# if you change the class configuration, please also alter the fos_user.yml file sonata_user: admin: user: class: Chamilo\UserBundle\Admin\UserAdmin group: class: Chamilo\UserBundle\Admin\GroupAdmin class: # Entity Classes user: Chamilo\UserBundle\Entity\User group: Chamilo\UserBundle\Entity\Group security_acl: false table: user_group: fos_user_user_group impersonating: route: page_slug parameters: {path: /} # google_authenticator: # server: %sonata_user.google_authenticator.server% # enabled: true manager_type: orm profile: # dashboard: # blocks: # - { position: left, type: sonata.block.service.text, settings: { content: "
This is a sample user profile dashboard, feel free to override it in the configuration! Want to make this text dynamic? For instance display the user's name? Create a dedicated block and edit the configuration!
"} } # # menu: # - { route: 'sonata_user_profile_show', label: 'sonata_profile_title', domain: 'SonataUserBundle'} # - { route: 'sonata_user_profile_edit', label: 'link_edit_profile', domain: 'SonataUserBundle'} # # form: # type: sonata_user_registration # handler: sonata.user.profile.form.handler.default # name: sonata_user_registration_form # validation_groups: # - Profile # register: # form: # type: chamilo_sonata_user_registration # handler: sonata.user.registration.form.handler.default # name: chamilo_sonata_user_registration # validation_groups: # - Registration # - Default