粗體字 的地方是必要的.";
$langNotXML = "文件不符合XML格式!";
$langNotCSV = "文件不符合CSV格式!";
$langNoNeededData = "文件內未含所須資料!";
$langMaxImportUsers = "一次無法輸入大於500使用者!";
$langAdminDatabases = "資料庫(PhpMyAdmin)";
$langAdminUsers = "使用者";
$langAdminClasses = "使用者的班級";
$langAdminGroups = "使用者的群組";
$langAdminCourses = "課目";
$langAdminCategories = "課目類別";
$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "加入 使用者 / 群組 到課目";
$langAddACategory = "新增類別";
$langInto = "到";
$langNoCategories = "沒有類別";
$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "該類別中允許加課目?";
$langGoToForum = "到討論區";
$langCategoryCode = "類別代碼";
$langCategoryName = "類別名稱";
$langCategories = "類別";
$langEditNode = "編輯該類別";
$langOpenNode = "開啟此類別";
$langDeleteNode = "刪除此類別";
$langAddChildNode = "新增次類別";
$langViewChildren = "類示次類別";
$langTreeRebuildedIn = "主目錄重建於";
$langTreeRecountedIn = "主目錄重數(recounted)於";
$langRebuildTree = "重建主目錄";
$langRefreshNbChildren = "重新整理次目錄的數目";
$langShowTree = "顯示主目錄";
$langBack = "回到上一頁";
$langLogDeleteCat = "類別已刪除";
$langRecountChildren = "重數(Recount)次類別";
$langUpInSameLevel = "同一方向上";
$langSeconds = "秒";
$langMailTo = "寄給:";
$lang_no_access_here = "不開放";
$lang_php_info = "系統資訊";
$langAddAdminInApache = "新增管理員";
$langAddFaculties = "新增類別";
$langSearchACourse = "搜尋課目";
$langSearchAUser = "搜尋使用者";
$langTechnicalTools = "技術支援";
$langConfig = "系統配置";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "登入名單(extended)";
$GlobalRole = "全局角色";
$langNomOutilTodo = "管理 Todo 列表";
$langNomPageAdmin = "系統管理";
$langSysInfo = "系統資訊";
$langDiffTranslation = "比較翻譯";
$langStatOf = "統計資料於";
$langLogIdentLogout = "登入清單";
$langServerStatus = "MySQL 伺服器狀態";
$langDataBase = "資料庫";
$langRun = "順利進行";
$langClient = "MySql 客戶端";
$langServer = "MySql 伺服器";
$langtitulary = "主控者";
$langUpgradeBase = "更新資料庫";
$langManage = "管理入口";
$langErrorsFound = "發現問題";
$langMaintenance = "維護";
$langUpgrade = "Dokeos 升級";
$langWebsite = "Dokeos 官方網站";
$langDocumentation = "文件";
$langContribute = "貢獻";
$langInfoServer = "伺服器資訊";
$langOtherCategory = "其他類別";
$langSendMailToUsers = "發送郵件給使用者";
$langExampleXMLFile = "XML文件範例";
$langExampleCSVFile = "CSV 文件範例";
$langCourseSystemCode = "系統代碼";
$langCourseVisualCode = "可見代碼";
$langSystemCode = "系統代碼";
$langVisualCode = "可見代碼";
$langAddCourse = "新增課目";
$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = " 管理虛擬課目";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "新增虛擬課目";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "這門虛擬課程將會和存在的真實課程共享儲存空間(目錄和資料庫空間)";
$langRealCourseCode = "真實課程代碼";
$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "課程已經新增";
$langYourDokeosUses = "Dokeos 安裝程序現在使用中";
$langOnTheHardDisk = "在硬碟上";
$langIsVirtualCourse = "是虛擬課程";
$langSystemAnnouncements = "系統公告";
$langAddAnnouncement = "新增公告";
$langAnnouncementAdded = "公告已新增";
$langAnnouncementUpdated = "公告已更新";
$langAnnouncementDeleted = "公告已刪除";
$langContent = "內容";
$langStudent = "學生";
$Guest = "訪客";
$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "登入為";
$langLoginAsThisUser = "登入";
$langCourseAdmin = "課目管理員";
$langOtherCourses = "其它課目";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "平台語言";
$ServerStatusTitle = "伺服器類別";
$PlatformLanguages = " Dokes 平台語言";
$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "這個工具管理在登入頁的語言選單中。平台管理員能決定哪種語言應該是為你的使用者服務。";
$OriginalName = "原始名字";
$EnglishName = "英文名字";
$DokeosFolder = "Dokeos 文件夾";
$Properties = "屬性";
$DokeosConfigSettings = "Dokeos 配置";
$SettingsStored = "設定已儲存";
$InstitutionTitle = "學校名稱";
$InstitutionComment = "學校名稱(出現在右上方標題)";
$InstitutionUrlTitle = "學校網址 ";
$InstitutionUrlComment = "學校網址(出現在右上方標題)";
$SiteNameTitle = "Dokeos 學校名稱";
$SiteNameComment = "Dokeos 學校名稱 (出現在標題)";
