// CRYPTO LIBRARY FOR EXCHANGING KEYS // USING THE DIFFIE-HELLMAN KEY EXCHANGE PROTOCOL // The diffie-hellman can be used to securely exchange keys // between parties, where a third party eavesdropper given // the values being transmitted cannot determine the key. // Implemented by Lee Griffiths, Jan 2004. // This software is freeware, you may use it to your discretion, // however by doing so you take full responsibility for any damage // it may cause. // Hope you find it useful, even if you just use some of the functions // out of it like the prime number generator and the XtoYmodN function. // It would be great if you could send me emails to: lee.griffiths@first4internet.co.uk // with any suggestions, comments, or questions! // Enjoy. // Adopted to ms-logon for ultravnc and ported to Java by marscha, 2006. //import java.lang.Math; public class DH { public DH() { maxNum = (((long) 1) << DH_MAX_BITS) - 1; } public DH(long generator, long modulus) throws Exception { maxNum = (((long) 1) << DH_MAX_BITS) - 1; if (generator >= maxNum || modulus >= maxNum) throw new Exception("Modulus or generator too large."); gen = generator; mod = modulus; } private long rng(long limit) { return (long) (java.lang.Math.random() * limit); } //Performs the miller-rabin primality test on a guessed prime n. //trials is the number of attempts to verify this, because the function //is not 100% accurate it may be a composite. However setting the trial //value to around 5 should guarantee success even with very large primes private boolean millerRabin (long n, int trials) { long a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { a = rng(n - 3) + 2;// gets random value in [2..n-1] if (XpowYmodN(a, n - 1, n) != 1) return false; //n composite, return false } return true; // n probably prime } //Generates a large prime number by //choosing a randomly large integer, and ensuring the value is odd //then uses the miller-rabin primality test on it to see if it is prime //if not the value gets increased until it is prime private long generatePrime() { long prime = 0; do { long start = rng(maxNum); prime = tryToGeneratePrime(start); } while (prime == 0); return prime; } private long tryToGeneratePrime(long prime) { //ensure it is an odd number if ((prime & 1) == 0) prime += 1; long cnt = 0; while (!millerRabin(prime, 25) && (cnt++ < DH_RANGE) && prime < maxNum) { prime += 2; if ((prime % 3) == 0) prime += 2; } return (cnt >= DH_RANGE || prime >= maxNum) ? 0 : prime; } //Raises X to the power Y in modulus N //the values of X, Y, and N can be massive, and this can be //achieved by first calculating X to the power of 2 then //using power chaining over modulus N private long XpowYmodN(long x, long y, long N) { long result = 1; final long oneShift63 = ((long) 1) << 63; for (int i = 0; i < 64; y <<= 1, i++){ result = result * result % N; if ((y & oneShift63) != 0) result = result * x % N; } return result; } public void createKeys() { gen = generatePrime(); mod = generatePrime(); if (gen > mod) { long swap = gen; gen = mod; mod = swap; } } public long createInterKey() { priv = rng(maxNum); return pub = XpowYmodN(gen,priv,mod); } public long createEncryptionKey(long interKey) throws Exception { if (interKey >= maxNum){ throw new Exception("interKey too large"); } return key = XpowYmodN(interKey,priv,mod); } public long getValue(int flags) { switch (flags) { case DH_MOD: return mod; case DH_GEN: return gen; case DH_PRIV: return priv; case DH_PUB: return pub; case DH_KEY: return key; default: return (long) 0; } } public int bits(long number){ for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++){ number /= 2; if (number < 2) return i; } return 0; } public static byte[] longToBytes(long number) { byte[] bytes = new byte[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) (0xff & (number >> (8 * (7 - i)))); } return bytes; } public static long bytesToLong(byte[] bytes) { long result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { result <<= 8; result += (byte) bytes[i]; } return result; } private long gen; private long mod; private long priv; private long pub; private long key; private long maxNum; private static final int DH_MAX_BITS = 31; private static final int DH_RANGE = 100; private static final int DH_MOD = 1; private static final int DH_GEN = 2; private static final int DH_PRIV = 3; private static final int DH_PUB = 4; private static final int DH_KEY = 5; }