dropbox_cnf("maxFilesize")) { $errormsg = dropbox_lang("tooBig"); $error = TRUE; }elseif ( !is_uploaded_file( $dropbox_filetmpname)) // check user fraud : no clean error msg. { die ( dropbox_lang("badFormData")." (code 403)"); } if ( !$error) { // Try to add an extension to the file if it hasn't got one $dropbox_filename = add_ext_on_mime( $dropbox_filename,$dropbox_filetype); // Replace dangerous characters $dropbox_filename = replace_dangerous_char( $dropbox_filename); // Transform any .php file in .phps fo security $dropbox_filename = php2phps ( $dropbox_filename); if(!filter_extension($dropbox_filename)) { $error = true; $errormsg = get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension'); } else { // set title $dropbox_title = $dropbox_filename; // set author if ( $_POST['authors'] == '') { $_POST['authors'] = getUserNameFromId( $_user['user_id']); } if ( $dropbox_overwrite) // RH: Mailing: adapted { $dropbox_person = new Dropbox_Person( $_user['user_id'], $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor); foreach($dropbox_person->sentWork as $w) { if ($w->title == $dropbox_filename) { if ( ($w->recipients[0]['id'] > dropbox_cnf("mailingIdBase")) xor $thisIsAMailing) { $error = TRUE; $errormsg = dropbox_lang("mailingNonMailingError"); } if ( ($w->recipients[0]['id'] == $_user['user_id']) xor $thisIsJustUpload) { $error = TRUE; $errormsg = get_lang("MailingJustUploadSelectNoOther"); } $dropbox_filename = $w->filename; $found = true; break; } } } else // rename file to login_filename_uniqueId format { $dropbox_filename = getLoginFromId( $_user['user_id']) . "_" . $dropbox_filename . "_".uniqid(''); } if ( ( ! is_dir( dropbox_cnf("sysPath")))) { //The dropbox subdir doesn't exist yet so make it and create the .htaccess file mkdir( dropbox_cnf("sysPath"), 0700) or die ( dropbox_lang("errorCreatingDir")." (code 404)"); $fp = fopen( dropbox_cnf("sysPath")."/.htaccess", "w") or die (dropbox_lang("errorCreatingDir")." (code 405)"); fwrite($fp, "AuthName AllowLocalAccess AuthType Basic order deny,allow deny from all php_flag zlib.output_compression off") or die (dropbox_lang("errorCreatingDir")." (code 406)"); } if ( $error) {} elseif ( $thisIsAMailing) // RH: $newWorkRecipients is integer - see class { if ( preg_match( dropbox_cnf("mailingZipRegexp"), $dropbox_title)) { $newWorkRecipients = dropbox_cnf("mailingIdBase"); } else { $error = TRUE; $errormsg = $dropbox_title . ": " . dropbox_lang("mailingWrongZipfile"); } } elseif ( $thisIsJustUpload) // RH: $newWorkRecipients is empty array { $newWorkRecipients = array(); } else { // creating the array that contains all the users who will receive the file $newWorkRecipients = array(); foreach ($_POST["recipients"] as $rec) { if (strpos($rec, 'user_') === 0) { $newWorkRecipients[] = substr($rec, strlen('user_') ); } elseif (strpos($rec, 'group_') === 0 ) { $userList = GroupManager::get_subscribed_users(substr($rec, strlen('group_') )); foreach ($userList as $usr) { if (! in_array($usr['user_id'], $newWorkRecipients) && $usr['user_id'] != $_user['user_id']) { $newWorkRecipients[] = $usr['user_id']; } } } } } //After uploading the file, create the db entries if ( !$error) { @move_uploaded_file( $dropbox_filetmpname, dropbox_cnf("sysPath") . '/' . $dropbox_filename) or die( dropbox_lang("uploadError")." (code 407)"); new Dropbox_SentWork( $_user['user_id'], $dropbox_title, $_POST['description'], strip_tags($_POST['authors']), $dropbox_filename, $dropbox_filesize, $newWorkRecipients); } } } } //end if(!$error) /** * ======================================== * SUBMIT FORM RESULTMESSAGE * ======================================== */ if ( !$error) { $return_message=get_lang('FileUploadSucces'); } else { $return_message=$errormsg; } } // end if ( isset( $_POST["submitWork"])) /** * ======================================== * // RH: EXAMINE OR SEND MAILING (NEW) * ======================================== */ if ( isset( $_GET['mailingIndex'])) // examine or send { $dropbox_person = new Dropbox_Person( $_user['user_id'], $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor); if ( isset($_SESSION["sentOrder"])) { $dropbox_person->orderSentWork ($_SESSION["sentOrder"]); } $i = $_GET['mailingIndex']; $mailing_item = $dropbox_person->sentWork[$i]; $mailing_title = $mailing_item->title; $mailing_file = dropbox_cnf("sysPath") . '/' . $mailing_item->filename; $errormsg = '' . $mailing_item->recipients[0]['name'] . ' (' . "" . htmlspecialchars($mailing_title,ENT_QUOTES,$charset) . '):

