aFunctions = array();
$this->aObjects = array();
$this->aFunctionIncludeFiles = array();
$this->sRequestURI = $sRequestURI;
if ($this->sRequestURI == "")
$this->sRequestURI = $this->_detectURI();
$this->sWrapperPrefix = $sWrapperPrefix;
$this->bDebug = $bDebug;
$this->bStatusMessages = false;
$this->bWaitCursor = true;
$this->bExitAllowed = true;
$this->bErrorHandler = false;
$this->sLogFile = "";
$this->bCleanBuffer = false;
$this->bDecodeUTF8Input = false;
$this->bOutputEntities = false;
* Sets the URI to which requests will be made.
* Usage: $xajax->setRequestURI("");
* @param string the URI (can be absolute or relative) of the PHP script
* that will be accessed when an xajax request occurs
function setRequestURI($sRequestURI)
$this->sRequestURI = $sRequestURI;
* Sets the prefix that will be appended to the Javascript wrapper
* functions (default is "xajax_").
* @param string
function setWrapperPrefix($sPrefix)
$this->sWrapperPrefix = $sPrefix;
* Enables debug messages for xajax.
* */
function debugOn()
$this->bDebug = true;
* Disables debug messages for xajax (default behavior).
function debugOff()
$this->bDebug = false;
* Enables messages in the browser's status bar for xajax.
function statusMessagesOn()
$this->bStatusMessages = true;
* Disables messages in the browser's status bar for xajax (default behavior).
function statusMessagesOff()
$this->bStatusMessages = false;
* Enables the wait cursor to be displayed in the browser (default behavior).
function waitCursorOn()
$this->bWaitCursor = true;
* Disables the wait cursor to be displayed in the browser.
function waitCursorOff()
$this->bWaitCursor = false;
* Enables xajax to exit immediately after processing a request and
* sending the response back to the browser (default behavior).
function exitAllowedOn()
$this->bExitAllowed = true;
* Disables xajax's default behavior of exiting immediately after
* processing a request and sending the response back to the browser.
function exitAllowedOff()
$this->bExitAllowed = false;
* Turns on xajax's error handling system so that PHP errors that occur
* during a request are trapped and pushed to the browser in the form of
* a Javascript alert.
function errorHandlerOn()
$this->bErrorHandler = true;
* Turns off xajax's error handling system (default behavior).
function errorHandlerOff()
$this->bErrorHandler = false;
* Specifies a log file that will be written to by xajax during a request
* (used only by the error handling system at present). If you don't invoke
* this method, or you pass in "", then no log file will be written to.
* Usage: $xajax->setLogFile("/xajax_logs/errors.log");
function setLogFile($sFilename)
$this->sLogFile = $sFilename;
* Causes xajax to clean out all output buffers before outputting a
* response (default behavior).
function cleanBufferOn()
$this->bCleanBuffer = true;
* Turns off xajax's output buffer cleaning.
function cleanBufferOff()
$this->bCleanBuffer = false;
* Sets the character encoding for the HTTP output based on
* $sEncoding, which is a string containing the character
* encoding to use. You don't need to use this method normally, since the
* character encoding for the response gets set automatically based on the
* Usage: $xajax->setCharEncoding("utf-8");
* @param string the encoding type to use (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
function setCharEncoding($sEncoding)
$this->sEncoding = $sEncoding;
* Causes xajax to decode the input request args from UTF-8 to the current
* encoding if possible. Either the iconv or mb_string extension must be
* present for optimal functionality.
function decodeUTF8InputOn()
$this->bDecodeUTF8Input = true;
* Turns off decoding the input request args from UTF-8 (default behavior).
function decodeUTF8InputOff()
$this->bDecodeUTF8Input = false;
* Tells the response object to convert special characters to HTML entities
* automatically (only works if the mb_string extension is available).
function outputEntitiesOn()
$this->bOutputEntities = true;
* Tells the response object to output special characters intact. (default
* behavior).
function outputEntitiesOff()
$this->bOutputEntities = false;
* Registers a PHP function or method to be callable through xajax in your
* Javascript. If you want to register a function, pass in the name of that
* function. If you want to register a static class method, pass in an
* array like so:
* array("myFunctionName", "myClass", "myMethod")
* For an object instance method, use an object variable for the second
* array element (and in PHP 4 make sure you put an & before the variable
* to pass the object by reference). Note: the function name is what you
* call via Javascript, so it can be anything as long as it doesn't
* conflict with any other registered function name.
