getConnection()->getDatabase(); } /** * Get main table * * @param string $table * * @return string */ public static function get_main_table($table) { return $table; } /** * Get course table * * @param string $table * * @return string */ public static function get_course_table($table) { return DB_COURSE_PREFIX.$table; } /** * Counts the number of rows in a table * @param string $table The table of which the rows should be counted * * @return int The number of rows in the given table. * @deprecated */ public static function count_rows($table) { $obj = self::fetch_object(self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM $table")); return $obj->n; } /** * Returns the number of affected rows in the last database operation. * @param Statement $result * * @return int */ public static function affected_rows(Statement $result) { return $result->rowCount(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getUTCDateTimeTypeClass() { return isset(self::$utcDateTimeClass) ? self::$utcDateTimeClass : 'Application\DoctrineExtensions\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeType'; } /** * Connect to the database sets the entity manager. * * @param array $params * @param string $sysPath * @param string $entityRootPath * @param bool $returnConnection * @param bool $returnManager * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * * @return */ public function connect( $params = array(), $sysPath = '', $entityRootPath = '', $returnConnection = false, $returnManager = false ) { $config = self::getDoctrineConfig($entityRootPath); $config->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(true); $config->setEntityNamespaces( array( 'ChamiloUserBundle' => 'Chamilo\UserBundle\Entity', 'ChamiloCoreBundle' => 'Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity', 'ChamiloCourseBundle' => 'Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity', 'ChamiloSkillBundle' => 'Chamilo\SkillBundle\Entity', 'ChamiloTicketBundle' => 'Chamilo\TicketBundle\Entity', 'ChamiloPluginBundle' => 'Chamilo\PluginBundle\Entity' ) ); $params['charset'] = 'utf8'; $entityManager = EntityManager::create($params, $config); $sysPath = !empty($sysPath) ? $sysPath : api_get_path(SYS_PATH); $uniqueEntityPath = $sysPath.'vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/Validator/Constraints/UniqueEntity.php'; // Folder symfony/symfony/src doesn't exists in chash use the component folder if (!file_exists($uniqueEntityPath)) { $uniqueEntityPath = $sysPath.'vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Validator/Constraints/UniqueEntity.php'; AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader( function ($class) use ($sysPath) { $file = str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class).".php"; $file = str_replace('Symfony/Component/Validator', '', $file); $file = $sysPath.'vendor/symfony/validator'.$file; if (file_exists($file)) { // file exists makes sure that the loader fails silently require_once $file; return true; } } ); } else { // Registering Constraints AnnotationRegistry::registerAutoloadNamespace( 'Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint', $sysPath.'vendor/symfony/symfony/src' ); } AnnotationRegistry::registerFile( $uniqueEntityPath ); // Registering gedmo extensions AnnotationRegistry::registerAutoloadNamespace( 'Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation', $sysPath."vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib" ); Type::overrideType( Type::DATETIME, self::getUTCDateTimeTypeClass() ); $listener = new \Gedmo\Timestampable\TimestampableListener(); $entityManager->getEventManager()->addEventSubscriber($listener); $listener = new \Gedmo\Tree\TreeListener(); $entityManager->getEventManager()->addEventSubscriber($listener); $listener = new \Gedmo\Sortable\SortableListener(); $entityManager->getEventManager()->addEventSubscriber($listener); $connection = $entityManager->getConnection(); $connection->executeQuery('SET sql_mode = "";'); if ($returnConnection) { return $connection; } if ($returnManager) { return $entityManager; } $this->setConnection($connection); $this->setManager($entityManager); } /** * Escape MySQL wildchars _ and % in LIKE search * @param string $text The string to escape * * @return string The escaped string */ public static function escape_sql_wildcards($text) { $text = api_preg_replace("/_/", "\_", $text); $text = api_preg_replace("/%/", "\%", $text); return $text; } /** * Escapes a string to insert into the database as text * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function escape_string($string) { $string = self::getManager()->getConnection()->quote($string); return trim($string, "'"); } /** * Gets the array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query) * * @param Statement $result * @param string $option Optional: "ASSOC","NUM" or "BOTH" * * @return array|mixed */ public static function fetch_array(Statement $result, $option = 'BOTH') { if ($result === false) { return array(); } return $result->fetch(self::customOptionToDoctrineOption($option)); } /** * Gets an associative array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query). * * @param Statement $result * * @return array */ public static function fetch_assoc(Statement $result) { return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Gets the next row of the result of the SQL query * (as returned by Database::query) in an object form * * @param Statement $result * * @return mixed */ public static function