iAmLoggedAs('admin'); $this->getSession()->back(); } /** * @Given /^I am a teacher$/ */ public function iAmATeacher() { $this->iAmLoggedAs('mmosquera'); } /** * @Given /^I am a student$/ */ public function iAmAStudent() { $this->iAmLoggedAs('acostea'); } /** * @Given /^I am an HR manager$/ */ public function iAmAnHR() { $this->iAmLoggedAs('ptook'); } /** * @Given /^I am a student boss$/ */ public function iAmAStudentBoss() { $this->iAmLoggedAs('abaggins'); } /** * @Given /^I am an invitee$/ */ public function iAmAnInvitee() { $this->iAmLoggedAs('bproudfoot'); } /** * @Given /^course "([^"]*)" exists$/ */ public function courseExists($argument) { $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); $this->visit('/main/admin/course_list.php?keyword='.$argument); $this->assertPageContainsText($argument); } /** * @Given /^course "([^"]*)" is deleted$/ */ public function courseIsDeleted($argument) { $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); $this->visit('/main/admin/course_list.php?keyword='.$argument); $this->clickLink('Delete'); } /** * @Given /^I am on course "([^"]*)" homepage$/ */ public function iAmOnCourseXHomepage($courseCode) { $this->visit('/courses/'.$courseCode.'/index.php'); $this->assertElementNotOnPage('.alert-danger'); } /** * @Given /^I am on course "([^"]*)" homepage in session "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iAmOnCourseXHomepageInSessionY($courseCode, $sessionName) { $this->visit('/main/course_home/redirect.php?cidReq='.$courseCode.'&session_name='.$sessionName); } /** * @Given /^I am a "([^"]*)" user$/ */ public function iAmAXUser($argument) { $this->visit('/main/auth/profile.php'); $this->assertFieldContains('language', $argument); } /** * @Given /^I am logged as "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iAmLoggedAs($username) { $this->visit('/public/logout'); $this->visit('/public/login'); $this->fillField('login__username', $username); $this->fillField('login__password', $username); $this->pressButton('_submit'); } /** * @Given /^I have a friend named "([^"]*)" with id "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iHaveAFriend($friendUsername, $friendId) { $adminId = 1; $friendId = $friendId; $friendUsername = $friendUsername; $sendInvitationURL = '/main/inc/ajax/message.ajax.php?'. http_build_query( [ 'a' => 'send_invitation', 'user_id' => $friendId, 'content' => 'Add me', ] ); $acceptInvitationURL = '/main/inc/ajax/social.ajax.php?'. http_build_query( [ 'a' => 'add_friend', 'friend_id' => $adminId, 'is_my_friend' => 'friend', ] ); $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); $this->visit($sendInvitationURL); $this->iAmLoggedAs($friendUsername); $this->visit($acceptInvitationURL); $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); } /** * @Given /^I have a public password-protected course named "([^"]*)" with password "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iHaveAPublicPasswordProtectedCourse($code, $password) { $this->visit('/main/admin/course_add.php'); $this->fillFields( new TableNode( [ ['title', 'Password Protected'], ['visual_code', $code], ['visibility', 3], ] ) ); $this->pressButton('submit'); $this->visit('/main/course_info/infocours.php?cidReq='.$code); $this->assertPageContainsText('Course registration password'); $this->fillField('course_registration_password', $password); $this->pressButton('submit_save'); $this->assertFieldContains('course_registration_password', $password); } /** * @Given /^I am not logged$/ */ public function iAmNotLogged() { $this->visit('/index.php?logout=logout'); $this->visit('I am on homepage'); } /** * @When /^I invite to a friend with id "([^"]*)" to a social group with id "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iInviteAFriendToASocialGroup($friendId, $groupId) { $this->visit('/main/social/group_invitation.php?id='.$groupId); $this->fillField('invitation[]', $friendId); $this->pressButton('submit'); } /** * Sometimes the top admin toolbar has form buttons * that conflicts with the main page forms so we need * to disable it * @Given /^Admin top bar is disabled$/ */ public function adminTopBarIsDisabled() { $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); $this->visit('/main/admin/settings.php'); $this->fillField('search_field', 'show_admin_toolbar'); $this->pressButton('submit_button'); $this->selectOption('show_admin_toolbar', 'do_not_show'); $this->pressButton('submit'); } /** * @Given /^Admin top bar is enabled$/ */ public function adminTopBarIsEnabled() { $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); $this->visit('/main/admin/settings.php'); $this->fillField('search_field', 'show_admin_toolbar'); $this->pressButton('submit_button'); $this->selectOption('show_admin_toolbar', 'show_to_admin_and_teachers'); $this->pressButton('submit'); } /** * @Given /^I am on the social group members page with id "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iAmOnSocialGroupMembersPageWithId($groupId) { $this->visit('/main/social/group_view.php?id='.