* Usage: $xajax->registerFunction("myFunction");
* or: $xajax->registerFunction(array("myFunctionName", &$myObject, "myMethod"));
* @param mixed contains the function name or an object callback array
* @param mixed request type (XAJAX_GET/XAJAX_POST) that should be used
* for this function. Defaults to XAJAX_POST.
function registerFunction($mFunction,$sRequestType=XAJAX_POST)
if (is_array($mFunction)) {
$this->aFunctions[$mFunction[0]] = 1;
$this->aFunctionRequestTypes[$mFunction[0]] = $sRequestType;
$this->aObjects[$mFunction[0]] = array_slice($mFunction, 1);
else {
$this->aFunctions[$mFunction] = 1;
$this->aFunctionRequestTypes[$mFunction] = $sRequestType;
* Registers a PHP function to be callable through xajax which is located
* in some other file. If the function is requested the external file will
* be included to define the function before the function is called.
* Usage: $xajax->registerExternalFunction("myFunction","",XAJAX_POST);
* @param string contains the function name or an object callback array
* ({@link xajax::registerFunction() see registerFunction} for
* more info on object callback arrays)
* @param string contains the path and filename of the include file
* @param mixed the RequestType (XAJAX_GET/XAJAX_POST) that should be used
* for this function. Defaults to XAJAX_POST.
function registerExternalFunction($mFunction,$sIncludeFile,$sRequestType=XAJAX_POST)
$this->registerFunction($mFunction, $sRequestType);
if (is_array($mFunction)) {
$this->aFunctionIncludeFiles[$mFunction[0]] = $sIncludeFile;
else {
$this->aFunctionIncludeFiles[$mFunction] = $sIncludeFile;
* Registers a PHP function to be called when xajax cannot find the
* function being called via Javascript. Because this is technically
* impossible when using "wrapped" functions, the catch-all feature is
* only useful when you're directly using the Javascript
* method. Use the catch-all feature when you want more dynamic ability to
* intercept unknown calls and handle them in a custom way.
* Usage: $xajax->registerCatchAllFunction("myCatchAllFunction");
* @param string contains the function name or an object callback array
* ({@link xajax::registerFunction() see registerFunction} for
* more info on object callback arrays)
function registerCatchAllFunction($mFunction)
if (is_array($mFunction)) {
$this->sCatchAllFunction = $mFunction[0];
$this->aObjects[$mFunction[0]] = array_slice($mFunction, 1);
else {
$this->sCatchAllFunction = $mFunction;
* Registers a PHP function to be called before xajax calls the requested
* function. xajax will automatically add the request function's response
* to the pre-function's response to create a single response. Another
* feature is the ability to return not just a response, but an array with
* the first element being false (a boolean) and the second being the
* response. In this case, the pre-function's response will be returned to
* the browser without xajax calling the requested function.
* Usage: $xajax->registerPreFunction("myPreFunction");
* @param string contains the function name or an object callback array
* ({@link xajax::registerFunction() see registerFunction} for
* more info on object callback arrays)
function registerPreFunction($mFunction)
if (is_array($mFunction)) {
$this->sPreFunction = $mFunction[0];
$this->aObjects[$mFunction[0]] = array_slice($mFunction, 1);
else {
$this->sPreFunction = $mFunction;
* Returns true if xajax can process the request, false if otherwise.
* You can use this to determine if xajax needs to process the request or
* not.
* @return boolean
function canProcessRequests()
if ($this->getRequestMode() != -1) return true;
return false;
* Returns the current request mode (XAJAX_GET or XAJAX_POST), or -1 if
* there is none.
* @return mixed
function getRequestMode()
if (!empty($_GET["xajax"]))
return XAJAX_GET;
if (!empty($_POST["xajax"]))
return XAJAX_POST;
return -1;
* This is the main communications engine of xajax. The engine handles all
* incoming xajax requests, calls the apporiate PHP functions (or
* class/object methods) and passes the XML responses back to the
* Javascript response handler. If your RequestURI is the same as your Web
* page then this function should be called before any headers or HTML has
* been sent.
