, Ghent University * @author Julio Montoya * * @package chamilo.login */ class Login { /** * Get user account list. * * @param array $user array with keys: email, password, uid, loginName * @param bool $reset * @param bool $by_username * * @return string */ public static function get_user_account_list($user, $reset = false, $by_username = false) { $portal_url = api_get_path(WEB_PATH); if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); if ($access_url_id != -1) { $url = api_get_access_url($access_url_id); $portal_url = $url['url']; } } if ($reset) { if ($by_username) { $secret_word = self::get_secret_word($user['email']); if ($reset) { $reset_link = $portal_url."main/auth/lostPassword.php?reset=".$secret_word."&id=".$user['uid']; $reset_link = Display::url($reset_link, $reset_link); } else { $reset_link = get_lang('Pass')." : $user[password]"; } $user_account_list = get_lang('Your registration data')." : \n". get_lang('Username').' : '.$user['loginName']."\n". get_lang('Click here to recover your password').' : '.$reset_link; if ($user_account_list) { $user_account_list = "\n-----------------------------------------------\n".$user_account_list; } } else { foreach ($user as $this_user) { $secret_word = self::get_secret_word($this_user['email']); if ($reset) { $reset_link = $portal_url."main/auth/lostPassword.php?reset=".$secret_word."&id=".$this_user['uid']; $reset_link = Display::url($reset_link, $reset_link); } else { $reset_link = get_lang('Pass')." : $this_user[password]"; } $user_account_list[] = get_lang('Your registration data')." : \n". get_lang('Username').' : '.$this_user['loginName']."\n". get_lang('Click here to recover your password').' : '.$reset_link; } if ($user_account_list) { $user_account_list = implode("\n-----------------------------------------------\n", $user_account_list); } } } else { if (!$by_username) { $user = $user[0]; } $reset_link = get_lang('Pass')." : $user[password]"; $user_account_list = get_lang('Your registration data')." : \n". get_lang('Username').' : '.$user['loginName']."\n". $reset_link.''; } return $user_account_list; } /** * This function sends the actual password to the user. * * @param int $user * * @return string * * @author Olivier Cauberghe , Ghent University */ public static function send_password_to_user($user, $by_username = false) { $email_subject = "[".api_get_setting('siteName')."] ".get_lang('Login request'); // SUBJECT if ($by_username) { // Show only for lost password $user_account_list = self::get_user_account_list($user, false, $by_username); // BODY $email_to = $user['email']; } else { $user_account_list = self::get_user_account_list($user); // BODY $email_to = $user[0]['email']; } $portal_url = api_get_path(WEB_PATH); if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); if ($access_url_id != -1) { $url = api_get_access_url($access_url_id); $portal_url = $url['url']; } } $email_body = get_lang('This is your information to connect to')." ".$portal_url."\n\n$user_account_list"; // SEND MESSAGE $sender_name = api_get_person_name( api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $email_admin = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); if (api_mail_html('', $email_to, $email_subject, $email_body, $sender_name, $email_admin) == 1) { return get_lang('Your password has been reset'); } else { $admin_email = Display:: encrypted_mailto_link( api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'), api_get_person_name( api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname') ) ); return sprintf( get_lang('This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact %s for more information.'), $admin_email ); } } /** * Handle encrypted password, send an email to a user with his password. * * @param int user id * @param bool $by_username * * @return string * * @author Olivier Cauberghe , Ghent University */ public static function handle_encrypted_password($user, $by_username = false) { $email_subject = "[".api_get_setting('siteName')."] ".get_lang('Login request'); // SUBJECT if ($by_username) { // Show only for lost password $user_account_list = self::get_user_account_list($user, true, $by_username); // BODY $email_to = $user['email']; } else { $user_account_list = self::get_user_account_list($user, true); // BODY $email_to = $user[0]['email']; } $email_body = get_lang('Dear user')." :\n".get_lang('You have asked to reset your password. If you did not ask, then ignore this mail.')."\n"; $email_body .= $user_account_list."\n-----------------------------------------------\n\n"; $email_body .= get_lang('Your password is encrypted for security reasons. Thus, after pressing the link an e-mail will be sent to you again with your password.'); $email_body .= "\n\n". get_lang('Sincerely').",\n". api_get_setting('administratorName')." ". api_get_setting('administratorSurname')."\n". get_lang('Portal Admin')." - ". api_get_setting('siteName'); $sender_name = api_get_person_name( api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $email_admin = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); $email_body = nl2br($email_body); $result = @api_mail_html( '', $email_to, $email_subject, $email_body, $sender_name, $email_admin ); if ($result == 1) { return get_lang('Your password has been emailed to you.'); } else { $admin_email = Display:: encrypted_mailto_link( api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'), api_get_person_name( api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname') ) ); $message = sprintf( get_lang('This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact %s for more information.'), $admin_email ); return $message; } } /** * @param User $user */ public static function sendResetEmail(User $user) { $uniqueId = api_get_unique_id(); $user->setConfirmationToken($uniqueId); $user->setPasswordRequestedAt(new \DateTime()); Database::getManager()->persist($user); Database::getManager()->flush(); $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'auth/reset.php?token='.$uniqueId; $mailSubject = get_lang('Instructions for the password change procedure'); $mailBody = sprintf( get_lang('You are receiving this message because you (or someone pretending to be you) have requested a new password to be generated for you.