$groupId); } /** * @When /^I try delete a friend with id "([^"]*)" from the social group with id "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iTryDeleteAFriendFromSocialGroup($friendId, $groupId) { $this->visit( '/main/social/group_members.php?'.http_build_query( [ 'id' => $groupId, 'u' => $friendId, 'action' => 'delete', ] ) ); } /** * @Then /^I fill in ckeditor field "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iFillInWysiwygOnFieldWith($locator, $value) { // Just in case wait that ckeditor is loaded $this->getSession()->wait(2000); $el = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($locator); $fieldId = $el->getAttribute('id'); if (empty($fieldId)) { throw new Exception( 'Could not find an id for field with locator: '.$locator ); } $this->getSession()->executeScript( "CKEDITOR.instances[\"$fieldId\"].setData(\"$value\");" ); } /** * @Then /^I fill the only ckeditor in the page with "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iFillTheOnlyEditorInThePage($value) { // Just in case wait that ckeditor is loaded $this->getSession()->wait(2000); $this->getSession()->executeScript( " var textarea = $('textarea'); var id = textarea.attr('id'); CKEDITOR.instances[id].setData(\"$value\"); " ); } /** * @Given /^I fill hidden field "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iFillHiddenFieldWith($field, $value) { $this->getSession()->getPage()->find( 'css', 'input[name="'.$field.'"]' )->setValue($value); } /** * @When /^(?:|I )fill in select2 input "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with id "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and value "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ */ public function iFillInSelectInputWithAndSelect($field, $id, $value) { $this->getSession()->executeScript("$('$field').select2({data : [{id: $id, text: '$value'}]});"); } /** * @When /^(?:|I )confirm the popup$/ */ public function confirmPopup() { // See // https://gist.github.com/blazarecki/2888851 /** @var \Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver $driver Needed because no cross-driver way yet */ $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->accept_alert(); } /** * @When /^(?:|I )fill in select bootstrap input "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and select "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ */ public function iFillInSelectBootstrapInputWithAndSelect($field, $value, $entry) { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $inputField = $page->find('css', $field); if (!$inputField) { throw new \Exception('No field found'); } $choice = $inputField->getParent()->find('css', '.bootstrap-select'); if (!$choice) { throw new \Exception('No select bootstrap choice found'); } $choice->press(); $selectInput = $inputField->getParent()->find('css', '.bootstrap-select .form-control'); if (!$selectInput) { throw new \Exception('No input found'); } $selectInput->setValue($value); $this->getSession()->wait(3000); $chosenResults = $inputField->getParent()->findAll('css', '.dropdown-menu inner li'); foreach ($chosenResults as $result) { //$option = $result->find('css', '.text'); if ($result->getText() == $entry) { $result->click(); break; } } } /** * @When /^(?:|I )fill in select bootstrap static input "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" select "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ */ public function iFillInSelectStaticBootstrapInputWithAndSelect($field, $value) { $this->getSession()->wait(1000); $this->getSession()->executeScript(" $(function() { $('$field').selectpicker('val', '$value'); }); "); } /** * @When /^(?:|I )fill in select bootstrap static by text "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" select "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ */ public function iFillInSelectStaticBootstrapInputWithAndSelectByText($field, $value) { $this->getSession()->wait(1000); $this->getSession()->executeScript(" $('$field > option').each(function(index, option) { if (option.text == '$value') { $('$field').selectpicker('val', option.value); } }); "); } /** * @When /^(?:|I )fill in select "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with option value "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with class "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ */ public function iFillInSelectWithOptionValue($field, $value, $class) { $this->getSession()->wait(1000); $this->getSession()->executeScript(" var input = $('$field').filter('$class'); var id = input.attr('id'); var input = $('#'+id); input.val($value); "); } /** * @When /^wait for the page to be loaded$/ */ public function waitForThePageToBeLoaded() { $this->getSession()->wait(3000); } /** * @When /^wait very long for the page to be loaded$/ */ public function waitVeryLongForThePageToBeLoaded() { //$this->getSession()->wait(10000, "document.readyState === 'complete'"); $this->getSession()->wait(8000); } /** * @When /^I check the "([^"]*)" radio button$/ */ public function iCheckTheRadioButton($radioLabel) { $radioButton = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($radioLabel); if (null === $radioButton) { throw new Exception("Cannot find radio button ".