function processRequests()
$requestMode = -1;
$sFunctionName = "";
$bFoundFunction = true;
$bFunctionIsCatchAll = false;
$sFunctionNameForSpecial = "";
$aArgs = array();
$sPreResponse = "";
$bEndRequest = false;
$sResponse = "";
$requestMode = $this->getRequestMode();
if ($requestMode == -1) return;
if ($requestMode == XAJAX_POST)
$sFunctionName = $_POST["xajax"];
if (!empty($_POST["xajaxargs"]))
$aArgs = $_POST["xajaxargs"];
header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header ("Pragma: no-cache");
$sFunctionName = $_GET["xajax"];
if (!empty($_GET["xajaxargs"]))
$aArgs = $_GET["xajaxargs"];
// Use xajax error handler if necessary
if ($this->bErrorHandler) {
$GLOBALS['xajaxErrorHandlerText'] = "";
if ($this->sPreFunction) {
if (!$this->_isFunctionCallable($this->sPreFunction)) {
$bFoundFunction = false;
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$objResponse->addAlert("Unknown Pre-Function ". $this->sPreFunction);
$sResponse = $objResponse->getXML();
//include any external dependencies associated with this function name
if (array_key_exists($sFunctionName,$this->aFunctionIncludeFiles))
if ($bFoundFunction) {
$sFunctionNameForSpecial = $sFunctionName;
if (!array_key_exists($sFunctionName, $this->aFunctions))
if ($this->sCatchAllFunction) {
$sFunctionName = $this->sCatchAllFunction;
$bFunctionIsCatchAll = true;
else {
$bFoundFunction = false;
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$objResponse->addAlert("Unknown Function $sFunctionName.");
$sResponse = $objResponse->getXML();
else if ($this->aFunctionRequestTypes[$sFunctionName] != $requestMode)
$bFoundFunction = false;
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$objResponse->addAlert("Incorrect Request Type.");
$sResponse = $objResponse->getXML();
if ($bFoundFunction)
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($aArgs); $i++)
// If magic quotes is on, then we need to strip the slashes from the args
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1 && is_string($aArgs[$i])) {
$aArgs[$i] = stripslashes($aArgs[$i]);
if (stristr($aArgs[$i],"") != false)
$aArgs[$i] = $this->_xmlToArray("xjxobj",$aArgs[$i]);
else if (stristr($aArgs[$i],"") != false)
$aArgs[$i] = $this->_xmlToArray("xjxquery",$aArgs[$i]);
else if ($this->bDecodeUTF8Input)
$aArgs[$i] = $this->_decodeUTF8Data($aArgs[$i]);
if ($this->sPreFunction) {
$mPreResponse = $this->_callFunction($this->sPreFunction, array($sFunctionNameForSpecial, $aArgs));
if (is_array($mPreResponse) && $mPreResponse[0] === false) {
$bEndRequest = true;
$sPreResponse = $mPreResponse[1];
else {
$sPreResponse = $mPreResponse;
if (is_a($sPreResponse, "xajaxResponse")) {
$sPreResponse = $sPreResponse->getXML();
if ($bEndRequest) $sResponse = $sPreResponse;
if (!$bEndRequest) {
if (!$this->_isFunctionCallable($sFunctionName)) {
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$objResponse->addAlert("The Registered Function $sFunctionName Could Not Be Found.");
$sResponse = $objResponse->getXML();
else {
if ($bFunctionIsCatchAll) {
$aArgs = array($sFunctionNameForSpecial, $aArgs);
$sResponse = $this->_callFunction($sFunctionName, $aArgs);
if (is_a($sResponse, "xajaxResponse")) {
$sResponse = $sResponse->getXML();
if (!is_string($sResponse) || strpos($sResponse, "") === FALSE) {
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$objResponse->addAlert("No XML Response Was Returned By Function $sFunctionName.");
$sResponse = $objResponse->getXML();
else if ($sPreResponse != "") {
$sNewResponse = new xajaxResponse($this->sEncoding, $this->bOutputEntities);
$sResponse = $sNewResponse->getXML();
$sContentHeader = "Content-type: text/xml;";
if ($this->sEncoding && strlen(trim($this->sEncoding)) > 0)
$sContentHeader .= " charset=".$this->sEncoding;
if ($this->bErrorHandler && !empty( $GLOBALS['xajaxErrorHandlerText'] )) {
$sErrorResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$sErrorResponse->addAlert("** PHP Error Messages: **" . $GLOBALS['xajaxErrorHandlerText']);
if ($this->sLogFile) {
$fH = @fopen($this->sLogFile, "a");
if (!$fH) {
$sErrorResponse->addAlert("** Logging Error **\n\nxajax was unable to write to the error log file:\n" . $this->sLogFile);
else {
fwrite($fH, "** xajax Error Log - " . strftime("%b %e %Y %I:%M:%S %p") . " **" . $GLOBALS['xajaxErrorHandlerText'] . "\n\n\n");
$sResponse = $sErrorResponse->getXML();
if ($this->bCleanBuffer) while (@ob_end_clean());
print $sResponse;
if ($this->bErrorHandler) restore_error_handler();
if ($this->bExitAllowed)
* Prints the xajax Javascript header and wrapper code into your page by
* printing the output of the getJavascript() method. It should only be
* called between the
tags in your HTML page.