fetch_object(Statement $result) { return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } /** * Gets the array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query) * help achieving database independence * * @param Statement $result * * @return mixed */ public static function fetch_row(Statement $result) { if ($result === false) { return array(); } return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } /** * Frees all the memory associated with the provided result identifier. * @return boolean|null Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * Notes: Use this method if you are concerned about how much memory is being used for queries that return large result sets. * Anyway, all associated result memory is automatically freed at the end of the script's execution. */ public static function free_result(Statement $result) { $result->closeCursor(); } /** * Gets the ID of the last item inserted into the database * * @return string */ public static function insert_id() { return self::getManager()->getConnection()->lastInsertId(); } /** * @param Statement $result * * @return int */ public static function num_rows(Statement $result) { if ($result === false) { return 0; } return $result->rowCount(); } /** * Acts as the relative *_result() function of most DB drivers and fetches a * specific line and a field * * @param Statement $resource * @param int $row * @param string $field * * @return mixed */ public static function result(Statement $resource, $row, $field = '') { if ($resource->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $resource->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); return $result[$row][$field]; } } /** * @param string $query * * @return Statement * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException */ public static function query($query) { $connection = self::getManager()->getConnection(); if (api_get_setting('server_type') == 'test') { $result = $connection->executeQuery($query); } else { try { $result = $connection->executeQuery($query); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); api_not_allowed(false, get_lang('GeneralError')); } } return $result; } /** * @param string $option * * @return int */ public static function customOptionToDoctrineOption($option) { switch ($option) { case 'ASSOC': return PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; break; case 'NUM': return PDO::FETCH_NUM; break; case 'BOTH': default: return PDO::FETCH_BOTH; break; } } /** * Stores a query result into an array. * * @author Olivier Brouckaert * @param Statement $result - the return value of the query * @param string $option BOTH, ASSOC, or NUM * * @return array - the value returned by the query */ public static function store_result(Statement $result, $option = 'BOTH') { return $result->fetchAll(self::customOptionToDoctrineOption($option)); } /** * Database insert * @param string $table_name * @param array $attributes * @param bool $show_query * * @return false|string */ public static function insert($table_name, $attributes, $show_query = false) { if (empty($attributes) || empty($table_name)) { return false; } $params = array_keys($attributes); if (!empty($params)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' ('.implode(',', $params).') VALUES (:'.implode(', :', $params).')'; $statement = self::getManager()->getConnection()->prepare($sql); $result = $statement->execute($attributes); if ($show_query) { var_dump($sql); error_log($sql); } if ($result) { return self::getManager()->getConnection()->lastInsertId(); } } return false; } /** * @param string $tableName use Database::get_main_table * @param array $attributes Values to updates * Example: $params['name'] = 'Julio'; $params['lastname'] = 'Montoya'; * @param array $whereConditions where conditions i.e array('id = ?' =>'4') * @param bool $showQuery * * @return bool|int */ public static function update( $tableName, $attributes, $whereConditions = array(), $showQuery = false ) { if (!empty($tableName) && !empty($attributes)) { $updateSql = ''; $count = 1; foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { if ($showQuery) { echo $key.': '.$value.PHP_EOL; } $updateSql .= "$key = :$key "; if ($count < count($attributes)) { $updateSql .= ', '; } $count++; } if (!empty($updateSql)) { //Parsing and cleaning the where conditions $whereReturn = self::parse_where_conditions($whereConditions); $sql = "UPDATE $tableName SET $updateSql $whereReturn "; $statement = self::getManager()->getConnection()->prepare($sql); $result = $statement->execute($attributes); if ($showQuery) { var_dump($sql); var_dump($attributes); var_dump($whereConditions); } if ($result) { return $statement->rowCount(); } } } return false; } /** * Experimental useful database finder * @todo lot of stuff to do here * @todo known issues, it doesn't work when using LIKE conditions * @example array('where'=> array('course_code LIKE "?