courseId = (int) $courseId; $this->userId = (int) $userId; $this->sessionId = (int) $sessionId; $this->groupId = (int) $groupId; } /** * Get the users subscriptions (SessionRelCourseRelUser array or CourseRelUser array) for chat * @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException */ private function getUsersSubscriptions() { $em = Database::getManager(); $course = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $this->courseId); if ($this->sessionId) { $criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->eq('course', $course)); return $em ->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $this->sessionId) ->getUserCourseSubscriptions() ->matching($criteria); } return $em ->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $course) ->getUsers(); } /** * Prepare a message. Clean and insert emojis * @param string $message The message to prepare * @return string */ public static function prepareMessage($message) { if (empty($message)) { return ''; } Emojione\Emojione::$imagePathPNG = api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH) . 'bundles/chamilocore/js/emojione/png/'; Emojione\Emojione::$ascii = true; $message = trim($message); $message = nl2br($message); // Security XSS $message = Security::remove_XSS($message); //search urls $message = preg_replace( '@((https?://)?([-\w]+\.[-\w\.]+)+\w(:\d+)?(/([-\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)*)@', '$1', $message ); // add "http://" if not set $message = preg_replace( '/]*href\s*=\s*"((?!https?:\/\/)[^"]*)"[^>]*>/i', '', $message ); // Parsing emojis $message = Emojione\Emojione::toImage($message); // Parsing text to understand markdown (code highlight) $message = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($message); return $message; } /** * Save a chat message in a HTML file * @param string$message * @param int $friendId * @return bool * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException */ public function saveMessage($message, $friendId = 0) { if (empty($message)) { return false; } $em = Database::getManager(); $user = $em->find('ChamiloUserBundle:User', $this->userId); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->courseId); $isMaster = (bool) api_is_course_admin(); $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/document'; $basepath_chat = '/chat_files'; $group_info = []; if (!$this->groupId) { $group_info = GroupManager::get_group_properties($this->groupId); $basepath_chat = $group_info['directory'].'/chat_files'; } $chat_path = $document_path.$basepath_chat.'/'; if (!is_dir($chat_path)) { if (is_file($chat_path)) { @unlink($chat_path); } } $date_now = date('Y-m-d'); $timeNow = date('d/m/y H:i:s'); $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_gid-'.$this->groupId; } elseif ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_sid-'.$this->sessionId; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_uid-'.$this->userId.'-'.$friendId; } else { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_uid-'.$friendId.'-'.$this->userId; } } $message = self::prepareMessage($message); $fileTitle = $basename_chat.'.log.html'; $filePath = $basepath_chat.'/'.$fileTitle; $absoluteFilePath = $chat_path.$fileTitle; if (!file_exists($absoluteFilePath)) { $doc_id = add_document($courseInfo, $filePath, 'file', 0, $fileTitle); $documentLogTypes = ['DocumentAdded', 'invisible']; foreach ($documentLogTypes as $logType) { api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, $logType, $this->userId, $group_info, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); } item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); } else { $doc_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($courseInfo, $filePath); } $fp = fopen($absoluteFilePath, 'a'); $userPhoto = UserManager::getUserPicture($this->userId, USER_IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM); if ($isMaster) { $fileContent = ' ' . $user->getCompleteName().' ' . $message.' ' . $timeNow.' '; } else { $fileContent = ' ' . $user->getCompleteName().' ' . $message.' ' . $timeNow.' '; } fputs($fp, $fileContent); fclose($fp); $chat_size = filesize($absoluteFilePath); update_existing_document($courseInfo, $doc_id, $chat_size); item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); return true; } /** * Disconnect a user from course chats * @param $userId */ public static function exitChat($userId) { $listCourse = CourseManager::get_courses_list_by_user_id($userId); foreach ($listCourse as $course) { Database::getManager() ->createQuery(' DELETE FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.cId = :course AND ccc.userId = :user ') ->execute([ 'course' => intval($course['real_id']), 'user' => intval($userId) ]); } } /** * Disconnect users who are more than 5 seconds inactive */ public function disconnectInactiveUsers() { $em = Database::getManager(); $extraCondition = "AND ccc.toGroupId = {$this->groupId}"; if (empty($this->groupId)) { $extraCondition = "AND ccc.sessionId = {$this->sessionId}"; } $connectedUsers = $em ->createQuery(" SELECT ccc FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.cId = :course $extraCondition ") ->setParameter('course', $this->courseId) ->getResult(); $now = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $cd_count_time_seconds = $now->getTimestamp(); foreach ($connectedUsers as $connection) { $date_count_time_seconds = $connection->getLastConnection()->getTimestamp(); if (strcmp($now->format('Y-m-d'), $connection->getLastConnection()->format('Y-m-d')) !