'), $url ); api_mail_html( UserManager::formatUserFullName($user), $user->getEmail(), $mailSubject, $mailBody ); Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('Check your e-mail and follow the instructions.'))); } /** * Gets the secret word. * * @author Olivier Cauberghe , Ghent University */ public static function get_secret_word($add) { return $secret_word = sha1($add); } /** * Resets a password. * * @author Olivier Cauberghe , Ghent University */ public static function reset_password($secret, $id, $by_username = false) { $tbl_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $id = intval($id); $sql = "SELECT user_id AS uid, lastname AS lastName, firstname AS firstName, username AS loginName, password, email, auth_source FROM ".$tbl_user." WHERE user_id = $id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $num_rows = Database::num_rows($result); if ($result && $num_rows > 0) { $user = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($user['auth_source'] == 'extldap') { return get_lang('Could not reset password'); } } else { return get_lang('Could not reset password'); } if (self::get_secret_word($user['email']) == $secret) { // OK, secret word is good. Now change password and mail it. $user['password'] = api_generate_password(); UserManager::updatePassword($id, $user['password']); return self::send_password_to_user($user, $by_username); } else { return get_lang('You are not allowed to see this page. Either your connection has expired or you are trying to access a page for which you do not have the sufficient privileges.'); } } /** * @global bool $is_platformAdmin * @global bool $is_allowedCreateCourse * @global object $_user * * @param bool $reset */ public static function init_user($user_id, $reset) { global $is_platformAdmin; global $is_allowedCreateCourse; global $_user; if (isset($reset) && $reset) { // session data refresh requested unset($_SESSION['_user']['uidReset']); $is_platformAdmin = false; $is_allowedCreateCourse = false; $_user['user_id'] = $user_id; if (isset($_user['user_id']) && $_user['user_id'] && !api_is_anonymous()) { // a uid is given (log in succeeded) $user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $admin_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ADMIN); $track_e_login = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); $sql = "SELECT user.*, a.user_id is_admin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(login.login_date) login_date FROM $user_table LEFT JOIN $admin_table a ON user.user_id = a.user_id LEFT JOIN $track_e_login login ON user.user_id = login.login_user_id WHERE user.user_id = '".$_user['user_id']."' ORDER BY login.login_date DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { // Extracting the user data $uData = Database::fetch_array($result); $_user['firstName'] = $uData['firstname']; $_user['lastName'] = $uData['lastname']; $_user['mail'] = $uData['email']; $_user['official_code'] = $uData['official_code']; $_user['picture_uri'] = $uData['picture_uri']; $_user['user_id'] = $uData['user_id']; $_user['language'] = $uData['language']; $_user['auth_source'] = $uData['auth_source']; $_user['theme'] = $uData['theme']; $_user['status'] = $uData['status']; $is_platformAdmin = (bool) (!is_null($uData['is_admin'])); $is_allowedCreateCourse = (bool) (($uData['status'] == 1) or (api_get_setting('drhCourseManagerRights') and $uData['status'] == 4)); ConditionalLogin::check_conditions($uData); Session::write('_user', $_user); UserManager::update_extra_field_value($_user['user_id'], 'already_logged_in', 'true'); Session::write('is_platformAdmin', $is_platformAdmin); Session::write('is_allowedCreateCourse', $is_allowedCreateCourse); } else { header('location:'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH)); //exit("WARNING UNDEFINED UID !! "); } } else { // no uid => logout or Anonymous Session::erase('_user'); Session::erase('_uid'); } Session::write('is_platformAdmin', $is_platformAdmin); Session::write('is_allowedCreateCourse', $is_allowedCreateCourse); } else { // continue with the previous values $_user = $_SESSION['_user']; $is_platformAdmin = $_SESSION['is_platformAdmin']; $is_allowedCreateCourse = $_SESSION['is_allowedCreateCourse']; } } /** * Returns true if user exists in the platform when asking the password. * * @param string $username (email or username) * * @return array|bool */ public static function get_user_accounts_by_username($username) { if (strpos($username, '@')) { $username = api_strtolower($username); $email = true; } else { $username = api_strtolower($username); $email = false; } if ($email) { $condition = "LOWER(email) = '".Database::escape_string($username)."' "; } else { $condition = "LOWER(username) = '".Database::escape_string($username)."'"; } $tbl_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $query = "SELECT user_id AS uid, lastname AS lastName, firstname AS firstName, username AS loginName, password, email, status AS status, official_code, phone, picture_uri, creator_id, auth_source FROM $tbl_user WHERE ( $condition AND active = 1) "; $result = Database::query($query); $num_rows = Database::num_rows($result); if ($result && $num_rows > 0) { return Database::fetch_assoc($result); } return false; } }