* * @todo better organization of the class, methods and variables */ class Template { /** * The Template folder name see main/template. * * @var string */ public $templateFolder = 'default'; /** * The theme that will be used: chamilo, public_admin, chamilo_red, etc * This variable is set from the database. * * @var string */ public $theme = ''; /** * @var string */ public $preview_theme = ''; public $title = null; public $show_header; public $show_footer; public $help; public $menu_navigation = []; //Used in the userportal.lib.php function: return_navigation_course_links() public $show_learnpath = false; // This is a learnpath section or not? public $plugin = null; public $course_id = null; public $user_is_logged_in = false; public $twig = null; /* Loads chamilo plugins */ public $load_plugins = false; public $params = []; public $force_plugin_load = false; public $responseCode = 0; private $themeDir; /** * @param string $title * @param bool $show_header * @param bool $show_footer * @param bool $show_learnpath * @param bool $hide_global_chat * @param bool $load_plugins * @param int $responseCode * @param bool $sendHeaders send http headers or not */ public function __construct( $title = '', $show_header = true, $show_footer = true, $show_learnpath = false, $hide_global_chat = false, $load_plugins = true, $sendHeaders = true, $responseCode = 0 ) { // Page title $this->title = $title; $this->show_learnpath = $show_learnpath; //$this->setResponseCode($responseCode); if (empty($this->show_learnpath)) { $origin = api_get_origin(); if ($origin === 'learnpath') { $this->show_learnpath = true; $show_footer = false; $show_header = false; } } $this->hide_global_chat = $hide_global_chat; $this->load_plugins = $load_plugins; /*$template_paths = [ api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'template/overrides', // user defined templates api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'template', //template folder api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH), // plugin folder api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'src/ThemeBundle/Resources/views', ];*/ $this->twig = Container::getTwig(); // Setting system variables //$this->set_system_parameters(); // Setting user variables //$this->set_user_parameters(); // Setting course variables //$this->set_course_parameters(); // Setting administrator variables //$this->setAdministratorParams(); //$this->setCSSEditor(); // Header and footer are showed by default //$this->set_footer($show_footer); //$this->set_header($show_header); //$this->set_header_parameters($sendHeaders); //$this->set_footer_parameters(); $defaultStyle = api_get_setting('display.default_template'); if (!empty($defaultStyle)) { $this->templateFolder = $defaultStyle; } } /** * Return the item's url key:. * * c_id=xx&id=xx * * @param object $item * * @return string */ public static function key($item) { $id = isset($item->id) ? $item->id : null; $c_id = isset($item->c_id) ? $item->c_id : null; $result = ''; if ($c_id) { $result = "c_id=$c_id"; } if ($id) { if ($result) { $result .= "&id=$id"; } else { $result .= "&id=$id"; } } return $result; } /** * @param string $helpInput */ public function setHelp($helpInput = null) { if (!empty($helpInput)) { $help = $helpInput; } else { $help = $this->help; } $content = ''; if (api_get_setting('enable_help_link') == 'true') { if (!empty($help)) { $help = Security::remove_XSS($help); $content = '
'; $content .= Display::url( Display::return_icon('help.png', get_lang('Help'), null, ICON_SIZE_LARGE), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'help/help.php?open='.$help, [ 'class' => 'ajax', 'data-title' => get_lang('Help'), ] ); $content .= '
'; } } $this->assign('help_content', $content); } /** * Use template system to parse the actions menu. * * @todo finish it! */ public function set_actions($actions) { $action_string = ''; if (!empty($actions)) { foreach ($actions as $action) { $action_string .= $action; } } $this->assign('actions', $actions); } /** * Render the template. * * @param string $template The template path * @param bool $clearFlashMessages Clear the $_SESSION variables for flash messages */ public function display($template) { $template = str_replace('tpl', 'html.twig', $template); $templateFile = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'main/template/'.$template; $this->loadLegacyParams(); if (!file_exists($templateFile)) { $e = new \Gaufrette\Exception\FileNotFound($templateFile); echo $e->getMessage(); exit; } $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * @param string $template * * @throws \Twig\Error\Error */ public function displayTemplate($template) { $this->loadLegacyParams(); $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * Shortcut to display a 1 col layout (index.php). * */ public function display_one_col_template() { $this->loadLegacyParams(); $template = '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/layout_one_col.html.twig'; $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * Displays an empty template. */ public function display_blank_template() { $this->loadLegacyParams(); $template = '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/blank.html.twig'; $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * Displays an empty template. */ public function displayBlankTemplateNoHeader() { $this->loadLegacyParams(); $template = '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/blank_no_header.html.twig'; $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * Displays an empty template. */ public function