* @author Yannick Warnier * @author Laurent Opprecht * @copyright 2012 University of Geneva * @license GNU General Public License - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ class Plugin { protected $version = ''; protected $author = ''; protected $fields = array(); private $settings = null; // Translation strings. private $strings = null; public $isCoursePlugin = false; public $isMailPlugin = false; /** * When creating a new course, these settings are added to the course, in * the course_info/infocours.php * To show the plugin course icons you need to add these icons: * main/img/icons/22/plugin_name.png * main/img/icons/64/plugin_name.png * main/img/icons/64/plugin_name_na.png * @example * $course_settings = array( array('name' => 'big_blue_button_welcome_message', 'type' => 'text'), array('name' => 'big_blue_button_record_and_store', 'type' => 'checkbox') ); */ public $course_settings = array(); /** * This indicates whether changing the setting should execute the callback * function. */ public $course_settings_callback = false; /** * Default constructor for the plugin class. By default, it only sets * a few attributes of the object * @param string $version of this plugin * @param string $author of this plugin * @param array $settings settings to be proposed to configure the plugin */ protected function __construct($version, $author, $settings = array()) { $this->version = $version; $this->author = $author; $this->fields = $settings; global $language_files; $language_files[] = 'plugin_' . $this->get_name(); } /** * Gets an array of information about this plugin (name, version, ...) * @return array Array of information elements about this plugin */ public function get_info() { $result = array(); $result['title'] = $this->get_title(); $result['comment'] = $this->get_comment(); $result['version'] = $this->get_version(); $result['author'] = $this->get_author(); $result['plugin_class'] = get_class($this); $result['is_course_plugin'] = $this->isCoursePlugin; $result['is_mail_plugin'] = $this->isMailPlugin; if ($form = $this->get_settings_form()) { $result['settings_form'] = $form; foreach ($this->fields as $name => $type) { $value = $this->get($name); if (is_array($type)) { $value = $type['options']; } $result[$name] = $value; } } return $result; } /** * Returns the "system" name of the plugin in lowercase letters * @return string */ public function get_name() { $result = get_class($this); $result = str_replace('Plugin', '', $result); $result = strtolower($result); return $result; } /** * Returns the title of the plugin * @return string */ public function get_title() { return $this->get_lang('plugin_title'); } /** * Returns the description of the plugin * @return string */ public function get_comment() { return $this->get_lang('plugin_comment'); } /** * Returns the version of the plugin * @return string */ public function get_version() { return $this->version; } /** * Returns the author of the plugin * @return string */ public function get_author() { return $this->author; } /** * Returns the contents of the CSS defined by the plugin * @return array */ public function get_css() { $name = $this->get_name(); $path = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH)."$name/resources/$name.css"; if (!is_readable($path)) { return ''; } $css = array(); $css[] = file_get_contents($path); $result = implode($css); return $result; } /** * Returns an HTML form (generated by FormValidator) of the plugin settings * @return string FormValidator-generated form */ public function get_settings_form() { $result = new FormValidator($this->get_name()); $defaults = array(); $checkboxGroup = array(); $checkboxCollection = array(); if ($checkboxNames = array_keys($this->fields, 'checkbox')) { $pluginInfoCollection = api_get_settings('Plugins'); foreach ($pluginInfoCollection as $pluginInfo) { if (array_search($pluginInfo['title'], $checkboxNames) !== false) { $checkboxCollection[$pluginInfo['title']] = $pluginInfo; } } } foreach ($this->fields as $name => $type) { $options = null; if (is_array($type) && isset($type['type']) && $type['type'] === "select") { $options = $type['options']; $type = $type['type']; } $value = $this->get($name); $defaults[$name] = $value; $type = isset($type) ? $type : 'text'; $help = null; if ($this->get_lang_plugin_exists($name.'_help')) { $help = $this->get_lang($name.'