* */ function extldap_purify_string($string) { global $extldap_config; if (isset($extldap_config['encoding'])) { return trim(api_to_system_encoding($string, $extldap_config['encoding'])); } else { return trim($string); } } /** * Establishes a connection to the LDAP server and sets the protocol version. * * @return bool ldap link identifier or false * * @author ndiechburg * */ function extldap_connect() { global $extldap_config, $debug; if (!is_array($extldap_config['host'])) { $extldap_config['host'] = [$extldap_config['host']]; } foreach ($extldap_config['host'] as $host) { //Trying to connect if (isset($extldap_config['port'])) { $ds = ldap_connect($host, $extldap_config['port']); } else { $ds = ldap_connect($host); } if (!$ds) { $port = isset($extldap_config['port']) ? $extldap_config['port'] : 389; if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : cannot connect to '.$extldap_config['host'].':'.$port ); } } else { break; } } if (!$ds) { if ($debug) { error_log('EXTLDAP ERROR : no valid server found'); } return false; } // Setting protocol version if (isset($extldap_config['protocol_version'])) { if (!ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $extldap_config['protocol_version'])) { ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 2); } } // Setting protocol version if (isset($extldap_config['referrals'])) { if (!ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $extldap_config['referrals'])) { ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $extldap_config['referrals']); } } return $ds; } /** * Authenticate user on external ldap server and return user ldap entry if that succeeds. * * @param string $password * * @return mixed false if user cannot authenticate on ldap, user ldap entry if tha succeeds * * @author ndiechburg * Modified by hubert.borderiou@grenet.fr * Add possibility to get user info from LDAP without check password (if CAS auth and LDAP profil update) * * */ function extldap_authenticate($username, $password, $in_auth_with_no_password = false) { global $extldap_config, $debug; if (empty($username) || empty($password)) { return false; } $ds = extldap_connect(); if (!$ds) { return false; } // Connection as admin to search dn of user $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ds, $extldap_config['admin_dn'], $extldap_config['admin_password']); if ($ldapbind === false) { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : cannot connect with admin login/password' ); } return false; } $user_search = extldap_get_user_search_string($username); // Search distinguish name of user $sr = ldap_search($ds, $extldap_config['base_dn'], $user_search); if (!$sr) { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : ldap_search('.$ds.', '.$extldap_config['base_dn'].", $user_search) failed" ); } return false; } $entries_count = ldap_count_entries($ds, $sr); if ($entries_count > 1) { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : more than one entry for that user ( ldap_search(ds, '.$extldap_config['base_dn'].", $user_search) )" ); } return false; } if ($entries_count < 1) { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : No entry for that user ( ldap_search(ds, '.$extldap_config['base_dn'].", $user_search) )" ); } return false; } $users = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); $user = $users[0]; // If we just want to have user info from LDAP and not to check password if ($in_auth_with_no_password) { return $user; } // now we try to autenthicate the user in the ldap $ubind = @ldap_bind($ds, $user['dn'], $password); if ($ubind !== false) { return $user; } else { if ($debug) { error_log('EXTLDAP : Wrong password for '.$user['dn']); } return false; } } /** * Return an array with userinfo compatible with chamilo using $extldap_user_correspondance * configuration array declared in ldap.conf.php file. * * @param array ldap user * @param array correspondance array (if not set use extldap_user_correspondance declared in auth.conf.php * * @return array userinfo array * * @author ndiechburg * */ function extldap_get_chamilo_user($ldap_user, $cor = null) { global $extldap_user_correspondance, $debug; if (is_null($cor)) { $cor = $extldap_user_correspondance; } $chamilo_user = []; foreach ($cor as $chamilo_field => $ldap_field) { if (is_array($ldap_field)) { $chamilo_user[$chamilo_field] = extldap_get_chamilo_user($ldap_user, $ldap_field); continue; } switch ($ldap_field) { case 'func': $func = "extldap_get_$chamilo_field"; if (function_exists($func)) { $chamilo_user[$chamilo_field] = extldap_purify_string($func($ldap_user)); } else { if ($debug) { error_log( "EXTLDAP WARNING : You forgot to declare $func" ); } } break; default: //if string begins with "!", then this is a constant if ($ldap_field[0] === '!') { $chamilo_user[$chamilo_field] = trim($ldap_field, "!