display_no_layout_template() { $this->loadLegacyParams(); $template = '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/no_layout.html.twig'; $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * Displays an empty template. */ public function displaySkillLayout() { $this->loadLegacyParams(); $template = '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/skill_layout.html.twig'; $this->returnResponse($this->params, $template); } /** * return true if toolbar has to be displayed for user. * * @return bool */ public static function isToolBarDisplayedForUser() { //Toolbar $show_admin_toolbar = api_get_setting('show_admin_toolbar'); $show_toolbar = false; switch ($show_admin_toolbar) { case 'do_not_show': break; case 'show_to_admin': if (api_is_platform_admin()) { $show_toolbar = true; } break; case 'show_to_admin_and_teachers': if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { $show_toolbar = true; } break; case 'show_to_all': $show_toolbar = true; break; } return $show_toolbar; } /** * Sets the header visibility. * * @param bool true if we show the header */ public function set_header($status) { $this->show_header = $status; $this->assign('show_header', $status); $show_toolbar = 0; if (self::isToolBarDisplayedForUser()) { $show_toolbar = 1; } $this->assign('show_toolbar', $show_toolbar); // Only if course is available $courseToolBar = ''; $show_course_navigation_menu = ''; if (!empty($this->course_id) && $this->user_is_logged_in) { if (api_get_setting('show_toolshortcuts') !== 'false') { // Course toolbar $courseToolBar = CourseHome::show_navigation_tool_shortcuts(); } if (api_get_setting('show_navigation_menu') !== 'false') { //Course toolbar $show_course_navigation_menu = CourseHome::show_navigation_menu(); } } $this->assign('show_course_shortcut', $courseToolBar); $this->assign('show_course_navigation_menu', $show_course_navigation_menu); } /** * Returns the sub-folder and filename for the given tpl file. * * If template not found in overrides/ or custom template folder, the default template will be used. * * @param string $name * * @return string */ public static function findTemplateFilePath($name) { $sysTemplatePath = api_get_path(SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH); // Check if the tpl file is present in the main/template/overrides/ dir // Overrides is a special directory meant for temporary template // customization. It must be taken into account before anything else if (is_readable($sysTemplatePath."overrides/$name")) { return "overrides/$name"; } $defaultFolder = api_get_configuration_value('default_template'); // If a template folder has been manually defined, search for the right // file, and if not found, go for the same file in the default template if ($defaultFolder && $defaultFolder != 'default') { // Avoid missing template error, use the default file. if (file_exists($sysTemplatePath."$defaultFolder/$name")) { return "$defaultFolder/$name"; } } $name = str_replace('tpl', 'html.twig', $name); return "default/$name"; } /** * Call non-static for Template::findTemplateFilePath. * * @see Template::findTemplateFilePath() * * @param string $name * * @return string */ public function get_template($name) { return api_find_template($name); } /** * Get CSS themes sub-directory. * * @param string $theme * * @return string with a trailing slash, e.g. 'themes/chamilo_red/' */ public static function getThemeDir($theme) { $themeDir = 'themes/'.$theme.'/'; $virtualTheme = api_get_configuration_value('virtual_css_theme_folder'); if (!empty($virtualTheme)) { $virtualThemeList = api_get_themes(true); $isVirtualTheme = in_array($theme, array_keys($virtualThemeList)); if ($isVirtualTheme) { $themeDir = 'themes/'.$virtualTheme.'/'.$theme.'/'; } } return $themeDir; } /** * Set system parameters from api_get_configuration into _s array for use in TPLs * Also fills the _p array from getWebPaths(). * * @uses \self::getWebPaths() */ public function set_system_parameters() { $this->theme = api_get_visual_theme(); if (!empty($this->preview_theme)) { $this->theme = $this->preview_theme; } $this->assign('theme', $this->theme); $this->themeDir = self::getThemeDir($this->theme); // Setting app paths/URLs //$this->assign('_p', $this->getWebPaths()); // Here we can add system parameters that can be use in any template $_s = [ 'software_name' => api_get_configuration_value('software_name'), 'system_version' => api_get_configuration_value('system_version'), 'site_name' => api_get_setting('siteName'), 'institu_tion' => api_get_setting('Institution'), 'date' => api_format_date('now', DATE_FORMAT_LONG), 'timezone' => api_get_timezone(), 'gamification_mode' => api_get_setting('gamification_mode'), ]; $this->assign('_s', $_s); } /** * Set legacy twig globals in order to be hook in the LegacyListener.php. * * @return array */ public static function getGlobals() { $queryString = empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $requestURI = empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? '' : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_p = [ 'web' => api_get_path(WEB_PATH), 'web_public' => api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH), 'web_url' => api_get_web_url(), 'web_relative' => api_get_path(REL_PATH), 'web_course' => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH), 'web_main' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH), 'web_css' => api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH), //'web_css_theme' => api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).