* Remember, if you only want to obtain the result of this function, use
* {@link xajax::getJavascript()} instead.
* Usage:
* ...
* < ?php $xajax->printJavascript(); ? >
* @param string the relative address of the folder where xajax has been
* installed. For instance, if your PHP file is
* ""
* and xajax was installed in
* "", then $sJsURI
* should be set to "../anotherfolder". Defaults to assuming
* xajax is in the same folder as your PHP file.
* @param string the relative folder/file pair of the xajax Javascript
* engine located within the xajax installation folder.
* Defaults to xajax_js/xajax.js.
function printJavascript($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL)
print $this->getJavascript($sJsURI, $sJsFile);
* Returns the xajax Javascript code that should be added to your HTML page
* between the tags.
* Usage:
* < ?php $xajaxJSHead = $xajax->getJavascript(); ? >
* ...
* < ?php echo $xajaxJSHead; ? >
* @param string the relative address of the folder where xajax has been
* installed. For instance, if your PHP file is
* ""
* and xajax was installed in
* "", then $sJsURI
* should be set to "../anotherfolder". Defaults to assuming
* xajax is in the same folder as your PHP file.
* @param string the relative folder/file pair of the xajax Javascript
* engine located within the xajax installation folder.
* Defaults to xajax_js/xajax.js.
* @return string
function getJavascript($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL)
$html = $this->getJavascriptConfig();
$html .= $this->getJavascriptInclude($sJsURI, $sJsFile);
return $html;
* Returns a string containing inline Javascript that sets up the xajax
* runtime (typically called internally by xajax from get/printJavascript).
* @return string
function getJavascriptConfig()
$html = "\t\n";
return $html;
* Returns a string containing a Javascript include of the xajax.js file
* along with a check to see if the file loaded after six seconds
* (typically called internally by xajax from get/printJavascript).
* @param string the relative address of the folder where xajax has been
* installed. For instance, if your PHP file is
* ""
* and xajax was installed in
* "", then $sJsURI
* should be set to "../anotherfolder". Defaults to assuming
* xajax is in the same folder as your PHP file.
* @param string the relative folder/file pair of the xajax Javascript
* engine located within the xajax installation folder.
* Defaults to xajax_js/xajax.js.
* @return string
function getJavascriptInclude($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL)
$html = api_get_js('js/xajax/xajax.js');
$html .= "\t\n";
return $html;
* Returns the current URL based upon the SERVER vars.
* @access private
* @return string
function _detectURI() {
$aURL = array();
// Try to get the request URL
if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$aURL = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// Fill in the empty values
if (empty($aURL['scheme'])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_SCHEME'])) {
$aURL['scheme'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_SCHEME'];
} else {
$aURL['scheme'] = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off') ? 'https' : 'http';
if (empty($aURL['host'])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ':') > 0) {
list($aURL['host'], $aURL['port']) = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
} else {
$aURL['host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$aURL['host'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
} else {
print "xajax Error: xajax failed to automatically identify your Request URI.";
print "Please set the Request URI explicitly when you instantiate the xajax object.";
if (empty($aURL['port']) && !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
$aURL['port'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
if (empty($aURL['path'])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
$sPath = parse_url($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
} else {
$sPath = parse_url(api_get_self());
$aURL['path'] = $sPath['path'];
if (!empty($aURL['query'])) {
$aURL['query'] = '?'.$aURL['query'];
// Build the URL: Start with scheme, user and pass
$sURL = api_get_self();
// Add the path and the query string
$sURL.= @$aURL['query'];
// Clean up
return $sURL;
* Returns true if the function name is associated with an object callback,
* false if not.
* @param string the name of the function
* @access private
* @return boolean
function _isObjectCallback($sFunction)
if (array_key_exists($sFunction, $this->aObjects)) return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the function or object callback can be called, false if
* not.
* @param string the name of the function
* @access private
* @return boolean
function _isFunctionCallable($sFunction)
if ($this->_isObjectCallback($sFunction)) {
if (is_object($this->aObjects[$sFunction][0])) {
return method_exists($this->aObjects[$sFunction][0], $this->aObjects[$sFunction][1]);
else {
return is_callable($this->aObjects[$sFunction]);
else {
return function_exists($sFunction);
* Calls the function, class method, or object method with the supplied
* arguments.
* @param string the name of the function
* @param array arguments to pass to the function
* @access private
* @return mixed the output of the called function or method
function _callFunction($sFunction, $aArgs)
if ($this->_isObjectCallback($sFunction)) {
$mReturn = call_user_func_array($this->aObjects[$sFunction], $aArgs);
else {
$mReturn = call_user_func_array($sFunction, $aArgs);
return $mReturn;
* Generates the Javascript wrapper for the specified PHP function.