$radioLabel); } //$value = $radioButton->getAttribute('value'); $this->getSession()->getDriver()->click($radioButton->getXPath()); } /** * @When /^I check radio button with label "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iCheckTheRadioButtonWithLabel($label) { $this->getSession()->executeScript(" $(function() { $(':contains(\$label\")').parent().find('input').prop('checked', true); }); "); } /** * @When /^I press advanced settings$/ */ public function iSelectFromSelectWithLabel() { $this->pressButton('Advanced settings'); } /** * Clicks link with specified id|title|alt|text * Example: When I follow "Log In" * Example: And I follow "Log In" * * @When /^(?:|I )focus "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ */ public function focus($input) { $input = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($input); $input->focus(); } /** * @Given /^I check the "([^"]*)" radio button with "([^"]*)" value$/ */ public function iCheckTheRadioButtonWithValue($element, $value) { $this->getSession()->executeScript(" $(function() { $('input[type=\"radio\"][name=".$element."][value=".$value."]').prop('checked', true); }); "); return true; } /** * @Then /^I should see an icon with title "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iShouldSeeAnIconWithTitle($value) { $el = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', "//img[@title='$value']"); if (null === $el) { throw new Exception( 'Could not find an icon with title: '.$value ); } return true; } /** * @Then /^I should not see an icon with title "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iShouldNotSeeAnIconWithTitle($value) { $el = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', "//img[@title='$value']"); if (null === $el) { return true; } return false; } /** * @Then /^I save current URL with name "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function saveUrlWithName($name) { $url = $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl(); $this->getSession()->setCookie($name, $url); } /** * @Then /^I visit URL saved with name "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function visitSavedUrlWithName($name) { $url = $this->getSession()->getCookie($name); echo $url; if (empty($url)) { throw new Exception("Url with name: $name not found"); } $this->visit($url); } /** * @Given /^I am a student subscribed to session "([^"]*)"$/ * * @param string$sessionName */ public function iAmStudentSubscribedToXSession($sessionName) { $this->iAmAPlatformAdministrator(); $this->visit('/main/session/session_add.php'); $this->fillField('name', $sessionName); $this->pressButton('Next step'); $this->selectOption('NoSessionCoursesList[]', 'TEMP (TEMP)'); $this->pressButton('add_course'); $this->pressButton('Next step'); $this->assertPageContainsText('Update successful'); $this->fillField('user_to_add', 'acostea'); $this->waitForThePageToBeLoaded(); $this->clickLink('Costea Andrea (acostea)'); $this->pressButton('Finish session creation'); $this->assertPageContainsText('Session overview'); //$this->assertPageContainsText('Costea Andrea (acostea)'); $this->iAmAStudent(); } /** * Example: Then I should see the table "#category_results": * | Categories | Absolute score | Relative score | * | Categoryname2 | 50 / 70 | 71.43% | * | Categoryname1 | 60 / 60 | 100% | * * @Then /^I should see the table "([^"]*)":$/ * * @param string $tableId * @param TableNode $tableData * * @throws Exception */ public function assertPageContainsTable($tableId, TableNode $tableData) { $table = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $tableId); $rows = $tableData->getRowsHash(); $i = 1; $right = array_keys($rows); foreach ($right as $text) { $cell = $table->find('css', 'tr:nth-child('.$i.') :nth-child(1)'); $i++; if (!$cell) { throw new Exception('Cell not found.'); } if ($cell->getText() != $text) { throw new Exception('Table text not found.'); } } $i = 1; foreach ($rows as $field => $cols) { if (is_array($cols)) { $j = 2; foreach ($cols as $col) { $cell = $table->find('css', 'tr:nth-child('.$i.') :nth-child('.$j.')'); $j++; if (!$cell) { throw new Exception('Cell not found.'); } if ($cell->getText() != $col) { throw new Exception('Table text not found. Found "'.$cell->getText().'" <> "'.$col.'"'); } } } else { $cell = $table->find('css', 'tr:nth-child('.$i.') :nth-child(2)'); if (!$cell) { throw new Exception('Cell not found.'); } if ($cell->getText() != $cols) { throw new Exception('Table text not found. Found "'.$cell->getText().'" <> "'.$cols.'"'); } } $i++; } } }