$this->themeDir, 'web_ajax' => api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH), 'web_img' => api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH), 'web_plugin' => api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH), 'web_lib' => api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH), 'web_upload' => api_get_path(WEB_UPLOAD_PATH), 'web_self' => api_get_self(), 'web_query_vars' => api_htmlentities($queryString), 'web_self_query_vars' => api_htmlentities($requestURI), 'web_cid_query' => api_get_cidreq(), 'web_rel_code' => api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH), ]; $_s = [ 'software_name' => api_get_configuration_value('software_name'), 'system_version' => api_get_configuration_value('system_version'), 'site_name' => api_get_setting('siteName'), 'institution' => api_get_setting('Institution'), //'date' => api_format_date('now', DATE_FORMAT_LONG), 'date' => '', 'timezone' => '', //'timezone' => api_get_timezone(), 'gamification_mode' => api_get_setting('gamification_mode'), ]; //$user_info = api_get_user_info(); return [ '_p' => $_p, '_s' => $_s, // '_u' => $user_info, 'template' => 'default', // @todo setup template folder in config.yml; ]; } /** * Set theme, include mainstream CSS files. * * @deprecated * @see setCssCustomFiles() for additional CSS sheets */ public function setCssFiles() { global $disable_js_and_css_files; $css = []; // Default CSS Bootstrap $bowerCSSFiles = [ 'fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/theme.css', 'jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css', 'mediaelement/build/mediaelementplayer.min.css', 'jqueryui-timepicker-addon/dist/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.css', 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'jquery.scrollbar/jquery.scrollbar.css', //'bootstrap-daterangepicker/daterangepicker.css', 'bootstrap-select/dist/css/bootstrap-select.min.css', 'select2/dist/css/select2.min.css', 'flag-icon-css/css/flag-icon.min.css', 'mediaelement/plugins/vrview/vrview.css', ]; $features = api_get_configuration_value('video_features'); $defaultFeatures = ['playpause', 'current', 'progress', 'duration', 'tracks', 'volume', 'fullscreen', 'vrview']; if (!empty($features) && isset($features['features'])) { foreach ($features['features'] as $feature) { if ($feature === 'vrview') { continue; } $bowerCSSFiles[] = "mediaelement/plugins/$feature/$feature.css"; $defaultFeatures[] = $feature; } } foreach ($bowerCSSFiles as $file) { //$css[] = api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH).'assets/'.$file; } //$css[] = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/chosen/chosen.css'; if (api_is_global_chat_enabled()) { $css[] = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/chat/css/chat.css'; } $css_file_to_string = ''; foreach ($css as $file) { $css_file_to_string .= api_get_css($file); } if (!$disable_js_and_css_files) { $this->assign('css_static_file_to_string', $css_file_to_string); } $defaultFeatures = implode("','", $defaultFeatures); $this->assign('video_features', $defaultFeatures); } /** * Prepare custom CSS to be added at the very end of the section. * * @see setCssFiles() for the mainstream CSS files */ public function setCssCustomFiles() { global $disable_js_and_css_files; $css = []; if ($this->show_learnpath) { if (is_file(api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).$this->themeDir.'learnpath.css')) { $css[] = api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).$this->themeDir.'learnpath.css'; } } $css_file_to_string = ''; foreach ($css as $file) { $css_file_to_string .= api_get_css($file); } // @todo move this somewhere else. Special fix when using tablets in order to see the text near icons if (SHOW_TEXT_NEAR_ICONS == true) { //hack in order to fix the actions buttons $css_file_to_string .= ''; } $navigator_info = api_get_navigator(); if ($navigator_info['name'] == 'Internet Explorer' && $navigator_info['version'] == '6') { $css_file_to_string .= 'img, div { behavior: url('.api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc) } '."\n"; } if (!$disable_js_and_css_files) { $this->assign('css_custom_file_to_string', $css_file_to_string); $style_print = ''; if (is_readable(api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).$this->theme.'/print.css')) { $style_print = api_get_css( api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).$this->theme.'/print.css', 'print' ); } $this->assign('css_style_print', $style_print); } // Logo $logo = return_logo($this->theme); $logoPdf = return_logo($this->theme, false); $this->assign('logo', $logo); $this->assign('logo_pdf', $logoPdf); $this->assign('show_media_element', 1); } /** * Declare and define the template variable that will be used to load * javascript libraries in the header. */ public function set_js_files() { global $disable_js_and_css_files, $htmlHeadXtra; $isoCode = api_get_language_isocode(); $selectLink = 'bootstrap-select/dist/js/i18n/defaults-'.$isoCode.'_'.strtoupper($isoCode).'.min.js'; if ($isoCode == 'en') { $selectLink = 'bootstrap-select/dist/js/i18n/defaults-'.$isoCode.'