== 0) { continue; } if (($cd_count_time_seconds - $date_count_time_seconds) <= 5) { continue; } $em ->createQuery(' DELETE FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.cId = :course AND ccc.userId = :user AND ccc.toGroupId = :group ') ->execute([ 'course' => $this->courseId, 'user' => $connection->getUserId(), 'group' => $this->groupId ]); } } /** * Keep registered to a user as connected * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\NonUniqueResultException */ public function keepUserAsConnected() { $em = Database::getManager(); $extraCondition = null; if ($this->groupId) { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.toGroupId = '.intval($this->groupId); } else { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.sessionId = '.intval($this->sessionId); } $currentTime = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $connection = $em ->createQuery(" SELECT ccc FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.userId = :user AND ccc.cId = :course $extraCondition ") ->setParameters([ 'user' => $this->userId, 'course' => $this->courseId ]) ->getOneOrNullResult(); if ($connection) { $connection->setLastConnection($currentTime); $em->merge($connection); $em->flush(); return; } $connection = new CChatConnected(); $connection ->setCId($this->courseId) ->setUserId($this->userId) ->setLastConnection($currentTime) ->setSessionId($this->sessionId) ->setToGroupId($this->groupId); $em->persist($connection); $em->flush(); } /** * Get the emoji allowed on course chat * @return array */ public static function getEmojiStrategy() { return require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'chat/emoji_strategy.php'; } /** * Get the emoji list to include in chat * @return array */ public static function getEmojisToInclude() { return [ ':bowtie:', ':smile:'| ':laughing:', ':blush:', ':smiley:', ':relaxed:', ':smirk:', ':heart_eyes:', ':kissing_heart:', ':kissing_closed_eyes:', ':flushed:', ':relieved:', ':satisfied:', ':grin:', ':wink:', ':stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:', ':stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:', ':grinning:', ':kissing:', ':kissing_smiling_eyes:', ':stuck_out_tongue:', ':sleeping:', ':worried:', ':frowning:', ':anguished:', ':open_mouth:', ':grimacing:', ':confused:', ':hushed:', ':expressionless:', ':unamused:', ':sweat_smile:', ':sweat:', ':disappointed_relieved:', ':weary:', ':pensive:', ':disappointed:', ':confounded:', ':fearful:', ':cold_sweat:', ':persevere:', ':cry:', ':sob:', ':joy:', ':astonished:', ':scream:', ':neckbeard:', ':tired_face:', ':angry:', ':rage:', ':triumph:', ':sleepy:', ':yum:', ':mask:', ':sunglasses:', ':dizzy_face:', ':imp:', ':smiling_imp:', ':neutral_face:', ':no_mouth:', ':innocent:', ':alien:' ]; } /** * Get the chat history file name * @param bool $absolute Optional. Whether get the base or the absolute file path * @param int $friendId Optional. * @return string */ public function getFileName($absolute = false, $friendId = 0) { $date = date('Y-m-d'); $base = 'messages-'.$date.'.log.html'; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $base = 'messages-'.$date.'_gid-'.$this->groupId.'.log.html'; } elseif ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $base = 'messages-'.$date.'_sid-'.$this->sessionId.'.log.html'; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $base = 'messages-'.$date.'_uid-'.$this->userId.'-'.$friendId.'.log.html'; } else { $base = 'messages-'.$date.'_uid-'.$friendId.'-'.$this->userId.'.log.html'; } } if (!$absolute) { return $base; } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->courseId); $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/document'; $chatPath = $document_path.'/chat_files/'; if ($this->groupId) { $group_info = GroupManager::get_group_properties($this->groupId); $chatPath = $document_path.$group_info['directory'].'/chat_files/'; } return $chatPath.$base; } /** * Get the chat history * @param bool $reset * @param int $friendId Optional. * @return string */ public function readMessages($reset = false, $friendId = 0) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->courseId); $date_now = date('Y-m-d'); $isMaster = (bool) api_is_course_admin(); $basepath_chat = '/chat_files'; $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/document'; $group_info = []; if ($this->groupId) { $group_info = GroupManager:: get_group_properties($this->groupId); $basepath_chat = $group_info['directory'].'/chat_files'; } $chat_path = $document_path.$basepath_chat.'/'; if (!is_dir($chat_path)) { if (is_file($chat_path)) { @unlink($chat_path); } if (!api_is_anonymous()) { @mkdir($chat_path, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); // Save chat files document for group into item property if ($this->groupId) { $doc_id = add_document($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, 'folder', 0, 'chat_files'); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'FolderCreated', null, $group_info, null, null, null ); } } } $filename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'.log.html'; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $filename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_gid-'.$this->groupId.'