$emailAdministratorTitle = "平台管理員電子郵件:";
$emailAdministratorComment = "平台管理員 E-mail (左下角)";
$administratorSurnameTitle = "平台管理員姓:";
$administratorSurnameComment = "平台管理員的姓氏(出現在底部的左邊)";
$administratorNameTitle = "平台管理員名:";
$administratorNameComment = "平台管理員名(左下角)";
$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "平台管理員資訊在下方";
$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "下方顯示平台管理員資訊?";
$HomepageViewTitle = "首頁";
$HomepageViewComment = "你喜歡哪種課程首頁?";
$HomepageViewDefault = "兩欄布局。隱藏未啟用的工具";
$HomepageViewFixed = "三欄布局。灰色隱藏未啟用的工具(圖示)";
$Yes = "是";
$No = "否";
$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "工具捷徑";
$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "橫幅顯示工具捷徑?";
$ShowStudentViewTitle = "學生模式";
$ShowStudentViewComment = "允許學生模式?
$AllowGroupCategories = "群組類別";
$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "允許課目管理員在群組模組新增類別?";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "平台管理員可以決定不同的語言系統.到Dokeos Platform Languages可下載不同的語言系統";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "平台語言";
$ProductionServer = "平台伺服器";
$TestServer = "測試伺服器";
$ShowOnlineTitle = "線上使用者";
$AsPlatformLanguage = "作為平台語言";
$ShowOnlineComment = "顯示線上使用者總數?";
$AllowNameChangeTitle = "允許使用者改變個人資訊?";
$AllowNameChangeComment = "允許使用者改變姓名?";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "預設文件數限制";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "預設文件數限制是多少?管理員可修改:管理>課目>修改";
$ProfileChangesTitle = "使用者資訊";
$ProfileChangesComment = "可修改哪一項使用者資訊?";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "此為註冊必需填寫的資料:";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "哪一些資料是必需的(包括姓,名,登入名稱,密碼)";
$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "預設群組量限制";
$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "預設群組文件限量是多少?";
$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "密碼遺失";
$AllowLostPasswordComment = "允許使用者取回密碼?";
$AllowRegistrationTitle = "註冊";
$AllowRegistrationComment = "新使用者可以註冊?使用者可以新增帳號?";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "註冊為教師";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "新使用者可以註冊為教師(新建課目)?";
$PlatformLanguage = "平台語言";
$CourseQuota = "課目限量";
$EditNotice = "編輯通知";
$General = "普通";
$LostPassword = "密碼遺失";
$Registration = "註冊";
$Password = "密碼";
$InsertLink = "新增連結";
$EditNews = "編輯新聞";
$EditCategories = "編輯類別";
$EditHomePage = "編輯首頁";
$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "課目管理員能定義使用者標題檢索另外的使用者資訊嗎?";
$Platform = "平台";
$Course = "課目";
$Languages = "語言";
$Privacy = "隱私";
$NoticeTitle = "通知的標題";
$NoticeText = "通知的內容";
$LinkName = "連結的內容";
$LinkURL = "連接的網址";
$OpenInNewWindow = "開新視窗";
$Plugins = "套件";
$AdvancedSearch = "進階搜尋";
$Info = "資訊";
$UserAdded = "使用者已新增";
$NoSearchResults = "找不到您所搜尋的資訊";
$UserDeleted = "該使用者已刪除";
$NoClassesForThisCourse = "本課目無班級選修";
$CourseUsage = "課目使用";
$NoCoursesForThisUser = "該使用者沒有選修該課目";
$NoClassesForThisUser = "該使用者沒有加入該班級";
$NoCoursesForThisClass = "該班級沒有選修此課目";
$langOpenToTheWorld = "開放 - 所有人均可以存取";
$OpenToThePlatform = "開放 - 僅供本平台已註冊的使用者";
$langPrivate = "僅對使用者清單上的使用者開放";
$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "關閉;課目僅有管理員可以使用";
$langSubscription = "選修";
$langUnsubscription = "取消選修";
$langConfTip = "課目預設為開放,但是你可以自行定義開放程度.";
$Tool = "工具";
$NumberOfItems = "項目總數";
$DocumentsAndFolders = " 文件與文件夾";
$Learnpath = "學習路徑";
$Exercises = "練習";
$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "個人議程";
$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "使用者可以在議程頁上新增議程嗎?";
$CurrentValue = "當前值";
$CourseDescription = "課目大綱";
$OnlineConference = "線上會議";
$Chat = "聊天";
$Quiz = "練習";
$Announcements = "公告";
$Links = "連結";
$LearningPath = "學習路徑";
$Documents = "文件";
$UserPicture = "圖片";
$officialcode = "正式代碼";