_US.min.js'; } // JS files $js_files = [ 'chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js', ]; $viewBySession = api_get_setting('my_courses_view_by_session') === 'true'; if (api_is_global_chat_enabled() || $viewBySession) { // Do not include the global chat in LP if ($this->show_learnpath == false && $this->show_footer == true && $this->hide_global_chat == false ) { $js_files[] = 'chat/js/chat.js'; } } if (api_get_setting('accessibility_font_resize') === 'true') { $js_files[] = 'fontresize.js'; } $js_file_to_string = ''; $bowerJsFiles = [ 'modernizr/modernizr.js', 'jquery/query.min.js', 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js', 'jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js', 'jqueryui-touch-punch/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js', 'moment/min/moment-with-locales.js', //'bootstrap-daterangepicker/daterangepicker.js', 'jquery-timeago/jquery.timeago.js', 'mediaelement/mediaelement-and-player.min.js', 'jqueryui-timepicker-addon/dist/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.js', 'image-map-resizer/js/imageMapResizer.min.js', 'jquery.scrollbar/jquery.scrollbar.min.js', //'readmore-js/readmore.min.js', 'bootstrap-select/dist/js/bootstrap-select.min.js', $selectLink, 'select2/dist/js/select2.min.js', "select2/dist/js/i18n/$isoCode.js", 'mediaelement/plugins/vrview/vrview.js', ]; $features = api_get_configuration_value('video_features'); if (!empty($features) && isset($features['features'])) { foreach ($features['features'] as $feature) { if ($feature === 'vrview') { continue; } $bowerJsFiles[] = "mediaelement/plugins/$feature/$feature.js"; } } if (CHAMILO_LOAD_WYSIWYG === true) { $bowerJsFiles[] = 'ckeditor/ckeditor.js'; } if (api_get_setting('include_asciimathml_script') === 'true') { $bowerJsFiles[] = 'MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML'; } if ($isoCode != 'en') { $bowerJsFiles[] = 'jqueryui-timepicker-addon/dist/i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-'.$isoCode.'.js'; $bowerJsFiles[] = 'jquery-ui/ui/minified/i18n/datepicker-'.$isoCode.'.min.js'; } foreach ($bowerJsFiles as $file) { //$js_file_to_string .= ''."\n"; } foreach ($js_files as $file) { //$js_file_to_string .= api_get_js($file); } // Loading email_editor js if (!api_is_anonymous() && api_get_setting('allow_email_editor') == 'true') { $template = $this->get_template('mail_editor/email_link.js.tpl'); $js_file_to_string .= $this->fetch($template); } if (!$disable_js_and_css_files) { $this->assign('js_file_to_string', $js_file_to_string); $extraHeaders = ''; //$extraHeaders = ''; //Adding jquery ui by default $extraHeaders .= api_get_jquery_ui_js(); if (isset($htmlHeadXtra) && $htmlHeadXtra) { foreach ($htmlHeadXtra as &$this_html_head) { $extraHeaders .= $this_html_head."\n"; } } $ajax = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH); $courseId = api_get_course_id(); if (empty($courseId)) { $courseLogoutCode = ' '; } else { $courseLogoutCode = " "; } $extraHeaders .= $courseLogoutCode; $this->assign('extra_headers', $extraHeaders); } } /** * @param array $params * @param string $template * * @throws \Twig\Error\Error */ public function returnResponse($params, $template) { $flash = Display::getFlashToString(); Display::cleanFlashMessages(); $response = new Response(); $params['flash_messages'] = $flash; $content = Container::getTemplating()->render($template, $params); $response->setContent($content); $response->send(); } /** * Special function to declare last-minute JS libraries which depend on * other things to be declared first. In particular, it might be useful * under IE9 with compatibility mode, which for some reason is getting * upset when a variable is used in a function (even if not used yet) * when this variable hasn't been defined yet. */ public function set_js_files_post() { global $disable_js_and_css_files; $js_files = []; if (api_is_global_chat_enabled()) { //Do not include the global chat in LP if ($this->show_learnpath == false && $this->show_footer == true && $this->hide_global_chat == false) { $js_files[] = 'chat/js/chat.js'; } } $js_file_to_string = ''; foreach ($js_files as $js_file) { $js_file_to_string .= api_get_js($js_file); } if (!$disable_js_and_css_files) { $this->assign('js_file_to_string_post', $js_file_to_string); } } /** * @param string $theme * * @return string */ public static function getPortalIcon($theme) { // Default root chamilo favicon $icon = ''; // Added to verify if in the current Chamilo Theme exist a favicon $themeUrl = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).'themes/'.$theme.'/images/'; //If exist pick the current chamilo theme favicon if (is_file($themeUrl.'favicon.ico')) { $icon = ''; } return $icon; } /** * Show footer js template. */ public function show_footer_js_template() { $tpl = $this->get_template('layout/footer.js.tpl'); $this->display($tpl); } /** * @param string $template * * @return string */ public function fetch($template = null) { $template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($template); return $template->render($this->params); } /** * @param string $variable * @param mixed $value */ public function assign($variable, $value = '') { $this->params[$variable] = $value; } /** * Adds a body class for login pages. */ public function setLoginBodyClass() { $this->assign('login_class', 'section-login'); } /** * The theme that will be used if the database is not working. * * @return string */ public static function getThemeFallback() { $theme = api_get_configuration_value('theme_fallback'); if (empty($theme)) { $theme = 'chamilo'; } return $theme; } /** * @return string */ public function handleLoginFailed() { $message = get_lang('Login failed - incorrect login or password.'); if (!isset($_GET['error'])) { if (api_is_self_registration_allowed()) { $message = get_lang('Login failed - if you are not registered, you can do so using the registration form'); } } else { switch ($_GET['error']) { case '': if (api_is_self_registration_allowed()) { $message = get_lang('Login failed - if you are not registered, you can do so using the registration form'); } break; case 'account_expired': $message = get_lang('Account expired'); break; case 'account_inactive': $message = get_lang('Account inactive'); if (api_get_setting('allow_registration') === 'confirmation') { $message = get_lang('Your account is inactive because you have not confirmed it yet. Check your email and follow the instructions or click the following link to resend the email').PHP_EOL; $message .