element parser * @param $parser * @param $data */ function elementDataQti1($parser, $data) { global $element_pile; global $exercise_info; global $current_question_ident; global $current_answer_id; global $current_match_set; global $currentAssociableChoice; global $current_question_item_body; global $record_item_body; global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid; global $current_inlinechoice_id; global $cardinality; global $lastLabelFieldName; global $lastLabelFieldValue; global $resourcesLinks; $current_element = end($element_pile); if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) { $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2]; } else { $parent_element = ""; } //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag (needed for question statment and/or FIB text: if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) { $current_question_item_body .= $data; } switch ($current_element) { case 'FIELDLABEL': if (!empty($data)) { $lastLabelFieldName = $current_element; $lastLabelFieldValue = $data; } // no break ? case 'FIELDENTRY': $current_question_item_body = $data; switch ($lastLabelFieldValue) { case 'cc_profile': // The following values might be proprietary in MATRIX software. No specific reference // in QTI doc: http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv1p2/imsqti_asi_infov1p2.html#1415855 switch ($data) { case 'cc.true_false.v0p1': //this is a true-false question (translated to multiple choice in Chamilo because true-false comes with "I don't know") $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA; break; case 'cc.multiple_choice.v0p1': //this is a multiple choice (unique answer) question $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA; break; case 'cc.multiple_response.v0p1': //this is a multiple choice (unique answer) question $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCMA; break; } break; case 'cc_weighting': //defines the total weight of the question $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['default_weighting'] = $lastLabelFieldValue; break; case 'assessment_question_identifierref': //placeholder - not used yet // Possible values are not defined by qti v1.2 break; } break; case 'MATTEXT': // Replace relative links by links to the documents in the course // $resourcesLinks is only defined by qtiProcessManifest() if (isset($resourcesLinks) && isset($resourcesLinks['manifest']) && isset($resourcesLinks['web'])) { foreach ($resourcesLinks['manifest'] as $key => $value) { $data = preg_replace('|'.$value.'|', $resourcesLinks['web'][$key], $data); } } if (!empty($current_question_item_body)) { $current_question_item_body .= $data; } else { $current_question_item_body = $data; } break; case 'VAREQUAL': $lastLabelFieldName = 'VAREQUAL'; $lastLabelFieldValue = $data; break; case 'SETVAR': if ($parent_element == 'RESPCONDITION') { // The following attributes are available //$attributes['ACTION'] $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][] = $lastLabelFieldValue; $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'][$lastLabelFieldValue] = $data; } break; } } /** * Check if a given file is an IMS/QTI question bank file * @param string $filePath The absolute filepath * @return bool Whether it is an IMS/QTI question bank or not */ function isQtiQuestionBank($filePath) { $data = file_get_contents($filePath); if (!empty($data)) { $match = preg_match('/ims_qtiasiv(\d)p(\d)/', $data); // @todo allow other types //$match2 = preg_match('/imsqti_v(\d)p(\d)/', $data); if ($match) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if a given file is an IMS/QTI manifest file (listing of extra files) * @param string $filePath The absolute filepath * @return bool Whether it is an IMS/QTI manifest file or not */ function isQtiManifest($filePath) { $data = file_get_contents($filePath); if (!empty($data)) { $match = preg_match('/imsccv(\d)p(\d)/', $data); if ($match) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Processes an IMS/QTI manifest file: store links to new files * to be able to transform them into the questions text * @param string $filePath The absolute filepath * @param array $links List of filepaths changes * @return bool */ function qtiProcessManifest($filePath) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($filePath); $course = api_get_course_info(); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); $courseDir = $course['path']; $sysPath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); $exercisesSysPath = $sysPath.$courseDir.'/document/'; $webPath = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH); $exercisesWebPath = $webPath.'document/document.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=download&id='; $links = array( 'manifest' => array(), 'system' => array(), 'web' => array(), ); $tableDocuments = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $countResources = count($xml->resources->resource->file); for ($i = 0; $i < $countResources; $i++) { $file = $xml->resources->resource->file[$i]; $href = ''; foreach ($file->attributes() as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'href') { if (substr($value, -3, 3) != 'xml') { $href = $value; } } } if (!empty($href)) { $links['manifest'][] = (string) $href; $links['system'][] = $exercisesSysPath.strtolower($href); $specialHref = Database::escape_string(preg_replace('/_/', '-', strtolower($href))); $specialHref = preg_replace('/(-){2,8}/', '-', $specialHref); $sql = "SELECT iid FROM $tableDocuments WHERE c_id = ".$course['real_id']." AND session_id = $sessionId AND path = '/".$specialHref."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $documentId = 0; while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($result)) { $documentId = $row['iid']; } $links['web'][] = $exercisesWebPath.$documentId; } } return $links; }