$answerType = $objQuestion->selectType();
$pictureName = $objQuestion->getPictureFilename();
$debug = 0; // debug variable to get where we are
$okPicture = empty($pictureName) ? false : true;
// if we come from the warning box "this question is used in several exercises"
if ($modifyIn) {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo '$modifyIn was set'."
// if the user has chosen to modify the question only in the current exercise
if ($modifyIn === 'thisExercise') {
// duplicates the question
$questionId = $objQuestion->duplicate();
// deletes the old question
// removes the old question ID from the question list of the Exercise object
// adds the new question ID into the question list of the Exercise object
// construction of the duplicated Question
$objQuestion = Question::read($questionId);
// adds the exercise ID into the exercise list of the Question object
// copies answers from $modifyAnswers to $questionId
// construction of the duplicated Answers
$objAnswer = new Answer($questionId);
$color = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $color);
$reponse = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $reponse);
$comment = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $comment);
$weighting = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $weighting);
$hotspot_coordinates = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $hotspot_coordinates);
$hotspot_type = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $hotspot_type);
$destination = UnserializeApi::unserialize('not_allowed_classes', $destination);
$hotspot_admin_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'exercise/admin.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&exerciseId='.$exerciseId;
// the answer form has been submitted
$submitAnswers = isset($_POST['submitAnswers']) ? true : false;
$buttonBack = isset($_POST['buttonBack']) ? true : false;
$nbrAnswers = isset($_POST['nbrAnswers']) ? (int) $_POST['nbrAnswers'] : 0;
if ($submitAnswers || $buttonBack) {
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo '$submitAnswers or $buttonBack was set'."
$questionWeighting = $nbrGoodAnswers = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrAnswers; $i++) {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 4).'$answerType is HOT_SPOT'."
$reponse[$i] = trim($reponse[$i]);
$comment[$i] = trim($comment[$i]);
$weighting[$i] = $weighting[$i]; // it can be float
// checks if field is empty
if (empty($reponse[$i]) && $reponse[$i] != '0') {
$msgErr = get_lang('Please give an answer');
// clears answers already recorded into the Answer object
if ($weighting[$i] <= 0) {
$msgErr = get_lang('You must give a positive score for each hotspots');
// clears answers already recorded into the Answer object
if ($hotspot_coordinates[$i] == '0;0|0|0' || empty($hotspot_coordinates[$i])) {
$msgErr = get_lang('You haven\'t drawn all your hotspots yet');
// clears answers already recorded into the Answer object
} // end for()
if (empty($msgErr)) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrAnswers; $i++) {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 4).'$answerType is HOT_SPOT'."
$reponse[$i] = trim($reponse[$i]);
$comment[$i] = trim($comment[$i]);
$weighting[$i] = $weighting[$i]; // It can be float.
if ($weighting[$i]) {
$questionWeighting += $weighting[$i];
// creates answer
} // end for()
// saves the answers into the data base
// sets the total weighting of the question
$editQuestion = $questionId;
echo '';
if ($debug > 0) {
echo '$modifyIn was set - end'."
} else {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo '$submitAnswers or $buttonBack was set'."