* @param string the name of the function
* @param mixed the request type
* @access private
* @return string
function _wrap($sFunction,$sRequestType=XAJAX_POST)
$js = "function ".$this->sWrapperPrefix."$sFunction(){return\"$sFunction\", arguments, ".$sRequestType.");}\n";
return $js;
* Takes a string containing xajax xjxobj XML or xjxquery XML and builds an
* array representation of it to pass as an argument to the PHP function
* being called.
* @param string the root tag of the XML
* @param string XML to convert
* @access private
* @return array
function _xmlToArray($rootTag, $sXml)
$aArray = array();
$sXml = str_replace("<$rootTag>","<$rootTag>|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("$rootTag>","$rootTag>|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~||~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~||~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("","|~|",$sXml);
$sXml = str_replace("
$this->aObjArray = explode("|~|",$sXml);
$this->iPos = 0;
$aArray = $this->_parseObjXml($rootTag);
return $aArray;
* A recursive function that generates an array from the contents of
* $this->aObjArray.
* @param string the root tag of the XML
* @access private
* @return array
function _parseObjXml($rootTag)
$aArray = array();
if ($rootTag == "xjxobj")
$key = "";
$value = null;
$key .= $this->aObjArray[$this->iPos];
$value = $this->_parseObjXml("xjxobj");
$value .= $this->aObjArray[$this->iPos];
if ($this->bDecodeUTF8Input)
$value = $this->_decodeUTF8Data($value);
if ($rootTag == "xjxquery")
$sQuery = "";
if (stristr($this->aObjArray[$this->iPos],"") || stristr($this->aObjArray[$this->iPos],"
$sQuery .= $this->aObjArray[$this->iPos];
parse_str($sQuery, $aArray);
if ($this->bDecodeUTF8Input)
foreach($aArray as $key => $value)
$aArray[$key] = $this->_decodeUTF8Data($value);
// If magic quotes is on, then we need to strip the slashes from the
// array values because of the parse_str pass which adds slashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) {
$newArray = array();
foreach ($aArray as $sKey => $sValue) {
if (is_string($sValue))
$newArray[$sKey] = stripslashes($sValue);
$newArray[$sKey] = $sValue;
$aArray = $newArray;
return $aArray;
* Decodes string data from UTF-8 to the current xajax encoding.
* @param string data to convert
* @access private
* @return string converted data
function _decodeUTF8Data($sData)
$sValue = $sData;
if ($this->bDecodeUTF8Input)
$sFuncToUse = NULL;
// An adaptation for the Dokeos LMS, 22-AUG-2009.
if (function_exists('api_convert_encoding'))
$sFuncToUse = "api_convert_encoding";
//if (function_exists('iconv'))
elseif (function_exists('iconv'))
$sFuncToUse = "iconv";
else if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
$sFuncToUse = "mb_convert_encoding";
else if ($this->sEncoding == "ISO-8859-1")
$sFuncToUse = "utf8_decode";
trigger_error("The incoming xajax data could not be converted from UTF-8", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sFuncToUse)
if (is_string($sValue))
if ($sFuncToUse == "iconv")
$sValue = iconv("UTF-8", $this->sEncoding.'//TRANSLIT', $sValue);
else if ($sFuncToUse == "mb_convert_encoding")
$sValue = mb_convert_encoding($sValue, $this->sEncoding, "UTF-8");
// Added code, an adaptation for the Dokeos LMS, 22-AUG-2009.
else if ($sFuncToUse == "api_convert_encoding")
$sValue = api_convert_encoding($sValue, $this->sEncoding, "UTF-8");
$sValue = utf8_decode($sValue);
return $sValue;
}// end class xajax
* This function is registered with PHP's set_error_handler() function if
* the xajax error handling system is turned on.
function xajaxErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
$errorReporting = error_reporting();
if (($errno & $errorReporting) == 0) return;
if ($errno == E_NOTICE) {
$errTypeStr = "NOTICE";
else if ($errno == E_WARNING) {
$errTypeStr = "WARNING";
else if ($errno == E_USER_NOTICE) {
$errTypeStr = "USER NOTICE";
else if ($errno == E_USER_WARNING) {
$errTypeStr = "USER WARNING";
else if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR) {
$errTypeStr = "USER FATAL ERROR";
else if ($errno == E_STRICT) {
else {
$errTypeStr = "UNKNOWN: $errno";
$GLOBALS['xajaxErrorHandlerText'] .= "\n----\n[$errTypeStr] $errstr\nerror in line $errline of file $errfile";