'; if ( preg_match( dropbox_cnf("mailingZipRegexp"), $mailing_title, $nameParts)) { $var = api_strtoupper($nameParts[2]); // the variable part of the name $course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sel = "SELECT u.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname, cu.status FROM `".$_configuration['main_database']."`.`user` u LEFT JOIN $course_user cu ON cu.user_id = u.user_id AND cu.course_code = '".$_course['sysCode']."'"; $sel .= " WHERE u.".dropbox_cnf("mailingWhere".$var)." = '"; function getUser($thisRecip) { // string result = error message, array result = [user_id, lastname, firstname] global $var, $sel; if (isset($students)) { unset($students); } $result = Database::query($sel . $thisRecip . "'",__FILE__,__LINE__); while ( ($res = Database::fetch_array($result))) {$students[] = $res;} mysql_free_result($result); if (count($students) == 1) { return($students[0]); } elseif (count($students) > 1) { return ' <'.dropbox_lang("mailingFileRecipDup", "noDLTT").$var."= $thisRecip>"; } else { return ' <'.dropbox_lang("mailingFileRecipNotFound", "noDLTT").$var."= $thisRecip>"; } } $preFix = $nameParts[1]; $postFix = $nameParts[3]; $preLen = api_strlen($preFix); $postLen = api_strlen($postFix); function findRecipient($thisFile) { // string result = error message, array result = [user_id, lastname, firstname, status] global $nameParts, $preFix, $preLen, $postFix, $postLen; if ( preg_match(dropbox_cnf("mailingFileRegexp"), $thisFile, $matches)) { $thisName = $matches[1]; if ( api_substr($thisName, 0, $preLen) == $preFix) { if ( $postLen == 0 || api_substr($thisName, -$postLen) == $postFix) { $thisRecip = api_substr($thisName, $preLen, api_strlen($thisName) - $preLen - $postLen); if ( $thisRecip) return getUser($thisRecip); return ' <'.dropbox_lang("mailingFileNoRecip", "noDLTT").'>'; } else { return ' <'.dropbox_lang("mailingFileNoPostfix", "noDLTT").$postFix.'>'; } } else { return ' <'.dropbox_lang("mailingFileNoPrefix", "noDLTT").$preFix.'>'; } } else { return ' <'.dropbox_lang("mailingFileFunny", "noDLTT").'>'; } } if (file_exists(api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) . "/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php")) { require(api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) . "/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"); } else { require(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"); } $zipFile = new pclZip($mailing_file); $goodFiles = array(); $zipContent = $zipFile->listContent(); $ucaseFiles = array(); if ( $zipContent) { foreach( $zipFile->listContent() as $thisContent) { $thisFile = substr(strrchr('/' . $thisContent['filename'], '/'), 1); $thisFileUcase = strtoupper($thisFile); if ( preg_match("~.(php.*|phtml)$~i", $thisFile) ) { $error = TRUE; $errormsg .= $thisFile . ': ' . dropbox_lang("mailingZipPhp"); break; } elseif ( !$thisContent['folder']) { if ( $ucaseFiles[$thisFileUcase]) { $error = TRUE; $errormsg .= $thisFile . ': ' . dropbox_lang("mailingZipDups"); break; } else { $goodFiles[$thisFile] = findRecipient($thisFile); $ucaseFiles[$thisFileUcase] = "yep"; } } } } else { $error = TRUE; $errormsg .= dropbox_lang("mailingZipEmptyOrCorrupt"); } if ( !$error) { $students = array(); // collect all recipients in this course foreach( $goodFiles as $thisFile => $thisRecip) { $errormsg .= htmlspecialchars($thisFile,ENT_QUOTES,$charset) . ': '; if ( is_string($thisRecip)) // see findRecipient { $errormsg .= '' . htmlspecialchars($thisRecip,ENT_QUOTES,$charset) . '
'; } else { if ( isset( $_GET['mailingSend'])) { $errormsg .= dropbox_lang("mailingFileSentTo"); } else { $errormsg .= dropbox_lang("mailingFileIsFor"); } $errormsg .= htmlspecialchars(api_get_person_name($thisRecip[2], $thisRecip[1]), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ( is_null($thisRecip[3])) { $errormsg .= dropbox_lang("mailingFileNotRegistered"); } else { $students[] = $thisRecip[0]; } $errormsg .= '
'; } } // find student course members not among the recipients $course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql = "SELECT u.lastname, u.firstname FROM $course_user cu LEFT JOIN `".$_configuration['main_database']."`.`user` u ON cu.user_id = u.user_id AND cu.course_code = '".$_course['sysCode']."' WHERE cu.status = 5 AND u.user_id NOT IN ('" . implode("', '" , $students) . "')"; $result = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if ( Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $remainingUsers = ''; while ( ($res = Database::fetch_array($result))) { $remainingUsers .= ', ' . htmlspecialchars(api_get_person_name($res[1], $res[0]), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $errormsg .= '
' . dropbox_lang("mailingNothingFor") . api_substr($remainingUsers, 1) . '.