= Display::url( get_lang('Send confirmation mail again'), api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/auth/resend_confirmation_mail.php', ['class' => 'alert-link'] ); } break; case 'user_password_incorrect': $message = get_lang('Login failed - incorrect login or password.'); break; case 'access_url_inactive': $message = get_lang('Account inactive for this URL'); break; case 'wrong_captcha': $message = get_lang('The text you entered doesn\'t match the picture.'); break; case 'blocked_by_captcha': $message = get_lang('Account blocked by captcha.'); break; case 'multiple_connection_not_allowed': $message = get_lang('This user is already logged in'); break; } } return Display::return_message($message, 'error', false); } /** * @return string */ public function displayLoginForm() { $form = new FormValidator( 'form-login', 'POST', api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH).'login_check', null, null, FormValidator::LAYOUT_BOX_NO_LABEL ); $params = [ 'id' => '_username', 'autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'icon' => 'user fa-fw', 'placeholder' => get_lang('Username'), ]; $browserAutoCapitalize = false; // Avoid showing the autocapitalize option if the browser doesn't // support it: this attribute is against the HTML5 standard if (api_browser_support('autocapitalize')) { $browserAutoCapitalize = false; $params['autocapitalize'] = 'none'; } $form->addText( '_username', get_lang('Username'), true, $params ); $params = [ 'id' => '_password', 'icon' => 'lock fa-fw', 'placeholder' => get_lang('Pass'), ]; if ($browserAutoCapitalize) { $params['autocapitalize'] = 'none'; } $form->addElement( 'password', '_password', get_lang('Pass'), $params ); $token = Chamilo\CoreBundle\Framework\Container::$container->get('security.csrf.token_manager')->getToken('authenticate'); $form->addHidden('_csrf_token', $token->getValue()); // Captcha $captcha = api_get_setting('allow_captcha'); $allowCaptcha = $captcha === 'true'; if ($allowCaptcha) { $useCaptcha = isset($_SESSION['loginFailed']) ? $_SESSION['loginFailed'] : null; if ($useCaptcha) { $ajax = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'form.ajax.php?a=get_captcha'; $options = [ 'width' => 250, 'height' => 90, 'callback' => $ajax.'&var='.basename(__FILE__, '.php'), 'sessionVar' => basename(__FILE__, '.php'), 'imageOptions' => [ 'font_size' => 20, 'font_path' => api_get_path(SYS_FONTS_PATH).'opensans/', 'font_file' => 'OpenSans-Regular.ttf', //'output' => 'gif' ], ]; // Minimum options using all defaults (including defaults for Image_Text): //$options = array('callback' => 'qfcaptcha_image.php'); $captcha_question = $form->addElement('CAPTCHA_Image', 'captcha_question', '', $options); $form->addHtml(get_lang('Click on the image to load a new one.')); $form->addElement( 'text', 'captcha', get_lang('Enter the letters you see.') ); $form->addRule( 'captcha', get_lang('Enter the characters you see on the image'), 'required', null, 'client' ); $form->addRule( 'captcha', get_lang('The text you entered doesn\'t match the picture.'), 'CAPTCHA', $captcha_question ); } } $form->addButton( 'submitAuth', get_lang('Login'), null, 'primary', null, 'btn-block' ); $html = $form->returnForm(); return $html; } /** * Returns the tutors names for the current course in session * Function to use in Twig templates. * * @return string */ public static function returnTutorsNames() { $em = Database::getManager(); $tutors = $em ->createQuery(' SELECT u FROM ChamiloUserBundle:User u INNER JOIN ChamiloCoreBundle:SessionRelCourseRelUser scu WITH u.id = scu.user WHERE scu.status = :teacher_status AND scu.session = :session AND scu.course = :course ') ->setParameters([ 'teacher_status' => SessionRelCourseRelUser::STATUS_COURSE_COACH, 'session' => api_get_session_id(), 'course' => api_get_course_int_id(), ]) ->getResult(); $names = []; /** @var User $tutor */ foreach ($tutors as $tutor) { $names[] = UserManager::formatUserFullName($tutor); } return implode(CourseManager::USER_SEPARATOR, $names); } /*s * Returns the teachers name for the current course * Function to use in Twig templates * @return string */ public static function returnTeachersNames() { $em = Database::getManager(); $teachers = $em ->createQuery(' SELECT u FROM ChamiloUserBundle:User u INNER JOIN ChamiloCoreBundle:CourseRelUser cu WITH u.id = cu.user WHERE cu.status = :teacher_status AND cu.course = :course ') ->setParameters([ 'teacher_status' => User::COURSE_MANAGER, 'course' => api_get_course_int_id(), ]) ->getResult(); $names = []; /** @var User $teacher */ foreach ($teachers as $teacher) { $names[] = UserManager::formatUserFullName($teacher); } return implode(CourseManager::USER_SEPARATOR, $names); } /** * @param int $code */ public function setResponseCode($code) { $this->responseCode = $code; } /** * @param string $code */ public function getResponseCode() { return $this->responseCode; } /** * Assign HTML code to the 'bug_notification' template variable for the side tabs to report issues. * * @return bool Always return true because there is always a string, even if empty */ public function assignBugNotification() { //@todo move this in the template $rightFloatMenu = ''; $iconBug = Display::return_icon( 'bug.png', get_lang('Report a bug'), [], ICON_SIZE_LARGE ); if (api_get_setting('show_link_bug_notification') === 'true' && $this->user_is_logged_in) { $rightFloatMenu = '