.log.html'; } elseif ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $filename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_sid-'.$this->sessionId.'.log.html'; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $filename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_uid-'.$this->userId.'-'.$friendId.'.log.html'; } else { $filename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_uid-'.$friendId.'-'.$this->userId.'.log.html'; } } if (!file_exists($chat_path.$filename_chat)) { @fclose(fopen($chat_path.$filename_chat, 'w')); if (!api_is_anonymous()) { $doc_id = add_document($courseInfo, $basepath_chat.'/'.$filename_chat, 'file', 0, $filename_chat); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', $this->userId, $group_info, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', $this->userId, $group_info, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); } } $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now; if ($this->groupId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_gid-'.$this->groupId; } elseif ($this->sessionId && !$friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_sid-'.$this->sessionId; } elseif ($friendId) { if ($this->userId < $friendId) { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_uid-'.$this->userId.'-'.$friendId; } else { $basename_chat = 'messages-'.$date_now.'_uid-'.$friendId.'-'.$this->userId; } } if ($reset && $isMaster) { $i = 1; while (file_exists($chat_path.$basename_chat.'-'.$i.'.log.html')) { $i++; } @rename($chat_path.$basename_chat.'.log.html', $chat_path.$basename_chat.'-'.$i.'.log.html'); @fclose(fopen($chat_path.$basename_chat.'.log.html', 'w')); $doc_id = add_document( $courseInfo, $basepath_chat.'/'.$basename_chat.'-'.$i.'.log.html', 'file', filesize($chat_path.$basename_chat.'-'.$i.'.log.html'), $basename_chat.'-'.$i.'.log.html' ); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', $this->userId, $group_info, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', $this->userId, $group_info, null, null, null, $this->sessionId ); item_property_update_on_folder($courseInfo, $basepath_chat, $this->userId); $doc_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id( $courseInfo, $basepath_chat.'/'.$basename_chat.'.log.html' ); update_existing_document($courseInfo, $doc_id, 0); } $remove = 0; $content = array(); if (file_exists($chat_path.$basename_chat.'.log.html')) { $content = file($chat_path.$basename_chat.'.log.html'); $nbr_lines = sizeof($content); $remove = $nbr_lines - 100; } if ($remove < 0) { $remove = 0; } array_splice($content, 0, $remove); if (isset($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'whoisonline') { //the caller $content[0] = get_lang('CallSent').''.$content[0]; } $history = ''; foreach ($content as $this_line) { $history .= $this_line; } $history .= ''; if ($isMaster || $GLOBALS['is_session_general_coach']) { $history .= ' ' . get_lang('ClearList').' '; } return $history; } /** * Get the number of users connected in chat * @return mixed */ public function countUsersOnline() { $date = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $date->modify('-5 seconds'); $extraCondition = null; if ($this->groupId) { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.toGroupId = '.intval($this->groupId); } else { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.sessionId = '.intval($this->sessionId); } $number = Database::getManager() ->createQuery(" SELECT COUNT(ccc.userId) FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.lastConnection > :date AND ccc.cId = :course $extraCondition ") ->setParameters([ 'date' => $date, 'course' => $this->courseId ]) ->getSingleScalarResult(); return intval($number); } /** * Check if a user is connected in course chat * @param int $userId * @return int */ private function userIsConnected($userId) { $date = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $date->modify('-5 seconds'); $extraCondition = null; if ($this->groupId) { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.toGroupId = '.intval($this->groupId); } else { $extraCondition = 'AND ccc.sessionId = '.intval($this->sessionId); } $number = Database::getManager() ->createQuery(" SELECT COUNT(ccc.userId) FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CChatConnected ccc WHERE ccc.lastConnection > :date AND ccc.cId = :course AND ccc.userId = :user $extraCondition ") ->setParameters([ 'date' => $date, 'course' => $this->courseId, 'user' => $userId ]) ->getSingleScalarResult(); return intval($number); } /** * Get the users online data * @return string */ public function listUsersOnline() { $subscriptions = $this->getUsersSubscriptions(); $usersInfo = []; foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { $user = $subscription->getUser(); $usersInfo[] = [ 'id' => $user->getId(), 'firstname' => $user->getFirstname(), 'lastname' => $user->getLastname(), 'status' => !$this->sessionId ? $subscription->getStatus() : $user->getStatus(), 'image_url' => UserManager::getUserPicture($user->getId(), USER_IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'profile_url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/profile.php?u='.$user->getId(), 'complete_name' => $user->getCompleteName(), 'username' => $user->getUsername(), 'email' => $user->getEmail(), 'isConnected' => $this->userIsConnected($user->getId()) ]; } return $usersInfo; } }