$questionWeighting = $nbrGoodAnswers = 0;
$select_question = isset($_POST['select_question']) ? $_POST['select_question'] : null;
$try = isset($_POST['try']) ? $_POST['try'] : [];
$url = isset($_POST['url']) ? $_POST['url'] : '';
$destination = [];
$threadhold1 = $_POST['threadhold1'];
$threadhold2 = $_POST['threadhold2'];
$threadhold3 = $_POST['threadhold3'];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrAnswers; $i++) {
$reponse[$i] = trim($reponse[$i]);
$comment[$i] = trim($comment[$i]);
$weighting[$i] = $weighting[$i];
if (empty($threadhold1[$i])) {
$threadhold1_str = 0;
} else {
$threadhold1_str = (int) $threadhold1[$i];
if (empty($threadhold2[$i])) {
$threadhold2_str = 0;
} else {
$threadhold2_str = (int) $threadhold2[$i];
if (empty($threadhold3[$i])) {
$threadhold3_str = 0;
} else {
$threadhold3_str = (int) $threadhold3[$i];
$threadhold_total = $threadhold1_str.';'.$threadhold2_str.';'.$threadhold3_str;
if (isset($try[$i]) && $try[$i] == 'on') {
$try_str = 1;
} else {
$try_str = 0;
if (empty($lp[$i])) {
$lp_str = 0;
} else {
$lp_str = $lp[$i];
$url_str = '';
if (isset($url[$i]) && !empty($url[$i])) {
$url_str = $url[$i];
if ($select_question[$i] == '') {
$question_str = 0;
} else {
$question_str = $select_question[$i];
$destination[$i] = $threadhold_total.'@@'.$try_str.'@@'.$lp_str.'@@'.$question_str.'@@'.$url_str;
// checks if field is empty
if (empty($reponse[$i]) && $reponse[$i] != '0') {
$msgErr = get_lang('Please give an answer');
// clears answers already recorded into the Answer object
if ($weighting[$i] <= 0 && $_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_type'][$i] != 'oar') {
$msgErr = get_lang('You must give a positive score for each hotspots');
// clears answers already recorded into the Answer object
if ($hotspot_coordinates[$i] == '0;0|0|0' || empty($hotspot_coordinates[$i])) {
$msgErr = get_lang('You haven\'t drawn all your hotspots yet');
// clears answers already recorded into the Answer object
// now the noerror section
$selectQuestionNoError = isset($_POST['select_question_noerror']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['select_question_noerror']) : null;
$lp_noerror = isset($_POST['lp_noerror']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['lp_noerror']) : '';
$try_noerror = isset($_POST['try_noerror']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['try_noerror']) : null;
$url_noerror = isset($_POST['url_noerror']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['url_noerror']) : null;
$comment_noerror = isset($_POST['comment_noerror']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['comment_noerror']) : null;
$threadhold_total = '0;0;0';
if ($try_noerror == 'on') {
$try_str = 1;
} else {
$try_str = 0;
if (empty($lp_noerror)) {
$lp_str = 0;
} else {
$lp_str = $lp_noerror;
if ($url_noerror == '') {
$url_str = '';
} else {
$url_str = $url_noerror;
if ($selectQuestionNoError == '') {
$question_str = 0;
} else {
$question_str = $selectQuestionNoError;
$destination_noerror = $threadhold_total.'@@'.$try_str.'@@'.$lp_str.'@@'.$question_str.'@@'.$url_str;
if (empty($msgErr)) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrAnswers; $i++) {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 4).'$answerType is HOT_SPOT'."
$reponse[$i] = trim($reponse[$i]);
$comment[$i] = trim($comment[$i]);
$weighting[$i] = ($weighting[$i]); //it can be float
if ($weighting[$i]) {
$questionWeighting += $weighting[$i];
// creates answer
} // end for()
// saves the answers into the data base
$nbrAnswers + 1,
// sets the total weighting of the question
$editQuestion = $questionId;
echo '';
if (isset($modifyAnswers)) {
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 0).'$modifyAnswers is set'."
// construction of the Answer object
$objAnswer = new Answer($objQuestion->id);
Session::write('objAnswer', $objAnswer);
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 2).'$answerType is HOT_SPOT'."
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
$try = isset($_POST['try']) ? $_POST['try'] : [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrAnswers; $i++) {
if (isset($try[$i]) && $try[$i] == 'on') {
$try[$i] = 1;
} else {
$try[$i] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['try_noerror']) && $_POST['try_noerror'] == 'on') {
$try_noerror = 1;
} else {
$try_noerror = 0;
if (!$nbrAnswers) {
$nbrAnswers = $objAnswer->selectNbrAnswers();
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
// the magic happens here ...