'; } if (api_get_setting('show_link_ticket_notification') === 'true' && $this->user_is_logged_in ) { // by default is project_id = 1 $defaultProjectId = 1; $iconTicket = Display::return_icon( 'help.png', get_lang('Ticket'), [], ICON_SIZE_LARGE ); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); $courseParams = ''; if (!empty($courseInfo)) { $courseParams = api_get_cidreq(); } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'ticket/tickets.php?project_id='.$defaultProjectId.'&'.$courseParams; $allow = TicketManager::userIsAllowInProject(api_get_user_info(), $defaultProjectId); if ($allow) { $rightFloatMenu .= '
'; } } $this->assign('bug_notification', $rightFloatMenu); return true; } /** * Load legacy params. */ private function loadLegacyParams() { // Set legacy breadcrumb global $interbreadcrumb; $this->params['legacy_breadcrumb'] = $interbreadcrumb; global $htmlHeadXtra; $this->params['legacy_javascript'] = $htmlHeadXtra; } /** * Prepare the _c array for template files. The _c array contains * information about the current course. */ private function set_course_parameters() { //Setting course id $course = api_get_course_info(); if (empty($course)) { $this->assign('course_is_set', false); return; } $this->assign('course_is_set', true); $this->course_id = $course['id']; $_c = [ 'id' => $course['real_id'], 'code' => $course['code'], 'title' => $course['name'], 'visibility' => $course['visibility'], 'language' => $course['language'], 'directory' => $course['directory'], 'session_id' => api_get_session_id(), 'user_is_teacher' => api_is_course_admin(), 'student_view' => (!empty($_GET['isStudentView']) && $_GET['isStudentView'] == 'true'), ]; $this->assign('course_code', $course['code']); $this->assign('_c', $_c); } /** * Prepare the _u array for template files. The _u array contains * information about the current user, as returned by * api_get_user_info(). */ private function set_user_parameters() { $user_info = []; $user_info['logged'] = 0; $this->user_is_logged_in = false; if (api_user_is_login()) { $user_info = api_get_user_info(api_get_user_id(), true); $user_info['logged'] = 1; $user_info['is_admin'] = 0; if (api_is_platform_admin()) { $user_info['is_admin'] = 1; } $user_info['messages_count'] = MessageManager::getCountNewMessages(); $this->user_is_logged_in = true; } // Setting the $_u array that could be use in any template $this->assign('_u', $user_info); } /** * Set header parameters. * * @deprecated * * @param bool $sendHeaders send headers */ private function set_header_parameters($sendHeaders) { global $httpHeadXtra, $interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $_configuration, $this_section; $_course = api_get_course_info(); $nameTools = $this->title; $navigation = return_navigation_array(); $this->menu_navigation = $navigation['menu_navigation']; $this->assign('system_charset', api_get_system_encoding()); if (isset($httpHeadXtra) && $httpHeadXtra) { foreach ($httpHeadXtra as &$thisHttpHead) { //header($thisHttpHead); } } $this->assign( 'online_button', Display::return_icon('statusonline.png', null, [], ICON_SIZE_ATOM) ); $this->assign( 'offline_button', Display::return_icon('statusoffline.png', null, [], ICON_SIZE_ATOM) ); // Get language iso-code for this page - ignore errors $this->assign('document_language', api_get_language_isocode()); $course_title = isset($_course['name']) ? $_course['name'] : null; $title_list = []; $title_list[] = api_get_setting('Institution'); $title_list[] = api_get_setting('siteName'); if (!empty($course_title)) { $title_list[] = $course_title; } if ($nameTools != '') { $title_list[] = $nameTools; } $title_string = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($title_list); $i++) { $title_string .= $title_list[$i]; if (isset($title_list[$i + 1])) { $item = trim($title_list[$i + 1]); if (!empty($item)) { $title_string .= ' - '; } } } $this->assign('title_string', $title_string); // Setting the theme and CSS files $this->setCssFiles(); $this->set_js_files(); $this->setCssCustomFiles(); $browser = api_browser_support('check_browser'); if ($browser[0] == 'Internet Explorer' && $browser[1] >= '11') { $browser_head = ''; $this->assign('browser_specific_head', $browser_head); } // Implementation of prefetch. // See http://cdn.chamilo.org/main/img/online.png for details $prefetch = ''; if (!empty($_configuration['cdn_enable'])) { $prefetch .= ''; foreach ($_configuration['cdn'] as $host => $exts) { $prefetch .= ''; } } $this->assign('prefetch', $prefetch); $this->assign('text_direction', api_get_text_direction()); $this->assign('section_name', 'section-'.