'use strict'; let bluebird = require('bluebird'); let fs = bluebird.promisifyAll(require('fs')); let hljs = require('../../build'); let path = require('path'); let utility = require('../utility'); function testAutoDetection(language) { const languagePath = utility.buildPath('detect', language); it(`should have test for ${language}`, function() { return fs.statAsync(languagePath) .then(path => path.isDirectory().should.be.true); }); it(`should be detected as ${language}`, function() { return fs.readdirAsync(languagePath) .map(function(example) { const filename = path.join(languagePath, example); return fs.readFileAsync(filename, 'utf-8'); }) .each(function(content) { const expected = language, actual = hljs.highlightAuto(content).language; actual.should.equal(expected); }); }); } describe('hljs.highlightAuto()', function() { const languages = hljs.listLanguages(); languages.forEach(testAutoDetection); });