// we do this to not count the if no error section
if ($nbrAnswers >= 2) {
$reponse = [];
$comment = [];
$weighting = [];
$hotspot_coordinates = [];
$hotspot_type = [];
$destination_items = [];
$destination = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrAnswers; $i++) {
$reponse[$i] = $objAnswer->selectAnswer($i);
if ($objExercise->getFeedbackType() != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
$comment[$i] = $objAnswer->selectComment($i);
$weighting[$i] = $objAnswer->selectWeighting($i);
$hotspot_coordinates[$i] = $objAnswer->selectHotspotCoordinates($i);
$hotspot_type[$i] = $objAnswer->selectHotspotType($i);
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
$destination[$i] = $objAnswer->selectDestination($i);
if (empty($destination[$i])) {
$destination[$i] = ';;;@@@@@@@@';
$destination_items = explode('@@', $destination[$i]);
$threadhold_total = $destination_items[0];
$threadhold_items = explode(';', $threadhold_total);
$threadhold1[$i] = $threadhold_items[0];
$threadhold2[$i] = $threadhold_items[1];
$threadhold3[$i] = $threadhold_items[2];
$try[$i] = $destination_items[1];
$lp[$i] = $destination_items[2];
$select_question[$i] = $destination_items[3];
$url[$i] = $destination_items[4];
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
//added the noerror answer
$comment_noerror = $objAnswer->selectComment($nbrAnswers + 1);
$destination_noerror_list = $objAnswer->selectDestination($nbrAnswers + 1);
if (empty($destination_noerror_list)) {
$destination_noerror_list = '@@@@@@@@';
$destination_items = explode('@@', $destination_noerror_list);
$try_noerror = $destination_items[1];
$lp_noerror = $destination_items[2];
$selectQuestionNoError = $destination_items[3];
$url_noerror = $destination_items[4];
$_SESSION['tmp_answers'] = [];
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['answer'] = $reponse;
if ($objExercise->getFeedbackType() != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['comment'] = $comment;
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['weighting'] = $weighting;
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_coordinates'] = $hotspot_coordinates;
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_type'] = $hotspot_type;
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['destination'] = isset($destination) ? $destination : null;
$lessAnswers = isset($_POST['lessAnswers']) ? true : false;
if ($lessAnswers) {
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
$lest_answer = 1;
// At least 1 answer
if ($nbrAnswers > $lest_answer) {
// Remove the last answer
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['answer']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['comment']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['weighting']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_coordinates']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_type']);
if (is_array($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['destination'])) {
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['destination']);
} else {
$msgErr = get_lang('You have to create one (1) hotspot at least.');
} else {
// At least 1 answer
if ($nbrAnswers > 1) {
// Remove the last answer
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['answer']);
if ($objExercise->getFeedbackType() != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['comment']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['weighting']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_coordinates']);
$tmp = array_pop($_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_type']);
} else {
$msgErr = get_lang('You have to create one (1) hotspot at least.');
$moreAnswers = isset($_POST['moreAnswers']) ? true : false;
if ($moreAnswers) {
if ($nbrAnswers < 12) {
// Add a new answer
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['answer'][] = '';
if ($objExercise->getFeedbackType() != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['comment'][] = '';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['weighting'][] = '1';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_coordinates'][] = '0;0|0|0';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_type'][] = 'square';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['destination'][] = '';
} else {
$msgErr = get_lang('The maximum hotspots you can create is twelve (12).');
$moreOARAnswers = isset($_POST['moreOARAnswers']) ? true : false;
if ($moreOARAnswers) {
if ($nbrAnswers < 12) {
// Add a new answer
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['answer'][] = '';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['comment'][] = '';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['weighting'][] = '1';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_coordinates'][] = '0;0|0|0';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['hotspot_type'][] = 'oar';
$_SESSION['tmp_answers']['destination'][] = '';
} else {
$msgErr = get_lang('The maximum hotspots you can create is twelve (12).');
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 2).'$usedInSeveralExercises is untrue'."
if ($debug > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', 4).'$answerType is HOT_SPOT'."
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
$hotspot_colors = [
} else {
$hotspot_colors = [
"", // $i starts from 1 on next loop (ugly fix)
get_lang('Question').": ".$questionName.Display::return_icon('info3.gif', strip_tags(get_lang('To create a hotspot: select a shape next to the colour, and draw the hotspot. To move a hotspot, select the colour, click another spot in the image, and draw the hotspot. To add a hotspot: click the Add hotspot button. To close a polygon shape: right click and select Close polygon.')))
if (!empty($msgErr)) {
echo Display::return_message($msgErr, 'normal'); //main API
$hotspot_admin_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'exercise/admin.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&'
.http_build_query(['hotspotadmin' => $modifyAnswers, 'exerciseId' => $exerciseId]); ?>