*/ /** * Variables */ //// Addressing variables // $search_url is the relative URL from the HTTP root of this portal, to the // 'searchit.php' script. Something like /plugin/search/client/searchit.php $search_url = '/plugin/search/client/searchit.php'; // $server_url is the URL of the server containing the search engine XML // interface (the contents of the server/www directory in this plugin package) // and, more precisely, the absolute web path to the search.php script $server_url = 'http://your.domain.com/subdir/search/search.php'; //// Language variables // The name to be displayed on the 'Search' button $lang_search_button = 'Search'; // The text to be suffixed to the number of search results found $lang_search_found = 'résultats trouvés.'; // The text to be suffixed to the number of seconds the search took $lang_seconds = 'secondes'; // the text to be shown if no results were found $lang_no_result_found = 'La recherche n\'a pas renvoyé de résultat.'; ?>