$this_section); $this->assignFavIcon(); $this->setHelp(); $this->assignBugNotification(); //Prepare the 'bug_notification' var for the template $this->assignAccessibilityBlock(); //Prepare the 'accessibility' var for the template // Preparing values for the menu // Logout link $hideLogout = api_get_setting('hide_logout_button'); if ($hideLogout === 'true') { $this->assign('logout_link', null); } else { $this->assign('logout_link', api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'index.php?logout=logout&uid='.api_get_user_id()); } // Profile link if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true') { $profile_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/home.php'; } else { $profile_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'auth/profile.php'; } $this->assign('profile_url', $profile_url); //Message link $message_link = null; $message_url = null; if (api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true') { $message_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'messages/inbox.php'; $message_link = ''.get_lang('Inbox').''; } $this->assign('message_link', $message_link); $this->assign('message_url', $message_url); $pendingSurveyLink = ''; $show = api_get_configuration_value('show_pending_survey_in_menu'); if ($show) { $pendingSurveyLink = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'survey/pending.php'; } $this->assign('pending_survey_url', $pendingSurveyLink); // Certificate Link $allow = api_get_configuration_value('certificate.hide_my_certificate_link'); if ($allow === false) { $certificateUrl = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/my_certificates.php'; $certificateLink = Display::url( get_lang('My certificates'), $certificateUrl ); $this->assign('certificate_link', $certificateLink); $this->assign('certificate_url', $certificateUrl); } $institution = api_get_setting('Institution'); $portal_name = empty($institution) ? api_get_setting('siteName') : $institution; $this->assign('portal_name', $portal_name); //Menu //$menu = menuArray(); //$this->assign('menu', $menu); $breadcrumb = ''; // Hide breadcrumb in LP if ($this->show_learnpath == false) { $breadcrumb = return_breadcrumb( $interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $nameTools ); } $this->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb); //Extra content $extra_header = null; if (!api_is_platform_admin()) { $extra_header = trim(api_get_setting('header_extra_content')); } $this->assign('header_extra_content', $extra_header); if ($sendHeaders) { /*header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.api_get_system_encoding()); header( 'X-Powered-By: '.$_configuration['software_name'].' '.substr($_configuration['system_version'], 0, 1) ); self::addHTTPSecurityHeaders();*/ $responseCode = $this->getResponseCode(); if (!empty($responseCode)) { switch ($responseCode) { case '404': header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); break; } } } $socialMeta = ''; $metaTitle = api_get_setting('meta_title'); if (!empty($metaTitle)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaSite = api_get_setting('meta_twitter_site'); if (!empty($metaSite)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaCreator = api_get_setting('meta_twitter_creator'); if (!empty($metaCreator)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } } // The user badge page emits its own meta tags, so if this is // enabled, ignore the global ones $userId = isset($_GET['user']) ? intval($_GET['user']) : 0; $skillId = isset($_GET['skill']) ? intval($_GET['skill']) : 0; if (!$userId && !$skillId) { // no combination of user and skill ID has been defined, // so print the normal OpenGraph meta tags $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaDescription = api_get_setting('meta_description'); if (!empty($metaDescription)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } $metaImage = api_get_setting('meta_image_path'); if (!empty($metaImage)) { if (is_file(api_get_path(SYS_PATH).$metaImage)) { $path = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).$metaImage; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } } } } $this->assign('social_meta', $socialMeta); } /** * Set footer parameters. */ private function set_footer_parameters() { // Loading footer extra content if (!api_is_platform_admin()) { $extra_footer = trim(api_get_setting('footer_extra_content')); if (!empty($extra_footer)) { $this->assign('footer_extra_content', $extra_footer); } } } /** * Manage specific HTTP headers security. */ private function addHTTPSecurityHeaders() { // Implementation of HTTP headers security, as suggested and checked // by https://securityheaders.io/ // Enable these settings in configuration.php to use them on your site // Strict-Transport-Security $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_strict_transport'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('Strict-Transport-Security: '.$setting); } // Content-Security-Policy $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_content_policy'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('Content-Security-Policy: '.$setting); } $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_content_policy_report_only'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: '.$setting); } // Public-Key-Pins $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_public_key_pins'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('Public-Key-Pins: '.$setting); } $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_public_key_pins_report_only'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only: '.$setting); } // X-Frame-Options $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_x_frame_options'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('X-Frame-Options: '.$setting); } // X-XSS-Protection $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_xss_protection'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('X-XSS-Protection: '.$setting); } // X-Content-Type-Options $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_x_content_type_options'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('X-Content-Type-Options: '.$setting); } // Referrer-Policy $setting = api_get_configuration_value('security_referrer_policy'); if (!empty($setting)) { header('Referrer-Policy: '.