'; } if ( isset( $_GET['mailingSend'])) { chdir(dropbox_cnf("sysPath")); $zipFile->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH); $mailingPseudoId = dropbox_cnf("mailingIdBase") + $mailing_item->id; foreach( $goodFiles as $thisFile => $thisRecip) { if ( is_string($thisRecip)) // remove problem file { @unlink(dropbox_cnf("sysPath") . '/' . $thisFile); } else { $newName = getLoginFromId( $_user['user_id']) . "_" . $thisFile . "_" . uniqid(''); if ( rename(dropbox_cnf("sysPath") . '/' . $thisFile, dropbox_cnf("sysPath") . '/' . $newName)) new Dropbox_SentWork( $mailingPseudoId, $thisFile, $mailing_item->description, $mailing_item->author, $newName, $thisContent['size'], array($thisRecip[0])); } } $sendDT = addslashes(date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())); // set filesize to zero on send, to avoid 2nd send (see index.php) $sql = "UPDATE ".dropbox_cnf("tbl_file")." SET filesize = '0' , upload_date = '".$sendDT."', last_upload_date = '".$sendDT."' WHERE id='".addslashes($mailing_item->id)."'"; $result =Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } elseif ( $mailing_item->filesize != 0) { $errormsg .= '
' . dropbox_lang("mailingNotYetSent") . '
'; } } } else { $error = TRUE; $errormsg .= dropbox_lang("mailingWrongZipfile"); } /** * ======================================== * EXAMINE OR SEND MAILING RESULTMESSAGE * ======================================== */ if ( $error) { ?>


orderSentWork ($_SESSION["sentOrder"]); } if ( isset($_SESSION["receivedOrder"])) { $dropbox_person->orderReceivedWork ($_SESSION["receivedOrder"]); } /*if (! $dropbox_person->isCourseAdmin || ! $dropbox_person->isCourseTutor) { die(dropbox_lang("generalError")." (code 408)"); }*/ $tellUser = dropbox_lang("fileDeleted"); // RH: Feedback if ( isset( $_GET['deleteReceived'])) { if ( $_GET["deleteReceived"] == "all") { $dropbox_person->deleteAllReceivedWork( ); }elseif ( is_numeric( $_GET["deleteReceived"])) { $dropbox_person->deleteReceivedWork( $_GET['deleteReceived']); } else { die(dropbox_lang("generalError")." (code 409)"); } } elseif ( isset( $_GET['deleteSent'])) // RH: Feedback { if ( $_GET["deleteSent"] == "all") { $dropbox_person->deleteAllSentWork( ); }elseif ( is_numeric( $_GET["deleteSent"])) { $dropbox_person->deleteSentWork( $_GET['deleteSent']); } else { die(dropbox_lang("generalError")." (code 410)"); } } elseif ( isset( $_GET['showFeedback'])) // RH: Feedback { $w = new Dropbox_SentWork($id = $_GET['showFeedback']); if ($w->uploader_id != $_user['user_id']) getUserOwningThisMailing($w->uploader_id, $_user['user_id'], '411'); // RH or die foreach( $w -> recipients as $r) if (($fb = $r["feedback"])) { $fbarray [$r["feedback_date"].$r["name"]]= $r["name"] . ' ' . dropbox_lang("sentOn", "noDLTT") . ' ' . $r["feedback_date"] . ":\n" . $fb; } if ($fbarray) { krsort($fbarray); echo '', "\n"; } else { echo '', "\n"; } $tellUser = dropbox_lang("showFeedback"); } else // if ( isset( $_GET['editFeedback'])) // RH: Feedback { $id = $_GET['editFeedback']; $found = false; foreach($dropbox_person->receivedWork as $w) { if ($w->id == $id) { $found = true; break; } } if (! $found) die(dropbox_lang("generalError")." (code 415)"); echo '
', "\n", '', "\n", '', "
\n", '', "\n", '
', "\n"; $tellUser = dropbox_lang("giveFeedback"); } /** * ============================================== * RESULTMESSAGE FOR DELETE FILE OR EDIT FEEDBACK // RH: Feedback * ============================================== */ $return_message=dropbox_lang("backList"); } ?>