\t\n\r\0"); break; } if (isset($ldap_user[$ldap_field][0])) { $chamilo_user[$chamilo_field] = extldap_purify_string($ldap_user[$ldap_field][0]); } else { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP WARNING : '.$ldap_field.'[0] field is not set in ldap array' ); } } break; } } return $chamilo_user; } /** * Please declare here all the function you use in extldap_user_correspondance * All these functions must have an $ldap_user parameter. This parameter is the * array returned by the ldap for the user. * */ function extldap_get_status($ldap_user) { return STUDENT; } function extldap_get_admin($ldap_user) { return false; } /** * return the string used to search a user in ldap. * * @param string username * * @return string the serach string * * @author ndiechburg * */ function extldap_get_user_search_string($username) { global $extldap_config; // init $filter = '('.$extldap_config['user_search'].')'; // replacing %username% by the actual username $filter = str_replace('%username%', $username, $filter); // append a global filter if needed if (isset($extldap_config['filter']) && $extldap_config['filter'] != "") { $filter = '(&'.$filter.'('.$extldap_config['filter'].'))'; } return $filter; } /** * Imports all LDAP users into Chamilo. * * @return false|null false on error, true otherwise */ function extldap_import_all_users() { global $extldap_config, $debug; //echo "Connecting...\n"; $ds = extldap_connect(); if (!$ds) { return false; } //echo "Binding...\n"; $ldapbind = false; //Connection as admin to search dn of user $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ds, $extldap_config['admin_dn'], $extldap_config['admin_password']); if ($ldapbind === false) { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : cannot connect with admin login/password' ); } return false; } //browse ASCII values from a to z to avoid 1000 results limit of LDAP $count = 0; $alphanum = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']; for ($a = 97; $a <= 122; $a++) { $alphanum[] = chr($a); } foreach ($alphanum as $char1) { foreach ($alphanum as $char2) { //$user_search = "uid=*"; $user_search = "sAMAccountName=$char1$char2*"; //Search distinguish name of user $sr = ldap_search($ds, $extldap_config['base_dn'], $user_search); if (!$sr) { if ($debug) { error_log( 'EXTLDAP ERROR : ldap_search('.$ds.', '.$extldap_config['base_dn'].", $user_search) failed" ); } return false; } //echo "Getting entries\n"; $users = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); //echo "Entries: ".$users['count']."\n"; for ($key = 0; $key < $users['count']; $key++) { $user_id = extldap_add_user_by_array($users[$key], true); $count++; } } } //echo "Found $count users in total\n"; @ldap_close($ds); } /** * Insert users from an array of user fields. */ function extldap_add_user_by_array($data, $update_if_exists = true) { global $extldap_user_correspondance; $lastname = api_convert_encoding($data[$extldap_user_correspondance['lastname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $firstname = api_convert_encoding($data[$extldap_user_correspondance['firstname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $email = $data[$extldap_user_correspondance['email']][0]; $username = $data[$extldap_user_correspondance['username']][0]; // TODO the password, if encrypted at the source, will be encrypted twice, which makes it useless. Try to fix that. $passwordKey = isset($extldap_user_correspondance['password']) ? $extldap_user_correspondance['password'] : 'userPassword'; $password = $data[$passwordKey][0]; // To ease management, we add the step-year (etape-annee) code //$official_code = $etape."-".$annee; $official_code = api_convert_encoding($data[$extldap_user_correspondance['official_code']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $auth_source = 'ldap'; // No expiration date for students (recover from LDAP's shadow expiry) $expiration_date = ''; $active = 1; $status = 5; $phone = ''; $picture_uri = ''; // Adding user $user_id = 0; if (UserManager::is_username_available($username)) { //echo "$username\n"; $user_id = UserManager::create_user( $firstname, $lastname, $status, $email, $username, $password, $official_code, api_get_setting('platformLanguage'), $phone, $picture_uri, $auth_source, $expiration_date, $active ); } else { if ($update_if_exists) { $user = api_get_user_info($username); $user_id = $user['user_id']; //echo "$username\n"; UserManager::update_user( $user_id, $firstname, $lastname, $username, null, null, $email, $status, $official_code, $phone, $picture_uri, $expiration_date, $active ); } } return $user_id; }