_help'); if ($name === "show_main_menu_tab") { $pluginName = strtolower(str_replace('Plugin', '', get_class($this))); $pluginUrl = api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."plugin/$pluginName/index.php"; $pluginUrl = "$pluginUrl"; $help = sprintf($help, $pluginUrl); } } switch ($type) { case 'html': $result->addElement('html', $this->get_lang($name)); break; case 'wysiwyg': $result->addHtmlEditor($name, $this->get_lang($name), false); break; case 'text': $result->addElement($type, $name, array($this->get_lang($name), $help)); break; case 'boolean': $group = array(); $group[] = $result->createElement('radio', $name, '', get_lang('Yes'), 'true'); $group[] = $result->createElement('radio', $name, '', get_lang('No'), 'false'); $result->addGroup($group, null, array($this->get_lang($name), $help)); break; case 'checkbox': $selectedValue = null; if (isset($checkboxCollection[$name])) { if ($checkboxCollection[$name]['selected_value'] === 'true') { $selectedValue = 'checked'; } } $element = $result->createElement( $type, $name, '', $this->get_lang($name), $selectedValue ); $element->_attributes['value'] = 'true'; $checkboxGroup[] = $element; break; case 'select': $result->addElement( $type, $name, array($this->get_lang($name), $help), $options ); break; } } if (!empty($checkboxGroup)) { $result->addGroup($checkboxGroup, null, array($this->get_lang('sms_types'), $help)); } $result->setDefaults($defaults); $result->addButtonSave($this->get_lang('Save'), 'submit_button'); return $result; } /** * Returns the value of a given plugin global setting * @param string $name of the plugin * * @return string Value of the plugin */ public function get($name) { $settings = $this->get_settings(); foreach ($settings as $setting) { if ($setting['variable'] == ($this->get_name() . '_' . $name)) { return $setting['selected_value']; } } return false; } /** * Returns an array with the global settings for this plugin * @return array Plugin settings as an array */ public function get_settings() { if (is_null($this->settings)) { $settings = api_get_settings_params( array( "subkey = ? AND category = ? AND type = ? " => array($this->get_name(), 'Plugins', 'setting') ) ); $this->settings = $settings; } return $this->settings; } /** * Tells whether language variables are defined for this plugin or not * @param string $name System name of the plugin * * @return bool True if the plugin has language variables defined, false otherwise */ public function get_lang_plugin_exists($name) { return isset($this->strings[$name]); } /** * Hook for the get_lang() function to check for plugin-defined language terms * @param string $name of the language variable we are looking for * * @return string The translated language term of the plugin */ public function get_lang($name) { // Check whether the language strings for the plugin have already been // loaded. If so, no need to load them again. if (is_null($this->strings)) { global $language_interface; $root = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH); $plugin_name = $this->get_name(); $interfaceLanguageId = api_get_language_id($language_interface); $interfaceLanguageInfo = api_get_language_info($interfaceLanguageId); $languageParentId = intval($interfaceLanguageInfo['parent_id']); //1. Loading english if exists $english_path = $root.$plugin_name."/lang/english.php"; if (is_readable($english_path)) { $strings = array(); include $english_path; $this->strings = $strings; } $path = $root.$plugin_name."/lang/$language_interface.php"; //2. Loading the system language if (is_readable($path)) { include $path; if (!empty($strings)) { foreach ($strings as $key => $string) { $this->strings[$key] = $string; } } } elseif ($languageParentId > 0) { $languageParentInfo = api_get_language_info($languageParentId); $languageParentFolder = $languageParentInfo['dokeos_folder']; $parentPath = "{$root}{$plugin_name}/lang/{$languageParentFolder}.php"; if (is_readable($parentPath)) { include $parentPath; if (!empty($strings)) { foreach ($strings as $key => $string) { $this->strings[$key] = $string; } } } } } if (isset($this->strings[$name])) { return $this->strings[$name]; } return get_lang($name); } /** * Caller for the install_course_fields() function * @param int $courseId * * @param boolean $addToolLink Whether to add a tool link on the course homepage * * @return void */ public function course_install($courseId, $addToolLink = true) { $this->install_course_fields($courseId, $addToolLink); } /** * Add course settings and, if not asked otherwise, add a tool link on the course homepage * @param int $courseId Course integer ID * @param boolean $add_tool_link Whether to add a tool link or not * (some tools might just offer a configuration section and act on the backend) * * @return boolean False on error, null otherwise */ public function install_course_fields($courseId, $add_tool_link = true) { $plugin_name = $this->get_name(); $t_course = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_SETTING); $courseId = intval($courseId); if (empty($courseId)) { return false; } // Adding course settings. if (!empty($this->course_settings)) { foreach ($this->course_settings as $setting) { $variable = $setting['name']; $value =''; if (isset($setting['init_value'])) { $value = ($setting['init_value']); } $type = 'textfield'; if (isset($setting['type'])) { $type = $setting['type']; } if (isset($setting['group'])) { $group = $setting['group']; $sql = "SELECT value FROM $t_course WHERE c_id = $courseId AND variable = '".Database::escape_string($group)."' AND subkey = '".Database::escape_string($variable)."' "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (!Database::num_rows($result)) { $params = [ 'c_id' => $courseId, 'variable' => $group, 'subkey' => $variable, 'value' => $value, 'category' => 'plugins', 'type' => $type ]; Database::insert($t_course, $params); } } else { $sql = "SELECT value FROM $t_course WHERE c_id = $courseId AND variable = '$variable' "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (!Database::num_rows($result)) { $params = [ 'c_id' => $courseId, 'variable' => $variable, 'subkey' => $plugin_name, 'value' => $value, 'category' => 'plugins', 'type' => $type ]; Database::insert($t_course, $params); } } } } // Stop here if we don't want a tool link on the course homepage if (!$add_tool_link) { return true; } //Add an icon in the table tool list $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); $sql = "SELECT name FROM $table WHERE c_id = $courseId AND name = '$plugin_name' "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (!Database::num_rows($result)) { $tool_link = "$plugin_name/start.php"; //$visibility = AddCourse::string2binary(api_get_setting('course_create_active_tools', $plugin_name)); $cToolId = AddCourse::generateToolId($courseId); Database::insert( $table, [ 'id' => $cToolId, 'c_id' => $courseId, 'name' => $plugin_name, 'link' => $tool_link, 'image' => "$plugin_name.png", 'visibility' => 1, 'admin' => 0, 'address' => 'squaregrey.gif', 'added_tool' => 'NO', 'target' => '_self', 'category' => 'plugin', 'session_id' => 0 ] ); } } /** * Delete the fields added to the course settings page and the link to the * tool on the course's homepage * @param int $courseId * * @return void */ public function uninstall_course_fields($courseId) { $courseId = intval($courseId); if (empty($courseId)) { return false; } $plugin_name = $this->get_name(); $t_course = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_SETTING); $t_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); if (!empty($this->course_settings)) { foreach ($this->course_settings as $setting) { $variable = Database::escape_string($setting['name']); if (!empty($setting['group'])) { $variable = Database::escape_string($setting['group']); } if (empty($variable)) { continue; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_course WHERE c_id = $courseId AND variable = '$variable'"; Database::query($sql); } } $plugin_name = Database::escape_string($plugin_name); $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_tool WHERE c_id = $courseId AND name = '$plugin_name'"; Database::query($sql); } /** * Install the course fields and tool link of this plugin in all courses * @param boolean Whether we want to add a plugin link on the course homepage * * @return void */ public function install_course_fields_in_all_courses($add_tool_link = true) { // Update existing courses to add plugin settings $t_courses = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $t_courses ORDER BY id"; $res = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($res)) { $this->install_course_fields($row['id'], $add_tool_link); } } /** * Uninstall the plugin settings fields from all courses * @return void */ public function uninstall_course_fields_in_all_courses() { // Update existing courses to add conference settings $t_courses = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $t_courses ORDER BY id"; $res = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($res)) { $this->uninstall_course_fields($row['id']); } } /** * @return array */ public function getCourseSettings() { $settings = array(); if (is_array($this->course_settings)) { foreach ($this->course_settings as $item) { if (isset($item['group'])) { if (!in_array($item['group'], $settings)) { $settings[] = $item['group']; } } else { $settings[] = $item['name']; } } } return $settings; } /** * Method to be extended when changing the setting in the course * configuration should trigger the use of a callback method * @param array $values sent back from the course configuration script * * @return void */ public function course_settings_updated($values = array()) { } /** * Add a tab to platform * @param string $tabName * @param string $url * * @return boolean */ public function addTab($tabName, $url) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM settings_current WHERE variable = 'show_tabs' AND subkey LIKE 'custom_tab_%'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $customTabsNum = Database::num_rows($result); $tabNum = $customTabsNum + 1; //Avoid Tab Name Spaces $tabNameNoSpaces = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $tabName); $subkeytext = "Tabs" . $tabNameNoSpaces; //Check if it is already added $checkCondition = array( 'where' => array( "variable = 'show_tabs' AND subkeytext = ?" => array( $subkeytext ) ) ); $checkDuplicate = Database::select('*', 'settings_current', $checkCondition); if (!empty($checkDuplicate)) { return false; } //End Check $subkey = 'custom_tab_' . $tabNum; $attributes = array( 'variable' => 'show_tabs', 'subkey' => $subkey, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'category' => 'Platform', 'selected_value' => 'true', 'title' => $tabName, 'comment' => $url, 'subkeytext' => $subkeytext, 'access_url' => 1, 'access_url_changeable' => 0, 'access_url_locked' => 0 ); $resp = Database::insert('settings_current', $attributes); //Save the id $settings = $this->get_settings(); $setData = array ( 'comment' => $subkey ); $whereCondition = array( 'id = ?' => key($settings) ); Database::update('settings_current', $setData, $whereCondition); return $resp; } /** * Delete a tab to chamilo's platform * @param string $key * @return boolean $resp Transaction response */ public function deleteTab($key) { $t = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t WHERE variable = 'show_tabs' AND subkey <> '$key' AND subkey like 'custom_tab_%' "; $resp = $result = Database::query($sql); $customTabsNum = Database::num_rows($result); if (!empty($key)) { $whereCondition = array( 'variable = ? AND subkey = ?' => array('show_tabs', $key) ); $resp = Database::delete('settings_current', $whereCondition); //if there is more than one tab //re enumerate them if (!empty($customTabsNum) && $customTabsNum > 0) { $tabs = Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC'); $i = 1; foreach ($tabs as $row) { $attributes = array( 'subkey' => 'custom_tab_' . $i ); $this->updateTab($row['subkey'], $attributes); $i++; } } } return $resp; } /** * Update the tabs attributes * @param string $key * @param array $attributes * * @return boolean */ public function updateTab($key, $attributes) { $whereCondition = array( 'variable = ? AND subkey = ?' => array('show_tabs', $key) ); $resp = Database::update('settings_current', $attributes, $whereCondition); return $resp; } /** * This method shows or hides plugin's tab * @param boolean $showTab Shows or hides the main menu plugin tab * @param string $filePath Plugin starter file path */ public function manageTab($showTab, $filePath = 'index.php') { $langString = str_replace('Plugin', '', get_class($this)); $pluginName = strtolower($langString); $pluginUrl = 'plugin/'.$pluginName.'/'.$filePath; if ($showTab === 'true') { $tabAdded = $this->addTab($langString, $pluginUrl); if ($tabAdded) { // The page must be refreshed to show the recently created tab echo ""; } } else { $settingsCurrentTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $conditions = array( 'where' => array( "variable = 'show_tabs' AND title = ? AND comment = ? " => array( $langString, $pluginUrl ) ) ); $result = Database::select('subkey', $settingsCurrentTable, $conditions); if (!empty($result)) { $this->deleteTab($result[0]['subkey']); } } } }