%"')) * @example array('where'=> array('type = ? AND category = ?' => array('setting', 'Plugins')) * @example array('where'=> array('name = "Julio" AND lastname = "montoya"')) * @param array $columns * @param string $table_name * @param array $conditions * @param string $type_result * @param string $option * @return array */ public static function select( $columns, $table_name, $conditions = array(), $type_result = 'all', $option = 'ASSOC' ) { $conditions = self::parse_conditions($conditions); //@todo we could do a describe here to check the columns ... if (is_array($columns)) { $clean_columns = implode(',', $columns); } else { if ($columns == '*') { $clean_columns = '*'; } else { $clean_columns = (string) $columns; } } $sql = "SELECT $clean_columns FROM $table_name $conditions"; $result = self::query($sql); $array = array(); if ($type_result === 'all') { while ($row = self::fetch_array($result, $option)) { if (isset($row['id'])) { $array[$row['id']] = $row; } else { $array[] = $row; } } } else { $array = self::fetch_array($result, $option); } return $array; } /** * Parses WHERE/ORDER conditions i.e array('where'=>array('id = ?' =>'4'), 'order'=>'id DESC') * @todo known issues, it doesn't work when using * LIKE conditions example: array('where'=>array('course_code LIKE "?%"')) * @param array $conditions * @return string Partial SQL string to add to longer query */ public static function parse_conditions($conditions) { if (empty($conditions)) { return ''; } $return_value = $where_return = ''; foreach ($conditions as $type_condition => $condition_data) { if ($condition_data == false) { continue; } $type_condition = strtolower($type_condition); switch ($type_condition) { case 'where': foreach ($condition_data as $condition => $value_array) { if (is_array($value_array)) { $clean_values = array(); foreach ($value_array as $item) { $item = self::escape_string($item); $clean_values[] = $item; } } else { $value_array = self::escape_string($value_array); $clean_values = $value_array; } if (!empty($condition) && $clean_values != '') { $condition = str_replace('%', "'@percentage@'", $condition); //replace "%" $condition = str_replace("'?'", "%s", $condition); $condition = str_replace("?", "%s", $condition); $condition = str_replace("@%s@", "@-@", $condition); $condition = str_replace("%s", "'%s'", $condition); $condition = str_replace("@-@", "@%s@", $condition); // Treat conditions as string $condition = vsprintf($condition, $clean_values); $condition = str_replace('@percentage@', '%', $condition); //replace "%" $where_return .= $condition; } } if (!empty($where_return)) { $return_value = " WHERE $where_return"; } break; case 'order': $order_array = $condition_data; if (!empty($order_array)) { // 'order' => 'id desc, name desc' $order_array = self::escape_string($order_array, null, false); $new_order_array = explode(',', $order_array); $temp_value = array(); foreach ($new_order_array as $element) { $element = explode(' ', $element); $element = array_filter($element); $element = array_values($element); if (!empty($element[1])) { $element[1] = strtolower($element[1]); $order = 'DESC'; if (in_array($element[1], array('desc', 'asc'))) { $order = $element[1]; } $temp_value[] = $element[0].' '.$order.' '; } else { //by default DESC $temp_value[] = $element[0].' DESC '; } } if (!empty($temp_value)) { $return_value .= ' ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $temp_value); } } break; case 'limit': $limit_array = explode(',', $condition_data); if (!empty($limit_array)) { if (count($limit_array) > 1) { $return_value .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit_array[0]).' , '.intval($limit_array[1]); } else { $return_value .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit_array[0]); } } break; } } return $return_value; } /** * @param array $conditions * * @return string */ public static function parse_where_conditions($conditions) { return self::parse_conditions(array('where' => $conditions)); } /** * @param string $table_name * @param array $where_conditions * @param bool $show_query * * @return int */ public static function delete($table_name, $where_conditions, $show_query = false) { $where_return = self::parse_where_conditions($where_conditions); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_name $where_return "; if ($show_query) { echo $sql; echo '
'; } $result = self::query($sql); $affected_rows = self::affected_rows($result); //@todo should return affected_rows for return $affected_rows; } /** * Get Doctrine configuration * @param string $path * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration */ public static function getDoctrineConfig($path) { $isDevMode = false; $isSimpleMode = false; // related to annotations @Entity $cache = null; $path = !empty($path) ? $path : api_get_path(SYS_PATH); $paths = array( //$path.'src/Chamilo/ClassificationBundle/Entity', //$path.'src/Chamilo/MediaBundle/Entity', //$path.'src/Chamilo/PageBundle/Entity', $path.'src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity', $path.'src/Chamilo/UserBundle/Entity', $path.'src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity', $path.'src/Chamilo/TicketBundle/Entity', $path.'src/Chamilo/SkillBundle/Entity', $path.'src/Chamilo/PluginBundle/Entity', //$path.'vendor/sonata-project/user-bundle/Entity', //$path.'vendor/sonata-project/user-bundle/Model', //$path.'vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/FOS/UserBundle/Entity', ); $proxyDir = $path.'app/cache/'; $config = \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration( $paths, $isDevMode, $proxyDir, $cache, $isSimpleMode ); return $config; } /** * @param string $table * * @return bool */ public static function tableExists($table) { return self::getManager()->getConnection()->getSchemaManager()->tablesExist($table); } /** * @param string $table * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column[] */ public static function listTableColumns($table) { return self::getManager()->getConnection()->getSchemaManager()->listTableColumns($table); } }