get($id); if (empty($info)) { $user['error'] = sprintf(get_lang('ClassIdDoesntExists'), $id); $errors[] = $user; } else { $classExistList[] = $info['id']; } } } // 5. Check authentication source if (!empty($user['AuthSource'])) { if (!in_array($user['AuthSource'], $defined_auth_sources)) { $user['error'] = get_lang('AuthSourceNotAvailable'); $errors[] = $user; } } } return $errors; } /** * Add missing user-information (which isn't required, like password, username etc). */ function complete_missing_data($user) { global $purification_option_for_usernames; // 1. Create a username if necessary. if (UserManager::is_username_empty($user['UserName'])) { $user['UserName'] = UserManager::create_unique_username( $user['FirstName'], $user['LastName'] ); } else { $user['UserName'] = UserManager::purify_username( $user['UserName'], $purification_option_for_usernames ); } // 2. Generate a password if necessary. if (empty($user['Password'])) { $user['Password'] = api_generate_password(); } // 3. Set status if not allready set. if (empty($user['Status'])) { $user['Status'] = 'user'; } // 4. Set authsource if not allready set. if (empty($user['AuthSource'])) { $user['AuthSource'] = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE; } if (empty($user['ExpiryDate'])) { $user['ExpiryDate'] = ''; } if (!isset($user['OfficialCode'])) { $user['OfficialCode'] = ''; } if (!isset($user['language'])) { $user['language'] = ''; } if (!isset($user['PhoneNumber'])) { $user['PhoneNumber'] = ''; } if (!isset($user['OfficialCode'])) { $user['OfficialCode'] = ''; } return $user; } /** * Save the imported data * @param array $users List of users * @return void * @uses global variable $inserted_in_course, which returns the list of courses the user was inserted in */ function save_data($users) { global $inserted_in_course; // Not all scripts declare the $inserted_in_course array (although they should). if (!isset($inserted_in_course)) { $inserted_in_course = array(); } $usergroup = new UserGroup(); $send_mail = $_POST['sendMail'] ? true : false; if (is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $user = complete_missing_data($user); $user['Status'] = api_status_key($user['Status']); $user_id = UserManager :: create_user( $user['FirstName'], $user['LastName'], $user['Status'], $user['Email'], $user['UserName'], $user['Password'], $user['OfficialCode'], $user['language'], $user['PhoneNumber'], '', $user['AuthSource'], $user['ExpiryDate'], 1, 0, null, null, $send_mail ); if (isset($user['Courses']) && is_array($user['Courses'])) { foreach ($user['Courses'] as $course) { if (CourseManager::course_exists($course)) { CourseManager::subscribe_user($user_id, $course, $user['Status']); $course_info = CourseManager::get_course_information($course); $inserted_in_course[$course] = $course_info['title']; } } } if (!empty($user['ClassId'])) { $classId = explode('|', trim($user['ClassId'])); foreach ($classId as $id) { $usergroup->subscribe_users_to_usergroup($id, array($user_id), false); } } // Saving extra fields. global $extra_fields; // We are sure that the extra field exists. foreach ($extra_fields as $extras) { if (isset($user[$extras[1]])) { $key = $extras[1]; $value = $user[$extras[1]]; UserManager::update_extra_field_value($user_id, $key, $value); } } } } } /** * Read the CSV-file * @param string $file Path to the CSV-file * @return array All userinformation read from the file */ function parse_csv_data($file) { $users = Import :: csvToArray($file); foreach ($users as $index => $user) { if (isset($user['Courses'])) { $user['Courses'] = explode('|', trim($user['Courses'])); } // Lastname is needed. if (!isset($user['LastName']) || (isset($user['LastName']) && empty($user['LastName']))) { unset($users[$index]); continue; } // FirstName is needed. if (!isset($user['FirstName']) || (isset($user['FirstName']) && empty($user['FirstName']))) { unset($users[$index]); continue; } $users[$index] = $user; } return $users; } /** * XML-parser: handle start of element * @param string $parser Deprecated? * @param string $data The data to be parsed */ function element_start($parser, $data) { $data = api_utf8_decode($data); global $user; global $current_tag; switch ($data) { case 'Contact': $user = array(); break; default: $current_tag = $data; } } /** * XML-parser: handle end of element * @param string $parser Deprecated? * @param string $data The data to be parsed */ function element_end($parser, $data) { $data = api_utf8_decode($data); global $user; global $users; global $current_value; switch ($data) { case 'Contact': if ($user['Status'] == '5') { $user['Status'] = STUDENT; } if ($user['Status'] == '1') { $user['Status'] = COURSEMANAGER; } $users[] = $user; break; default: $user[$data] = $current_value; break; } } /** * XML-parser: handle character data * @param string $parser Parser (deprecated?) * @param string $data The data to be parsed * @return void */ function character_data($parser, $data) { $data = trim(api_utf8_decode($data)); global $current_value; $current_value = $data; } /** * Read the XML-file * @param string $file Path to the XML-file * @return array All user information read from the file */ function parse_xml_data($file) { global $users; $users = array(); $parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8'); xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'element_start', 'element_end'); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'character_data'); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); xml_parse($parser, api_utf8_encode_xml(file_get_contents($file))); xml_parser_free($parser); return $users; } $this_section = SECTION_PLATFORM_ADMIN; api_protect_admin_script(true, null, 'login'); api_protect_limit_for_session_admin(); $defined_auth_sources[] = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE; if (isset($extAuthSource) && is_array($extAuthSource)) { $defined_auth_sources = array_merge($defined_auth_sources, array_keys($extAuthSource)); } $tool_name = get_lang('ImportUserListXMLCSV'); $interbreadcrumb[] = array("url" => 'index.php', "name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin')); set_time_limit(0); $extra_fields = UserManager::get_extra_fields(0, 0, 5, 'ASC', true); $user_id_error = array(); $error_message = ''; if (isset($_POST['formSent']) && $_POST['formSent'] AND $_FILES['import_file']['size'] !== 0 ) { $file_type = $_POST['file_type']; Security::clear_token(); $tok = Security::get_token(); $allowed_file_mimetype = array('csv', 'xml'); $error_kind_file = false; $checkUniqueEmail = isset($_POST['check_unique_email']) ? $_POST['check_unique_email'] : null; $uploadInfo = pathinfo($_FILES['import_file']['name']); $ext_import_file = $uploadInfo['extension']; $users = array(); if (in_array($ext_import_file, $allowed_file_mimetype)) { if (strcmp($file_type, 'csv') === 0 && $ext_import_file == $allowed_file_mimetype[0] ) { $users = parse_csv_data($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']); $errors = validate_data($users, $checkUniqueEmail); $error_kind_file = false; } elseif (strcmp($file_type, 'xml') === 0 && $ext_import_file == $allowed_file_mimetype[1]) { $users = parse_xml_data($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']); $errors = validate_data($users, $checkUniqueEmail); $error_kind_file = false; } else { $error_kind_file = true; } } else { $error_kind_file = true; } // List user id with error. $users_to_insert = array(); $keyToCheck = 'UserName'; if ($checkUniqueEmail || api_get_setting('registration', 'email') == 'true') { $keyToCheck = 'Email'; } if (is_array($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $my_errors) { $user_id_error[] = $my_errors[$keyToCheck]; } } if (is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $my_user) { if (!in_array($my_user[$keyToCheck], $user_id_error)) { $users_to_insert[] = $my_user; } } } $inserted_in_course = array(); if (strcmp($file_type, 'csv') === 0) { save_data($users_to_insert); } elseif (strcmp($file_type, 'xml') === 0) { save_data($users_to_insert); } else { $error_message = get_lang('YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption'); } if (count($errors) > 0) { $see_message_import = get_lang('FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered'); } else { $see_message_import = get_lang('FileImported'); } $warning_message = ''; if (count($errors) != 0) { $warning_message = '
LastName;FirstName;Email;UserName;Password;AuthSource;OfficialCode;PhoneNumber;Status;ExpiryDate; 0) echo implode(';', $list).';'; ?>Courses;ClassId; xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;;xxx;xxx;user/teacher/drh;0000-00-00 00:00:00; 0) echo implode(';', $list_reponse).';'; ?>xxx1|xxx2|xxx3;1;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Status>user/teacher/drh', $result_xml; echo ''; } ?></Status>