$setting); } // end of HTTP headers security block } /** * Assign favicon to the 'favico' template variable. * * @return bool Always return true because there is always at least one correct favicon.ico */ private function assignFavIcon() { // Default root chamilo favicon $favico = ''; //Added to verify if in the current Chamilo Theme exist a favicon $favicoThemeUrl = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).$this->themeDir.'images/'; //If exist pick the current chamilo theme favicon if (is_file($favicoThemeUrl.'favicon.ico')) { $favico = ''; } if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); if ($access_url_id != -1) { $url_info = api_get_access_url($access_url_id); $url = api_remove_trailing_slash( preg_replace('/https?:\/\//i', '', $url_info['url']) ); $clean_url = api_replace_dangerous_char($url); $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url); $clean_url .= '/'; $homep = api_get_path(REL_PATH).'home/'.$clean_url; //homep for Home Path $icon_real_homep = api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).'home/'.$clean_url; //we create the new dir for the new sites if (is_file($icon_real_homep.'favicon.ico')) { $favico = ''; } } } $this->assign('favico', $favico); return true; } /** * Assign HTML code to the 'accessibility' template variable (usually shown above top menu). * * @return bool Always return true (even if empty string) */ private function assignAccessibilityBlock() { $resize = ''; if (api_get_setting('accessibility_font_resize') == 'true') { $resize .= '
'; $resize .= '
'; $resize .= ''; $resize .= ''; $resize .= ''; $resize .= '
'; $resize .= '
'; } $this->assign('accessibility', $resize); return true; } /** * Assign HTML code to the 'social_meta' template variable (usually shown above top menu). * * @return bool Always return true (even if empty string) */ private function assignSocialMeta() { $socialMeta = ''; $metaTitle = api_get_setting('meta_title'); if (!empty($metaTitle)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaSite = api_get_setting('meta_twitter_site'); if (!empty($metaSite)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaCreator = api_get_setting('meta_twitter_creator'); if (!empty($metaCreator)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } } // The user badge page emits its own meta tags, so if this is // enabled, ignore the global ones $userId = isset($_GET['user']) ? intval($_GET['user']) : 0; $skillId = isset($_GET['skill']) ? intval($_GET['skill']) : 0; if (!$userId && !$skillId) { // no combination of user and skill ID has been defined, // so print the normal or course-specific OpenGraph meta tags // Check for a course ID $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); // Check session ID from session/id/about (see .htaccess) $sessionId = isset($_GET['session_id']) ? intval($_GET['session_id']) : 0; if ($courseId != false) { // If we are inside a course (even if within a session), publish info about the course $course = api_get_course_entity($courseId); // @TODO: support right-to-left in title $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaDescription = api_get_setting('meta_description'); if (!empty($course->getDescription())) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } elseif (!empty($metaDescription)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } $picture = CourseManager::getPicturePath($course, true); if (!empty($picture)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } else { $socialMeta .= $this->getMetaPortalImagePath($metaTitle); } } elseif ($sessionId !== 0) { // If we are on a session "about" screen, publish info about the session $em = Database::getManager(); $session = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $sessionId); $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= 'getId()}/about/".'" />'."\n"; $sessionValues = new ExtraFieldValue('session'); $sessionImage = $sessionValues->get_values_by_handler_and_field_variable($session->getId(), 'image')['value']; $sessionImageSysPath = api_get_path(SYS_UPLOAD_PATH).$sessionImage; if (!empty($sessionImage) && is_file($sessionImageSysPath)) { $sessionImagePath = api_get_path(WEB_UPLOAD_PATH).$sessionImage; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } else { $socialMeta .= $this->getMetaPortalImagePath($metaTitle); } } else { // Otherwise (not a course nor a session, nor a user, nor a badge), publish portal info $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $metaDescription = api_get_setting('meta_description'); if (!empty($metaDescription)) { $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; $socialMeta .= ''."\n"; } $socialMeta .= $this->getMetaPortalImagePath($metaTitle); } } } $this->assign('social_meta', $socialMeta); return true; } /** * Get platform meta image tag (check meta_image_path setting, then use the logo). * * @param string $imageAlt The alt attribute for the image * * @return string The meta image HTML tag, or empty */ private function getMetaPortalImagePath($imageAlt = '') { // Load portal meta image if defined $metaImage = api_get_setting('meta_image_path'); $metaImageSysPath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).$metaImage; $metaImageWebPath = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).$metaImage; $portalImageMeta = ''; if (!empty($metaImage)) { if (is_file($metaImageSysPath)) { $portalImageMeta = ''."\n"; $portalImageMeta .= ''."\n"; $portalImageMeta .= ''."\n"; } } else { $logo = ChamiloApi::getPlatformLogoPath($this->theme); if (!empty($logo)) { $portalImageMeta = ''."\n"; $portalImageMeta .= ''."\n"; $portalImageMeta .= ''."\n"; } } return $portalImageMeta; } }