$Login = "登入";
$UserPassword = "密碼";
$SubscriptionAllowed = "允許選修";
$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "允許退選";
$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "允許";
$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "拒絕";
$AddDummyContentToCourse = "新增該課目範例";
$DummyCourseCreator = "新增課目範例內容";
$DummyCourseDescription = "新增課目範例內容作為測驗";
$AvailablePlugins = "你的系統的套件";
$CreateVirtualCourse = "新增虛擬課目";
$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "顯示虛擬課程清單";
$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "連接真實課目代碼";
$WantedCourseCode = "索取課目代碼";
$ResetPassword = "密碼重置";
$CheckToSendNewPassword = "檢測發送新密碼";
$AutoGeneratePassword = "密碼自動生成";
$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "用標題作為文件名稱";
$UseDocumentTitleComment = "允許用標題作為文件名而非DOCUEMNT_NAME.EXT";
$StudentPublications = "學生作品(Publications)";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "刪除的文件無法回復";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "此文件已刪除,無法復原";
$ClassName = "班級名";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "繳作業:最大文件限量";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "繳交的文件有多大限制?(in bytes)";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "繳作業:文件能覆蓋?";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "當使用者上傳文件時能否覆寫已在平台上的同名文件?如果你回答是,你就不能修改版本.(If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism)";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "繳作業:上傳?";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "允許老師與學生上傳各自的文件,而不是發給別人.";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "繳作業:學生 <-> 學生";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "允許學生對學生交換文件,也可以用於其它目的(如MP3).如果不允許,則學生只能給老師發文件.";
$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "繳作業:允許電子郵件";
$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "郵寄功能讓你能寄給每一個學生個人文件";
$UserListHasBeenExported = "使用者名單已輸出";
$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "點此處下載文件";
$administratorTelephoneTitle = "管理員電話:";
$administratorTelephoneComment = "管理員電話號碼";
$SendMailToNewUser = "Email 給新用戶";
$ExtendedProfileTitle = "詳細資料(Extended profile)";
$ExtendedProfileComment = " 如果這個設置〞對(True)〞, 用戶能填寫下列資料: 〞技能 My competences 〞,〞文化 My diplomas 〞,〞能教 What I am able to teach 〞與〞其它 My personal open area〞.";
$Classes = "班級";
$UserUnsubscribed = "使用者現在已退選";
$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "使用者無法退選,因為該使用者為課目管理員.";
$InvalidStartDate = "起始日期無效";
$InvalidEndDate = "結束日期無效";
$DateFormatLabel = "日/月/年 時:分";
$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "首頁無法寫入文件!";
$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "請填寫通知內容";
$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "請填寫通知標題";
$PleaseEnterLinkName = "請填寫連結名稱";
$InsertThisLink = "插入連結";
$FirstPlace = "第一處";
$After = "後";
$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "繳作業:允許群組";
$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "使用者可傳送文件到群組";
$ClassDeleted = "班級已刪除";
$ClassesDeleted = "所有班級已刪除";
$NoUsersInClass = "該班級無人";
$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "所選取之使用者已加選到選取之課目";
$InvalidTitle = "請輸入標題";
$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "該類別已使用";
$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "請為該類別命名並填寫代碼";
$DokeosHomepage = "Dokeos 官方網站";
$DokeosForum = "Dokeos 論壇";
$RegisterYourPortal = "註冊本站(Register your portal)";
$DokeosExtensions = "Dokeos 擴充套件";
$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "左邊選單";
$LoginAs = "登入為";
$ImportClassListCSV = "用 CSV 匯入班級清單";
$ShowOnlineWorld = "在登入頁面顯示所有線上使用者人數 (所有人均可看見)";
$ShowOnlineUsers = "顯示所有線上使用者人數 (僅供登入使用者看見)";
$ShowOnlineCourse = "顯示本課程的線上使用者";
$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "显示课程指南菜单";